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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 TCM, or...


TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a profound (深远的) pathway to create the life you truly want to live and the life you were born to live. It’s a timeless bridge, 1.can start and support 2. (grow) in every life dimension—physical, mental and emotional.

TCM has an ancient but completely modern healing system and it has the power to unlock your true potential and help you develop and use your own unique talents. 3. (it) wisdom and ability to understand individual health needs empowers each person with a way 4. (unite) body, mind and spirit-the foundation for lasting and authentic health. TCM teaches you how to live 5. balanced and harmonious life.

It’s true 6. TCM is one of the oldest healing systems on the planet. It has 7. (actual) been in continuous practice for thousands of years. How can something so old still work for people living today?

TCM can 8. (apply) to help heal anyone no matter what year it is because it’s rooted in unchanging natural law, which has its source beyond time. The unique medicine grew out of 9. (observe) carefully how everything in reality functions at the deepest, invisible levels and interacts with the surface or visible physical levels. It’s the medicine of extraordinary relationships. Every TCM principle 10. (reflect) and harmonizes with the relationships that exist within natural law.


1.which 2.growth 3.Its 4.to unite 5.a 6.that 7.actually 8.be applied 9.observing 10.reflects 【解析】 本文为说明文。文章介绍了中国的中医。中医是创造你真正想要的生活和你与生俱来的生活的深刻途径。中医有一个古老但完全现代的治疗系统,它有能力释放你的真正潜力,帮助你开发和使用你自己独特的才能。 1.考查定语从句。此处为非限定性定语从句,先行词是a timeless bridge,关系词在从句中做主语,应使用关系代词which引导。故填which。 2.考查名词。此处做start和support的宾语,意为“开始并支持成长”,应使用名词。故填growth。 3.考查形容词性物主代词。此处指“它的智慧和能力”,应使用形容词词性物主代词。故填Its。 4.考查不定式。此处指“有一种方法来统一身体、思想和精神——持久和真正的健康的基础”,way“方式,方法”,常用不定式做定语。故填to unite。 5.考查不定冠词。固定短语:live a…life“过着一种……的生活”。故填a。 6.考查主语从句。此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句,从句不缺成分,应使用只起连接作用的代词that引导。故填that。 7.考查副词。此处修饰动词been,应使用副词形式。故填actually。 8.考查被动语态。句意:中医可以被应用于帮助治愈任何人。根据句意,此处应使用被动语态。故填be applied。 9.考查现在分词。此处位于介词of后且表动作,应使用现在分词。故填observing。 10.考查主谓一致。“every+名词单数”做主语时,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填reflects。


In the summer of my eleventh year, the home I had grown up in was ______ in the middle of the night. Thankfully, my mom, dad, brothers and I ______ through the smoke. However. we had only the night clothes we were ______ in.

I ______ the rest of that night with friends of our family ______ trying to sleep in a bed in their basement. That’s because I was too ______ to sleep. I didn’t know what ______ things would lie ahead of us. The next day, my mom ______ me a few T-shirts and pairs of jeans given to her by another friend. One pair of jeans was too short and the other was too long but I didn’t ______. At least I had some clothes again. Meanwhile my dad ______ to the blackened ruins of our home to see what he could find. The only thing he could ______ was my mom’s wedding rings. The plastic case she had put them in that night had melted but protected the rings from the ______.

As the ______ days went on, in spite of having little money, my dad was able to ______ us a dusty old house by the side of the road near where our old house had been. As we moved in, our friends and our community continued to ______ all they could to help us ______ our feet. There was more clothes, furniture, food, money and even some books for me to recover from the disaster.

Looking back now, I am ______ for all we went through because it ______ me so much about life, love and people. It showed that love is enough for the first time, when you have nothing left but ______. So here may you always have ______ love for all the days of your life.

