满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






Last Monday, while checking the calendar, I realized my grandpa’s birthday was approaching. What would be a good surprise gift for him this year? While I was racking my brain for an idea, memories of the time I spent with Grandpa fishing and playing football or chess all flooded back. It suddenly hit me that I could make a photo album to record those precious moments. Without any delay, I threw myself into the creation of the album. I turned on the computer, carefully selected some photos and designed each page. Finally, an album of love was born. Looking at each photo, I couldn’t help imagining how delighted Grandpa would be. At the birthday party, when I presented the album to Grandpa, he hugged me affectionately, tears welling up in his eyes. My parents smiled happily. The album serves not only as a gift to show my respect and appreciation to my dear Grandpa on this special day, but reminds me that I should spend more time with him. Last Monday, while checking the calendar, I realized my grandpa’s birthday was around the corner. What would be a good surprise gift for him this year? While I was racking my brain for an idea, memories of the time I spent with Grandpa fishing and playing football or chess all sprang up. It occurred to me that I could make a photo album to record those precious moments. Without any delay, I threw myself into the creation of the album. I turned on the computer, carefully selected some photos and designed each page. Finally, a hand-made album full of love insert was born. Looking at each photo, I couldn’t help imagining how delighted Grandpa would be. At the birthday party, when I presented the album to Grandpa, he hugged me affectionately, tears welling up in his eyes. My parents smiled happily. The album serves not only as a gift to show my respect and appreciation to my dear Grandpa on this special day, but reminds me that I should spend more time with him. Just as the proverb goes, family affection does matter a lot. 【解析】 考查漫画类作文写作。 题目要求假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。上周爷爷过生日,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇周记。记述你自制相册作为礼物并送出的过程。分析可知,应该以第一人称为主,一般过去时进行写作。根据图画总结要点,要求考生自己发挥拓展,不要背离图画意思,考生要先想好写哪几点,运用合适的语法规则和词汇把各要点都准确表述出。描述要尽量选择简洁的语言,难点在于选择词汇和句型,可以灵活运用高级词汇和固定短语准确表述。还要用适当的连接词把句子连接起来,这样文章显得更连贯。


1. 介绍展览的相关内容(例如:时间、地点、主题等);

2. 说明你推荐该展览的原因;

3. 询问对方的意向。

注意:1. 词数不少于50

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua




Changing People’s Bad Impression On Us

Some of us have made bad first impressions in front of people we wanted to become good friends with.First impressions are important because they form the foundation on which all future thoughts about someone will be based.1.However,there are actions you can take to change people's bad impression of you.

Apologize immediately.A sincere apology can go a long way because you will prove to everyone that you value their thoughts about you.Tell the people that you didn’t intend to offend(冒犯)them and that you wish to correct the situation.Explain the reasons why you acted the way you did in your apology.2.Otherwise,it will make others feel uncomfortable that you keep bringing up the past.

Use humor.When you are around the people you made a bad impression in front of,play a small joke on yourself.Once they know you are not afraid to laugh at yourself,it can break up some of the tension.Remember to only direct humor at yourself.3.

●Do not make assumptions.After you have made a bad impression,it can be easy to assume that everyone thinks the worst of you.4.Instead of assuming what someone thinks about you,explain to her that you feel ashamed about how you acted and ask him how your behavior affected him.

5.In order to overcome a bad first impression,your words and actions in the time to come must be consistently good.With enough time and patience,gaining trust and changing wrong beliefs is possible.

A.Be careful not to overdo it.

B.Pay attention to future behavior.

C.First impressions are usually long-lasting.

D.However,things aren’t always as bad as they seem.

E.That way you can avoid any more feelings of discomfort.

F.So it’s hard to erase a bad first impression from someone’s mind.

G.Be mindful of your surroundings and sensitive in what you say to others.



    China plans to launch 156 small satellites by 2025 toprovide Internet services in low signal areas and placeswith adverse natural environment, according toChinaAerospace Science and Industry Corporation(CASIC).

Due to environmental conditionsof deserts,mountains and seas, half of the world's population has noaccess to the Internet, and the information deficiencyhamperslocal development.

It will be China's first broadband Internet accesssystem with small satellites hovering in low orbit, whichwill also help meet the needs of commercial space development.

The project, named Hongyun, plans to send the firstsatellite by 2019, and launch four more by 2020. By theend of 2025, CASIC plans to have all of the 156 satellites in operation.

The Hongyun Proiect, which focuses on communication,remote sensing and navigation, can offer communicationand Internet services for China and less-developed 3countries with reduced latency. Meanwhile, the projectcan also benefit emergency communication, sensor data collection and remote control of unmanned equipment.

Currently, international maritime satellites are widely used in communications in mountainous areas and airplanes, but those satellites, 36, 000 kilometers abovethe Earth, have time and signal delay as well as high cost for providing services.

The small satellites sent by the Hongyun Project will hover in low orbits only hundreds of kilometers to 1, 000 kilometers above the Earth, and thus could improve the Internet access. However, the low orbit satellites may face challenges in power supply, as they need more energyto reduce the influence of air-resistance compared to highorbit satellites. Experiments are needed to determinewhether solar energy alone is enough.

