满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Have you ever imagined your future? I tr...

    Have you ever imagined your future I try to do this all the time Most of us will follow in our _______footsteps by this I mean our adult lives will _______resemble the lives we live as children set by our parents' examples Have you ever _______and thought about this What an awful job it must be to _______a child properly! But what happens to the children that live _______drugs alcohol and violence in their childhood Where can they find good examples for themselves

I know of one place that is trying to_______all children It is the McDowell County DARE program in McDowell County North Carolina Our teachers carry on their shoulders the great_______of teaching kids to just say NO to drugs alcohol and violence I am personally acquainted with _______of these things not because I have ever_______them myself but because of my dad He drank _______drugs and smoked pot (抽大麻). When I was 7 my mom took me and my sister and ______ I wonder if my dad ever thought about the _______and what this bad decision would lead to when he first started experimenting with drugs and pot at 13 He has been in jail he can't get a decent job and he lost his ______ These bad choices also caused him to hurt his children in horrible ways

I am _______that I have at least one parent to help me make wise decisions and to teach me right from wrong I am also _______that the DARE program is taught in our schools One of the most _______things I learned from DARE is that a person that has a parent with an addiction problem is more than twice as likely to become addicted themselves as compared to a person that has no family history of drug ______ I have learned many things through this ______ especially about the consequences of our trying drugs You could get arrested hurt yourself or someone else_______ your life by becoming an addict or even die All of these things are terrible but I can't think of anything _______as a parent than hurting our children and the people that love us DRUGS DESTROY LIVES! I give the DARE program two thumbs up for all the good things being accomplished

1.A. grandma's B. brother's C. parents' D. teachers'

