满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Jenny 正在做一份关于中国移动支付(mobile...

假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Jenny 正在做一份关于中国移动支付(mobile payment )的问卷调查 survey ,你是她的重点采访对象. 内容包括:

1 你或你身边的人在日常生活中使用移动支付的情况;

2 移动支付带来的好处;

3 你的看法.

参考词汇:微信: Wechat  支付宝:Alipay  二维码: QR code

注意:1 词数 100 左右;2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.

Dear Jenny

How is your survey on mobile payment going


Yours faithfully

Li Hua


Dear Jenny, How is your survey on mobile payment going? I’m glad I can help with it. It is generally believed that China is the largest mobile payment market. Nowhere else is the cashless trend more obvious than in China. Most of us are used to paying by scanning QR codes whatever we buy—books, clothes, and electronic devices, to name a few, which is a glimpse into the life of most Chinese like me and my family. With the widespread use of mobile payment, Wechat or Alipay is the most convenient and safest way to pay. We rarely need to carry a wallet or cash at all. Besides, never will we worry about getting fake notes or having to count change. In short, mobile payment has greatly changed people's life in China. Personally, I think mobile payment should be encouraged. First, it has won over consumers with its convenience. Another advantage is that there are often discounts if you make mobile payment, as major online payment platforms are competing to have more consumers use their service. I hope my explanation can be of some help to you. Wish you good luck. Yours faithfully, Li Hua 【解析】 考查应用文中的书信写作。 题目要求假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Jenny 正在做一份关于中国移动支付(mobile payment ) 的问卷调查 (survey) ,你是她的重点采访对象。 内容包括: 1. 你或你身边的人在日常生活中使用移动支付的情况;2. 移动支付带来的好处;3. 你的看法。分析可知,应该以第一人称为主,一般现在时进行写作。要点已经给出,要求考生根据提纲自己发挥拓展,考生要先想好写哪几点,运用合适的语法规则和词汇把各要点都准确表述出。描述要尽量选择简洁的语言,难点在于选择词汇和句型,可以灵活运用高级词汇和固定短语准确表述。还要用适当的连接词把句子连接起来,这样文章显得更连贯。







Dear Mike

I'm very glad to receive the letter you sent me I have been thinking the question you asked me From my point of view you can come to China after finished your studies

For the one reason China's development offers a number of job opportunity for the young What's more what you are studying is bad needed in China nowadays In fact many big companies in our city are hoping to hire people like me

For another reason China is a country with such a different culture as many foreigners enjoy living and working here Why not come but join them If you came here I will do how I can to help you




Two years after announcing strict volunteer requirements for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and1.realize they could not get enough help for free the Japanese ministry has instead turned to university and their vast human2.resource).

In the past few weeks to encourage students to volunteer for the Olympics a large number of universities3.begin to offer academic credits According to a survey 49 percent of universities in Tokyo-both 4.nation and private-are now considering that option

While rewarding student volunteers 5.credits to advance their undergraduate programs6.be a nice gesture the move also makes clear that the Olympic Committee does not want to pay for highly-skilled individuals7.must speak a foreign language and work over ten full days--- Not to mention that they must pass 8.interview

The move also raises the question of what it means to volunteer It's quite obvious by now that there isn't enough people9.fill the 110000 vacant positions

Offering academic credits to Japanese students seems like the wrong way to encourage volunteerism but precious time is going by for the Olympic Committee If they cannot get the10.require 110000 volunteers soon an army of emotionless robots might just work



    When I was a freshman in college I received a letter that forever opened a window in my soul I had just started writing and the ______of my local county newspaper had been kind enough to ______some of my work About a month later the _____ arrived

Here is what it said "You may not______me We last saw each other in kindergarten and my ______moved the next year We______get the county paper in the mail though and when I saw your name I had to write you You see that first year in school was very______for me I was a tiny____ and ordinary-looking girl that the other children ______me every day The thing I remember about you is that you______did When we______to go out the teacher always put me beside you and you would hold my hand as we______the street You talked to me and played with me You______me as a person not someone different and I will be forever______for that My whole life was______because of how you treated me all those years ago"

I carefully wrote back to my kindergarten friend and we______for several years______the illness that she had ______with since childhood finally took her life I will never forget however just how much that simple kindness I had shared______to her

Every act of kindness we do______another's heart Every bit of goodness we share makes the world a better place Let's use that power and make both Earth and Heaven smile

