满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As somebody who’s spent a great deal of ...

    As somebody who’s spent a great deal of time being unemployed, or an aimless student, I’ve felt like I’m doing nothing with my life.

I’ve seen people like me who just accept their ______, saying that “Oh it’s too hard, I’m not going to do it.” After all, people want to see immediate ______, which aren’t going to happen.

But the good news is, six months is enough to turn your life around for the ______. So why not make ______ out of it?

A few years ago, I went to see my academic ______ in college, and by my calculation, I thought I had a couple of courses left to ______ before I graduated. No. It ______ that I had mine course left. I felt completely ______. I just wanted to give up on getting my ______. But then a friend of mine said, “Well, you can either ______ about your courses or you can get them done.”

I took more courses than ever, and ______ six months I finished my ______ courses, and got my BA.

After graduation, I ______ the experience to get an ideal job right away. Six months of volunteering got me the ______ letter to change that. I had to work for ______ for a little bit, and then do a low-paying job in my field before I could ______ up, but I did it.

This isn’t just about working experience, ______. For example, say you wanted to lose some weight. Think about if you kept exercising more and cutting out junk, how much you’d ______ in six months.

The bottom line is this: It won’t be ______. It won’t be easy. Six months isn’t that long, but it’s long enough to make some unbelievable ______ in a positive and meaningful way.