2.A. closely B. loosely C. hardly D. physically

3.A. lived B. stopped C. started D. decided

4.A. praise B. understand C. appreciate D. raise

5.A. on B. over C. in D. for

6.A. treat B. represent C. reach D. persuade

7.A. pressure B. responsibility C. probability D. advantage

8.A. both B. all C. none D. neither

9.A. smoked B. accepted C. tried D. refused

10.A. ate B. sold C. took D. bought

11.A. went B. wept C. begged D. left

12.A. reasons B. possibilities C. program D. consequences

13.A. patience B. temper C. family D. position

14.A. lucky B. aware C. sure D. clear

15.A. concerned B. disappointed C. curious D. grateful

16.A. important B. exciting C. strange D. attractive

17.A. sales B. purchases C. abuse D. production

18.A. behavior B. program C. experience D. action

19.A. destroy B. build C. save D. lose

20.A. wiser B. easier C. worse D. better


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 文章讲述了作者的亲身经历,自小作者的父亲就滥用毒品,幸亏母亲引导他做出了正确的决定。本文表明了父母对于孩子的潜移默化的影响。 1.考查名词所有格。 A. grandma’s 祖母的; B. brother’s 兄弟的; C. parents’ 父母的; D. teachers’ 老师的。依据后面的"by this I mean"和"set by our parents’ examples"可知,我们绝大多数都会追随我们父母的足迹。故选C。 2.考查副词。A. closely 紧密地; B. loosely 松散地; C. hardly 几乎不; D. physically 身体地。"closely resemble"表示"近似",符合语境。语意: 我的意思是我们的成年生活和我们孩提时的生活是相似的。故选A。 3.考查动词。A. lived 生活; B. stopped 停止; C. started 开始; D. decided 决定。注意后面的"and thought about this",要思考,首先要停下来。你曾经停下来思考一下这个问题吗?故选B。 4.考查动词。A. praise B. understand C. appreciate D. raise。依据全文可以看出这里探讨的是"养育子女"的问题。语意:要正确地培养子女是一件多么费劲的事啊!故选D。 5.考查介词。A. on 在…之上; B. over 超过; C. in在 …内部; D. for 为了。live on 靠……生活,以……为食。语意:对于一个童年时期就终日吸食毒品,酗酒和实施暴力的孩子来说会发生什么呢?故选A。 6.考查动词。A. treat 对待; B. represent 代表; C. reach 到达; D. persuade 说服。这里用reach表示援助。语意:我知道一个尽力去援助所有孩子的地方。故选C。 7.考查名词。A. pressure 压力; B. responsibility 责任; C. probability 可能; D. advantage 优点。 (这里的)老师们承担了教育孩子拒绝毒品、酒精和暴力的责任(responsibility)故选B。 8.考查代词。A. both 两者都; B. all所有都; C. none 一个没有; D. neither 两个都不。根据上下文可知,此处表示我个人了解这一切(all)。故选B。 9.考查动词。A. smoked 吸烟; B. accepted 接受; C. tried 尝试; D. refused 拒绝。由下文提示"but because of my dad"(是因为我的父亲)可推知,此处表示不是因为我自己亲身体验过这些。故选C。 10.考查动词。A. ate 吃掉; B. sold 出售; C. took 拿走; D. bought购买。take drugs吸毒,符合语意。他(作者的父亲)酗酒,吸毒,抽大麻。故选C。 11.考查动词。A. went 走开; B. wept 哭泣; C. begged 祈求; D. left 离开。根据语境可知,这里表示母亲带着我和妹妹离开了(left)(父亲)。故选D。 12.考查名词。. A. reasons 理由; B. possibilities 可能; C. program 项目; D. consequences 后果。我想知道,当父亲13岁开始尝试那些毒品和大麻时,他是否考虑过后果。故选D。 13.考查名词。 A. patience 耐心; B. temper 脾气; C. family 家庭; D. position 位置。从前后文中可知他(作者的父亲)失去了家庭。故选C。 14.考查形容词。A. lucky 幸运的; B. aware 意识到的; C. sure 肯定的; D. clear 清楚的。根据上下文可知,此处表示:我很幸运,至少我还有母亲帮我作出明智的决定,教我辨别是非。故选A。 15.考查形容词。A. concerned 担忧的; B. disappointed 失望的; C. curious 好奇的; D. grateful 感激的。本题要注意"also",与上文的"幸运的"相同,这里也应该是一个褒义词。grateful感激的,符合语意。我也很感激我们学校开设了the D.A.R.E program。故选D。 16.考查形容词。A. important 重要的; B. exciting 兴奋的; C. strange 奇怪的; D. attractive 吸引人的。我从the D.A.R.E program中学到的最重要的事情之一就是父亲或母亲吸毒的孩子吸毒的风险比没有吸毒史的家庭的孩子大两倍多。故选A。 17.考查名词。A. sales 出售; B. purchases 购买; C. abuse 滥用; D. production 产品。我从the D.A.R.E program中学到的最重要的事情之一就是父亲或母亲吸毒的孩子吸毒的风险比没有吸毒史的家庭的孩子大两倍多。drug abuse 吸毒。故选C。 18.考查名词。A. behavior 行为; B. program 项目; C. experience 经历; D. action 行动。通过这个项目,我学到了很多东西。故选B。 19.考查动词。A. destroy 破坏; B. build 建造; C. save 挽救; D. lose 失去。根据上文可知此处作者是在陈述吸毒的后果,吸毒的人可能会被捕,自残或者伤害到别人,因为上瘾而毁掉自己的生活,甚至造成死亡。故选A。 20.考查形容词比较级。A. wiser 更聪明的; B. easier 更容易的; C. worse 更糟糕的; D. better 更好的。这里是作者的感慨,也是文章的升华。作为父母,有什么比伤害自己的孩子和挚爱自己的人更糟糕。故选C。

    Radar is an electronic device that detects planes ships coastlines landmarks and even storm clouds The name radar comes from the first letters of the words radio direction and ranging As the human eye uses light waves to see radar "sees" with radio waves Without radar planes could not land safely in bad weather and ships could not move safely in thick fog1.

In the 1800s it was discovered that radio waves could be reflected from objects But scientists did not make great advances in radar research until the 1930s when the world was threatened by war2.It has been used widely in almost every conflict since then

Echoes make it possible for radar to work When a beam of radio waves is sent out it strikes on an object and returns an echo This echo is picked up by radar and recorded on a screen similar to television screen On the screen an observer sees a flash or a blip that shows the direction and distance of the object3.

Airport control towers use radar to guide planes in for safe landings Almost all large ships depend on radar to prevent collisions with icebergs or other ships4.Weather forecasters "see" the size direction and speed of storms on radar screens Astronomers can even use radar to measure accurately the distance to the moon Thus the device has generated major advancements

5.Huge radar antennas have been installed all over the United States They guard us against possible enemy attacks We have ballistic-missiles (战略导弹)warning systems that can alert us to attacks when missiles are more than 1000 miles away Other radar systems warn us against enemy aircraft and even spying space satellites

