满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I grew up with two elder sisters.If I wa...

    I grew up with two elder sisters.If I wasnt courteous(礼貌)to themtheyd fix me.So courtesy wasnt really ____ in my childhood home.

My sisters ____ every chance to train me how to be a courteous ____ .They made me open doors for them or help them into their ____ at dinner.

Years later I went away to college.The first time I walked into the libraryI noticed a woman walking behind me and I ____ the door open for her.

___ she glared at measking loudly,“Do you think that because Im a woman I'm not ____ enough to open a door for myself ?She slammed()the door shutleaving me astonished  and ____ .My face burned with ____ .I decided ____ that there would be no more courtesy!

As I stood thereanother lady ___ the doorher arms ____ with textbooks.Instinctively(本能地)I  __  to open the door for her. ____ I realized what I had done.I prepared myself for shouts.HoweverI received a warm smile and a look of  __ .

Thanks!she said brightly.Its nice to see we still have a few gentlemen around here!

Of courseif I were REALLY a gentlemanI would have ____ to help with her books.Despite thisI appreciated the good ____ I got from performing all act of simple courtesy.To do otherwise would be to ____ my lifetime of training.

Courtesy brings pleasantrefreshing light to our lives whether we are the giverthe ____ or just an interested observer.Courtesy doesnt ____ change our livesbut it can certainly transform the way we feel about life.

