满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One Saturday afternoon,my mother was dri...

    One Saturday afternoonmy mother was driving home On the halfway after_____ her credit card to buy something at the store near the gas station she put her wallet on the top of the car just for a moment to_____ my phone call And then_____ she forgot and drove off When arriving home she realized that and thought that the_____ of getting it back was small

She was so_____ surprised when she found a_____ on the door from a person who said he and his friend found her wallet a few hours earlier Patrick and Catherine saw the wallet in the middle of the road a few_____ from the gas station They stopped their car to_____ It was filled with all the things one usually kept in a wallet including some_____ and other cash Howeverno phone number_____this they managed to get aan_____from my mother's driving license and without hesitation they decided to drive to our home to_____it

When my mother went to get the wallet she was so_____ and grateful She_____ to give them some money as an_____ of gratitude but they refused saying that they were just glad to_____ my mother help

They were naturally_____ and they had a firm_____ in the Golden Rule as well They drove over to my house because they realized the unpleasant and upset experience that the loss of a wallet and all its contents could_____ I think they were really_____ and helpful

1.A. pulling out B. applying for C. paying for D. making out

2.A. make B. answer C. hear D. send

3.A. Carefully B. Ridiculously C. Obviously D. Deliberately

4.A. amount B. expectation C. thought D. chance

5.A. curiously B. joyfully C. willingly D. strangely

6.A. sign B. signal C. note D. postcard

7.A. stops B. hours C. squares D. blocks

8.A. pick it up B. look it up C. take it up D. put it up

9.A. pictures B. envelopes C. bills D. napkins

10.A. Instead of B. Despite C. Without D. Beneath

11.A. number B. photograph C. address D. index

12.A. get B. check C. exchange D. return

13.A. upset B. relieved C. fortunate D. warmhearted

14.A. intended B. advised C. demanded D. instructed

15.A. feeling B. mood C. present D. expression

16.A. offer B. share C. trust D. seek

17.A. honest B. selfish C. frank D. creative

18.A. courage B. faith C. support D. devotion

19.A. fulfill B. ignore C. value D. cause

20.A. ambitious B. civilized C. polite D. considerate


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者的母亲丢失了钱包,两位好心人拾到了钱包,并将它归还给母亲的故事。 1.考查动词词组。A. pulling out 拔出;B. applying for申请;C. paying for 付款;D. making out明白,理解。根据下文的she put her wallet on the top of her car just for a moment可知,此处指母亲取出她的信用卡去购买一些东西。故选A。 2.考查动词。 A. make制造;B. answer 回答;C. hear听见;D. send发送。为了接听作者的电话,作者的母亲把钱包放在车顶一会。故选B。 3.考查副词。A. carefully细心地;B. ridiculously荒谬地;C. obviously明显地;D. deliberately故意地。根据下文的she forgot and drove off.When arriving home,she realized提示可知,此处指“明显地”,故选C。 4.考查名词。A. amount数量;B. expectation期盼,预测;C. thought思想; D. chance机会。句意:当母亲到家的时候她意识到这件事,并且认为再次得到它的可能性非常小。故选D。 5.考查副词。A. curiously好奇地; B. joyfully快乐地;C. willingly愿意地; D. strangely奇怪地。根据空后的when she found a ___6___ on her door from a person who said he and his friend found her wallet a few hours earlier.可知母亲感到既高兴又惊讶。故选B。 6.考查名词。A. sign迹象;B. signal 信号;C. note记录;D. postcard明信片。母亲发现门上有一个便条。故选C。 7.考查名词。A. stops站点;B. hours小时;C. squares广场;D. blocks街区。