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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A mater...


A material can be really special when it was named after the place where it 1.  (create)originally.Thatcertainly the case 2. china.And of all types of chinawhite porcelain()is among the most famous.

Nowadaysthe 3. (tradition)material has taken on a modern look in the  4.(hand)of four Chinese artists in the Modern White Porcelain Exhibition.And the key word here ismodern.One of the works 5. (be)a porcelain boat.But look 6. (attentive)and you11 see that the boat 7. (build)with porcelain looks like a takeout box.Inside the boat is a statue of a baby.The baby stands for humans and the boat is  8. supports life.It suggests we may have done some damage to 9. environment and that were treating life like fast food.

All the four artists gave white porcelain a modem styleeach in 10. (they)own way.And this is what the exhibitions theme comes from.Its a dialogue between the past and the present.


1.was created 2.with 3.traditional 4.hands 5.is 6.attentively 7.built 8.what 9.the 10.their 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。 文章主要介绍了传统的瓷器与现代艺术相结合。 1.考查语态。句中主语it与动词create之间为被动故选,故用被动语态。句意:当一种材料以它最初被创造的地方命名时,它会非常特别。故填was created。 2.考查短语。短语be the case with......的情况是。句意:“瓷器”的情况就是这样。故填with。 3.考查形容词。修饰名词material,前用形容词形式。句意:如今,在现代白瓷展上,传统材料在四位中国艺术家手中呈现出一种现代的风貌。故填 traditional。 4.考查名词数。名词hand为可数名词,根据four Chinese artists可知,用复数形式。句意:如今,在现代白瓷展上,传统材料在四位中国艺术家手中呈现出一种现代的风貌。故填hands。 5.考查主谓一致。One of + 复数名词,后接谓语动词用单数形式。句意:其中一件作品是一艘瓷器船。故填is。 6.考查副词。修饰动词look,用副词形式。句意:但是仔细看,你会发现用瓷器建造的船看起来像一个外卖盒。故填attentively。 7.考查非谓语动词。名词boat与动词build之间为被动故选,故用过去分词作定语。句意:但是仔细看,你会发现用瓷器建造的船看起来像一个外卖盒。故填built。 8.考查名词性从句。表语从句中,从句缺少主语,故用what引导。句意:婴儿代表人类,而船是生命的支柱。故填what。 9.考查冠词。句中名词environment为特指,故用定冠词the。句意:它表明,我们可能对环境造成了一些破坏,我们对待生活就像对待快餐一样。故填the。 10.考查代词。修饰名词,前用人称代词的所有格形式。句意:四位艺术家都以自己的方式赋予了白瓷一种现代风格。故填their。

    A beautiful September eveningmy 11-year-old grandsonJoshand his team were warming up for their first football game of the season.

At sixthe ____ called the captains forwardsaid something and ____ his whistle.The two teams ____ separately.I was ____ .The other team was ___ ten inches taller than our players.It didnt take long for their  ___ advantage to show.They took a 7-0 lead very  __  .At the halfthe score stood at 34 to 6.Josh ____ minimal play time.In the second halfthey used Josh more often.The score climbed to 40 to 6.

Once againthe other team began their ____ down the field.Their quarterback threw the ball.The receiver caught it and ____ the goal.There was only one man in his ____ Josh.Josh dove and ____ that boys legs with all his strength.The receiver dragged Josh a couple of yards and ____ fell down.

On the next playtheir quarterback shot through an opening and rushed to the goalbut there was Josh again.Josh took him off his feet and  ___ another goal.They scored on the last play.but it wasnt Joshs ____ .The game ended with a score of 48 to 6.

On the way home.I wanted to ____ Joshbut he turned to me with a ____ smile.Grandpathat was a  ___ game.

But you lost48 to 6 !

I knowbut I did good.

The boy understood the ____ better than I did.They didnt winbut he did his best.I was proud of him.More  ___ he was proud of himself.

1.A. player B. referee C. coach D. receiver

2.A. waved B. raised C. threw D. blew

3.A. gathered B. practiced C. celebrated D. wandered

4.A. inspired B. embarrassed C. shocked D. delighted

5.A. in total B. on average C. at length D. for example

6.A. speed B. strength C. age D. size

7.A. often B. soon C. regularly D. rarely

8.A. saw B. lost C. expected D. wasted

9.A. break B. search C. charge D. debate

10.A. 1et in B. fought for C. went in D. headed for

11.A. way B. position C. sight D. mind

12.A. made room for B. 1ooked up at C. took hold of D. kept away from

13.A. accidentally B. finally C. deliberately D. gradually

14.A. saved B. gained C. tried D. kicked

15.A. turn B. honor C. fault D. option

16.A. trick B. scold C. praise D. comfort

17.A. sad B. wide C. bitter D. polite

18.A. great B. close C. silly D. vital

19.A. team B. play C. game D. field

20.A. seriously B. fortunately C. specifically D. importantly



    I just counted how many foreign languages I've studied so far in my life and it's been twelve!

