满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was eleven years old standing outside ...

    I was eleven years old standing outside in just my underwear while I watched the house that I grew up in rapidly _______to the ground A few minutes earlier I had been_______asleep in my nice warm bed when a_______woke me up My Nana's bedroom was just next to mine and my brother's A fire had _______there and awakened her_______hearing her my older brother began to take action The house however was over 50 years old and made of _______Before we could do anything the fire _______it

I stood there quaking with fear_______the fire destroyed my books clothes and toys I watched _______while my Mom cried and my Dad swore I wondered what was going to happen to us________we had lost all of our things As I looked around though I ________something for the first time What matters aren't________ I saw my older brother running across the swinging (摇摆的)________by our house to get help I saw my oldest brother who was on ________from an earlier accident standing________on one leg I saw my Nana and Dad gathering together and my Mom________our little dog in her arms Everything that was ________had survived the fire Our lives would continue And that was all that mattered

I still think of that fire in the night that helped me to learn the________we share is far more important than________things Live your life then for the things that matter not for the things you own Love others Help everyone Let the ________inside of you make this world a warmer place Let your soul shine brightly

1.A. pull B. fall C. bum D. throw

2.A. sound B. wide C. light D. heavy

3.A. dream B. neighbor C. scream D. thunder

4.A. broke in B. broke out C. broke up D. broke down

5.A. Without B. As C. Since D. Upon

6.A. mud B. steel C. wood D. curtain

7.A. consumed B. claimed C. spread D. injured

8.A. though B. unless C. until D. while

9.A. hopefully B. excitedly C. helplessly D. appropriately

10.A. as though B. as long as C. even if D. now that

11.A. dismissed B. recognized C. desired D. approached

12.A. families B. surroundings C. things D. people

13.A. bridge B. pole C. fence D. rope

14.A. guard B. walkingsticks C. feet D. hand

15.A. freely B. unsteadily C. casually D. purposely

16.A. holding B. quitting C. lifting D. beating

17.A. alive B. native C. expensive D. necessary

18.A. experience B. bitter C. wealth D. love

19.A. physical B. mental C. social D. psychological

20.A. heart B. fire C. spirits D. feelings


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述了一场大火把作者家夷为平地,让他们失去了所有,但家人们都幸存下来,由此作者也明白了一个道理:灾难中,一家人分享的爱远比物质上的东西重要,左后作者呼吁让我们用心中的那团热火让世界变得更加温暖。 1.考查动词词义辨析。A. pull 拉;B. fall跌落; C. bum烧;D. throw扔。根据下文“A fire had ”可知,家里发生火灾,房子被夷为平地,burn to the ground夷为平地,故C项正确。 2.考查固定搭配。我睡得正香,突然奶奶的尖叫声把我惊醒, sound sleep睡得很香,故A项正确。 3.考查名词词义辨析。A. dream梦;B. neighbor邻居;C. scream尖叫;D. thunder雷。根据下文情节可知,是奶奶的尖叫声把我惊醒,故C项正确。 4.考查动词短语辨析。A. broke in 闯入;B. broke out (火灾,战争)等爆发;C. broke up 打碎;D. broke down机器出故障。根据前文“A fire had ”可知,发生了火灾,故B项正确。 5.考查介词词义辨析。 根据下文“hearing her, my older brother began to take action”可知,一(upon)听到叫声,哥哥就行动起来,故D项正确。 6.考查名词词义辨析。A. mud泥;B. steel钢铁;C. wood木头;D. curtain窗帘。根据前文 “The house, however, was over 50 years old and made of ”可知,房子很旧,是用木头做成的,故C项正确。 7.考查动词词义辨析。A. consumed烧毁、消耗;B. claimed声称;C. spread传播;D. injured受伤。 根据上文“Before we could do anything the fire ”可知,还没来得及反应,火已经把它烧毁,故A项正确。 8.考查连词词义辨析。A. though尽管;B. unless除非;C. until直到;D. while当……时。 根据下文“the fire destroyed my books, clothes, and toys”可知,当火烧毁房子,里面的书、衣服.玩具等的时候,我由于害怕而发抖,故D项正确。 9.考查副词词义辨析。A. hopefully有希望地;B. excitedly兴奋地;C. helplessly无助地;D. appropriately相称地。根据下文“while my Mom cried and my Dad swore”可知,当妈妈在哭泣,爸爸在咒骂的时候,我无助地看着他们,故C项正确。 10.考查连词短语辨析。A. as though好像;B. as long as只要;C. even if 即使;D. now that既然。既然我们失去了所有物品,我想知道接下来我们会发生什么.故D项正确。 11.考查动词词义辨析。A. dismissed解散;B. recognized认出、认清;C. desired希望;D. approached接近。然而,当环顾四周的时候,我第一次认清了一些东西,故B项正确。 12.考查名词词义辨析。