满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一橫线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



Everyone should take the action to reduce haze (雾霾), which is harmless to our health. First of allI believe that if we plant more treethere will be less haze in their city. Trees can absorb exhaust fumes (尾气) from carsthus reduce pollution. Secondthe government should punish the factories where produce too many fumes. Exhaust fumes is the main cause of haze and do greatly harm to people’s health. Maybe we can move factories to areas where few people live. Third, I think it was a great idea to encourage people to use public transportation. Last but not least, we can call on citizens ride bikes if they travel short journeys.


【解析】 1.句意:每个人都应该采取措施减少雾霾,它对人的身体是有害的。take action采取措施,故把take the action中的the去掉。 2.句意:每个人都应该采取措施减少雾霾,它对人的身体是有害的。.harmless无害的,harmful有害的,故把 .harmless→harmful。 3.句意:如果我们种更多的树,在我们的城市将有更少的雾霾。可知tree用复数形式,故把tree---trees。 4. 句意:如果我们种更多的树,在我们的城市将有更少的雾霾。“是我们的城市”故把their---our。 5.句意:树能将吸收来自汽车的尾气,因此减少污染。此处是现在分词做自然的结果状语,故把reduce---reducing。 6.句意:政府应该惩罚那些排放尾气多的工厂。此处factories做先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中做主语,故把where→which。 7.句意:尾气是雾霾的主要原因,对人的身体造成极大的伤害。句中主语是Exhaust fumes,复数形式,故把is---are。 8. 句意:尾气是雾霾的主要原因,对人的身体造成极大的伤害。形容词修饰名词,故把greatly→great。 9.句意:我认为鼓励人们使用公共交通是一个极好的主意。根据句意可知用一般现在时态,故把was---is。 10.句意:最后但同样重要的是,我们可以呼吁市民短途旅行骑自行车。call on sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事,故在citizens ride中加to。  


The falling stars challenge, which began in Russia, invites participants1.(share) their best fake fall and recommend their friends to do the same, and people have been going to make their falls as dramatic as possible. At first, the falling stars challenge2.(regard) as a way for the wealthy to show their3.(possession). People were photographing themselves falling from cars, boats and even their own private jets,4.(lie) face-down with luxurious jewelry, expensive items from high-end brands surrounding them.

However, as the challenge spread, it transformed from being a way of showing off to a creative way to show5.people consider important in their lives. The social media craze soon made6.(it) way to Weibo, a Chinese social media platform. A major difference with the Chinese version of the challenge7.(be) that professionals from different industries participated to show their daily routine. These include a firefighter lying in front of a row of fire trucks and8.officer at an emergency call center on the ground with documents thrown in all directions.

While some pictures are intended9.fun online, Chinese authorities are taking it10.(serious). Some people who have participated in the trend have received tickets for breaking traffic laws to get the perfect photo.



    You may be surprised to see “making sure children never suffer” as a mistake.  The following ________may help you understand how rescuing children from all suffering________weakness.

A little boy felt sorry for a butterfly________ to emerge from its chrysalis(). He decided to________the butterfly. So he peeled (剥开) the chrysalis open for the butterfly. The little boy was so________to watch the butterfly spread its wings and fly off into the sky.  Then he was horrified________he watched the butterfly fall to the ground and die because it did not have the muscle________to keep flying. In fact, the butterfly’s struggle to________the chrysalis helps the butterfly become stronger.

Like the little boy, ________too often want to protect their children from struggle in the________of love. They don’t realize that their children need to struggle, to experience________. To deal with disappointment,  and to solve their own problems. Only in this way can children________their emotional strength, become   ________and develop the skills necessary for the even bigger struggles they will meet throughout their lives. Children experiencing sufferings can________the ups and downs of life.

However, it isn’t helpful either in this case when parents________lectures(训斥), blame and shame to what the child is experiencing. Mothers ________to say, “Stop crying and acting like a spoiled boy. You can’t always get what you want.” These________words should be avoided.

Instead, parents can offer loving support. You can say, “Don’t lose________. Be brave! You will succeed if you try again. ” Then comes the tough part-no________and no lectures. Simply allow him to discover that he can get over his disappointment and________what he can do to get what he wants in the future.

1.A. story B. proverb C. saying D. experiment

2.A. damages B. burns C. creates D. experiences

3.A. turning B. struggling C. devoting D. coming

4.A. kill B. feed C. help D. rescue

5.A. moved B. excited C. puzzled D. depressed

6.A. until B. since C. before D. as

7.A. power B. energy C. strength D. force

8.A. come up with B. do away with C. get along with D. break away from

9.A. teachers B. parents C. relatives D. friends

10.A. case B. charge C. name D. course

11.A. friendships B. scholarships C. relationships D. hardships

12.A. strengthen B. require C. get D. achieve

13.A. warm-hearted B. strong-willed C. absent-mind D. cold-blooded

14.A. expect B. predict C. survive D. avoid

15.A. add B. adapt C. devote D. contribute

16.A. pretend B. happen C. tend D. seem

17.A. discouraging B. inspiring C. interesting D. touching

18.A. face B. heart C. sight D. weight

19.A. parking B. smoking C. drinking D. rescuing

20.A. carry out B. figure out C. rule out D. drop out



    There is nothing worse than sitting next to someone whose breath smells bad. In order to solve this problem, people have tried various methods since thousands of years ago.1.. Nowadays, we use gum(口香糖)instead and it seems to be much easier.

2. Scientists can even tell whether or not somebody has a disease just from a simple breath test now.

How does it work? Breath is made up of waste chemicals that the body makes.3.In fact, they are just like fingerprints (指纹)一that’s why scientists sometimes call them “ breathprints” .

