满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What is Stan's job? A. A chef. B. A teac...

What is Stan's job?

A. A chef. B. A teacher. C. A photographer.


C 【解析】 本题为听力,解析略。 W: Isn’t your older brother Victor a photographer? M: No, you’re thinking of Stan, my younger brother. Victor used to work as a chef, but now he’s a teacher.  

What will the man do first?

A. Work overtime. B. Walk the dog. C. Do some exercise.





2.博物馆馆藏丰富,尤其以瓷器,青铜器( bronze vessels)著名.





Dear Peter

I'm really happy to hear that you are going to have a study travel in China .


Yours sincerely

Li Hua









To increase the aware of protecting the environment last Saturday we some volunteers carried out environmental protection activity in the Civil Square

In the morning we have gathered at the school gate at 700 Then we walked to the square when we were divided into several groups Some collected the rubbishes on the square some cleared the old posters off the walls and another swept the ground The duty of my group is to deliver environmental protection brochures and introduces the importance of environmental protection

Time passed quickly It was getting late after we knew it and the square looked more beautifully Tiring as I was I was very happy because we did do something to protect the environment




For those who love travel particularly rail travel China in 1987 was a can'tmiss kind of place  In1987 China was still operating steam trains on some rail routes1.made people from many countries amazed Bruce Connolly a photographer from Scotland 2.be one of them

Connolly first came to China in 19873. start  his continuous travelling throughout China Since then he 4. travel to most parts of China except Fujian Zhejiang and Jiangxi Wherever he went his camera remained by his side During his journeys in China Connolly found China very different from 5.he saw in photographs which showed Chinese people very religious in the way they dressed and behaved6. what he saw was that people were 7. friend), welcoming and wore bright clothes In the early years of his journey most Chinese people were fascinated with foreigners visiting China but now that has changed in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai foreigners are no longer8. curious).

Another dramatic change that Connolly has felt in China is 9. widespread use of new technology China has become one of the most techsavvy(懂技术的)societies People now do everything with10. they smartphones and use of cash is almost disappearing



    Tara and Lara were twins Even their parents found it too hard to find the _____between them so the girls were_____  in different schools

Although they look the same both the girls differ in_____ else  They don't have any common favorites Lara is a nightbird and study all the night until she finishes_____ Tara is a morning bird she used to _____ early in the morning In addition Lara wears light darker colors and modem outfits while Tara likes light colors and _____ dresses

This wasn't the_____with these twin girls  However they _____each other that the opposite one was wrong

While both sides have the advantages and disadvantages the _____ continues They fight mainly about ____ things allday and during the study time Their parents decided to _____ to their arguments

Lara and Tara blindfolded their _____ with a black ribbon Their _____brought them to the dining room In the dining room a big_____ was placed in the middle Lara stood on one side of the board and Tara stood on the other side of the board Both the ribbons were _____ The girls were surprised to see a huge board in between them

Now their father asked Lara what is the color of the board She replied "It is black!" Their mother asked Tara the same question She replied "It is white!"

They began to argue While Lara _____ strongly it was black Tara was_____ it was white

Now they were asked to_____  their places They both were surprised and shocked The board with Lara's side was painted black and Tara's was white which was _____ by them They_____  that they were right on their own perspective only

1.A. similarities B. differences C. distance D. appearance

2.A. attended B. annoyed C. admitted D. surrounded

3.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. somewhere

4.A. Furthermore B. What's more C. Besides D. To the contrary

5.A. fall asleep B. fall apart C. wake up D. work out

6.A. fashionable B. plain C. antique D. traditional

7.A. feature B. problem C. situation D. emotion

8.A. fought B. competed C. appreciated D. hated

9.A. harmony B. correspondence C. argument D. friendship

10.A. meaningful B. simple C. strange D. universal

11.A. put an end B. devote themselves C. adjust D. contribute

12.A. mouths B. ears C. hands D. eyes

13.A. brothers B. teachers C. parents D. friends

14.A. subject B. board C. screen D. monitor

15.A. fixed B. recovered C. tom D. removed

16.A. insisted B. defended C. required D. suggested

17.A. conscious B. aware C. confident D. convenient

18.A. nun B. exchange C. depart D. hold on

19.A. confirmed B. proved C. convinced D. compared

20.A. disagreed B. mentioned C. swore D. understood



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