1.A. burned out B. repaired C. moved D. washed away

2.A. walked B. escaped C. looked D. rested

3.A. working B. eating C. entertaining D. sleeping

4.A. preferred B. forgot C. spent D. described

5.A. usually B. unsuccessfully C. formally D. irregularly

6.A. scared B. crazy C. hesitant D. old

7.A. illegal B. harmonious C. terrible D. smooth

8.A. purchased B. brought C. awarded D. paid

9.A. regret B. respond C. care D. contradict

10.A. returned B. added C. referred D. admitted

11.A. lose B. sense C. save D. recall

12.A. mud B. ruins C. dust D. flames

13.A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter

14.A. buy B. rent C. borrow D. sell

15.A. explain B. discount C. empty D. donate

16.A. make use of B. check on C. get back on D. relieve of

17.A. hateful B. anxious C. bound D. grateful

18.A. guaranteed B. taught C. cautioned D. discouraged

19.A. love B. clothes C. furniture D. food

20.A. shallow B. romantic C. selfish D. sufficient



    Basketball is a great sport that is not only fun, but also brings children many benefits in different ways. 1..

Playing basketball has physical benefits. Children are full of energy—they need to move, jump and run constantly. Basketball will allow them to control that energy in a positive way. It’s a full-body sport. 2. Since it’s a fast and dynamic sport, children need to follow the game and the continuous movement of the ball. The ball moves quickly from one side of the court to the other and the kids move at the same pace which helps improve both resistance and speed.

Playing basketball has cognitive (认知的) benefits. Children who practice playing basketball develop skills that help them fight against opponents and move around the court. This sport helps them increase their ability to concentrate. 3. Children will learn to assess surrounding situations and problems that may arise, and then find the best and fastest solution. The fast pace of the game encourages quick decision-making and stimulates their concrete and abstract thinking.

4. Since it’s a team sport, basketball promotes sociability, coexistence and respect among peers. It’s ideal for shy children because they will have to learn to interact with other players. This is important both to get better at the sport and to have more fun. They will also learn important values like cooperation, teamwork and competitiveness.

5. In fact, there are many other benefits. The most important thing is that it’s a very fast and fun sport. This tends to make the vast majority of children enjoy it.

A. Playing basketball just has entertaining benefits.

B Playing basketball has social and emotional advantages.

C. These are not all of the advantages of playing basketball.

D. This means that it strengthens muscles in their whole body.

E. It also makes them more aware of the environment around them.

F. This sport promotes healthy development in children for a number of reasons.

G. However, there are some disadvantages when children keep running on the court.



    People often feel anonymous (匿名) on the Internet. They believe their browsing behaviors and what they buy or write can be private as they want. In fact, that’s far from true, a new study finds.

Websites usually offer a statement that describes what they may or may not do with data about a user’s activities. You might be attracted to read through that entire document. But be prepared for disappointment. These documents tend to list only a small part of the websites which are allowed to have access to your data. Therefore, it’s impossible for users to make informed judgments about how private their online activities are.

The new research explored the disclosure on data-sharing by 200, 000 websites. These included the Arkansas state government homepage and the Country Music site. The study analyzed how these sites shared data with third parties. Such recipients of your data could be advertisers or companies that make money by selling personal data. The study also examined how those sites had described their policy for protecting the data privacy.

Timothy Libert, who works at Oxford University, studies data privacy. For this analysis, he used a software tool called webXray. It tracked 1.8 million data shared by each of those websites with third-party data collectors. Only 14.8% of those data went to third parties that were named in the sites privacy policies.

Data that were transferred to widely familiar third parties—Google, Facebook and Twitter—were more likely to be leaked than those were transferred to unknown parties. Libert found that 38.3% of data sent to Google had been leaked.

Even if a website listed all of the third parties it shared your data with, users still might never learn how widely their data had been shared. Why? Third parties that receive data can later share those data again. Think of your data now being transmitted to anonymous fourth and fifth parties. Getting online is “sort of like throwing beans in the air,” Libert concludes. “There’s no way to know where your data end up.”

1.What aspect of the websites statements will disappoint people?

A. The length of the documents. B. The reliability of the information.

C. The readability of the contents. D. The accuracy of the language.

2.What does the underlined word “disclosure” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Reveal. B. Money.

C. Disappointment. D. Advertisement.

3.What did Libert find in his study?

