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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 ...


Some theme parks are not only amusing but also educational. Take the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) in Hawaii for example. It not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life but also protects their skills 1. culture for the future. Polynesian is the name2. (give) to the many groups of small islands that are spread about the Pacific Ocean.

The PCC 3. (set) in 42 acres of beautiful countryside 4. visitors can see seven different traditional Polynesian island villages. Villagers from many island communities come 5. (show)visitors their styles of dress and different customs. For example, you can see 6. (difference) skills of the villagers. You can learn 7. they make clothes from bark(树皮) and how they climb very tall trees 8. their bare feet or see 9. kind of wedding ceremonies they have. They also tell you about their 10. (society) customs and show you their cooking methods and their dances.


1.and 2.given 3.is set 4.where 5.to show 6.different 7.how 8.with 9.what 10.social 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍夏威夷PCC主题公园。PCC是美丽的乡村,参观者在那里可以看到不同的传统七个小岛上的波利尼西亚人的村庄。 1.考查连词。skills和culture之间是并列关系,用连词and连接。 2.考查非谓语动词。本句已经存在谓语且句中没有连词,故give只能做非谓语动词,与name构成被动关系,故用过去分词作定语,填given。 3.考查被动语态。be set in意为"以…为背景/场景",是固定搭配,因表示一般事实,且主语为三人称单数,故用一般现在时的be动词单数形式is。故填is set。 4.考查定语从句连接词。分析句子结构可知这是一个定语从句,先行词countryside在从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:来自许多岛屿社区的村民来向游客展示他们的服装风格和不同的习俗。此处动词不定式表示目的,作目的状语,故填to show。 6.考查形容词。skills是名词,要用形容词修饰,故填different。 7.考查连接词。动词learn后宾语从句中缺少方式状语,故用how。 8.考查介词。句意:他们如何赤脚爬上高树。此处表示"用;以;借助(工具等)"故填with。 9.考查连接词。句意:看他们举行什么样的婚礼。what kind of“哪一种”用连词what。 10.考查形容词。customs是名词,要用形容词修饰,故填social。

    Jane’s mother worked on the farm from dawn till dark and she just could make ends meet. To make Jane live a ______life, she was very careful about spending money. ________, Jane didn’t understand her. Every day she was busy with her 43_________ while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves.

One day, she realized Jane was unhappy and even 4_________to her, so she decided to go 4_________  with Jane to make Jane happy.

On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were ________in white clothes, the manager advised them to buy ski clothes. He said 4_______there was an accident, they might be easily 4__________ in their ski clothes. They couldn’t 4________ them, so she refused.

Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing happily on the _______ when suddenly the snowfield began to________. It was a snow slide(雪崩). They ran a long way and

_________ the snow slide finally, but they couldn’t find their way. Later, a helicopter was flying above, ________ people on it couldn’t see or hear them. Jane was ________ because she had hurt her head seriously and ________dropped on the snow. Just then an idea struck her mother. She pierced (刺破) her own wrist__________ and let bright red blood drop on the snow. A red SOS was written. At last Jane ________, but her mother died.

Every time I _________the blood dropping on the snow, I feel _______. I believe anyone who hears the tragedy will __________ Jane’s mother for her selfless love to her daughter.

1.A. happy B. healthy C. busy D. meaningful

2.A. Moreover B. Anyway C. However D. Though

3.A. writing B. work C. meeting D. research

4.A. unfriendly B. loyal C. kind D. cruel

5.A. skating B. dancing C. hiking D. skiing

6.A. all B. both C. either D. every

7.A. now that B. in case C. as though D. until

8.A. searched B. examined C. found D. caught

9.A. pay B. manage C. afford D. stand

10.A. mountain B. farmland C. snowfield D. playground

11.A. change B. melt C. jump D. shake

12.A. passed B. escaped C. experienced D. overcame

13.A. so B. but C. since D. while

14.A. in vain B. in danger C. in peace D. in ruins

15.A. blood B. hair C. tears D. jewels

16.A. slowly B. carefully C. hardly D. immediately

17.A. cried B. died C. survived D. woke

18.A. find out B. think of C. suffer from D. come across

19.A. satisfied B. curious C. anxious D. painful

20.A. admire B. envy C. reward D. thank



    What is the secret of writing a good letter? Here are two main ones. Don’t try to be fancy. Don’t try to impress your reader. You will be successful if you follow these seven Cs.

Clear.Use short, direct sentences.1. Talk as if the reader were right there with you .Above all, don’t use an introduction.

Correct,2. Don’t guess, even for spelling. Refer to your dictionary. If you need to, check a reference book too. Use them as much as you need to.

Complete. Don’t scatter your points.3. This is good organization too.

Courteous. Be friendly rather than overly casual. Present your information nicely even if you are complaining about something . In all letters, treat others as you want them to treat you.

Concise. Make each point as clearly and briefly as you can.

Conversational. This is really the secret of good writing,4. Such a letter has a natural, friendly tone. Let your personality come through naturally.

Considerate.5. Write about what you believe the reader needs or wants to know. Try to be helpful.This will build good feeling toward you.

The seven Cs are about writing letters. But how about school papers? Use the seven Cs. Write as if you are talking to your teacher or professor. You’ll be surprised. You’ll almost instantly become a good writer. And you might even enjoy writing from now on.