I always follow my interests and find ways to put my language learning into things I'm already interested in.I like to read blogs(博客)in other languages.1. .For the most partbloggers tend to write the same way they speakso I dont have to worry much about adopting strange terms that are only used in writing.

Movies are also a really good toolespecially if you can find subtitles in the language youre learning.2.they will still keep your brain listening and reading in the same language.Music is another way to start listening to things in your new language.PersonallyI'm so bad at understanding lyrics(歌词)even in Englishso this one doesnt really work for mebut I have friends who learn a language through lyrics.Games are of course also an excellent way of studying a new language.A lot of language learning computer programs include games.I'm super competitive and if I play any of themI can be hooked for hours.3. .

When the initial excitement of learning a new language begins to fadeit can be hard to stick with it.The hardest bit for me is when I'm comfortable enough with a language to understand most things and make myself understood.I'm actually stuck at this stage in Norwegian.4. .Ideally I should sign up to take a big language exam.Each time I start getting self-satisfiedit's time to take a new course or sign up for online lessonsor take up some sort of challenge that will require me to level up my skills.

5. .The best language class I've ever taken was my beginners Russian course at university where my professor never used any English.It got to the point where I would kind of just forget about English while in Russian classwhich helped me to really immerse myself in the Russian language and do a whole lot with the limited Russian I had.

A.Thats really uncomfortable

B.Whatever languages theyre translated into

C.I also try to think in the language I'm learning

D.Its time well spent if I'm learning the language

E.Computer games always make me feel worn out

F.Though they dont always exactly match whats being said

G.I found them the perfect learning tool because theyre usually written in oral language



    Most dog owners are convinced that their four-legged friends know exactly what they mean when they use certain words like sitstay or treat.Howeverresearchers have always wondered whether dogs really understand human speech or if they rely on other information to get the meaning.For exampledoes the wordfetchform a picture of a stick or ball in the dogs mindor does the dog bring back the object based on the owner’s voice or gesture? A new study by scientists at Atlanta’s Emory University seems to indicate thatman’s best frienddoes indeed know what the owner is saying.

The researchers began by asking the owners of twelve dogs of various kinds to train their pets to identify two toys of different materialssuch as a toy animal and a ball.Once the dogs had mastered the taskthey took turns inside a special scanner.The owners then tested their dogs language skill by first calling out the names of the toys they had been trained to recognize and then saying meaningless words such asbobbuandbodmickwhile holding up random objects the dogs hadnt seen before.

The scans suggested that the parts of the dogs’ brains responsible for processing of sounds showed different brain patterns when they heard words they were familiar withcompared with the ones they had never heard before.While that was not enough to prove that the dogs were picturing their toys when they heard the wordit did indicate some sort of recognition.The researchers believe this is an important step forward in understanding how dogs process language.

Even more interesting was that the dogs brains showed a higher level of neural(神经)activity at the sound of unknown words.This is the exact opposite of what happens in human brainswhich get more active at the sound of familiar words.The researchers say the dogs may become cheerful at the sound of new words to try to understand them in the hope of delighting their masters.Dogs want to please their ownersand perhaps also receive praise or food,”says Empty neuroscientist Gregory Burnssenior author of the study.

Howeverthough your pet may understand human speechthe scientists recommend using visual signals and smell for training.When people want to teach their dog a trickthey often use spoken command because thats what humans prefer,”Prichard says.From the dog’s viewhowevera visual command might be more effectivehelping the dog learn the trick faster.

1.Whats the purpose of the new study?

A. To convince dog owners to understand their dogs.

B. To advise dog owners to treat their dogs kindly.

C. To prove dogs follow ownersorder by listening.

D. To test out how dogs get information from owners.

2.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?

A. Inform the result of the research. B. State the process of the research.

C. Stress the importance of the research. D. Introduce the subjects of the research.

3.How do human brains and dog brains react to words ?

A. Human brains become active at unfamiliar words.

B. Dog brains become delighted at unfamiliar words.

C. Human brains are not sensitive to familiar words.

D. Dog brains show no response to familiar words.

4.What do scientists advise the owners to do in dog training?