Compared with other kinds of tests, a breath test is much quicker. Instead of taking hours, it only takes a few minutes.4.This machine will help to test their breath. It has been useful in finding early signs of problems such as stomach cancer.

Now, scientists are trying to use breath tests as many as they can.5.

AThere are many ways to make your breath smell better

BIt’s much cheaper to do a breath test than other tests

CHow your breath smells says a lot about your health

DIn ancient China, people used to eat a special plant to make their breath smell better

E. Hopefully, someday, visits to the hospital will be a lot quicker and easier for everyone

F. Breath tests are also a lot easier to do than regular tests as people only need to blow into a special machine

G. Scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology found that these chemicals are different for each person



    In his 402nd anniversary year, Shakespeare is still rightly celebrated as a great wordsmith (语言大师)and playwright (剧作家).But he was not the only great master of dramatic writing to die in 1616, and he is certainly not the only writer to have left a lasting influence on theater.

While less known worldwide, Tang Xianzu is considered China’s greatest playwright and is highly spoken of in that country of ancient literary and dramatic traditions.

Tang was born in 1550 in Linchuan, Jiangxi province, and pursued a low-key career as an official until, in 1598 and aged 49, he retired to focus on writing. Unlike Shakespeare’s large body of plays, poems and sonnets (十四行诗),Tang wrote only four major plays: The Purple Hairpin (《紫钗记》),Peony Pavilion (《牡丹亭》),A Dream under the Southern Bough (《南柯记》,and Dream of Handan(《邯郸记》. The Peony Pavilion is considered Tang’s masterpiece. The latter three are constructed around a dream narrative, a device through which Tang unlocked the emotional dimension of human desires and ambitions and explored human nature beyond the social and political restrictions of that time.

Tang lived toward the end of the Ming Dynasty1368—1644and the popularity of his works had a good reason. Similar to Shakespeare, his success rode the wave of a renaissance (复兴)in theater as an artistic practice. As in Shakespeare’s England, Tang’s works became hugely popular in China too. During Tang’s China, the way, in which playlets were enjoyed and performed, changed. Kunqu opera, a form of musical drama, spread from southern China to the whole nation and became a symbol of Chinese culture. Combining northern tune and southern music, kunqu opera was known for its poetic language, music, dance movements and gestures. Tang’s works benefited greatly from the popularity of kunqu opera, and his playlets are considered classics of kunqu opera.

While Tang and Shakespeare lived in a world away from each other, there are many things they share in common, such as the humanity of their drama, their iconic and heroic figures, their love for poetic language, a lasting popularity and the anniversary during which we still celebrate them.

1.How is the text developed?

A. By analyzing data. B. By giving examples.

C. By providing arguments. D. By making comparisons.

2.What’s the most outstanding feature of Tang’s works according to Paragraph 3 ?

A. They are love stories based on real events.

B. They reflect political environment at that time.

C. They focus on discovering human emotions.

D. They are mainly about dreams of females.

3.What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Led to. B. Called up.

C. Set off. D. Benefited from.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. Tang Xianzu—The Shakespeare of China

B. Kunqu Opera——A Symbol of Chinese Culture

C. Tang Xianzu and His Work——The Peony Pavilion

D. Shakespeare and His Influence on Chinese Theater



    Making employees feel happy and healthy at work is good for many businesses. But it isn’t always an easy thing. A study suggests that only 33% of the U. S. employees consider themselves fully engaged (投身于)in work, while 16% are greatly disengaged, and 51% are just showing up.

But there is an exception. When it comes to employee engagement, it seems that employees in small companies are doing better. According to the same research, the largest U. S. companies are at the lowest levels of engagement, while companies with fewer than 25 employees are at the highest. And in one recent report, 75% of small business workers surveyed said they were “very” or “extremely” satisfied with their role as a small company employee.

Unlike big companies, small companies are often short of resources but the employees can get more surprises there. Small companies offer excellent career opportunities to their employees. The bosses often know their staff very well and understand their personal needs. Employees of small companies are more likely to receive free meals, paid leave, and they can even bring their pets to work.

But of course ? there are many other draws in small businesses. One of the top draws is flexible scheduling (弹性工时). Another is being able to really see the fruits of one's labor. Besides, non-cash award is also a big draw. This could be something small that reflects employees’ interests and lifestyles.

While a parental leave might lead to some financial problems, small companies may do something to improve it. “It may be impossible for a five-person team to be reduced to four for six months,” writes Camillia Velasquez, head of HR management platform, Justworks. “But it could be possible to allow new parents to take on reduced hours in a work-from-home environment. ” This kind of method has been realized in some small companies.

1.What can we know about employees in big and small companies?

A. Employees can develop better in small companies.

B. Employees can earn more money in small companies.

C. Employees in big companies are hard to be satisfied.

D. Employees in small companies are more engaged in work.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Working for small companies has many benefits.

B. All the employers in small companies know every staff member very well.

C. Staff in small companies may face many challenges.

D. Staff in big companies have more material benefits.

3.Compared with big companies, what is the advantage of small companies?

A. Employers in small companies have more choices.

B. Small companies have more attractions to employees.

C. Employees of small companies may have higher salaries.

D. Employees of small companies have fixed working time.

4.What can be most probably inferred from the passage?

A. Small companies may have more employees with much happiness.

B. Big companies should learn from some small companies.

C. Employees should have their own hobbies and lifestyles.

D. Employers should pay more attention to the staff’s needs.



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