1.A. education B. location C. situation D. suggestion

2.A. influences B. results C. purposes D. aims

3.A. better B. worse C. richer D. sadder

4.A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something

5.A. researcher B. adviser C. colleague D. operator

6.A. require B. create C. take D. overcome

7.A. burst out B. figured out C. broke out D. turned out

8.A. depressed B. relaxed C. embarrassed D. excited

9.A. degree B. scholarship C. course D. license

10.A. care B. learn C. complain D. quarrel

11.A. for B. beyond C. since D. within

12.A. final B. easy C. common D. special

13.A. lost B. possessed C. lacked D. kept

14.A. application B. reference C. business D. official

15.A. short B. free C. money D. fun

16.A. set B. make C. put D. move

17.A. though B. therefore C. either D. otherwise

18.A. receive B. control C. progress D. increase

19.A. regular B. overnight C. frequent D. worthwhile

20.A. decisions B. remarks C. plans D. changes


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者在大学时常逃课不上,是一个没有抱负的学生,觉得做什么都难。在毕业前的6个月知道自己还有那么多的课程没上。一度想放弃学位,在朋友的劝告下发奋努力最终完成了学业,拿到了学位。但由于缺乏经验找不到理想的工作,只好做了志愿者,这让他不仅戒掉坏习惯还改变了他的生活。 1.考查名词辨析。A. education教育;B. location位置;C. situation情况,处境;D. suggestion建议。此处是指“我见过像我这样的人,他们只是接受自己的处境(situation)”,故选C。 2.考查名词辨析。A. influences影响;B. results结果,后果;C. purposes目的;D. aims目标。此处是指“毕竟,人们希望看到立竿见影的结果(results),而这是不可能发生的”,故选B。 3.考查形容词辨析。A. better较好的; B. worse较差的; C. richer较富有的;D. sadder较悲伤的。根据“But the good news is,…(好消息是)”,可知此处是指“(还有六个月)六个月足以让你的生活好转,变得更好(better)。”,故选A。 4.考查代词辨析。A. anything任何东西;B. nothing没有东西;C. everything一切;D. something某事,有一定意义的事物。根据上文可知,人们希望立即看到结果,但这是不可能的。所以为什么不做点什么有意义的事(something),来让生活好转,故选D。 5.考查名词辨析。A. researcher研究者;B. adviser顾问,导师;C. colleague同事;D. operator操作者,经营者。根据下面的内容可知,是大学里的导师(adviser),故选B。 6.考查固定搭配及动词辨析。 A. require要求;B. create创造;C. take拿;D. overcome克服。take a course为固定搭配,意为“修一门课程,上一门课程”。此处是指“我以为毕业前还有两门课要上”。故选C。 7.考查动词短语辨析。A. burst out突然爆发;B. figured out提出,弄明白;C. broke out突发,爆发;D. turned out结果是,证明是,最终是。此处是指“结果是(turned out)我的课没上完”,故选D。 8.考查形容词辨析。A. depressed沮丧的;B. relaxed 轻松的;C. embarrassed 窘迫的;D. excite激动的。最后知道自己还有课程没有修完,所以我很沮丧(depressed)。故选A。 9.考查名词辨析。A. degree学位;B. scholarship奖学金;C. course科目,课程;D. license执照。根据本段第一句是知,作者是个大学生,好久没上课了。因为自己还没有上完所有的课,自己还沮丧,因此想要放弃学位(degree)故选A。 10.考查动词辨析。A. care关心;B. learn学习,得知;C. complain抱怨;D. quarrel争吵。根据语境可知,此处是指我的一个朋友说:“你要么抱怨(complain)没学完的课程,要么就把它们读完”。因此选C。 11.考查介词辨析。A. for对于…来说,赞成;B. beyond超过,越过;C. since自从;D. within在…之内,不超过。根据上文可知,马上要毕业了,要在毕业前完成所有的课程,即在不超过(within)毕业的时间,故选D。 12.考查形容词辨析。A. final 最后的;B. easy容易的;C. common 共同的;D. special特殊的。此处是指“我完成了最后的(final)课程,获得了学士学位。”故选A 。 13.考查动词辨析的。A. lost推动,损失;B. possessed拥有;C. lacked缺乏;D. kept维持。根据语境可知,上学时有缺课现象,因此毕业后,我因为缺乏(lacked)经验获得一份理想的工作。故选C。 14.考查固定搭配,名词辨析。A. application运用,应用;B. reference参考,证明人;C. business商业,交易;D. official高级职员,行政官员。根据语境可知,我做了6个月的志愿者工作,六个月的志愿服务让我得到了一封推荐信来改变这一点。reference letter 为固定搭配,意为“推荐信”,故选B。 15.考查语境及固定搭配。A. short短的,短缺的;B. free免费的,自由的;C. money金钱;D. fun开心的,有趣的。根据“and then do a low-paying job in my field”以及 “Six months of volunteering”可知,先是免费工作,再有一点薪水。此处是指“我必须免费(for free)工作一段时间,然后在我再做一份低收入的工作”。for free为固定搭配,意为“免费的”,故选B。 16.D 考查固定搭配及动词辨析。A. set放置;B. make 制造;C. put放,表达;D. move移动,搬动。此处是指“必须免费工作一段时间,然后在我能升职(move up)之前要做一份低收入的工作,但我做到了。” move up为固定搭配,意为“(使)升职”,故选D。 17.考查副词辨析。A. though尽管;B. therefore因此;C. either 两者中任何一个;D. otherwise否则的话。根据语境可知,此处是表转折的。但是,这不仅仅是工作经验,…。故选A。 18.C 考查动词辨析。A. receive收到;B. control控制;C. progress进步,前进;D. increase增长。根据语境可知,这六个月,如果你不断地锻炼不吃垃圾食品,你会有多大的进步(progress)。故选C。 19.考查形容词辨析。A. regular定期的;B. overnight一整夜的,突然的;C. frequent频繁的;D. worthwhile值得做的。根据语境可知,这一切都不会是突然的(overnight)之间发生的,故选B。 20.考查名词辨析。A. decisions 决定;B. remarks评论;C. plans 计划;D. changes变化。此处是指“六个月没那么长,但它足以一种积极而有意义的方式做出一些不可思议的改变(changes)。”与前面的“So why not make something out of it?”相呼应。故选D。

    When you start a new job, you’ll probably be introduced to a lot of new people on your first day. And it’s important to make a good impression. The following are some practical tips to help you.

Show up early

1. Arriving 5 to 10 minutes early gives you time to settle in—or hit the bathroom if needed. To make sure you can arrive early, give yourself extra time to get ready in the morning and to travel to your destination.


It can be difficult to find the right balance between having an influence on your new role, and disturbing the balance of the delicate office ecosystem. You don’t want to walk in and get into trouble, but you also don’t want to fade into the background, either.

