满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Choose what you want to do, and don’t st...

    Choose what you want to do, and don’t stop until getting there. You can ______ beyond your wildest dreams.

My goal for myself last year was to ______ a half marathon (马拉松). I was inspired by the runners in the world, seeing them run a half then ______ a full marathon, seeing my parents-in-law’s ______ as they told me about their upcoming marathon. I knew I wanted to do a half.

I completed my first 10k last April. Feeling happy, I ______ to take the next step and sign up for the Hampton’s Half in September. As the marathon drew near, I became more ______. I just didn’t think that I was ______ to be a runner, I had never been ______ at running. Why suddenly could I do it now? 13.1 miles was further than anything I ever dreamed of. Unexpectedly, a month before the ______ I hurt my hamstring (脚筋) seriously one rainy night. ______, I felt somehow relieved. Now I had a good ______ not to run. I didn’t have to feel ______ when I couldn’t finish, because I could simply explain that I had hurt myself and could no longer ______. It was like a weight had been ______ from my shoulders.

My attitude finally changed I believe that I can do anything, and my body is ______ to do amazing things. I signed up for the DC Cherry Blossom 10 miler with some friends, and with all of them  _____ me, I couldn’t draw back. Unfortunately, while training hard, I was again ______, I hurt my knee in an accident and couldn’t ran for months. The thought of using it as an excuse that I couldn’t run came across my ______ but I threw it away after a couple of minutes. On that exciting day I ______ it to the finishing line, though not a good result. The ______ distance I’ve ever run, one I had never thought possible.

1.A. succeed B. stress C. hesitate D. admire

2.A. research B. organize C. run D. host

3.A. compare B. dislike C. match D. complete

4.A. disappointment B. regret C. excitement. D. pain

5.A. refused B. decided C. agreed D. begged

6.A. nervous B. bored C. confident D. delighted

7.A. allowed B. encouraged C. forced D. meant

8.A. bad B. good C. slow D. amazed

9.A. training B. meeting C. exam D. match

10.A. However B. Meanwhile C. Otherwise D. Still

11.A. time B. chance C. excuse D. place

12.A. important B. frightened C. proud D. puzzled

13.A. jump up B. give up C. take part D. stand out

14.A. separated B. protected C. borrowed D. removed

15.A. willing B. energetic C. sensitive D. afraid

16.A. against B. beside C. between D. before

17.A. injured B. punished C. invited D. fired

18.A. eyes B. faces C. mind D. stomach

19.A. carried B. made C. threw D. failed

20.A. farthest B. shortest C. worst D. easiest


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者报名参加了一次马拉松比赛,而随着比赛临近作者越来越紧张,后来因为一次意外受伤,作者想到将受伤当做自己无法参加比赛的借口。后来经过努力,作者最终跑到了自己从未想到过的最远的距离。作者意识到:选择你想要做的事,在到达目的地之前不要停止。你能取得超乎想象的成功。 1.考查动词词义辨析。A. succeed成功;B. stress强调;C. hesitate犹豫;D. admire钦佩。根据下文作者的经历,本句是指选择你想要做的事,在到达目的地之前不要停止。你能取得超乎想象的成功。故选A。 2.考查动词词义辨析。A. research研究;B. organize组织;C. run奔跑;D. host主持。根据下文marathon可知作者是跑马拉松,故选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。A. compare比较;B. dislike不喜欢;C. match匹配;D. complete完成。根据下文a full marathon可知是跑完整段马拉松,故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。A. disappointment失望;B. regret遗憾;C. excitement激动;D. pain痛苦。根据下文upcoming marathon可知对即将到来的马拉松作者的公婆是很激动的。故选C。 5.考查动词词义辨析。A. refused拒绝;B. decided决定;C. agreed同意;D. begged乞求。根据下文the next step and sign up可知作者决定采取下一步,故选B。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。A. nervous紧张的;B. bored厌倦的;C. confident自信的;D. delighted高兴的。根据下文I just didn’t think可知作者随着比赛接近,变得越来越紧张不安,故选A。 7.考查动词词义辨析。A. allowed允许;B. encouraged鼓励;C. forced强迫;D. meant意味着;想要。句意:我觉得我并不是注定要成为一个跑步者。短语mean to be“命中注定”故选D。 8.考查形容词词义辨析。A. bad坏的;B. good好的;C. slow慢的;D. amazed惊奇的。根据上文作者不认为自己不是生来就要当跑步者,因为作者从来都不擅长跑步。短语be good at“擅长”,故选B。 9.考查名词词义辨析。A. training训练;B. meeting会议;C. exam考试;D. match比赛。根据上文a month before可知比赛前一个月,作者的脚筋受了伤。故选D。 10.考查连词辨析。A. However然而;B. Meanwhile同时;C. Otherwise否则;D. Still仍然。根据上文离比赛还有一个月作者却受了伤,但是作者却不知怎么觉得解脱了。前后为转折关系,故选A。 11.考查名词词义辨析。A. time时间;B. chance机会;C. excuse借口;D. place地方。作者因为受了伤,有了一个不能跑步的好“借口”。故选C。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。A. important重要的;B. frightened害怕的;C. proud骄傲的;D. puzzled困惑的。根据下文when I couldn’t finish作者受了伤,因此不用害怕完不成比赛。故选B。 13.考查动词短语辨析。A. jump up跳起来;B. give up放弃;C. take part参加;D. stand out出众。句意:因为我可以简单地解释道我受了伤不能再参加比赛了。故选C。 14.考查动词短语辨析。A. separated分开;B. protected保护;C. borrowed借;D. removed移走。根据上文I felt somehow relieved可知作者因为不用参加比赛感到解脱,就像是肩上的负担被移走了。故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。A. willing愿意的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. sensitive 敏感的;D. afraid害怕的。根据上文I believe that I can do anything可知作者相信自己可以做任何事,他的身体也愿意去做一些令人惊奇的事情。故选A。 16.考查介词辨析。A. against反对;靠着;B. beside在旁边;C. between在两者之间;D. before在……之前。句意:他们所有人都在我身边支持我,我不能退缩。故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。A. injured受伤;B. punished惩罚;C. invited邀请;D. fired着火。根据下文I hurt my knee可知作者又一次受了伤,故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。A. eyes眼睛;B. faces脸;C. mind思维;D. stomach胃部。句意:用它来作为我不能跑步的借口的想法在我脑中一闪而过。come across one’s mind“脑中一闪而过”,故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。A. carried搬运;B. made制造;C. threw扔;D. failed失败。根据下文finishing line可知作者跑完了全程马拉松,短语make it“完成;达到目标”,故选B。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。A. farthest最远的;B. shortest最短的;C. worst最坏的;D. easiest最容易的。根据下文I’ve ever run可知作者跑到了自己从未想过的最远的距离,故选A。