APolice track speeders in radar-equipped cars

BThese measurements are now highly accurate

CThe device can be used in a wide range of fields

DIt is therefore especially valuable to shippers and travelers

EDuring World War II many countries used radar effectively

FToday radar is used by commercial airliners and weather forecasters

GStrengthening national defense is one of radar's most important functions



    The word tolerance is widely used in liberal democracies (自由民主). It indicates a positive meaning Politicians urge us to be tolerant towards minorities Educators teach us to be tolerant towards the other The press is full of references to the need to display tolerance when faced with individuals or groups espousing a different view or holding a different religious belief A tolerant society is an objective sought after by anyone who believes in the values of democracy A tolerant individual is connected with virtuous qualities

The question we must ask is whether we have been using the word tolerance fully aware of its meaning and whether we have applied it correctly to reflect what we really wish to convey

The word tolerance means to bear or to bear with If I tolerate something or someone I basically say that I am ready to bear it or him I can tolerate a bad smell or a noisy neighbour The act of toleration forces me to desist from conveying my objection to the existence of a phenomenon which I find difficult to bear A bad smell or a noisy neighbour is considered by me to be an objectionable phenomenon By tolerating either of them I am not transforming the bad smell or the noisy neighbour into positive phenomena Let's be honest I don't have a different taste when it comes to bad smells I simply dislike it and hope that it disappears I don't respect the noisy neighbour I would rather have him stop at once the noise he is making so I can live in peace

The subject tolerating is by nature not equal to the object being tolerated If I tolerate you I essentially say that I am above you and am prepared although unwillingly to bear with your presence or with your practices or opinions That may be true in the case of an individual who is ready to tolerate the other However this attitude by such an individual though empirically true is hardly a virtue Certainly the fact that an individual in reality may merely tolerate the other or his opinion does not justify a government or any official authority promoting tolerance as a virtue One cannot tolerate an equal being True equality involves respect not toleration To respect the other as a distinctive person is hardly to tolerate him This is the true meaning of equality diversity existing in a mutually-respectful socio-legal setting

A tolerant attitude involves the grant of a favour not a right The question we should ask ourselves is whether we would ever wish a parliament to make laws considering us as individuals and as part of a collective entity or a permission to pursue certain actions interpreted as a favour rather than a right Indeed would we ever wish anyone to listen to our views and accept us the way we are simply because he is kind enough to tolerate us

1.The first two paragraphs are mainly intended to show that ______

A. tolerance is a symbol of liberal democracies

B. democratic society always advocates tolerance

C. people's understanding of tolerance is one-sided

D. tolerance can be applied to many situations

2.The example of a bad smell and a noisy neighbour is raised to indicate that ______

A. the writer are fed up with them

B. most people find them hard to tolerate

C. the writer isn't prejudiced against them

D. tolerating them isn't a virtuous act

3.The main idea of Paragraph 4is that ______

A. tolerance shows an unequal relationship

B. most people promote tolerance as a virtue

C. people should show respect for each other

D. tolerance has nothing to do with respect

4.Which can be the best title for this passage ______

A. Tolerance and Respect B. What Is to Be Tolerated

C. Is Tolerance a Virtue D. Should People Be Tolerant



    "Tiny tubes and filaments (丝状物) in some Canadian rock appear to be the oldest known fossils giving new support for some ideas about how life began" a new study says

"The features are mineralized remains of what appear to be bacteria that lived some 3.77billion to 4.28billion years ago" the scientist said That would be older than some other rock features found in Greenland which were considered to be the fossils last August

The new results come from examining rock found along the eastern shore of Hudson Bay in Northern Quebec The filaments and tubes made up of iron oxide called hematite (赤铁矿),appeared within a rock type called jasper (碧玉).

Matthew Dodd of University College London an author of the study published Wednesday by Nature said the living things lived in the seafloor where water was heated by a volcano "Since the fossils are nearly as old as Earth which formed some 4.5 billion years ago the findings support previous indications that life may have begun in such an environment" he said

He and his colleagues presented several lines of evidence to support the idea that tiny tubes and filaments are signatures of past life But two experts who've previously reported similar findings said they are not convinced

"I would say they are not fossils" Martin J Van Kranendonk of the University of New South Wales in Australia who reported the Greenland findings last year wrote in an email "The paper's evidence for a biological origin falls short" he said

Abigail Allwood a NASA geologist said the authors have produced one of the most detailed cases yet made for evidence of life in rocks older than 3.5 billion years But "It's an extraordinary claim to make and you do need extraordinary evidence" she said

