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I used to be a fat girl, weighs 80 kilos. I was afraid of having PE classes because I was often laughed on the playground. At first, I decided to eat less in order to lose the weight. However, just several days late, I began to feel tired and can’t concentrate in class. My parents took me to see our doctor, that told me what was not a good idea to eat only a little. Instead, he advised me to eat a balanced diet but encouraged me to work out every day. I followed his advices and gradually I became very slimly.


1. weighs  → weighing 2. laughed后加at 3. the删除 4. late  → later 5. can’t  → couldn’t 6. that  → who 7. what  → it 8.but  → and 9. advices  → advice 10. slimly  → slim 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述自己曾经因为胖而减肥,结果几天后开始感到累,无法集中精力上课。父母带她看医生,医生建议她均衡饮食并锻炼。 第一处:考查非谓语动词。句中weigh为非谓语动词,为不及物动词,故用现在分词作状语。句意:我曾经是一个胖女孩,重80公斤。故将weighs改成weighing。 第二处:考查短语。短语laugh at嘲笑。句意:我害怕上体育课,因为我经常在操场上被嘲笑。故在laughed后加at。 第三处:考查短语。短语lose weight减肥。句意:起初,为了减肥,我决定少吃点。故将the删除。 第四处:考查副词。late为形容词,表示“迟的”。这里用副词later,表示“后来”。句意:然而,就在几天后,我开始觉得累了。故将late改为later。 第五处:考查时态。根据全文可知,这里用一般过去时。句意:无法集中精力上课。故将can’t改为couldn’t。 第六处:考查定语从句。句中先行词为doctor,在非限定性定语从句中作主语,故用关系代词who。句意:我的父母带我去看医生,医生告诉我只吃一点不是个好主意。故将that改成who。 第七处:考查代词。句中用it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为不定式to eat only a little.。句意:医生告诉我只吃一点不是个好主意。故将what改成it。 第八处:考查连词。分析前后句可知,这里为并列关系。句意:相反,他建议我吃均衡的饮食,并鼓励我每天锻炼。故将but改成and。 第九处:考查名词。名词advice为不可数名词。句意:我听从了他的建议,渐渐地我变得非常苗条。故将advices改成advice。 第十处:考查形容词。副词very修饰形容词。句意:我听从了他的建议,渐渐地我变得非常苗条。故将slimly改为slim。  


On May 9, James Givens was sitting in the car when he1. (hear) what sounded like a knock. He turned around only2.(find) a goose pecking () at the car door. This was highly unusual given that the birds normally preferred to observe humans from a 3.(distant).

But on this day, the goose appeared to be determined to get his attention and didn’t stop pecking4. Givens opened the car door and stepped out .Though the bird then began to walk away, 5.kept turning around to make sure he was following. When they finally stopped, Givens realized 6.the mother goose did so--- she needed help to free her baby goose that had got7. (trap) in some balloon string.

Worried that the mother goose would attack him if he got close 8. the baby , Givens called the local SPCA chapter. Unfortunately, they were9. (able) to help right away. Concerned that the baby goose would not survive the delay, Givens decided to take on the task himself.

The mother goose watched 10. (patient) as Givens saved the little bird. As soon as the little goose was free, it ran to its mom. Givens said this was the most unforgettable incident in his life!



    As a primary school student in New York City, Robert Lee would stare in _______ at his classmates throwing away half-eaten sandwiches after lunch, because his parents had _______ him and his elder brother not to ________ food. They said it was bad karma(作孽).

While studying at New York University, Robert remembered this_______ and joined Two Birds One Stone, a food-rescue club on campus that______, five days a week, uneaten pasta, vegetables, and other leftovers from the school ______to nearby homeless shelters.

When Robert and fellow club member Louisa Chen entered a college contest, they _______ a slightly _______ idea for a food-rescue nonprofit group: Their program wouldn’t have a _______minimum, would _______seven days a week, and its staff would _______volunteers.

Their idea_______the competition. With the1,000 prize, they_______Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC) in July, 2013. In just the first few weeks, Robert’s team delivered a donation of enough spaghetti and meatballs to_______ 20 people in line at a New Yorker City homeless shelter that had _______food.

Robert, who had taken a job as an analyst at J.P.Morgan, devoted his spare time to creating a network of New Yorker City restaurants that were_______to donate food, and he enlisted(征募) volunteers to make food deliveries to homeless shelters. After RLC received national press_______, homeless shelters and soup kitchens in many places reached out to Robert for_______. Two years after being founded, RLC had already distributed more than 250,000 pounds of food.

Only a year into his finance job, Robert gave up his six-figure salary to_______RLC. “I compared work at J.P.Morgan with that at RLC, and the difference was great,” he says.

“One shelter told us that our donations allow them to provide entire dinners for more than 300 people, three nights a week,” Robert says. “Things like that make me feel_______that I quit my job.”

1.A. safety B. relief C. honesty D. disbelief

2.A. taught B. allowed C. advised D. forbidden

3.A. prepare B. waste C. purchase D. consider

4.A. intention B. lesson C. rule D. conversation

5.A. cooked B. collected C. delivered D. consumed

6.A. library B. playground C. canteen D. laboratory

7.A. withdrew B. ignored C. avoided D. proposed

8.A. different B. modern C. outdated D. practical

9.A. donation B. wage C. speed D. height

10.A. grow B. produce C. change D. operate

11.A. compete with B. stand for C. consist of D. suffer from

12.A. brought B. won C. held D. contained

13.A. left B. joined C. founded D. defeated

14.A. inspire B. feed C. raise D. cure

15.A. dealt with B. protected C. stored D. run out of

16.A. brave B. nervous C. patient D. willing

17.A. invitation B. award C. attention D. offer

18.A. acceptance B. instructions C. partnership D. materials

19.A. take on B. focus on C. depend on D. turn on

20.A. glad B. regretful C. confident D. unlucky



Making the Most of Life Experiences

If you ask anyone what the purpose of life is, you’ll likely receive wildly different responses. The answer to this question is deeply personal because different things are important to us throughout the course of our lives. 1.