根据Patrick and Catherine saw the wallet in the middle of the road a few ___7___ from the gas station.They stopped their car to ___8___.可知,在离加油站几个街区远的路中间发现了这个钱包,他们停下了车捡起了它。故选D。 8.考查动词词组。A. pick it up捡起;B. look it up 查找;C. take it out取出; D. put it out挑选。根据Patrick and Catherine saw the wallet in the middle of the road a few ___7___ from the gas station.They stopped their car to ___8___.可知,在离加油站几个街区远的路中间发现了这个钱包,他们停下了车捡起了它。pick sth up捡起某物,故选A。 9.考查名词。A. pictures 图片;B. envelopes信封;C. bills账单;D. napkins纸巾。根据上文的It was filled with all the things one usually kept in a wallet的提示以及常识可知钱包里有一些账单和其他的现金。故选C。 10.考查介词。A. Instead of代替---;B. Despite尽管;C. Without没有;D. Beneath在---之下。根据however,no phone number.___10___ this,they managed to get a(n) ___11___ from my mother's driving licence,可知,钱包里没有电话号码,尽管如此,他们还是从母亲的驾照上得到了一个地址。故选B。 11.考查名词。A. number号码;B. photograph照片;C. address 地址;D. index索引。根据however,no phone number.___10___ this,they managed to get a(n) ___11___ from my mother's driving licence,可知,钱包里没有电话号码,尽管如此,他们还是从母亲的驾照上得到了一个地址。故选C。 12.考查动词。A. get得到;B. check核对;C. exchange交换;D. return归还,返回。他们开车毫不犹豫地来到我们家把钱包归还给了母亲。故选D。 13.考查形容词。A. upset 烦恼的;B. relieved放心的;C. fortunate幸运的; D. warm­hearted热心肠的的。当母亲去拿钱包的时候,她感到欣慰和感激。故选B。 14.考查动词。A. intended打算;B. advised 建议;C. demanded要求;D. instructed指导。根据上文的When my mother went to get her wallet,she was so ___13___可知,母亲打算给他们一些钱表示感谢。故选A。 15.考查名词。A. feeling感觉; B. mood 情绪;C. present 礼物;D. expression表情。根据上文的When my mother went to get her wallet,she was so ___13___可知,母亲打算给他们一些钱表示感谢。故选D。 16.考查动词。A. offer提供;B. share分享;C. trust相信;D. seek寻找。但是他们拒绝了,他们说他们很乐意给母亲提供帮助。故选A。 17.考查形容词。A. honest诚实的;B. selfish 自私的;C. frank坦白的;D. creative有创造力的。他们表现自然,很诚实。故选A。 18.考查名词。A. courage勇气;B. faith信仰;C. support支持;D. devotion忠诚。而且他们对于黄金规则也有着坚定的信心。故选B。 19.考查动词。A. fulfill实现;B. ignore 忽视;C. value珍惜;D. cause引起。根据空前的because they realized the unpleasant and upset experience the loss of a wallet and all its contents could可知,他们意识到失去了钱包和钱包里的所有东西可能会引起的令人不愉快和烦恼的经历。故选D。 20.考查形容词。A. ambitious有雄心的;B. civilized闻名的;C. polite有礼貌的;D. considerate体谅的。根据they realized the unpleasant and upset experience the loss of a wallet and all its contents could ___19___.可知,作者认为他们真的是考虑周到而且是乐于助人的。故选D。

Alcohol addiction is harmful. It may ruin your life, family and career. Here are some ideas to help people stop drinking.

1. First Step

The first step to stop drinking is to know why you want to stop drinking. Make a list of reasons to stop drinking alcohol. 1.It would be better to display it in several places like on your fridge door and in your handbag to increase chances of seeing it.

2. Reduce Drinking Alcohol Gradually

If you’re a heavy drinker for a long time, it may not be possible for you to put a full stop to drinking within one day. 2.In addition, fix a date for a final complete stop.

3. Talk To Your Doctor

Alcohol addiction is a disease, and may have caused a few chemical changes in your body system. It might have affected your important organs such as liver, heart, kidney, and so on. 3.

4. Join Support Groups

There are many support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and AVERT. 4. They provide practical tips and suggestions based on their own experience.

5. Learn To Say a Firm NO

Friends at drinking clubs may invite you to drink with reasons. 5. You should learn to stay active by developing new hobbies and interests and spending that alcohol drinking t ime with your family and friends.