1.A. teacher B. director C. editor D. leader

2.A. print B. publish C. report D. check

3.A. newspaper B. message C. work D. letter

4.A. remember B. recognize C. hear D. forget

5.A. parents B. family C. school D. classmates

6.A. still B. also C. just D. even

7.A. busy B. happy C. difficult D. easy

8.A. honest B. naughty C. sunny D. sick

9.A. kidded B. helped C. hated D. beat

10.A. occasionally B. never C. seldom D. always

11.A. got up B. lined up C. ended up D. cheered up

12.A. adventured B. visited C. cleaned D. crossed

13.A. judged B. heard C. knew D. saw

14.A. grateful B. hopeful C. regretful D. skillful

15.A. harder B. better C. easier D. healthier

16.A. cooperated B. corresponded C. lived D. worked

17.A. after B. when C. before D. while

18.A. experienced B. studied C. treated D. struggled

19.A. meant B. done C. appeared D. got

20.A. discovers B. obtains C. enriches D. touches



    If you stayed up or had a bad night of sleep last night you know it's difficult to stay awake in class today Your teacher's voice might begin to sound like a lullaby(催眠曲).1.To keep yourself awake some tips are worth trying in class

Sit in the front of the room Why2.Besides it'll be easier to pay attention and participate when you're in the front You'll also be near the people who are more likely to participate and the sound of their voices might keep you awake

3.Ask and answer questions and pay attention to the lecture This will help if you're tired or discouraged by the content of the lecture because you can ask your teacher questions to get to the bottom of the problems Talking will also keep you engaged and alert It might be helpful to make a goal for yourself to answer or ask at least 3questions per class4.For example you might say "I didn't understand the last part of the proof Could you explain it again in more detail"

Listen actively to the lesson Active listening is a great way to force yourself to stay awake because it requires engagement of your mind as well as your body5.To effectively listen to your teacher you should try to maintain eye contact face the speaker pay close attention to what the speaker is saying and ask questions during a pause in the lecture

A Participate in class activities

B Develop interest in the subject

C If so classrooms can be boring because you're tired

D Keep silent all the time and try to catch as much information as possible

E To avoid annoying your teacher you should try to keep your questions on topic

F You'll be more motivated to stay awake if you know that the teacher can see you easily

G Practicing active listening can help you keep your eyes open for the length of the lesson



    Maths and Music An excellent way to kill a conversation is to say you are a mathematician Tell others you are also a musician however and they will be hooked Although there are obvious similarities between mathematical and musical activity there is no direct evidence for the kind of magical connection many people seem to believe in

I'm partly referring here to the "Mozart effect" where children who have been playing Mozart compositions are supposedly more intelligent including at maths than other children It is not hard to see why such a theory would be popular we would all like to become better at maths without putting in any effort But the conclusions of the experiment that expressed the belief in the Mozart effect were much more modest If you want your brain to work better you clearly have to put in hard work As for learning to play the piano it also takes effort

Surely a connection is quite reasonable Both maths and music deal with abstract structures so if you become good at one then it is likely that you become good at something more general that helps you with the other If this is correct it would show a connection between mathematical and musical ability It would be more like the connection between abilities at football and tennis To become better at one you need to improve your fitness and coordination (协调). That makes you better at sport and probably helps with the other

Abstract structures don't exist only in maths and music If you learn a language then you need to understand its abstract structures like grammar Yet we don't hear people asking about a connection between mathematical and linguistic (语言的) ability Maybe this is because grammar feels mathematical so it wouldn't be surprising that mathematicians were better at learning grammar Music however is strongly tied up with feelings and can be enjoyed even by people who know little about it As such it seems different from maths so there wouldn't be any connection between the two

Let's see how we solve problems of the "A is to B as C is to D" kind These appear in intelligence tests but they are also important to both music and maths Consider the opening of Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (小夜曲). The second phrase (小节) is a clear answer to the first The listener thinks "The first phrase goes upward and uses the notes of a G major chord (和弦); what would be the corresponding phrase that goes downward and uses the notes of a D7" Music is full of puzzles like this If you are good at them expectations will constantly be set up in your mind The best moments surprise you by being unexpected but we need the expectations in the first place

1.What does the author say about "Mozart effect" ______

A. The goal of it was not carefully thought about

B. The findings from it gave people wrong information

C. The interest people showed in it was unexpected

D. The way it was carried out proved to be ineffective

2.The author mentioned football and tennis in Paragraph 3to show that ______

A. football and tennis are played in a similar way

B. certain skills may be developed through practice

C. music and maths have something in common

D. abstract structures bring benefits to various fields

3.We can infer from Paragraph 4that ______

A. language seems more like maths than music does

B. language is less appealing to learners

C. mathematicians are good at music learning

D. the structure of language is easier to learn than that of music

4.What does the writer intend to state in the last paragraph ______

A. How music differs from maths

B. Why musicians possess mathematical abilities

C. Why Mozart is so highly considered by mathematicians

D. How abstract thinking applies to both music and maths



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