满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Did The Earth Move For You? Eleven-year-...

Did The Earth Move For You?

Eleven-year-old Angela suffered from a disease involving her nervous system. She was unable to________and her movement was restricted in other ways as well. The doctors did not hold out much _______of her ever recovering from this illness. They ________she‟d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. They said that ______, if any, were able to come back to normal after catching this disease. But the little girl was brave and confident. There, lying in her hospital bed, she would ______to anyone who‟d listen that she was definitely going to be walking again someday.

She was then sent to a specialized rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco Bay area. Whatever therapies(治疗方法) could be ________to her case were used. Things didn‟t work as the therapists expected. Still they were charmed by her _________spirit. They taught her about ____________—  about  seeing  herself  walking.  If  it  would  do  nothing  else,  it  would ______give her hope and something _______to do in the long waking hours in her bed. Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy, in whirlpools and in exercise sessions. And she worked just as hard lying there ______doing her imaging, visualizing herself moving, moving, moving!

One day, as she was twisting with all her _____to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed as though a _____thing happened: The bed moved! It began to move around the room! She _________out, “Look what I‟m doing! Look! Look! I _________it! I moved!”

Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming, too, and running  for ______. People  were  screaming,  equipment  was _______and  glass  was breaking. You see, it was the recent San Francisco earthquake. But don‟t tell that to Angela. She‟s _________that she did  it. And now only a  few years  later, she‟s back  in school.

______her own two legs. No crutches(拐杖), no wheelchair. You see, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a little disease. You never know what‟s around the corner until you take a _________step.