A. Give dogs oral command. B. Teach dog new tricks.

C. Involve sight and smell. D. Encourage faster learning.



    While visiting the North pole in winter may not be at the top of your bucket listthe ever-changing ICEHOTELwhich opened its doors to visitors on December 14 this yearmay change your mind.200 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish village of Jukkasjārvithe hotelwhich is carved entirely from iceis rebuilt annually.

The 35 roomsbuilt to accommodate visitors on all kinds of budgetsvary from expensive suites to basic rooms that are furnished with just an icy bed and a reindeer skin.Among the highlights this year is theSpruce Woodssuite.Sculpted by Christopher Pascoe and Jennie O’Keefe of Canadait describes a camping scene complete with a classic microbusa forestand even an artificial campfire.

There is also the artfully-carvedLiving Oceansuite to remind visitors of the importance of saving our oceans.The room is full of carved sea life that includes coral and a sharkswimmingright over the ice bed.The suite is inspired by global warming and the overfishing that affects our oceans.says artist Jonathan Paul Green.I also think the idea of using frozen water from a river in northern Sweden to create an ocean with shellsfishand corals is exciting.

The nearbyHavensuite is amagical gate of iceguarded by two large animals.We are inspired by the meeting between people and want to create an experience that invites curiosity and creativity,”says artist Jonas Johansson.It feels like a dream to get to work with ice that allows our love for lightshineand reflection to wander freely from thought to creation.

Regardless of whether visitors select the carved suites or the basic ice roomsthe temperature is always set to a bone-chilling 5!That is why guests are advised to snuggle(蜷缩)up inside sleeping bags and wear gloves and winter hats all night.Not surprisinglymost end up spending just a single night at this unique hotel before moving on to the conventional and warmer hotels nearby.

1.What does the underlined phrasebucket listmean in the text?

A. A shopping list of buckets. B. A list of travelling destinations.

C. A list of expensive hotels. D. A list of exciting ideas.

2.What can we know about the ice hotel?

A. It is rebuilt every year. B. Its rooms are expensive.

C. It organizes camping activities. D. It lies in a coastal city.

3.Where does the inspiration ofLiving Oceansuite come from?

A. Art and literature.

B. Ocean life and voyage.

C. Climate changes and human influence.

D. The meeting of people.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. An Adventure to the North Pole

B. An Experience Close to Nature

C. A Taste of Cold:A Night in a Village

D. A Winter Destination:Swedens Ice Hotel



    At the age of seven, while his friends were spending their allowances on things like candy and toys, Jose Adolfo Quisocola was busy saving money for basic purchases. To try to get his peers(同 to do the same, the boy from Peru came up with the idea of an eco-bank, the Bartselana

Student Bank, which allows kids of all ages to become financially independent while also helping the environment.

Set up in 2012, the bank is the world’s first bank for kids. To become a member, a kid has to bring in at least 5 kilograms of solid waste and set a savings goal. Once accepted, all bank “partners” are required to deposit at least one additional kilogram of recyclables on a monthly basis and observe other  requirements,  such   as   attending  financial  education  and   environmental  management workshops.

The waste accumulated is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to Jose’s efforts, pay a higher-than-market rate for everything brought in by the bank members. The money received is placed in the personal account where they collect until the savings goal is reached. The account holder can then withdraw the money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target. “At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not undertake this type of project,” Jose recalls, “They did not understand that we are not the future of the country but its present. Luckily, I had the support of the school headmaster and an assistant in my class.”

The boy’s efforts paid off, and by 2013, the bank had over 200 members, who brought in one ton of recyclable waste. Today, the eco-bank, which now has the support of several local institutions, boasts ten educational centers. They are designed to teach the over 3,000 students, aged 10 to 18 , to become financially independent, use their money wisely, and help the environment.

Not surprisingly, Jose’s efforts have earned him several national and international awards. On November 20, 2018, Jose won Children’s Climate Prize, which comes with a medal and $5,500 in prize money and is given to a child or youth who has accomplished an extraordinary achievement for the climate or environment.

1.Why did Jose set up the bank?

A. To raise money and set up a recycling company.

B. To buy necessities and donate them to needy kids.

C. To save much money and protect the environment.

D. To educate the students and help them win prizes.

2.How can a kid be admitted to the eco-bank?

A. By donating to the eco-bank.

B. By turning in one kilogram of waste in a month.

C. By sending in an application.

D. By presenting a goal and a certain amount of waste.

3.How did the teachers feel about Jose’s program?

A. Doubtful. B. Excited.

C. Moved. D. Worried.

4.What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. How the environment is improved. B. What the project has achieved.

C. How tons of waste has been recycled. D. What support the local institutions get.



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