Take plenty of notes

It’s a great idea to bring a small notebook and pen with you on your first day for taking down notes. Don’t be shy about recording information that you know will be useful to you later, like names and passwords. 3.. So taking notes is a great way to keep on top of things.

Watch your body language

You’ve probably read that body language is important for job interviews, but it can also be a valuable tool in creating a lasting impression when you start a new job. On your first day, be careful of conveying powerful body language. 4. And do your best to avoid negative body language, such as yawning, frowning, or standing with your hands in your pockets.

Step away form social media

While on your first day at the office you must have all sorts of feelings—nerves, anxiety, joy, even boredom—resist the desire to share it on social media. When it comes to updating your friends and followers about the status of your newfound employment, always be cautious and assume your bosses are watching. 5..

A. Almost certainly, they will

B. Be positive and show interest

C. Be enthusiastic, but not overbearing

D. Smile often and look people in the eye

E. Body language makes one more successful

F. This might seem easy, but many people don’t do it

G. You’re likely to face data-overload on your first day



    “And this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature goes to ... someone who’s not Haruki Murakami (村上春树) again.”

This was how the BBC started one of its reports about the 2017 Nobel Prizes, even though it was Japanese-British writer Kazuo Ishiguro who won the prize. “To be honest, it’s a bit annoying,” Murakami, 69, said in an interview with The Japan Times when asked how he felt when the public kept making a fuss about his potential (可能的) Nobel win. “This is not a horse race,” he added. And yet, to the public, a horse race is perhaps all it is.

So, the limelight is now once again on Murakami, after he made it onto the final list for the New Academy Prize in Literature 2018. “By combining pop culture with magic realism, he has attracted much attention with his novels and short story collections, and has attracted readers worldwide,” said the New Academy about Murakami.

Indeed, Murakami has a huge fan base in his home country of Japan, especially among young people. These young fans call themselves “Harukists”, as they identify with the “absurdity (荒谬) and loneliness of modern life” described in his novels, according to Business Insider. And in 2005, Murakami started reaching an international readership when his novel Kafka on the Shore appeared on the New York Times’ Top 10 list for book of the year, which was also believed to be the time when the world’s interest in Murakami’s Nobel win first began to surface.

But Murakami himself couldn’t care less about whether he wins the prize or not. “If you’re a writer and you have readers, you have everything. You don’t need critics or reviews.” he told The New Yorker.

However, if winning the prize is all that it takes to end this “horse race” and put Murakami out of his misery (煎熬), let’s just hope that when the winner is announced on Oct 12, the BBC’s story will open with, “This year’s New Academy Prize in Literature goes to ... Haruki Murakami.”

1.According to paragraph 2, what made Haruki Murakami annoyed?

A. Losing the horse race.

B. Not winning the Nobel Prize.

C. Being interviewed by the media.

D. Over focus on his potential Nobel win.

2.We learn from the passage that Haruki Murakami _____.

A. is especially popular among the elders

B. is more famous abroad than at home

C. became internationally acceptable in 2005

D. combines pop culture with serious literature

3.What can we learn from Murakami’s words in paragraph 5?

A. He puts his readers in the first place.

B. He cares much about people’s reviews.

C. He considers winning the Nobel Prize a top honor.

D. He is very disappointed about not winning the Nobel Prize.

4.What is the writer’s attitude towards Murakami winning the Nobel Prize?

A. Favorable. B. Uncaring.

C. Changing. D. Doubtful.



    New research about male guppies, a tropical fish found in most fresh and saltwater environments published in the journal Functional Ecology suggests that male guppies exposed to high predation (捕食行动) levels often develop larger brain sizes than those living in low-risk environments. Consequently, the development of larger brain sizes among the male guppy population allows for better chances of survival under high predation conditions.

The team began its research in the southern Caribbean. They concentrated their observations on populations located in two independent rivers. In each, they collected male guppies living above and below the waterfalls. A small amount of predators lived in the waters above the waterfall, therefore the local guppy population had evolved (进化) under predation-poor conditions into a predation-poor population.

On the other hand, below the waterfall, predators were found to be increasing, making environment dangerous. Scientists noticed that male guppies located above the waterfalls often displayed on average smaller brain sizes than males living under the waterfall.