A. families 家庭;B. surroundings周围;C. things东西; D. people人。根据下文“Our lives would continue. And that was all that mattered. ”可知,此处用things 与下文our lives进行比较,那些身外之物并不重要,重要的是我们都幸存下来,故C项正确。 13.考查名词词义辨析。A. bridge桥;B. pole杆;C. fence栅栏;D. rope绳索。根据语境可知,我看到哥哥跑过我家旁边那座摇摇晃晃的桥去求助.故A项正确。 14.考查介词短语辨析。A. on guard值班;B. on walking﹣sticks拄着拐杖; C. on feet站着;D. on hand 在场。根据下文“an earlier accident”可知,他以前出过意外,腿脚不灵活,需要拄着拐杖,故B项正确。 15.考查副词词义辨析。A. freely自由地;B. unsteadily不稳地;C. casually随意地 ;D. purposely 故意地。他以前出过意外,腿脚不灵活,站得不稳,故B项正确。 16.考查动词词义辨析。A. holding握、抱;B. quitting放弃;C. lifting举起;D. beating打。 妈妈抱着我们的小狗,hold…in one's arm意为"抱着",故A项正确。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。 A. alive活着的; B. native与生俱来的; C. expensive昂贵的;D. necessary必要的。必要的一切(人和宠物)都从火海中逃过一劫,故D项正确。 18.考查名词词义辨析。A. experience经历; B. bitter痛苦;C. wealth财富;D. love爱。根据最后一段中的“love others”可知,那场火灾让我明白了我们分享的爱远比物质上的东西重要,故D项正确。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。A. physical物质上的; B. mental情感上的; C. social社交的;D. psychological心理上的。我们分享的爱远比物质上的东西重要,故A项正确。 20.考查名词词义辨析。A. heart内心;B. fire热火;C. spirits精神; D. feelings感情。 用你心中的那团热火让世界变得更加温暖,故B项正确。

    Maybe you are an average student You probably think you will never be a top student This is not necessary so however 1.Here's how

• Plan your time carefully When you plan your weekyou should make a list of things that you have to do After making this listyou should make a schedule of your time First your time for eatingsleepingdressingetc then decide a goodregular time for studying Don ' t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment 2.Yet it will force you to realize what is happening to your time

•Find a good place to study Look around the house for a good study area Keep this space which may be a desk or simply a comer of your room free of everything but study materials No games radios or television! 3.

•Make good use of your time in class Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say4.Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says

5.When you get home from school go over your notes Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day reading that material will become more meaningful and you will remember it longer

There are other methods that might help you with your studying You will probably discover many others after you have tried these

AA weekly schedule may not solve all your problems

BThey help you remember your new knowledge

CStudy regularly

DWhen you sit down to study fix your mind on the subject

EReally listening in class means less work later

FDevelop a good attitude towards tests

G Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to



    Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse and when he arrived in this hard world it was very doubtful whether he would live beyond the first three minutes He lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing

Oliver fought his first battle without much assistance from the two people present at his birth One was an old woman who was nearly always drunk and the other was a busy local doctor who was not paid enough to be very interested in Oliver's survival.______

However Oliver managed to draw his first breath and then announced his arrival to the rest of the workhouse by crying loudly His mother raised her pale young face from the pillow and whispered "Let me see die childand die"

The doctor turned away from the fire where he had been warming his hands "You must not talk about dying yet" he said to her kindly He gave her the child to hold Lovingly she kissed the baby on its forehead with her cold white lips then stared wildly around the room fell backand died "Poor dear! " said the nurse hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt

The doctor began to put on his coat "The baby is weak and will probably have difficulties" he said "If so give it a little milk to keep it quiet" Then he looked at the dead woman "The mother was a goodlooking girl Where did she come from"

