满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

An unpleasant smell floated into my nose...

    An unpleasant smell floated into my nose as the bowl of fried stinky tofu(臭豆腐) settled onto my grandmother’s dinner table. I immediately sat back. The smell ruined my appetite, and I pushed the dish away.

“It’s supposed to stink. Just give it a try!” my grandmother said.

Holding my breath, I unwillingly took a bite. To my surprise, the tofu beneath the fried skin was warm, soft, and mouthwatering. Since then, whenever I visited my grandmother’s house, I would rush to the kitchen for the stinky tofu with excitement. Thus, stinky tofu became more than a household tradition. It became my favorite dish.

Along with the stinky tofu, I would meet my Uncle Chan on every visit. As an immature boy, I never understood my uncle’s condition of Down syndrome(唐氏综合征).

He was an unfriendly and terrible creature in my eyes. He constantly walked around the house, talking to himself. Whenever he was within view, I would run away in fear.

However, one day, my view of my uncle suddenly changed. I was just getting out of my bed when I heard soft steps approaching. It was my uncle. My muscles froze. He slowly sat next to me and touched my face gently, as a mother would stroke (抚摸)a baby.

A wide smile emerged from his blank expression. How beautiful his smile was! I could not help but smile back. My fear disappeared gradually, and my muscles relaxed. For the first time, I could see softness and warmth in his eyes.

My uncle very much resembles stinky tofu. Stinky tofu smells unpleasant on the outside,  yet  feels  warm  and  soft  in  the  inside.  Like  stinky  tofu,  my  uncle’s  Down syndrome made me keep my distance at first. Yet, I learned that deep inside, he is harmless and has a loving nature.

Some people tend to look down upon disabled people and regard them as unfit for a regular life. As I was able to see through the outer surface of the tofu, these people are unable to see through the surface of prejudice(偏见). As a result, they judge the disabled with one glance.

The outside and inside of the stinky tofu exist as two extremely different worlds. Perhaps that is what makes it such a tasty dish. Not only is it delicious, stinky tofu offers a valuable lesson: never judge people at first glance, for true beauty comes from the inside.

1.Why did stinky tofu become the author’s favorite dish?

A. It was related to family tradition.

B. It turned out to be quite delicious.

C. Grandma encouraged him to try it.

D. His appetite for food had increased.

2.What did the author think of his uncle at first?

A. He was a quiet person.

B. He was an energetic guy.

C. He was an immature man.

D. He was a strange creature.

3.The author’s attitude towards Uncle Chan changed when     .

A. Chan’s footsteps woke up the author

B. Chan showed his friendliness to the author

C. Chan displayed his love towards his mother

D. Chan’s blank expression made the author smile

4.The comparison between stinky tofu and the author’s uncle serves to     _.

A. highlight the nature of Uncle Chan

B. analyze the family relationship

C. describe a childhood memory

D. introduce a traditional Chinese food

5.What does the author mainly want to tell us in the passage?

A. We shouldn’t judge by appearances.

B. A person’s taste changes over time.

C. Blood is thicker than water.

D. You are what you eat.


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者通过吃臭豆腐及对患有唐氏综合症的叔叔的再认识,得出了“不要以貌取人,心里美才是真的美”的人生哲理。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段中的To my surprise, the tofu beneath the fried skin was warm, soft, and mouthwatering.(令我惊讶的是,油炸后的豆腐又热又软,令人垂涎欲滴)可知,臭豆腐成了作者最喜欢的菜,是因为它很好吃。故B选项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第五段中的He was an unfriendly and terrible creature in my eyes. He constantly walked around the house, talking to himself.(我看来,他是一个不友好、可怕的家伙。他不停地在屋子里走来走去,自言自语)可知,开始的时候,作者认为他的叔叔是个怪人。故D选项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第六段中的He slowly sat next to me and touched my face gently, as a mother would stroke (抚摸)a baby.(他慢慢地坐在我旁边,轻轻地抚摸着我的脸,就像一位母亲抚摸婴儿一样)及第七段中的My fear disappeared gradually, and my muscles relaxed. For the first time, I could see softness and warmth in his eyes.(我的恐惧渐渐消失了,我的肌肉也放松了。我第一次在他的眼里看到了温柔和温暖)可知,当叔叔对作者展现友善时,作者对陈叔叔的态度发生了变化。故B选项正确。 4.推理判断题。根据第八段中的My uncle very much resembles stinky tofu.(我叔叔很像臭豆腐)及Like stinky tofu, my uncle’s Down syndrome made me keep my distance at first. Yet, I learned that deep inside, he is harmless and has a loving nature.(就像臭豆腐一样,一开始我叔叔的唐氏综合症让我和他保持距离。然而,我了解到,在内心深处,他是无害的,有爱的天性)可推知,作者用臭豆腐衬托了叔叔的内心本质。故A选项正确。 5.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中的Not only is it delicious, stinky tofu offers a valuable lesson: never judge people at first glance, for true beauty comes from the inside.(臭豆腐不仅好吃,还给我们上了宝贵的一课:不要以貌取人,真正的美来自内心)可知,本文作者主要想告诉我们——不要以貌取人,心里美才是真的美。故A选项正确。

    Welcome to University of Waikato. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment in which residents feel comfortable, safe and a sense of belonging.