1.A. important B. available C. delightful D. optional

2.A. made the most of B. got ready for C. gave way to D. put forward

3.A. colleague B. assistant C. companion D. gentleman

4.A. dresses B. chairs C. dishes D. mouths

5.A. answered B. unlocked C. held D. forced

6.A. Instead B. Even so C. Unexpectedly D. Sure enough

7.A. strong B. confident C. courageous D. experienced

8.A. impatient B. speechless C. anxious D. desperate

9.A. fear B. excitement C. embarrassment D. envy

10.A. in advance B. in a flash C. once more D. by chance

11.A. approached B. passed C. pulled D. entered

12.A. surrounded B. crowded C. covered D. overloaded

13.A. regretted B. refused C. reached D. hesitated

14.A. Until B. Although C. In case D. The moment

15.A. doubt B. relief C. guilt D. curiosity

16.A. offered B. agreed C. promised D. waited

17.A. thought B. process C. feeling D. advice

18.A. correspond with B. 1ead to C. go against D. hold on to

19.A. judger B. receiver C. loser D. reporter

20.A. necessarily B. normally C. casually D. naturally


1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。自小姐姐们就教育作者要有礼貌。作者上大学以后,一次主动为女士拉门,却被责备歧视女性。这让他非常尴尬,但另一位女士对作者的礼貌行为表示感激,让他感觉到礼貌不一定会改变我们的生活,但一定能改变我们感知生活的方式。 1.考查形容词辨析。A. important重要的;B. available有空的;可以得到的;C. delightful高兴的;D. optional可供选择的;前面一句告诉我们如果我对姐姐不礼貌,她们就会惩罚我。所以对我来说礼貌不是可以选择的,而是必须的。故D项正确。 2.考查动词短语辨析。A. made the most of充分利用;B. got ready for为…做好准备;C. gave way to让路给;D. put forward提出;我的姐姐充分利用每一个机会来培训我成为一个礼貌的绅士。A项与every chance连用,说明姐姐要求我对人要有礼貌。故A项正确。 3.考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A. colleague同事;B. assistant助手;C. companion同伴;D. gentleman绅士;我的姐姐充分利用每一个机会来培训我成为一个礼貌的绅士。通常绅士都是彬彬有礼的,D项符合上下文串联。故选择D项。 4.考查名词辨析及上下文串联。A. dresses衣服;B. chairs椅子;C. dishes盘子;D. mouths嘴巴;根据横线后at dinner可知本空与餐桌礼仪有关,姐姐们要求我们帮她们落座。故B项正确。 5.考查动词辨析及上下文串联。A. answered回答;B. unlocked打开;C. held握住,保持;D. forced强迫;当我看见后面有一位女士走进来的时候,我帮她拉住门。与第二段中“They made me open doors for them”相一致。故C项正确。 6.考查上下文串联。A. Instead相反;而不是;B. Even so即使如此;C. Unexpectedly 没有预料到地;D. Sure enough确实,果然;后后一句中““Do you think that because I’m a woman”对方指责我歧视女性,这是我没有预料到的。故C项正确。 7.考查形容词辨析及上下文串联。A. strong 强壮的;B. confident有信心的;C. courageous 勇敢的;D. experienced有经验的;由前面一句可知对方指责我歧视女性,认为她自己足够强壮,可以自己开门。故A项正确。 8.考查形容词辨析。A. impatient不耐烦的;B. speechless无语的; C. anxious焦虑的;D. desperate绝望的,渴望的;对方摔门离开,让我十分惊讶也无话可说,十分尴尬。B项说明我不知该如何表达自己的感觉。故B项正确。 9.考查名词辨析。A. fear恐惧;B. excitement兴奋;激动;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. envy嫉妒;对方摔门离开,让我十分惊讶也无话可说。我好心帮助她,却被对方误解,这让我十分尴尬。故C项正确。 10.考查介词短语辨析。A. in advance提前;B. in a flash瞬间;即刻;C. once more再一,又一;D. by chance偶然;在这一瞬间,我决定不再对别人有礼貌了。充分说明这位女士对我的影响很大,故B项正确。 11.考查动词辨析。A. approached靠近;接近;B. passed通过;C. pulled 拉;D. entered进入;根据下文我本能地位她拉住门,说明对方正走近门。故A项正确。 12.考查词义辨析。A. surrounded包围;B. crowded拥挤;C. covered覆盖;D. overloaded超负荷;另外一个女士正靠近门,胳膊里全都是书。D项突出强调对方手里的书非常多,故选择D项。 13.考查动词辨析。A. regretted后悔,遗憾;B. refused拒绝;C. reached伸出;D. hesitated犹豫;处于本能我伸手为对方开门。故C项正确。 14.考查连词辨析。A. Until直到…才…;B. Although尽管;C. In case以防; D. The moment一…就…;我一意识到自己所做的事情,就准备好接受对方的责备。故D项正确。 15.考查名词辨析。A. doubt怀疑;B. relief欣慰;C. guilt内疚;D. curiosity好奇;然而我看到的是温暖的微笑和欣慰的表情。这位女士并没有责备我,反而对我表示感谢。故B项正确。 16.考查动词辨析。A. offered主动做;B. agreed同意;C. promised承诺;D. waited等待;如果我真是一位绅士,我就会主动帮助对方拿书。动词短语“offer to do sth主动提出做某事”与上下文语境一致,故选择A项。 17.考查名词辨析。A. thought想法;B. process过程;C. feeling感觉;D. advice建议;我很感激从简单的礼貌行为中所得到的美好的感觉,让我感觉很好。故C项正确。 18.考查动词短语辨析。A. correspond with与…一致;B. 1ead to导致;C. go against违背;D. hold on to紧握,坚持,不放弃;如果我不这样做,就我生活中所接受的利益培训相违背。故C项正确。 19.考查名词辨析。A. judger裁判;B. receiver接受者;C. loser失败者;D. reporter记者;不管我们是给予者、接受者或者只是感兴趣的旁观者,礼貌都会给我们的生活带来快乐。名词receiver与giver构成对应。故B项正确。 20.考查副词辨析及固定搭配。A. necessarily必要地;B. normally正常地; C. casually随意地;D. naturally自然地;固定搭配not necessarily未必,不一定;礼貌不一定会改变我们的生活,但它一定能改变我们感知生活的方式。故A项正确。

    For the first time in 10 yearsthe United States government has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start.

For children and teens

The new guidance states that the most important time for children to begin exercising is between the ages of 3 and 5. 1. That could be light activitiesmoderate activitiesor even vigorous(剧烈的)activities.

Doctors say it is important to start young.They add that from birth to age 5a childs brain develops more than at any other time in life. 2. Alsochildren who start exercising at a young age are more likely to establish healthy behaviors they will continue into adulthood.

But that does not mean putting a small kid on a treadmill(跑步机)or other exercise equipment. 3.  After allit's a kids nature to play freely and happily.

4. But it shouldnt be less than one hour a day three times a week.Their activities should mostly be aerobic(有氧的)exercisesuch as bikingswimming or runningwhich can strengthen the heart and lungs.Such exercise should also include muscle-and-bone-strengthening activitiessuch as climbing trees or playground equipment and playing sports.

For adults

For adultsthe guidelines recommend exercising 150 minutes a week.That could be walkinggardeningdancingetc.5. Experts say that even short amounts of aerobic exercise can provide health benefitssuch as lowering blood pressurereducing anxiety and improving sleep.

A.Any kind of activity that gets people exercising will do.

B.Aerobic activity works only if it lasts for at least 10 minutes.