1.A. hear B. speak C. walk D. see

2.A. pride B. hope C. regret D. pity

3.A. predicted B. forgot C. denied D. promised

4.A. some B. few C. many D. all

5.A. apologize B. appeal C. refer D. swear

6.A. applied B. appointed C. compared D. explained

7.A. competitive B. independent C. sensitive D. undefeatable

8.A. concentrating B. summarizing C. picturing D. sorting

9.A. in advance B. for some reason C. on the contrary D. at least

10.A. positive B. attractive C. familiar D. boring

11.A. gratefully B. faithfully C. hopelessly D. royally

12.A. might B. interest C. fame D. need

13.A. normal B. magical C. funny D. simple

14.A. found B. screamed C. turned D. counted

15.A. understood B. refused C. mad D. decided

16.A. cover B. comfort C. freedom D. office

17.A. exploding B. working C. self-repairing D. falling

18.A. persuaded B. ashamed C. convinced D. worried

19.A. By B. With C. On D. For

20.A. cautious B. reasonable C. final D. further


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了靠轮椅行走的安吉拉,连医生对她的康复都不抱希望,但她始终没有放弃,一次意想不到的地震让她觉得是她自己的腿能动了,并对此坚信不疑,几年后她真的靠自己的双腿重新走进了学校。短文告诉读者不尝试,不努力,永远不知到自己是否能成功。 1.考查动词辨析。A. hear听;B. speak说;C. walk走;D. see看。句意:她不能走路,她的行动在其他方面也受到限制。由“her movement was restricted in other ways as well”可知,她的行动在其他方面也受到限制,所以判断出她不能走。故C选项切题。 2.考查名词辨析。A. pride自豪;B. hope希望;C. regret后悔;D. pity同情。句意:医生们对她从这种疾病中康复不抱太大希望。由“she’d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair”可知,她将在轮椅上度过余生。所以医生们对她从这种疾病中康复不抱太大希望。故B 选项切题。 3.考查动词辨析。A. predicted预测;B. forgot忘记;C. denied 否认;D. promised承诺。句意:他们预料她将在轮椅上度过余生。医生根据病人所得的病以及病状,会对病人的病情进行预测。故A 选项切题。 4.考查形容词辨析。A. some一些;B. few很少几个人;C. many很多人;D. all全部。句意:他们说,如果有的话,也很少有人能在感染这种疾病后恢复正常。few表示否定,用来说明感染这种疾病后恢复正常的人寥寥无几。故B选项切题。 5.考查动词辨析。A. apologize道歉;B. appeal吸引;C. refer参考;D. swear发誓;句意:她躺在医院的病床上,向每一个愿意聆听她说话的人保证,总有一天她会重新站起来。由“ she was definitely going to be walking again someday.”可知,总有一天她会重新站起来。这句话是她向每一个愿意聆听她说话的人保证的内容。所以swear to sb“向某人发誓”符合句意。故D选项切题。 6.考查动词辨析。A. applied应用;B. appointed任命;C. compared对比;D. explained解释。句意:无论什么样的治疗方法都应用在了她的身上。治疗方法一定使用在病人身上。be applied to “被应用于...”符合句意。故A 选项切题。 7.考查形容词辨析。A. competitive有竞争力的;B. independent独立的;C.sensitive敏感的;D. undefeatable不可战胜的 。句意:他们仍然还是被她那不屈不挠的精神打动了。由still可知,治疗效果并不像治疗师们所期望的那样好,但他们仍然还是被她那不屈不挠的精神打动了。故 D 选项切题。 8.考查动词辨析。A. concentrating集中;B. summarizing总结;C. picturing 想象;D. sorting分类。句意:他们教她想象——教她看着自己走路。下文 imaging和 visualizing与picturing为同义词。因为安吉拉只是一个11岁的孩子,医生为了给她希望,所以教她想象自己的腿能动,所以她才会躺在病床上想象着自己的腿能动。故 C 选项切题。 9.考查介词短语辨析。A. in advance提前;B. for some reason出于某种原因;C. on the contrary相反地;D. at least至少。句意:如果它不起作用的话,也可以让她在躺在病床上的漫长醒着的时间里做些积极的事情。由前文可知,所有的治疗方法对她来说,效果都不是很好,所以治疗专家教了一些她所能做的事情。所以at least“至少”表示治疗专家所教给她的东西,能起到的最低效果。故 D 选项切题。 10.考查形容词辨析。A. positive积极的;B. attractive吸引人的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. boring令人厌烦的。句意:如果它不起作用的话,它至少会给她希望,让她在躺在病床上的漫长醒着的时间里做些积极的事情。由上下文可知,治疗专家教她想象,教她看自己走路。她也是这样做的,每天都坚定地努力着。所以她做的是一些积极的事情。故A 选项切题。 11.考查副词辨析。A. gratefully感激地;B. faithfully忠实地;C. hopelessly无望地;D. royally盛大地。句意:每天安吉拉都躺在那里坚定地努力着,想象自己在动,在动,在动!。由上文可知,安吉拉是个不屈不挠的孩子,所以安吉拉为恢复健康一直在坚定地努力着。故B选项切题。 12.考查名词辨析。A. might力量;B. interest兴趣;C. fame名誉;D. need需要。句意:一天,当她竭尽全力扭动身体想象自己的腿能再次移动时,似乎发生了一件神奇的事情:床移动了!因为她想象自己的腿能再次移动,所以用尽全力来扭动身体。希望自己的腿真的可以动起来。故A 选项切题。 13.考查形容词辨析。A. normal正常的;B. magical神奇的;C. funny滑稽的;D. simple简单的。句意:一天,当她竭尽全力想象自己的腿能再次移动时,似乎发生了一件神奇的事情:床移动了!由“The bed moved”可知,床移动了。不可能移动的床移动了,所以几乎发生了一件神奇的事情。故B选项切题。 14.考查动词辨析。A. found发现;B. screamed尖叫;C. turned转向;D. counted计算。句意:她尖叫起来:“看我在做什么!”看!看!我成功了!我动了!”。由“Look what I’m doing! Look! Look!...”可知,安吉拉尖叫了起来表示安吉拉既兴奋又惊讶。故B选项切题。 15.考查动词辨析。A. understood理解;B. refused拒绝;C. made制作;D. decided决定。句意:我成功了!。作者觉得自己的努力,终于有了回报,终于动了起来。make it “成功”符合句意。故C 选项切题。 16.考查名词辨析。A. cover掩蔽物;B. comfort安慰;C. freedom自由;D. office办公室。句意:当然,就在这个时候,医院里的其他人也都在尖叫,四处跑着寻找掩蔽物。由下文可知,发生了地震,所以人的正常反应就是要寻找掩蔽物。故A选项切题。 17.考查动词辨析。A. exploding爆炸;B. working工作;C. self-repairing自我修复;D. falling落下。句意:人们在尖叫,设备在坠落,玻璃在破碎。地震时,所有的东西都会掉落。故D选项切题。 18.考查动词辨析。A. persuaded被说服的;B. ashamed惭愧的;C. convinced确信的;D. worried担忧的。句意:她确信她成功了。安吉拉不知道发生了地震。所以,她确信她终于成功了。故C选项切题。 19.考查介词辨析。A. By 通过;B. With和;C. On靠;D. For对于。句意:靠自己的两条腿。安吉拉重新返回来学校,不是靠拐杖,也不是靠轮椅,而是靠着自己的两条腿,说明安吉拉真地站了起来。所以on“靠,凭”符合句意。故C选项切题。 20.考查形容词辨析。A. cautious谨慎的;B. reasonable合理的;C. final最后的;D. further较远的。句意:在你迈出下一步之前,你永远不知道要发生什么事情。本句为短文的升华部分,告诉读者不尝试,不努力,永远不知到自己是否能成功。所以further“较远的”符合句意。故D选项切题。

    The Chinese Lunar(月球) Exploration Program is designed to be conducted in three stages: The first is simply reaching lunar orbit(轨道), a task   1.(complete) by Chang‟e 1 in 2007 and Chang‟e 2 in 2010. The second is   2.(land) on the Moon, as Chang‟e 3 did in 2013 and Chang‟e 4 in 2019. The third one is collecting lunar samples and sending them to Earth, a task for the future Chang‟e 5 and Chang‟e 6 missions. It 3.(be) China‟s first sample return mission in December 2019.



Li Bai was a Chinese poet praised from his own day to the present as a romantic figure 1.took traditional poetic forms to new heights. Thirty-four of his poems are included in Three Hundred Tang Poems. 2.(he) early poetry took place in the “golden age” of Tang dynasty. This all changed suddenly when all of northern China 3.(destroy)  by war. Fortunately, many of his poems  4.(survive) ever since, enjoying lasting popularity in China and elsewhere.



    Once I was playing in the woods when the sky started to turn dark and the wind started to blow. I saw a big black cloud  1.(move) towards me. Suddenly, I felt the rain hitting my face! Actually, it was pouring! Then I saw lightning in the sky. And later, BOOM!!! A loud clap of thunder! Then I saw a little old hut and ran inside. It smelled awful and the walls were shaking, but it was  2.(good) than nothing! Outside, the wind was howling and things were flying around. I just stood in the corner, cold and scared.    3.(lucky) my dad came and found me. I was safe!









Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green,


Yours truly,

Wang Xuan









Challenges of life are of great importance in our grow. They remind me my days in senior high school which I was in the military training. It was the first time that I have lived away from my home, so I found it difficult to fit in. And the training officer was strict in me. I once thought I couldn’t stick to the end. But anyway, I was succeeded. The trials made it much easy for me to adapt to life, but the difficulties I came across have now become a precious memory in my life. In short, learning to regard the challenges of life as the stepping stone to future success and make the best of them.



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