A. Just talk to the person.

B. Finish one point completely before going on to the next.

C. Include long sentences in your letter.

D. Make them easy to understand.

E. Writing should not be taken too seriously.

F. Make sure what you say is correct.

G. Think of the readers’ point of view as you write.



    In today's world of smart phones and laptops, most people have at least one time-telling thing with them. Since these digital products are so common, is time running out for the 500-year-old watch? According to some consumers, the answer is yes. New Jersey teenager Charlie Wollman says a watch is “an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function. ” Many young adults think so and use their smart phones to tell time. It is said that fewer young people wear watches today than ten years ago. As a result, some people say that the watch industry is at a crossroads.

However, watchmakers optimistically say that watches redeem(挽回)popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they are willing to spend money on a quality watch that doesn’t just keep good time. Fifty years ago, watchmakers took pride in their products’ accuracy(精确性). But in recent years, the watch industry has changed itself into an accessory(配饰) business. And today, the image a watch conveys has become more important than the time it tells.

“Complications” — features that go beyond simple timekeeping — are an important part of a watch’s image. Today’s watches offer lots of features that meet almost any personality. These features include compasses, USB drivers, and even other functions that measure the effectiveness of golf swings!

Creativity also plays a key role in designing today’s watches. For example, Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash makes watches that don’t even look like watches. The company’s popular Shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell time. It looks more like a fashionable bracelet than a watch.

Whether a watch conveys fashion sense, creative talent or a love of sports, consumers want their watches to stand out. Nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget(小玩意) in their bags, so people want to make a statement with what’s on their wrists. Will this interest in wrist fashion last? Only time will tell!

1.What can we know from the first paragraph?

A. As most people see, watches are out of fashion.

B. Some people feel that watches have been of no use.

C. The watch industry will close down sooner or later.

D. There are so many choices of watches for teenagers today.

2.According to the passage, what image does a watch convey nowadays?

A. It simply tells time.

B. It attracts many teenagers.

C. It has many functions.

D. It has an impact on creativity and imagination.

3.Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to _________.

A. tell that today’s watches need more creativity

B. advertise Shinshoku watches made by Tokyoflash

C. show why Shinshoku watches are popular

D. make a comparison between watches and bracelets

4.What may be the best title for the passage?

A. Watch Industry Is in a Bad Situation B. Japanese Watches Stand Out

C. Watches Tell More Than Time D. Watches Are Becoming Less Popular



    My first week in the United States was a cultural shock. Everything felt new to me, including the style of conversation, the community I lived in and even the type of food people ate.

In our community back home, people eat mutton and chicken. Pork and beef are also common among other communities, but eating beef is taken as an illegal act. Unlike Nepal, eating beef is common in the West where most of the people follow religions other than Hinduism.

Food is just an example. When people move from one part of the world to another, they should adapt(适应)themselves to the new culture. For example, going to the bars or getting drunk is not acceptable in my community, but it is common in the US after a certain age.

I was raised in a traditional Hindu family in Nepal. We have a conservative(保守的,谨慎的)opinion towards marriage. Arranged marriages(包办婚姻)are common in which families decide whether the two should get married. Free love marriages are not allowed and are seldom seen. Same-sex marriage is also considered impossible.

To me, culture is a matter of habit. The culture is so deep-rooted in people’s minds that most people are against changes. It is always easy for them to do what they have been doing throughout their life. It may be difficult for anyone to adapt to a new culture.

However, with travel being an unavoidable thing for modern people, one always comes across different cultures. In such cases, one should be respectful and adaptive to the culture other people follow. The world is always a better place to live in when we have spaces for people of all cultures.

1.What does the Nepal law forbid people to eat?

A. Pork. B. Beef.

C. Chicken. D. Mutton.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Most westerners believe in Hinduism.

B. Getting drunk in Nepal is acceptable.

C. Anyone can enter the bars in the US.

D. The writer came across a cultural shock.

3.Which may be seen most in Nepal?

A. Open marriages. B. Free love marriages.

C. Same-sex marriage. D. Arranged marriages.

4.What is the writer’s attitude to different cultures?

A. Negative. B. Respectful.

C. Conservative. D. Indifferent.



    It is not easy to become a doctor in the United States. The first step is getting into a medical college. More than one hundred and twenty American schools offer study programs for people wanting to be doctors.

People can get advice about medical schools from many resources. One of these is the Princeton Review. The publication provides information about colleges, study programs and jobs.

The Princeton Review says the competition to enter medical schools is strong. American medical schools have only about sixteen thousand of openings. But more than thirty-two thousand students may try it. Many of those are women.

Most applicants contact more than one medical school. Some contact many. An important part of the application usually is the Medical College Admission Test which is called MCAT. The Association of American Medical Colleges provides the test by computer. It is offered in the United States and other countries.

The people who want to enter medical schools are rated(评定)on reasoning, physical and biological sciences and an example of writing. Applicants for medical schools need to do well on the MCAT. They also need a good record in their college studies.

Some students work for a year or two in a medical or research job before they attempt to enter a medical school.

1.To enter medical schools is ______.

A. effortless B. not competitive

C. fiercely competitive D. easy

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the Princeton Review?

A. It can give us advice about medical schools.

B. It is a great resource for people who want to become doctors.

C. It can provide us information about study programs.

D. It provides the MCAT test.

3.The underlined word “those” in the third paragraph refers to ______.

A. people who want to be doctors

B. people who want to enter a medical school

C. people who are tested by MCAT

D. doctors in the United States

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How to be a good doctor in the United States.

B. The importance of the Princeton Review.

C. How to prepare for the MCAT.

D. How to get into a medical school.



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