C.Simply giving a kid the time and space to play actively is enough.

D.Children above 5 can have a relatively shorter time for daily exercise.

E.Children in this age range require about three hoursactive activities daily.

F.Attaining the health benefits from exercise may be harder than earlier thought.

G.These developments have a 1asting effect on a childs ability to succeed in life.



    The Broadcom MASTERS competition aims to find a balance between celebrating individual accomplishments and acknowledging that science seldom happens alone.The competition takes off when students from around the country are teamed up and have to solve a series of handson challenges in the spotlight.

Nowadayskids are fed withthe myth of the lone scientist”,so placing such challenges in the middle school period has a huge potential for impact.The focus on teambuilding skills gets students excited before more fears and stereotypes(成见)set in.

The initial pool of qualified students comes from the participants in nation-wide science fairs.Those who score in the top 10(about 1 0000 kids)have the qualification to apply.The judges select the top 300 young scientistsand that group is finally narrowed to 30 finalists.

Selection at this stage is clearly an honor in itselfbut it counts as step one for the finalists.They are then flown to WashingtonD.C.and placed into teams of five for the hands-on part of the competition.Each team is made up of students with different talents and skillsincluding academic focus and experience.

Unlike the science fairswhere most of the work takes place behind the scenes and students share a polished outcomethe hands-on challenges create a space where the work is the competition itself.The students take up a range of challenges in sciencetechnologyengineeringmath and so on.Each of the challenges will need the insight and skills of multiple team members.

Judges observing the challenges arent just looking for outcomes but also for leadershipteamwork and problem solving.

The Broadcom MASTERS attracts increasing numbers of passionate and talented young people who are eager to take part in a program that helps them grow as scientistsengineers and inventors.It lets the students experience a sense of coming together with true peers.More importantlyit provides them with new skills to tackle future challenges.

1.What does the Broadcom MASTERS competition mainly focus on?

A. Individual accomplishments. B. Hands-on challenges.

C. Academic performance. D. Team work.

2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?

A. A large number of kids take part in the science fairs.

B. Its not easy to be qualified as a member of the finalists.

C. The judges are too strict with the participants.

D. The nation-wide science fairs are well organized.

3.What can we infer from the text?

A. The Broadcom MASTERS competition has an increasing impact.

B. Middle school students prefer to challenge each other.

C. Students can learn more new skills from the Broadcom MASTERS.

D. The science fairs will be completely replaced by the Broadcom MASTERS.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Learning to Take on Scientific Challenges

B. Outstanding Students are Publicly Honored

C. Bringing Individual Potential to a Team Opportunity

D. The Science Fair:A Platform Where StudentsDreams Take off



    Americas latest superhero Austin Perinewho calls himself President Austinis now taking the country by storm.But he is not a typical superhero.Two things set him apart:He doesnt fight human enemiesbut hunger and homelessness.Alsohes only four years old.

Our superheros origin story started from the day when TJ Perinehis fathertook Austin to the Firehouse Ministriesa local shelter that provides housingfood and other services for the homeless.As they drove by the buildingthey saw a group of 25 homeless men standing on the street corner.That dayAustin used his allowance to buy each man a sandwich and handed the food out himself with his slogan,“Dont forget to show love!

After he returned every week for five weeks in a rowword of Austins kindness spread through social media.Austin and TJ could feed 25 to 50 people at a time beforeand nowthanks to community supportthey can feed 800 to 2,000 people.

But Austin isnt merely filling stomachs.He has been improving the lives of the homeless people he meets.On that first trip to Firehouse MinistriesTJ and Austin talked to a poor man named Raymont.The respect Austin showed for him touched 41-year-old Raymontwho regained his confidence in life and finally found a job with the help of TJ.All that was made possible because a little boy took the time to care.

Austins passion has become his familys calling.After raising money through a  GoFundMe pageAudreyTJs mother established the nonprofit Show Love Foundationdedicated to fighting homelessness. She now serves as presidentand TJ oversees public relations for the foundation full time.They offer medical and mental health care as preventive steps against homelessness.

As for President Austinhe continues to give out foodsmilesand his inspirational message of love.It makes me feel like Im saving the day,he said proudly.

1.Why has Austin become wellknown to the entire country?

A. He has super power to fill the stomachs of the homeless.

B. He fights hunger and homelessness at such a young age.

C. He has removed the poverty of the local community.

D. He has chosen an impressive and unique name.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined worddedicatedin Paragraph 5?