"She was brought here last night" replied the old woman "She was found lying in the street She'd walked some distance judging by her shoes which were worn to pieces Where she came from where she was going to or what her name was nobody knows"

The doctor lifted the girl's left hand "The old story" he said sadly shaking his head "No wedding ring I see Ah! Good night"

And so Oliver was left with only the drunken nurse Without clothes under his first blanket he could have been the child of a king or a beggar But when the woman dressed him later in rough cotton clothes yellow with age he looked exactly what he wasan orphan in a workhouse ready for a life of misery hunger and neglect

Oliver cried loudly If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan perhaps he would have cried even more loudly

There was no one to look after the baby in the workhouse so Oliver was sent to a special "baby farm" nearby There he and thirty other children rolled around the floor all day without the inconvenience of too much food or too much clothing Mrs Mann the old woman who "looked after" them was very experienced She knew what was good for children and a full stomach was very dangerous to their health She also knew what was good for herself so she kept for her own use the money that she was given for the children's food The board responsible for the orphans sometimes checked on the health of the children but they always sent the beadle a kind of local policeman to announce their visit the day before So whenever the board arrived of course the children were always neat and clean

This was the way Oliver was brought up Consequently at the age of nine he was a pale thin child and short for his age But despite frequent beatings by Mrs Mann his spirit was strong which was probably the reason why he managed to reach the age of nine at all

On Oliver's ninth birthday Mr Bumble the beadle came to the house to see Mrs Mann Through the front window Mrs Mann saw him at the gateand turned quickly to the girl who worked with her

"Quick! Take Oliver and those others upstairs to be washed!" she said Then she ran out to unlock the gate which was always kept locked

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage

A. Oliver was born into the world on a cold day

B. The children in the baby farm were taken good care of

C. Doctors were usually paid too little for the work they did

D. Many peopleespecially womendrank heavily at that time

2.Which sentence is most suitable for the blank in Paragraph 2

A. Thereforehe felt very lonely in the world

B. Frightened at the sight of the two he started to cry

C. In factthe world was privileged (荣幸)to have him in it

D. After alldeath was a common event in the workhouse

3.It can be inferred that the gate of the baby farm was always kept locked in order to    

A. keep the children inside working all the time

B. protect the children inside from dangers outside

C. ensure the children were always neat and clean

D. prevent official visitors walking in unexpectedly

4.According to the passageMrs Mann    

A. was enthusiastic about looking after children

B. provided children with little food and few comforts

C. cared little about Mr Bumble's sudden appearance

D. beat children frequently to make them mentally strong

5.What is the passage mainly about

A. Mother's death

B. Oliver's personality

C. Oliver's early life

D. People's selfishness



    Online ticketing has been effective for the London theatre market The advantages coming with it are many but four in particular stand for the true value They are accessibilityspeedadvanced planning and avoiding the queues

Accessibility is key from the viewpoint of both the theatre and the theatre goer Theatres need to be able to reach out to the public A show may have a market of millions if they concentrate efforts in London onlybut that number will increase to tens of millions if efforts expand nationwide

From the point of view of a theatre lover the fact that the West Endthe central part of London is accessible to someone in Edinburgh is a major attraction Most theatre lovers would be anxious to go to a West End play or musicaland securing tickets for their favourite show online allows them to realize that strong desire with ease Making the journey to London and staying for a weekend is an added reward to the main event

Another advantage is speed with securing tickets now taking a matter of minutes What is needed is a few minutes on the Internet the relevant personal and credit card details and a booking number with which to collect the tickets at the theatre on the night

Of course for tourists or professionals from out of town Internet booking has made it possible to arrange entertainment for a specific evening well in advance Occupying their time after conference hours can be a challenge for professionals With tickets secured in advance the plan can be made much clearer Tourists meanwhile may include a night on the West End on their list of things to do Booking before even arriving in thecity helps to streamline their busy touring schedule

The fourth advantage of buying London theatre tickets online is the fact that queuing is avoided

It is perhaps the most unpleasant aspect of the traditional visit to the box office particularly when demand for Dirty Dancing tickets for example canhave a person waiting for hours before even reaching the box office window even worse the sold out sign would suddenly appear before him

