满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Taylor,


Yours, Li Hua


Dear Taylor, I’m delighted to know that you are going to travel in Zhangjiakou this winter holiday. Now I’d like to introduce Zhangjiakou to you. With winter coming, warm clothes, as well as scarves and gloves, are a must when you are traveling in Zhangjiakou. As for food, it is well known that noodles and dumplings are traditional Chinese food. But what I want to recommend most is hotpot, which is popular among the Chinese especially in winter. When it comes to the scenery, skating always tops the list in winter. What’s more, Dajingmen, an important part of the Great Wall, attracts more and more tourists every year. Hope you’ll have a great time. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 考查应用文中的电子邮件写作。 题目要求假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Taylor想在寒假期间来张家口游玩,发邮件向你询问有关情况。请你回复邮件,向他简单介绍张家口并给他一些游玩建议。分析可知,应该以第一人称为主,一般现在时进行写作。要点已经给出,要求考生根据提纲自己发挥拓展,考生要先想好写哪几点,运用合适的语法规则和词汇把各要点都准确表述出。描述要尽量选择简洁的语言,难点在于选择词汇和句型,可以灵活运用高级词汇和固定短语准确表述。还要用适当的连接词把句子连接起来,这样文章显得更连贯。







Pu’er is the hometown of Pu’er Tea. In Pu’er, there is ancient tea trees with the history of more than 1,000 years. Beside, the city has 3.25 million mu of tea gardens, included modern tea gardens, ancient tea trees and tea tree forests.

Between a variety of tea leaves,Pu’er Tea is known to be a “curio” (珍品) that we can drink it for its unique taste and special health care functions.

In recent year,Pu’er Municipal Party Committee has carrying out the “scientific Pu’er” plan. As a result, breakthroughs have achieved in research on other functions of Pu’er Tea. Under the help of the unique Pu’er Tea, Pu’er City has produced a beautiful business card.




Sugar sculpture blowing is 1. Chinese folk art where artists blow and sculpt hot sugar to create 3D 2. (figure). The finished sculptures not only look good, but also have a good taste, 3. (make) them popular among children.

The main raw material for sugar sculpture blowing is malt sugar (麦芽糖). The malt sugar 4. (use) in sculpture blowing has to be heated to high temperatures. It can only be used after several processing procedures, 5. include the sorting and cooking of the malt sugar followed by the firing and melting of it.

“Blowing” can 6. (divide) into two methods — one uses molds (模子); the other does not, and involves sugar figures taking shape through a 7. (combine) of blowing air into the processed malt sugar and the artist’s flexible hand skills.

The complex process may explain 8. there are fewer people making sugar sculpture. To preserve and promote this9. (tradition) craftsmanship, the government of Hebei Province founded a sugar figure art organization in 2011, which 10. (consist) of over 50 artists recognized as the inheritors (继承人) of the technique.



    Give a man a fish, they say, and he will eat for a day. ________ him to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime. When I ________ meals to the homeless, our charity (慈善组织) has ________ been the “teach a man to fish” variety. But a few fish dinners recently have ________ me of several times when someone gave me a fish ________.

In 1965, I was studying in Munich, Germany. ________ in line for the ticket for the opera, I ________ a man who seemed to have lost his way. When I ________ if he needed help, he told me he was an American who had been there for ________ a week. A Jew, he had not been ________ to find the synagogue (犹太教会堂), and I offered to give him ________. When he left Munich, he gave me some canned food. Inside was gefilte fish. Since I was feeling homesick, this old favorite was a real ________.

My parents once told me that many people would do favors for me that I could not ________. But if I watched ________, they added, 1 might pass the ________ along to another someday.

A gift of canned gefilte fish seemed a(n) ________ favor to return. But nearly 30 years later, I had a cousin working in Kenya. He wanted to organize an American-style ________ for his friends, but could not find American-style gefilte fish in Kenya. ________ it usually comes in glass bottles, I was able to find some packed in cans, and I ________ a box of canned gefilte fish to him from Memphis.

Give a man a fish, and ________ he may find a way to give a fish to someone else. Even 30 years later.