A. More than a quarter of data-sharing went to unnamed third parties.

B. The data on the Internet is always kept secret by third parties.

C. Widely familiar third parties could collect users’ data more difficultly.

D. Widely familiar third parties were more likely to leak out users’ online data.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Famous websites are no longer safe

B. Private data can no longer be private

C. Data-sharing is becoming very unpopular

D. Large companies make money by selling personal data



    A new study explores the custom of tipping in the United States. Many Americans give tips to people who perform a job for them, especially workers in the service industry. They pay a little extra to people cutting their hair, driving them across town or serving them a meal at a restaurant.

The researchers found that men give bigger tips to restaurant workers than women. And people who live in the northern US are more generous with tips than those living in the South. People who earn $ 50, 000 or more a year give bigger tips than those who earn less than $50, 000. There is one likely reason: the wealthier Americans have more money to spend.

Michael Lynn is a professor of consumer behavior and marketing at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration in New York. In other words, he knows a lot about the issue of tipping. In earlier surveys, Lynn said he found mixed results on the generosity of men and women when it comes to tipping. In some studies, men gave bigger tips than women. In others, women gave more money.

Lynn’s own research in American restaurants found that men give bigger tips when the restaurant server is a woman and women give more when the server is a man. Tips are very important to service employees. People who work at restaurants often get most of their earnings from tips.

Nationwide, Americans generally tip between 15 to 20 percent at restaurants and leave from $2 to S 10 a day for the people who clean their hotel rooms. Tips of 15 percent of the reading on the meter (计价器) are also common for people who drive taxis.

But here is something to keep in mind. If you are able to give the person serving you a tip or a bigger one than what is expected, your generosity will be welcome. Many service workers do not make much money, and even an extra dollar or two can make a difference in their lives.

1.What is paragraph I mainly about?

A. A study in a restaurant. B. A job offering a lot of tips.

C. The service industry in the US. D. The custom of tipping in the US.

2.What is Lynn’s finding in American restaurants?

A. People give more tips to the opposite sex server.

B. People are always more generous to service employers.

C. Men give the same tips to the women restaurant servers as women.

D. Men always give more tips to the men restaurant servers than women.

3.How much tips do Americans generally pay if the reading on the taximeter is $100?

A. $2. B. $10.

C. $15. D. $20.

4.What is the authors attitude towards tipping?

A. Doubtful. B. Critical.

C. Uncaring. D. Supportive.



    The woman didn’t like us. We didn’t do anything to offend her and she didn’t know us but that didn’t matter. As new female teachers in the Emirati School, we Westerners greeted her every day. Whenever we saw her, she avoided eye contact with us. Eventually, some of us stopped trying to befriend her.

Well after 16 months in the school, we had a secret pal gifting. I drew her name from the glass jar and that meant she was my secret pal. My role was to buy her a gift and say something about her when we publicly acknowledged who our secret pal was.

I bought her a small rose arrangement and asked someone to write a message on it and then sent it to her room. She was so touched. Next day I sent a bottle of shampoo but I wrote the message in English because she needed to know her secret pal was a Westerner before the day of the “big reveal”. I also sent her a fragrant candle.

I had brought a few gifts from Ireland when I returned to the Middle East in September. I decided to gift her a silver coloured bangle.

Then came the day of the “big reveal”. We all gathered in the staff meeting room and everyone was excited. The host said, “Several days ago, when you received your gift, you wrote a few kind words about your secret pal and passed the gift to them.” She taught music in the school so I said, “My secret pal is someone who brings music to our ears every day of the week.” I didn’t even need to say her name because everyone knew exactly who I meant.

She came forward with a huge warm smile. She hugged me and kissed me on both cheeks and graciously accepted my gifts. I think everyone’s understanding of things is subjective, so we should have more communication with people around us.

1.How did the woman respond to the Westerners greetings?

A. She blamed them. B. She kept away from seeing their eyes.

C. She treated them kindly. D. She avoided meeting them again.

2.What was the author supposed to do after knowing the name of her secret friend?

A. Prepare a gift for her. B. Write a speech about her.

C. Find out who it is. D. Chat with her.

3.Why did the author write the message in English in paragraph 3?

A. To show other teachers her identity.

B. To teach the woman some English.

C. To let the woman know her nationality.

D. To make other teachers better understand her intention.

4.What was the woman’s attitude towards the author at last?

A. Friendly. B. Doubtful.

C. Regretful. D. Forgiving.



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