Student Village and Waikato Apartments

Waikato Accommodation Services offers two types of residential accommodation: Student Village and Waikato Apartments.

Student Village consists of fifteen independent units. Each contains five bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a shared kitchen with a fridge and cupboard. There is also a games room and a TV room.

Waikato Apartments are situated in a three-level apartment building. Each level has four apartments containing six bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a kitchen. Each level has a shared area with a TV, a study desk and easy chairs.

Security and Safety

Campus Security is available to assist 24 hours, 7 days a week. If you see anything suspicious, please call Campus Security on 0800863800.

Please ensure that you have your own insurance for your personal belongings as Waikato Accommodation Services takes no responsibility for any theft or damage to personal belongings.

Housekeeping and Maintenance

Housekeeping staff service all shared areas. Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms, kitchens and shower rooms clean and tidy.

Maintenance staff ensure necessary repairs to facilities are made. If your room or other shared area needs maintenance, please inform the Accommodation Office. Maintenance staff may be required to enter your room to tend to a maintenance request—this will be prearranged.

Termination(终止)of Residence and Checking Out

You are required to pay accommodation fees for the full period of the residency contract. At the end of your contract you must arrange a time with the office staff to check out. A room inspection will take place and you will be responsible for payment for any damage or missing items. If you fail to check out in this manner, the staff will hold an inspection in your absence and assess whether any payment is required.

1.What facilities are available in both Student Village and Waikato Apartments?

A. Kitchen and TV.

B. Study desk and fridge.

C. Cupboard and study room.

D. Games room and toilet facilities.

2.What should you do when you suspect that someone is destroying school facilities?

A. Report to the insurance company.

B. Contact Campus Security.

C. Inform the assistant teacher.

D. Call Waikato Accommodation Services.

3.The responsibility of the maintenance staff includes     .

A. making plans for Accommodation Office

B. monitoring these of kitchen facilities

C. fixing a broken window

D. cleaning shower rooms

4.If you can’t check out in the required way, the staff will     .

A. ask you to pay higher accommodation fees

B. assess whether an inspection is necessary

C. still carry out the room inspection

D. wait until you can arrange a time

5.Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?

A. A technical instruction book.

B. A university newspaper.

C. A residency contract.

D. A student guide.



    In the summer before I entered middle school, I read the book They Cage the Animals at Night. It’s a story about Jennings, a boy living in various orphanages(孤儿院)with only his stuffed animal(毛绒玩具), Doggie, for companionship. It’s a fascinating book, but little did I know how it would _______ my life and the lives of others.

One day, as I looked across my room at the pile of stuffed animals, a(n) _________ came to me. I would _________  stuffed animals for children like Jennings. _________ , I contacted agencies  that  support  those  children  and  they  said  the  stuffed  animals  would certainly _________  children’s spirits.

I named my project “Cuddle Buddies”. I wrote articles for the local and  school  newspapers, _________  donations of  the  “buddies”— stuffed animals. My phone _________ ringing; schools, families, and toy factories all wanted to help. Much to my _________ , by the second week my living room looked like a zoo. Whenever Mom and I _________ the “buddies” to the agencies, the kids would be waiting there with their eyes down, too ____________ to look but shaking with excitement.

Six years after its launch, Cuddle Buddies continues to ____________ . Now over 25,000 stuffed animals have been ____________ to agencies worldwide. Simon, a seven-year-old boy in an African Children’s Home, couldn’t sleep at night after he lost his parents. When asked to choose his “buddies”, Simon ____________  a panda and soon after was sleeping through the night. I never dreamed Cuddle Buddies would   ____________ this way.

Upon graduating from high school, I designed a website, www.cuddlebuddies.net, to ____________  the project. The response was ____________ . More and more people joined me and two dozen Cuddle Buddies ____________  were established across the nation.

This has been a great experience. I’ve learned how to follow through on an idea and how  to ____________  impact  a  life.  I  will  go  to  college with  these ____________  in  mind  and continue my work with Cuddle Buddies, even when I ____________  a whole new set of exciting academic and nonacademic pursuits.

1.A. touch B. risk C. lead D. save

2.A. chance B. idea C. explanation D. word

3.A. display B. repair C. purchase D. collect

4.A. Previously B. Occasionally C. Immediately D. Gradually

5.A. capture B. reflect C. lift D. record

6.A. putting aside B. turning down C. asking for D. getting back

7.A. delayed B. kept C. stopped D. meant

8.A. knowledge B. taste C. regret D. delight

9.A. delivered B. applied C. rented D. returned

10.A. shy B. content C. weak D. eager

11.A. reform B. expand C. dominate D. divide

12.A. produced B. adopted C. sold D. donated

13.A. picked out B. came across C. showed off D. brought up

14.A. decline B. work C. increase D. react

15.A. promote B. start C. evaluate D. examine

16.A. confusing B. amusing C. automatic D. enthusiastic

17.A. companies B. committees C. branches D. institutes

18.A. financially B. positively C. socially D. physically

19.A. plans B. images C. lessons D. motives

20.A. work out B. keep off C. rely on D. engage in



Mary’s description of the party was so vivid that I felt as if I     there.

A. would be B. might have been

C. would have been D. had been



The course normally attracts about 100 students per year,     up to half will be from abroad.

A. who B. of which

C. when D. of whom



Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He     many times last week.

A. need have practised B. might practise

C. must have practised D. could practise



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