These advantages reflect the true value of that mode of online ticketing It has pleased the theatre lovers expanding theatre markets It is likely to bring more and more benefit to the theatre world

1.What is the passage mainly about

A. The reality of theatre market in London

B. The appearance of online entertainment

C. The benefits of buying theatre tickets online

D. The arrangements of spending a day in London

2.How is Paragraph 6 mainly developed

A. By describing activities

B. By giving examples

C. By showing differences

D. By making comparisons

3.Which of the following shows the development of the ideas in this passage

CP Central Point P Point Sp Subpoint (次要点)C Conclusion

A.  B.

C.  D.



    Your car is a necessary part of your life You use it every day Of course you want to hold on to it so you make sure it has the latest alarm and immobilizer (汽车防盗器).But despite all these cars like yours are still stolen every day In fact in this countryone car is stolen almost every minute! And if your car is stolen you only have a 5050 chance of seeing it again

Each yearcar crime costs nearly £3 billion Of course if you're insured (保险),you won't lose out or will you Firstly you will have to pay extra insurance later on and then you may not be offered the full amount by the agent You will probably have to hire a car and you will also lose he value of the contents and accessories (配件)in the car

Now comes the solution An RAC Trackstar system hidden in one of 47 possible secret locations in your car is the key to our system If your car is stolen radio signals are sent at twentysecond intervals from the car to the RAC Trackstar National Control Center via a satellite network Then a computer gives he vehicle's exact location speed and direction

The RAC Trackstar National Control Center which operates 24 hours a day 365 days a yearwill immediately inform the police in the area where the car is located Because the police receive information every twenty secondsthey will always know the vehicle's location Once the thief has been arrestedyour car will be returned to you

RAC Trackstar is unique in being able to provide the National Control Center with details of the exact location of your car its speed and direction And speed is the key to successful recovery of a stolen vehicle RAC Trackstar Control will immediately tell the police if you report your car stolen and under the 24hour Guardian Option It will also tell you if your car has been stolen RAC Trackstar's constant updates mean the police are kept informed of the car's location All these greatly improve your chances of seeing your car again

1.If your car is stolenyou will have to    

A. pay more insurance

B. hire a new car

C. buy a RAC Trackstar system

D. inform the National Control Center

2.The Trackstar system can tell the police    

A. who the thief is

B. how the car is stolen

C. where the car is

D. what brand the car is

3.According to the passagewith RAC Trackstar people will    

A. surely get their stolen car back

B. lose no time in finding their stolen car

C. predict whether their car has been stolen

D. have less chances of having their car stolen

4.We can learn from the passage that    

A. RAC Trackstar system is installed in the car

B. you won't lose money if your stolen car is insured

C. the speed of the car will help the police find the stolen car

D. without an RAC Trackstaryou can't get your lost car back



Longman Dictionary of American English CD for PC or MAC

Why is it unique

The Longman Dictionary of American English is unique because it has been written using the Longman Defining Vocabulary Other dictionaries use highlevel language in their definitions which forces students to look up the defining words as well as the words they're looking up in the first place Only the Longman Dictionary of American English uses a defining vocabulary made of the 2000 words that make up the intermediatelevel student's most used vocabulary

What are the other features

The Longman Corpus Network is a powerful group of databases consisting ofmillions of words The Longman American Written Corpus contains over 110 million words taken from newspapers journals magazines bestselling novels technical and scientific writing and coffeetable books

Longman compilers (编者)use this computerized word bank to acquire a new depth of knowledge about words usage prepositions the latest language trends' and grammatical patterns using uptotheminute technologyThe written and spoken corpuses assure that this edition of the Longman Dictionary of American English will provide the most accurate and uptodate assistance to students who want to speak and write American English

1.Longman Dictionary of American English is mainly for    

A. lowlevel learners

B. learners of different levels

C. advancedlevel learners

D. intermediatelevel learners

2.The main purpose of this passage is to    

A. tell readers why American English is more popular

B. inform students of how they can find the grammar patterns

C. guide readers how they can use the dictionary on computer

D. explain why the dictionary is different from other dictionaries

3.The following about the dictionary are all correct EXCEPT that    

A. the definitions are easy to read

B. it is made up of 2000 words

C. it contains a lot of daily usage

D. it is updated regularly



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