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Dear Jason,

It is 2 weeks since we met last time.



Dear Jason, It is 2 weeks since we met last time. Knowing you’re eager to learn about Chinese culture, I think poetry is the best topic of our next learning. As is known to all, poetry, Tang poems in particular, plays an extremely important role in Chinese traditional culture. Poetry consists of a large variety of forms, through which poets can tell a story, convey a strong picture or express sincere emotions. With so many Chinese poems to appreciate, you’d better make some preparations for our next study. You can read some other Chinese poems you like to gain a better understanding of Chinese poetry. Looking forward to our next meeting. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本文为应用文。你正在教你的美国朋友Jason学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知他下次上课的内容。内容包括:1.诗歌,尤其是唐诗在中国传统文化中的意义和影响。2.诗歌形式多样、内容丰富、情感真挚。3.请他提前了解一些诗歌等。 本文为应用文中的书信体。一般来说书信本要分三个部分。第一部分叙述写信的原因。即告知他下次上课的内容。第二部分为正文。主要叙述上课的内容,主要包括3 点:1.诗歌,尤其是唐诗在中国传统文化中的意义和影响;2.诗歌形式多样、内容丰富、情感真挚。3.请他提前了解一些诗歌。最后表达期待对方的回信。写作内容涵盖所有要点,不可遗漏。要注意时态语态,避免出现语法和拼写错误。当然还要用适当运用高级词汇和句型来为自己的文章增色。









In the village store, John observed the little girl asking for cookies but her mother told her “no." The girl immediate got angry, but the mother said, "Ellen, don't be upset." Then in the candy area, the girl began to shout candies. After being told “no” again, he began to cry. The mother said, "Ellen, don't lose temper. We'll check in." John happened to be at the check-out, there the little girl burst into tears on finding no gum buying today. The mother patiently said it, “Ellen, we'll go home soon." John stopped the woman, “I couldn't help notice how patient you were with llen…”The mother breaks in, “My daughter is Tammy... I'm Ellen."




Nicotine is a kind of chemical. It is one of the most harmful and widely available legal 1. (drug) in the world. It's addictive and harmful both to smokers and the people who 2. (expose) to smoke, especially children. So it is necessary 3. (stop) smoking. Though giving up smoking is tough, it is not 4. (possible). Considering these areas such as your health and those 5. will benefit from your quitting, you will make up your mind and stick to it, Cigarettes are 6. (high) effective at delivering nicotine throughout your body, so when you stop smoking, you might experience anxiety, headaches and so on. Please don't be 7.  (disappoint), you should realize it may take more than one attempt to stop smoking. If you've tried quitting on your own but are still struggling, think about 8. (get) professional help. Besides, your family and friends can be extra support. Let them know your goal and ask them to help you by not smoking around or offering you a cigarette. You can also ask for 9. (they) encouragement and let them remind you 10. your goal when sticking is difficult.



    Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, so being prepared for one is important for you and your family. 1. Sure, you can buy ready-made first aid kits (急救箱) in the store, but it is also easy to make your own.

Pick a good container.

You can buy pre-filled first aid kits, and you can also buy empty first aid kit containers. One good option is a large, translucent (半透明的), or flexible plastic container. 2. It should be easy to transport as needed to the emergency, so a handle is ideal.


When your child is crying about injuries on her knee, you don't want your home kit buried on the back of a closet or lost because it's not being returned to the same spot after each use.

Teach your family about the kit.

Make sure everyone in your home who is old enough to understand the function of a first aid kit knows its location and when to fetch it. For younger children, teach them where it is located, so they could show a visitor, relative, babysitter, etc. But place the kit in a location where small children can't access it, such as on a high shelf. 4.

Keep your kit up-to-date.

No one wants to fetch a first aid kit and find the bandage box empty or the pain relievers expired (过期的).   5.

Work with your doctor to determine what medicine should be included. Also include the physician's phone number and any important patient information.