A. Turn down their invitations with polite yet firm Nos.

B. Alcohol can influence people’s health and how they act.

C. You can also look for a friend’s help to complete the list.

D. Usually, therefore, you need expert medical help for treatment.

E. The very best choice might be to drink less and then stop drinking gradually.

F. For example, people may drink to deal with problems like boredom, stress, or money troubles.

G.Their membership consists of previous alcohol addicts who have successfully given up their addiction.



    Lucy whose skeleton(骨骼) was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974 died shortly after she fell out of a tree according to a new study published Monday in the British journal Nature

For their research Kappelman and Dr Richard Ketcham used a CT scanner to create more than 35000 "slices" of Lucy's skeleton Scientists named her Lucy from the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" which was played at the camp the night of her discovery

The following analysis of the slices showed sharp clean breaks seen at the end of Lucy's right humerus (肱骨) are similar to bone breaks seen in victims of falls

The researchers concluded that these and other breaks in her skeleton show that Lucy who is believed to have stood about 3 feet 6 inches and weighed about 60 pounds fell feet first and used her arms to support herself but that the injury was too severe to have been survivable

The researchers estimate that Lucy was going about 35 miles an hour when she hit the ground after falling from a height of roughly 40 feet according to the statement

That sounds plausible But other scientists are doubtful "There are countless explanations for bone breaks" Dr Donald C Johanson director of the Institute of Human Origins and one of the scientists who discovered Lucy said "The suggestion that she fell out of a tree is largely a justso story and therefore unprovable " Johanson said it was more likely that Lucy's breaks occurred long after she died saying that "elephant bones appear to have the same kind of breaks It's unlikely they fell out of a tree

But the new research focused on "a small number of breaks" that are consistent with "highenergy bonetobone influences" and which differ from the sorts of breaks commonly seen in other collected bones Kappelman responded in an email "These appear to have occurred at or near the time of death "

1.What can we infer about Lucy from Kappelman and Dr Richard Ketcham's research

A. She got her name from a song

B. She had more than 35000 slices

C. She couldn't use her arms properly

D. She made an effort to save herself

2.What does the underlined word "plausible" in Paragraph 6 probably mean

A. Reasonable

B. Creative

C. Surprising

D. Unbelievable

3.Which of the following would Johanson probably agree

A. Elephants are unlikely to die from falling

B. Lucy got breaks at or near the time of death

C. Other reasons for the breaks should be considered

D. Lucy's bone breaks differ from other bone breaks

4.What conclusion can we draw from the passage

A. Lucy didn't die from falling out of a tree

B. The newly published study was meaningless

C. The argument on how Lucy died will continue

D. Scientists will find another way to solve the problem



    David Rees runs a truly distinctive business He charges customers 15 to sharpen their pencils to perfections using a variety of tools

I know what you're thinking is this a joke The 39yearold gets asked that question a lot To clarify everything he even created a special section on his website telling everyone he's actually providing a real service

You can supply your own pencil or you can have Rees sharpen one of his own favorite 2B pencils After that he mails it to you in a display tube with the shavings in a separate bag and an authentic certificate which just happens to mention the pencil is so sharp as to be a dangerous object

To achieve the desired result the master sharpener uses all kinds of tools including general sandpapers pocket knives and even a special450 sharpening machine "It depends on what the customer wants to use his/her pencil for" he says "That determines the most appropriate pencilsharpening technique Some customers buy pencils as inspirational symbols while others buy them because of their special memories of classic 2B pencils"

15 to have a pencil sharpened is a bit expensive though right You're not the only one who feels that way and David's unique business has really angered lots of people who talk of inequality in America saying it is so insane for the wealthy to pay15 to sharpen a pencil But others will say "This is just our urge to put an end to the welfare state because new ideas arise along with the business"

David admits his trade is sort of unusual But there are those who actually value his service as proven by the over 500 orders he has gotten