The next step was to find out if male guppies from high-predation population only had larger brains as a result of long evolutionary processes or a direct response to exposure (暴露) to risk during development. This question took the team away from the tropics and back to the laboratory, taking a sample group of guppies originating from high predation group. These were divided into two test populations. The first group was exposed to the sight and smell of a predator living in a nearby aquarium for five minutes at a time, five times a week. The other guppies served as a control group and lived in non-predatory places. The results showed that males exposed to predators have 21 per cent heavier brains than those of the control group.

Male guppies are generally more colorful than females and thus more likely to be exposed to predation threats. The increase in intellect could offer males advantages such as the ability to detect and react to danger earlier, increasing their chances of survival.

1.We learn from the passage that ______.

A. smarter fish have better chances of survival

B. guppies can’t survive in high predator conditions

C. the size of guppies changes with the environment

D. larger brains only result from long evolutionary process

2.This new research was done mainly by _______.

A. listing facts B. analyzing data

C. making comparisons D. explaining reasons

3.Male guppies are more easily attacked than females because of their _____.

A. appearance B. behavior

C. life history D. living environment

4.Which of the following proverbs reflects the findings of the research?

A. Pain past is pleasure.

B. Great hopes make great man.

C. While there is life, there is hope.

D. Storms make trees take deeper roots.



    In 2000, Jodi had a lot going on: Not only was she working, but she was taking care of her husband, Kevin, who was suffering from Lou Gehrig’s Disease (重症肌无力). Being a caretaker is never easy, and on one afternoon after Labor Day, her brother decided to cheer her up.

“While a day at the beach sounded great, it was too much to ask from Kevin. A day at the beach was like running a marathon—an extraordinary event. It would mean having help with us, keeping the wheelchair and medical equipment free of water and sand, it would mean keeping Kevin cool and comfortable, and it would mean a tough day for everyone involved. After work, I got home and I saw my brother’s car. After asking me to wait before coming in, he covered my eyes with a scarf and took my hand. Once inside, he asked me to sit down and then took off my shoes and socks. My foot landed on something cool. I soon realized that my toes were sinking into sand. It was a beautiful morning and the sand felt cool and welcoming under my feet. Still blindfolded, Jamie then guided me to sit down on a towel. Then he sat behind me and held me in his arms. Seagulls flew in front of me. Mists of water touched my face.

‘Here you go’, said my brother, handing me a hot latte. We sat there, not needing to say anything. He embraced me while I sipped my coffee. What a miracle of love! I hadn’t made it to the beach but my brother had brought the beach to me! It was the nicest thing that anyone had ever done for me. For 15 minutes, until Kevin woke and needed care as usual, I was at the beach. When this was over, my brother gently removed my blindfold. Now I could see where I really was. The patio (平台) was covered in sand. A CD player gave the sounds of the ocean. He had supported the hose on a bucket and the water was set to mist.

With my eyes open, the beach was gone. But that memory, that sincere gesture of love and hope, kept me happy for a long time.”

1.Which of the following made a day at the beach beyond reach?

A. The terrible weather.

B. Economic pressures.

C. A lack of a wheelchair.

D. Kevin’s physical condition.

2.The underlined word in paragraph 3 may refer to the brand of _____.

A. dessert B. coffee

C. snacks D. tea

3.What do we learn about Kevin?

A. He was mentally disabled.

B. He was crazy about the beach.

C. He was used to taking a nap in the day.

D. He planned a day at the beach for Jodi.

4.In Jodi’s eyes, her brother was _______.

A. strong and optimistic

B. considerate and caring

C. loyal and friendly

D. honest and enthusiastic



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1.If Jim suffers from overweight, which book will he choose to read?

A. Better Health Can Be B. Mind Stretchers

C. Everyday Garden Solutions D. Stop & Drop Diet

2.How much does it cost to order Better Health Can Be online?

A. $14.39    . B. $23.99.

C. $21.59. D. $10.99.

3.By reading Mind Stretchers, you can ________.

A. know more about gardening

B. exercise your mental muscles

C. improve the quality of your life

D. get a fast loss of your weight



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