1.What do Matthew Martin and Abigail have in common ______

A. They have been studying rock features

B. They are working in the same university

C. They all made a contribution to the Greenland findings

D. They have discovered the oldest known fossils in the same place

2.How does Martin feel about the new study ______

A. It confirms the biological origin

B. It ignores the Greenland findings

C. It needs more to convince people

D. Its authors take ideas and words from his

3.What's Abigail Allwood's attitude toward Matthew's findings ______

A. Supporting B. Disapproving

C. Indifferent D. Neutral

4.The new findings can make people know something about ______

A. the process of fossil formation

B. how life started on the earth

C. how to examine rock and find fossils

D. how the earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago



    Earlier this month the University of Glasgow in Scotland launched a course entitled D'oh! The Simpsons Introduce Philosophy The course's aim is to ease students into the typically heavy topic by relating it to the popular cartoon family

"The Simpsons is one of the modern world's greatest cultural artifacts partly because it is so full of philosophy" John Donaldson creator of the course told the BBC "Aristotle Kant Marx Camus and many other great thinkers' ideas are represented in what is arguably the purest of philosophical forms - the comic cartoon"

While this may seem like an unusual way to attract pupils to a traditionally dull topic this class isn't the first of its kind In 2009 Liverpool Hope University in the UK began offering a master's degree on the music of internationally known 60's group The Beatles which still runs today The following year the UK's Durham University gave students the chance to enroll on a Harry Potter-themed module covering contents such as "Gryffindor and Slytherin prejudice and intolerance in the classroom" and "muggles and magic"

To some these courses may seem like a waste of a valuable education but Donaldson believes that packaging certain topics into something easier to relate to will enhance the learning experience without distraction from the main subject "Firstly scholars want to be taken seriously by other scholars and ideas like this can be seen as not serious" he tells iNews "There are definitely ways to incorporate popular culture into academic subjects that still remains substantial and doesn't take away from the quality of the ideas"

Already booked full Donaldson's Simpsons class isn't meant to be taken as seriously however The lecturer says that his one-day course which will pose philosophical questions around morality free will and religion by relating them to scenarios from The Simpsons aims to introduce students to his area of expertise greatly while they have a bit of fun

1.From Paragraph 2 we can learn that ______

A. many great thinkers appear in The Simpsons

B. The Simpsons contains many philosophical ideas

C. John Donaldson creates the cartoon The Simpsons

D. the main reason for The Simpsons' success is its philosophy

2.The third paragraph is developed mainly ______

A. by making a comparison

B. by following the order of time

C. by analyzing the process

D. by giving examples

3.What does the underlined word " scenarios" in the last paragraph mean ______

A. Characters B. Settings

C. Plots D. Images

4.The passage mainly talks about ______

A. a creative philosophy course

B. a popular comic cartoon

C. a reform of traditional subjects

D. an enterprising lecturer



    If you are heading for Paris this year be sure to include at least one of these shopping malls in your schedule

Au Printemps

Tel 01133014282

Located near the Paris Opera this huge store is well-known for household goods as well as its fashion The tore also offers many services to overseas visitors including shipping translation and a personal shopping service Au Printemps whose name means springtime hosts several free fashion shows each week The store's beauty department has one of the world's largest selections of perfumes

Galeries Lafayatte

Tel 01133014283

The Galeries Lafayette was built in 1906 It is as much fun to look at as it is to shop in this 10-storey shopping palace In fact the flagship store is the second most visited attraction in Paris After the Louvre Museum This shopping palace specializes in women's clothing Make sure to take in the view from the tea shop on the top floor it's well worth the visit

Le Bon Marche

Tel 01133014439

This stylish Left Bank department store was Paris' first such store Designed by Gustave Eiffel Le Bon Marche is particularly known for its food hall its wedding shops and its selection of modern clothes

La Forum des Halles

Tel 01133014476

This modern underground shopping center was built in 1979 La Forum des Halles the three-storey-tall shopping center offers everything from souvenirs to haute couture(高级女子时装)to entertainment such as first-run movies and street performers The shopping center is attached to the busy La Halle-Chatelet metro station and can be easily reached from all over Paris

1.Which of the following places attracts the most visitors according to the passage ______

A. The Louvre Museum B. The Paris Opera

C. La Forum des Halles D. Au Printemps

2.Which of the stores pays its special attention to women's dressing ______

A. Le Bon Marche B. Galeries Lafayette

C. La Forum des Halles D. Au Printemps

3.We can learn from the passage that ______

A. Au Printemps is famous for its food hall

B. La Forum des Halles is next to the metro station

C. the clothes in Le Bin Marche are usually very cheap

D. the tea shop that is worth visiting is on the ninth floor of Galeries Lafayette



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