Finding ways to make the most of our experiences is a challenge we face every day. Here are some ways to make your experiences meaningful.

Follow your dreams.

The number one way to live a life free of regret is to follow your dreams. Passion will die without actions supporting them. 2.Every day take an action, no matter how small, to achieve your goals. Each day is a step forward and none of it is wasted.

Make lots of mistakes.

3. Many of my strongest memories come from the times I’ve failedand those lessons have stayed with me. Failure is beneficial to us. And time allows me to see the value of even the most painful situation.


Difficult and painful experiences shape our character but can also weigh us down. These prevent us from moving forward. So much of our progress in life relies on willpower and a healthy emotional stale. If you’re under stress, your body and mind both require time to recover. 5.

For me, life is about experiences. We all have to dream, work hard, and fail before we can achieve success. Maybe we’ll discover along the way that the journey is more important than the destination .

A. Take care of yourself.

B. Improve your personality.

C. Making mistakes is the surest path to grow as a person.

D. It’s best to rest, recover, and slowly build back up your strength.

E. Yet one thing stays with us no matter where we go: our experiences.

F. Though we try our best to make fewer mistakes, it is impossible to avoid them.

G. Though we can’t choose the outcome of our actions, we can choose to keep pursuing(追求).



    Most airlines go all out to ensure their passengers have the best possible flight experience. Now, Europe's low-budget airline, easyJet, wants to extend the positive experience beyond the plane ride with “Sneakairs” smart shoes that allow visitors to explore new cities and towns without ever looking at a map.

To transform Sneakairs from an ordinary shoe to a tour guideall the wearer has to do is enter his or her desired destination into the easyJet smartphone app. A built-in GPS will determine the wearer’s starting location while the Google Maps navigation (导航)tool will help chart the best route. Whenever a change of direction is necessary, the app will communicate with the appropriate shoe via the Bluetooth and cause it to vibrate(振动). For example, if the wearer needs to turn right, he/she will feel the sensation in the right shoe. Should the user miss the turn, the smart shoes will both vibrate at the same time, reminding him/her to change course.

Visitors that wander off the suggested path or decide to take a break for a cup of coffee or a meal have nothing to worry about. The smart app will automatically determine the new location and chart out a new route. Once the desired destination is reached, Sneakairs will vibrate three times to inform the user of the arrival and then go back to being ordinary shoes—until their navigation services are needed again!

Sneakairs is certainly not the first navigation shoe in the market. However, easyJet is the first airline to offer them to passengers just as they are about to land in an unknown city. However, before Sneakairs can go mainstream, the easyJet team still needs to make some adjustments. Among the challenges that need to be addressed is the smart shoe’s three-hour battery life, which is hardly enough for a tourist to catch all the delights a new city or town has to offer!

1.What can we learn about Sneakairs in the text?

A. Its size. B. Its price.

C. Its material. D. Its function,

2.What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 2?

A. How Sneakairs works.

B. How visitors choose routes.

C. How users avoid getting lost.

D. What users should pay attention to.

3.What might easyJet do to improve its smart shoes?

A. Bring down their cost.

B. Add more functions.

C. Develop more types.

D. Make the battery last longer.

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A commercial ad. B. A science report.

C. A tourist map. D. An airline guide.



    Every time a new year is coming, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation they’ve always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did this tradition come from? Why does this tradition live on when so many people fail to keep the resolutions(决定) they made? Well, we can start by blaming the ancient Babylonians.

Around 4,000 years ago in Babylon, the earliest recorded celebration honoring the coming of a new year was held. Calendars weren’t as they are today, so the Babylonians did it in late March during the first new moon after the Spring Equinox(春分). The festivities were meant for the rebirth of the sun god, but the Babylonians made promises in order to please their gods. They felt this would help them start the new year off well.

Resolutions continued on with the Romans. When the early Roman calendar no longer synced(同步) up with the sun, Julius Caesar decided to make a change. He consulted with the best astronomers and mathematicians of the time and introduced the Julian calendar, which more closely represents the modern calendar we use today. Caesar declared January 1 the first day of the year to honor the god of new beginnings, Janus. The Romans celebrated the New Year by offering sacrifices to Janus.

To this day, the traditions of the ancient Babylonians and Romans continue  around the world. So much that Google launched a Resolution Map in 2013 where people could add resolutions and see others adding theirs in real time. However, no matter how many people participated in Google’s project, the numbers are bleak when it comes to the number of people who maintain their resolutions----only eight percent of people are successful in sticking them out.

1.Why did the ancient Babylonians make promises to their gods?

A. To honor the god of new beginnings.

B. To observe the rebirth of the sun god and please him.

C. To honor the coming of a new year and satisfy their gods.

D. To please their gods and hope for a good start of the year.

2.What can we know about the tradition of the New Year’s resolutions?

A. The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions will soon die.

B. A lot of people don’t feel like making New Year’s resolutions.

C. Julius Caesar made January 1 the first day of a year on his own.

D. The history of making New Year’s resolutions is not well known.

3.What does the underlined word “bleak” in the last paragraph mean?

A. Large. B. Unpleasant.

C. Encouraging. D. Hopeful.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. How Making New Year’s Resolutions Came Into Being?

B. The Ancient Babylonians and the Romans

C. The Change of Roman Calendars

D. How People Better Themselves



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