    Winter is often bitterly cold, which often makes us stay indoors more instead of heading out to exercise. Worse still, there are many viruses doing their best to make you sick. And sneezing, coughing and nose blowing make the rooms a habitat for viruses. 1.. Touching a doorknob or shaking a hand may make you get sick. Although it may sound terrible, there are still some things you can do to avoid viruses. Here are several simple tips to stay healthy in winters.

Wash your hands

You pick up viruses everywhere and they live on your hands, so wash your hands and do it often. 2. But if that’s not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (消毒杀菌剂).

3.. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. That’s one way viruses can get into your body.

Get the flu shot (疫苗)

4., but getting the flu shot lowers your chances of getting the flu. For example, getting the flu shot last year resulted in a 34% lower risk of coming down with the flu.

Avoid sick people

5.. Viruses spread very easily through the air, so keep at least six feet between you and the sneezing, sniffling and coughing person.

A. It’s no guarantee

B. Take care of your face

C. Keep your hands away from your face

D. The best way is to use regular soap and water

E. It is easy for viruses to spread from person to person

F. If someone around you is sick, then keep your distance

G. Because there are always some unexpected things in life



    A scientist locked himself in a small air-tight plastic tent with 200 plants to see if they could change CO2 into oxygen (氧气) fast enough to keep him alive.

Kurtis Baute locked himself in a 3m by 3m tent in his brother’s backyard in British Columbia, Canada. He hoped to find out if by surrounding himself with plants, the CO2 he breathed out could be changed into oxygen to allow him to survive in the locked tent for at least three days. Unfortunately, he had to give up the experiment after only 15 hours, as CO2 levels reached a dangerous point where he risked suffering brain damage.

“I could probably survive in the tent for three days,” Baute wrote on his website. “But my goal is not to just ‘not die’. My goal is to end this project without developing brain damage or just generally causing lasting harm to my body. But as it turns out, that’s exactly what he risked as the 200 plants he took with him into the tent couldn’t meet his needs. Clearly, a cloudy sky prevented them from receiving all the sunlight they needed to perform photosynthesis (光合作用), so they couldn’t recycle CO2 fast enough.

“Plants are great at taking in CO2 and they love it. Since it wasn’t a bright and sunny day, they weren’t getting the light they needed, which meant CO2 just kept rising. I had to give up the experiment as that continued.” the young experimenter said.

15 hours into the experiment, Baute reached the set danger point and then ended this experiment. Still, he called the experiment a “huge success” as his main goal was actually the terrible effects of climate change and CO2 emissions. “The conclusion about my experiment is that if CO2 is too high, I’ll escape, which is just everyday experiences for many people on this planet. Everyone deserves clean air, but not everyone has it,” he wrote.

1.Why did Kurtis Baute stay in the tent for only 15 hours?

A. The tent is too small for him to stay too long.

B. The environment in the tent is dangerous for him.

C. CO2 in the tent couldn’t be changed into oxygen.

D. He couldn’t survive in the locked tent any longer.

2.What made it hard for the 200 plants to satisfy Kurtis Baute’s needs?

A. His health condition. B. His wrong decision.

C. Too much CO2. D. The cloudy weather.

3.What does Kurtis think of the result of the experiment?