1.A. Treat B. Bring C. Teach D. Help

2.A. served B. lent C. awarded D. sold

3.A. seldom B. often C. hardly D. also

4.A. warned B. convinced C. informed D. reminded

5.A. freely B. helpfully C. generously D. randomly

6.A. Watching B. Standing C. Running D. Searching

7.A. noticed B. recognized C. helped D. greeted

8.A. explained B. wondered C. doubted D. asked

9.A. even B. already C. just D. still

10.A. able B. likely C. lucky . D. happy

11.A. fish B. advice C. tickets D. directions

12.A. fortune B. comfort C. shock D. reward

13.A. expect B. afford C. accept D. return

14.A. carefully B. curiously C. quietly D. calmly

15.A. saying B. forgiveness C. kindness D. understanding

16.A. special B. impossible C. generous D. unnecessary

17.A. meeting B. dinner C. performance D. celebration

18.A. In case B. Now that C. While D. Since

19.A. mailed B. donated C. introduced D. suggested

20.A. usually B. properly C. gradually D. eventually



How to Have a Birthday Party

Birthdays come and go with each passing year, so how do you have a party that will always be memorable? A little planning and inspiration can get you started.

Pick a suitable theme. 1. Then choose a theme that suits them perfectly. You can go “all out” and make every aspect of the party theme-related, or you can try a lighter touch by including just a little theme-related decoration or food.

Plan ahead. Get your guest list made and your invitations out at least 2 weeks before the party. 2.

Plan your music. Make sure you have a way to play your tunes — whether that be just a set of speakers with a phone or music player, or a whole DJ setup.

3. Make sure you have a range of fast, slow, soft, and quiet songs on hand to fit the mood (情绪) at different times of the event and get your guests feeling celebratory.

Keep guests entertained. Provide lots of opportunities for social mingling (particularly for grown-ups),as well as “free play” for kids. But to really keep the celebration going, games always seem to be the hit of the party! 4.

Depending on your number of guests and their ages, you can even have several games running throughout the event. Balance your levels of activity so that there’s plenty going on throughout the party.

5. With kids’ parties especially, it is almost a certainty that things will not go exactly ording to plan. Be prepared by having extra games and activities, extra goody bags, and a rain plan ready.

A. Plan extra activities.

B. Expect the unexpected!

C. Background music really helps set the atmosphere.

D. Just remember, finger foods are best, particularly for young guests.

E. This way, you’ll know your group size and decide on the best place.

F. Consider the age, gender, interests and hobbies of the guest of honor!

G. There are great websites where you can find activities that tie into a particular theme.



    The city-state of Dubai that is home to the world’s tallest building is fast improving its reputation as the city of the future. On May 22, Dubai officials added to their list of futuristic accomplishments with the introduction of the world’s first robot police officer.

Nicknamed Robocop after the 1987 action movie,the 1.7-meter tall humanoid (类人的) robot was introduced at the 4th annual Gulf Information Security Expo and Conference. First introduced in 2011 as REEM by Barcelona-based PAL Robotics, the robot was built to entertain guests at conferences and serve as an information booth at public places. However, the forward-thinking officials of the Dubai police force saw another potential application and partnered with the Spanish company to build a version that would help improve public safety.

Locals and visitors can get help from Lieutenant Robocop which is currently on duty at the Dubai Mall, using the touchscreen on its chest. Armed with technology from Google and IBM’s supercomputer Watson,the “policeman” can provide visitors with directions and other information regarding the mall in one of six languages, including Arabic and English and also accept payment for any fines, like parking tickets. It can also detect criminals with an 80 percent accuracy from 100-feet away and send the information real-time to command center through its camera eyes. While Robocop cannot physically protect people in trouble, an SOS button on its touchscreen can connect them to a human member of the Dubai police force instantly. When not assisting people or seeking out lawbreakers, Robocop brings smiles to people’s faces by posing for selfies or showering them with compliments.

Once the robot officer has been thoroughly tested, the Smart Services Department at Dubai Police plans to “hire” more Robocops to patrol (巡逻) other public areas and also act as receptionists at police stations.

1.Where does Robocop get its name?

A. From a movie. B. At a conference.

C. From a building. D. From Dubai officials.

2.What was the original purpose of Robocop?

A. To be officials’ partner.

B. To help guests in a company.

C. To serve in Dubai police stations.

D. To offer entertainment and information.

3.How can people communicate with Robocop?

A. By touching its screen. B. By paying some money.

C. By asking the mall for permission. D. By getting directions from a policeman.

4.How does Robocop react to lawbreaking?

A. It fines the lawbreakers.

B. It physically protects the victim.

C. It reports the situation to a policeman.

D. It sends an SOS message to the company.



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