1.How could David make money by sharpening pencils

A. He invented new tools for the job

B. He promoted his skill on his website

C. He saved lots of time for other people

D. He provided quality service to his customers

2.2 From his words we can infer that David Rees     

A. knows all kinds of pencil users

B. provides personalized services

C. values ideas behind the pencils

D. always write with pencils

3.What does the underlined word "insane"in Paragraph 5mean

A. Deliberate

B. Rewarding

C. Unreasonable

D. Irresponsible

4.What seems to be the author's attitude to David Rees' trade

A. It's a fancy service

B. It has a good reputation

C. It's awfully expensive

D. It wastes time and money



    One time a young manwho hoped to study lawwrote to Lincoln for adviceand Lincoln replied"If you are determined to make a lawyer of yourselfthe thing is more than half done alreadyAlways bear in mind that your own determination to succeed is more important than any other one thing"

Lincoln knewHe had gone through  it allHe had neverin his entire lifehad more than a total of one year's schoolingAnd booksLincoln once said he had walked to borrow every book w ithin fifty miles of his homeA fire was usually kept go ing all night in the small house and he read by the light of it

He walked twenty or thirty miles to hear a speaker andreturning homehe practiced his talks everyw herein the fieldsin the woodsbefore the crowdsHe joined several societies and practiced speaking on the topics of the day

A lack of confidence always troubled himIn the presence of women he was shy and dumbEven when he was in love with Mary Toddhe used to sit therenervous and silentunable to find wordslistening while she did the talkingYet that was the man whoby practice and  home studymade himself into the speaker who debated with the famous speaker Douglas!That was the man whoin Gettysburg addressrose to the heights of eloquence 雄辩) that have seldom been achieved in all the human history

Small wonder thatspeaking of his own great barriers and painful strugglehe wrote"If you are determined to make a lawyer of yourselfthe thing is more than half done already"

1.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2refer to

A. Earning a fortune

B. Making a living

C. Asking for advice

D. Becoming a law yer

2.What is the key point of the fourth paragraph

A. Lincoln's courage

B. Lincoln's position

C. Lincoln's progress

D. Lincoln's eloquence

3.What is the most vital spirit reflected in Lincoln's story above

A. Believing  in oneself

B. Keeping on practicing hard

C. Overcoming difficulties

D. Sticking to one's determination



Road trip

Motorhome delivery offers great family holidaysFor just1 a dayyou can hire a fullyequipped motorhomewhich you deliver to a specific destination within some days and kilometersYou then hire another one to get home or take a bus or trainYour only other expense will be fuel and about20 a day for parking feesTo learn morevisit apollocampercom

Plan ahead

For a comfortable breakflexibility with timesdates and places helps lower the costFind a few hotels you likeask about their vacant roomsthen wait a few weeks and call againIf they still have roomsyou're at an advantage to ask for a better priceLots of lastminute deals are onlineWatif watifcomau has deals on hotels that have dropped their prices so slowYou don't know where you're staying until it's bookedbut anywhere with four or five stars has to be fairly good

Back to nature

Wild camping appeals to nature lovers and costs nothingThis is forbidden on beaches and parks in most urban areasbut you can turn up in more distant area as long as nobody owns the landYou'll need to take everything with you and may need to shop on eBuy ebuycomau).If you're a camping beginnerbe aware of safety measures and get your questions answered on the Internet

Swap meet

How about a home swapFor a $250 yearly joining costyou can stay in someone's home in an international place of your choice while they or someone else stays in yoursFind out more at familylinkcomau

1.Where can you get the information about motorhomes

A. apollocampercom

B. watifcomau

C. ebuycomau

D. familylinkcomau

2.What helps to pay less for rooms in a hotel

A. Choosing hotels with four or five stars

B. Bargaining prices through the Internet

C. Waiting for some time before booking

D. Deciding on rooms as early as possible

3.What's the advice for camping beginners

A. Keep in touch with eBuy

B. Watch out for possible dangers

C. Stay away from noman's land

D. Take only what you need

4.What's the purpose of the text

A. To teach the importance of running away from work

B. To introduce new destinations for nature lovers

C. To show the advantages of online service

D. To help people have fun at less expense



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