A. Make your kit safely accessible.

B. Treat the kid's knee injuries with the kit.

C. This makes the materials inside visible.

D. Let small children know how to use the kit.

E. Keep track of supply amounts and expiration dates regularly.

F. For older children and adults, instruct them on when and how to use the kit.

G. Therefore, having a first aid kit is an essential part of good emergency preparation.



    A global analysis of Earth's threatened and endangered species has changed our scientific understanding about how much climate change is affecting wildlife.

The research, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, shows that 47 percent of mammals and 23 percent of birds have been negatively affected by our changing planet. Those figures are shockingly larger than previous assessments, which have shown 7 percent of mammals and 4 percent of birds were affected. Of the 873 mammal species looked at, 414 are hurt by climate change. For threatened birds, 298 of 1,272 species are experiencing negative effects, according to the findings.

However, a new study follows the analysis of threatened wildlife shows that the biggest threat to wildlife is not climate change, which gets a lot of attention, but human activities, including logging (伐木), hunting and farming. Today, three-quarters of Earth's land surface faces “human pressure", according to a global analysis professor Watson carried out in August.

When it comes to the effects of human activities on wildlife, Watson said, most studies look at what might happen to a population in the future, perhaps 50 or 100 years down the line. The problem with such forecasts is that they are absolutely unhelpful for the here and now.

“Nature is extremely resilient (能复原的) if you give it a chance," Watson said. “But the big thing is acting now, not in 20 to 50 years' time. Not make climate change and“human pressure" a future threat, but take action now. Because every day, every minute, which you delay, you lose those opportunities."

1.What has been found about the effects of climate change according to the passage?

A. Human activities are suffering severe disaster due to the climate change.

B. The species affected by climate change are more than people thought.

C. More than half of the mammal species were affected by climate change.

D. Three-quarters of Earth's land surface has been damaged by climate change.

2.What does the underlined “they" refer to?

A. Human activities. B. Negative effects.

C. Assessments. D. Forecasts.

3.What's the attitude of Watson towards the recovery of the environment?

A. Optimistic. B. Pessimistic.

C. Doubtful. D. Uncaring.



    My mother, a nurse at Stony Brook University Hospital, worked at night so that she could come home in time to send me to school. She'd sleep during the day and be ready when we returned home before heading out again in the evening. This went on for 23 years. She never complained (抱怨). No matter how tired she was, she always had enough energy to be my mom.

She often had to work on Christmas, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve, and sometimes Thanksgiving, which made me upset. However, before holidays she always decorated the inside and outside of our house. She'd also have cookies baking in the oven, a holiday-themed movie in the VCR, and music playing throughout our house for us. But when it was time to go to work, there was no room for debate. “Why do you have to work on this day of all days?" I'd ask sadly. "They need me, too, dear son," she'd respond, compassion (同情) in her tone.

For a long time I didn't understand why she should care so much about those sick strangers. Recently, as my grandmother became ill, I found myself spending more time in hospitals. The scenes I saw in the hospital made me see the different side of my mother. The nurses checked heart, blood and oxygen levels, made sure patients were comfortable. They lifted patients in and out of bed and helped them to the bathroom. Beyond their duties, the nurses displayed consideration for each patient.

What I saw helped me to understand why my mother was devoted to her occupation. I was filled with more admiration for my mother.

1.Why did the author's mother work in the evening?

A. To take him to school. B. To enjoy a movie.

C. To decorate their house. D. To sleep during the day.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. The mother loved her patients more than her kids.

B. Nurses are paid double salary working on holidays.

C. The author wished his mother could stay home on holidays.

D. Only people with mercy on patients will make good nurses.

3.The author really understood his mother's work when___________.

A. he asked his mother to stay with him during holidays

B. he looked after his sick grandma in hospital

C. he saw how tired his mother was after work

D. he helped patients to the bathroom

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Children of nurses are often dissatisfied with their mothers.

B. Nurses are particularly busy at work during holidays.

C. The author gained a new appreciation of his mother.

D. The author's mother liked doing housework.



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