A. Exposed. B. Opposed. C. Devoted. D. Addicted.

3.Why does the author introduce the example of Raymont in Paragraph 4?

A. To show Austins positive influence.

B. To persuade people to live off their own.

C. To prove the personal ability of Austins father.

D. To describe the difficult situation of poor people.

4.What is the authors attitude towards what Austin does?

A. Sympathetic. B. Humorous. C. Approving. D. Considerate.



    Feeding birds is a popular way to watch wildlife.But experts say it might put wild birds at risk.

Feeding birds is not necessary for their survival except in extreme weather conditions.Feeders(喂食器)can definitely help birds get through that kind of weather.But most birds eat insects and show little interest in bird feeders.For those birdswe can grow native plants in a natural environment.Birds which are fond of eating seeds will be more likely to come to feeders if there is some cover nearby.This lets them feed and then fly to protective areassuch as in trees.

The most common mistake people make with their bird feeders is that they put feeders in places where birds are easily frightened by passers-byrisk being hurt by catsor risk flying into windows.

So set up a bird feeder at least one meter away from a window.That wayif a bird gets frightenedit wont get killed when it hits the glass.Owners of cats should keep them inside home so they cant hurt the birds.

Some birds are more aggressive at feeders.They eat a lot and do not leave much food for other birds.A solution is to put the food in more than one place by using different kinds of seeds or fruits.This can also increase the number and diversity of birds in your neighborhood.But dont feed wild birds anything saltylike potato chipsor food that could choke themlike bread.

Pay attention to food quality and freshness.Unprotected food left too long in feeders will turn moldy(发霉)which can kill wildlife.

Another word of advice:Always provide a supply of clean water for birdsbut use care when looking for the right birdbath.If the birdbaths are too deep for birdsputting a few large stones in the water can give the birds a place to sit.

1.Whats the most common mistake about feeding birds?

A. Putting feeders in improper places. B. Providing food in inappropriate time.

C. Leaving feeders unprotected. D. Supplying dirty and deep water.

2.Which of the following may not be suitable for feeding birds?

A. Seeds. B. Bread. C. Fruit. D. Insects.

3.The author advises helping more birds by_________.

A. increasing the number of feeders

B. cleaning the birds with clean water

C. putting more large stones in the feeders

D. keeping aggressive birds away from the feeders

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. Problems with bird feeding.

B. Where to place bird feeders.

C. Popular ways of protecting wild birds.

D. How to feed wild birds safely and healthily.



Here are some best sellers of 2018 at Amazon.

The car

Fourteen-year-old Terrys parents never pay him much attention.So when they both disappear after one of their all-too-frequent argumentsTerry isnt exactly eager for them to come home.On his ownhe fixes an abandoned car.Though he doesnt know much about drivinghe gets behind the wheel and heads westwith the intention of visiting an uncle in Oregon.Its an exciting and sometimes dangerous journey.Along the wayhe learns a lot about peopleabout America——and most importantlyabout himself.

The Running Dream

Jessica thinks her life is over when she loses a leg in a car accident.

As she struggles to cope with her prosthesis(义肢)and many other difficultiesJessica develops a close relationship with Rosaa girl who has a cancer and sees right into Jessicas heart.

With the support of familyfriendsa coachand her teammatesJessica is able to run again.But thats not enough for her now.She doesnt just want to cross finish lines herselfshe wants to take Rosa with her.

Have a New Teenager by Friday

Do you know this person?

His bedroom looks like a garbage dump.

She changes clothes three times before breakfast.

It seems that heshe never agrees with you.

Congratulations! You have a teenager in your home.But you neednt feel helpless.In factyoure just five days away from your teenager asking.What can I do to help?Internationally recognized family expert Dr.Kevin Leman will help you get real resultsreally fast.

Boy Robot

Seventeen-year-old Isaak discovers the truth about his origin:a governmentmade human.But a deadly military force is trying to kill him.He and the other Robots can only find protection from the Underground—a secret network of Robots and humans working together to ensure a coexistent future.Isaak must decide whether to hold on to his humanity and face possible death or to embrace his true nature in order to survive.

If you are interested in any of the booksclick here for further information:


1.Which book is a science fiction?

A. The Car. B. The Running Dream.

C. Have a New Teenager by Friday. D. Boy Robot.

2.Which of the following isnt conveyed in The Running Dream?

A. Friendship. B. Modesty. C. Bravery. D. Determination.

3.Who is the book Have a New Teenager by Friday in tended for?

A. Experts. B. Teenagers. C. Parents. D. Teachers.



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