1.According to the passage, ________________.

A. 156satellites will be launched by the Hongyun Project by 2020

B. international maritime satellites can cause signaldelay

C. The Hongyun Project may not encourage commercialspace development

D. low orbit satellites are currently used widely incommunications in mountainous areas

2.The underlined word “hampers” in Paragraph2 probably refers to ________.

A. accelerates B. determines

C. prevents D. promotes

3.Which of the following is not included in the HongyunProject?

A. Communication and Navigation. B. Remote sensing.

C. Data collection. D. Solar energy.

4.Low orbit satellites need more energy in order to________.

A. provide more accurate data B. improve the Internet access

C. reduce the effect of air-resistance D. face more challenges



    The idea of turning recycled plastic bottlesinto clothing is not new. During the last five years, a large number of clothing companies, businessesand environmental organizations have started turning plastics into fabric to deal with plastic pollution.But there’s a problem with thismethod. Research now shows that microfibers could be the biggest source of plastic in the sea.

Dr. Mark Browne in Santa Barbara, California, has been studying plastic pollution andmicrofibers for 10 years now. He explains that every time synthetic clothes go into a washing machine, a large number of plastic fibersfall off. Most washing machines can’t collectthese microfibers. So every time the water getsout of a washing machine, microfibers are entering the sewers and finally end up in the sea.

In 2011, Browne wrote a paper stating that asingle piece of synthetic(合成的) clothing can producemorethan 1, 900 fibers per wash. Browne collected samples from seawater and freshwater sites around the world, and used aspecial way toexamine each sample.Hediscovered that every single water samplecontained microfibers.

This is bad news for a number of reasons. Plastic can cause harm to sea life when eaten. Studies have also shown that plastic can absorbother pollutants.

Basedon this evidence, it may seemsurprising that companies and organizations havechosen to turn plastic waste into clothing as anenvironmental“solution.”Even though thescience has been around for a while, Browneexplains that he's had a difficult time gettingcompanies to listen. When he asked well-knownclothing companies to support Benign byDesign—his research project that seeks to getclothes that have a bad effect on humans and theenvironment out of the market, Browne didn’tget a satisfying answer. Only one women’sclothing company, Eileen Fisher, offered Brownefunding.

1.What has happened during the past five years?

A. Fabric has become much stronger.

B. Plastic pollution has been less serious.

C. Many plastic bottles have been reused.

D. Microfibers have been greatly improved.

2.What does Browne think of washing syntheticclothes?

A. It is adding microfibers to the clothes.

B. It is worsening environmental problems.

C. It is making synthetic clothes last longer.

D. It is doing great damage to washing machines.

3.What can be inferred about Browne’s Benignby Design research project?

A. It has achieved great success. B. It hasn’t got anything done.

C. It is known to very few people. D. It is facing some difficulties.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. It’s important to learn to recycle

B. It’s never easy to solve pollution problems

C. Recycled plastic clothing: solution orpollution?

D. Are human beings moving forward orbackward?



    On a flight from Dallas, Texas, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to visit a friend in 2008, event planner Paige Chenault daydreamed about the grand birthday parties she’d throw for her daughter one day. (Paige was five months pregnant at the time.) Then, flipping through a magazine, she saw a photo of an impoverished Haitian boy, skinny. “I thought, this kid has nothing,” Paige says.

The image stayed with her, andshe resolved to do something to help. “I decided I would use my talents to throw birthday parties for homeless kids,” Paige says. For the next four years, Paige and her husband, Colin, took time out from parenthood to visit shelters to determine how best to pull off the parties.

Finally, in January 2012, Paige launched the Birthday Party Project, a nonprofit organization, and recruited friends and family to help decorate Dallas’s 75-occupant Family Gateway Shelter with balloons and streamers, celebrating the birthdays of 11 boys and girls, with 60 more homeless kids in attendance. “That first party was better than I could have ever imagined,” says Paige.

Now Paige and her staff of three paid employees work with regional volunteers to plan monthly themed parties at 15 shelters across the country, some of which house abused or abandoned kids. Each child celebrating a birthday that month gets a$30 gift, a decorative place mat, and an individual cake or cupcake.

One of Paige’s favorite parts of each party is when the kids make a wish and blow out the candles. “They rarely get a chance to dream big,” says Paige.

Her daughter, Lizzie, now seven, often helps out at the parties. Paige says, “The one thing I’ve always wanted is for my kid to be generous.”

1.What was it that made Paige want to help the homeless children?

A. A flight from Dallas to Ohio. B. Her daughter’s birthday.

C. The photo of a Haitian boy. D. Her talent for throwing parties.

2.What does the underlined word “impoverished” mean?

A. adorable B. poor

C. talented D. dead

3.What can be learnt from the passage?

A. A total of 75 full-time workers are employed by Paige at present.

B. After unsuccessful attempts, Paige finally threw a wonderful party for the homeless kids.

C. Kids can spend $30 to celebrate their birthday.

D. Paige commits herself to the cause of helping the homeless kids.

4.What kind of person do you think Paige is?

A. Caring and sensitive. B. Competent and loyal.

C. Kind and perseverant. D. Responsible and disciplined.



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