A. Disappointing. B. Surprising.

C. Satisfying. D. Interesting.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. A test to show the importance of clean air

B. Surviving in the tent

C. The set danger point

D. Making people know the use of plants



    After a five-year pause, the Billboard Music Awards officially returned to the United States. Two of the big winners at this year’s awards were Rihanna and Taylor Swift. But a major symbol of the show’s popularity came from others such as Beyonce, U2, the Black Eyed Peas, and First Lady Michelle Obama.

This year marks the Billboard Awards’ rebirth. The Billboard Awards had been a big event since 1989, but the award in 2006 seemed to be its last award.

This year the show was brought back in Las Vegas, broadcast live on ABC, and hosted by “The Hangover 2” star Ken Jeong. However, like many other awards shows, the three-hour awarding ceremony served more as a marketing tool for today’s pop stars than an award presentation.

The show was packed with fans. Cee-Lo Green floated in the air with his piano. Surprising duets (二重唱) between Rihanna and Britney Spears, and this year’s Billboard Icon Award winner, Neil Diamond made the fans sing along to “Sweet Caroline” and “America”.

Rihanna’s two wins were Radio Artist of the Year and Top Female Artist. Taylor Swift won the evening’s first award, as Top Album Artist, as well as Top Country Artist

Beyonce received a special “Millennium” Award for her career achievements: The 29-year-old star was praised in a video by a series of other stars, including Lady Gaga and Michelle Obama. She also performed her new song, “Run the World”.

The Billboard Music Awards are given to the most popular artists in the mainstream music scene. The finalists and winners are determined by their rank on the Billboard charts.

1.When was The Billboard Music Awards first held?

A. In 1989. B. In 2006.

C. In 2011. D. In 2018.

2.What does the author wish the awarding ceremony to be?

A. A promotional tool for today’s pop stars.

B. An award presentation.

C. A live broadcast show.

D. A pop star show.

3.Why was Beyonce given an award by the Billboard?

A. For being the most popular artist. B. For making the fans sing along with her.

C. For her career achievements. D. For being praised by Lady Gaga.

4.What award was not mentioned in the text?

A. Top Album Artist. B. Top Female Artist.

C. Top Country Artist. D. Top Male Artist.



    Adidas and Puma have been two of the biggest names in sports shoe production for over half a century.

Since 1928, they have supplied shoes for Olympic athletes, World Cup football heroes, Muhammad Ali, hip hop stars and rock musicians famous all over the world. But the story of these two companies begins in one house in the town of Herzogenaurach, Germany.

Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of a shoemaker. They loved sport hut complained that they could never find comfortable shoes to play in. So they started making their own. In 1920, Adolph made the first pair of athletics shoes with spikes (钉状物), produced on the Dasslers’s kitchen table.

On 1st July 1924, they formed a shoe company, Dassler Brothers Ltd and they worked together for many years. The company became successful, but in 1948, the brothers argued. No one knows exactly what happened. The result was that Adolph left the company. His nickname was Adi, and using this and the first three letters of the family name, Dassler, he founded Adidas. Rudolph also founded and relocated his own company across the River Aurach. At first he wanted to call it Ruda, but finally he called it Puma.

After the big split of 1948, Adolph and Rudolph never spoke to each other again and their companies have now been in competition for over sixty years. Both companies were for many years the market leaders, though Adidas has always been more successful than Puma. A hip hop group, Run DMC, has even written a song called My Adidas and in 2005 Adidas bought Reebok, another big sports shoe company.

The terrible family argument should really be forgotten. Ever since it happened, over sixty years ago, the town has been divided into two. Even now, some Adidas employees and Puma employees don’t talk to each other.

1.Why did Adolph and Rudolph start making their own shoes?

A. To play sports. B. To walk around the town.

C. To make a living. D. To show their talent.

2.How long had the two brothers worked in the same company?

A. 20 years. B. 24 years.

C. 16 years. D. 60 years.

3.The underlined word “split” in paragraph 5 is the closest in meaning to “________”.

A. separation B. connection

C. cooperation D. celebration

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Dassler Brothers Ltd provided Olympic athletes with shoes in 1924.

B. Adidas was named after Adolph’s family name.

C. Run DMC wrote a song in memory of Reebok.

D. The argument has an influence on the two companies even today.



Coit Tower

Coit Tower provides 360-degree views of San Francisco and the bay, including the Golden Gate Bridge. The most fantastic views can be seen from the observation deck, which is reached by an elevator. It costs $7 to get on the elevator. It is 4. 9 miles from Coit Tower to Golden Gate Bridge.

Crissy Field

Crissy Field, a former army airport located south of the Golden Gate Bridge in the Presidio, was rebuilt in 2001 and offers wide walking and cycling trails between the Marina Green and Fort Point. It offers wonderful views of the Golden Gate Bridge, picnic areas and a small sandy beach which is popular with families. Along Crissy Field, visitors can stop for lunch at the Warming Hut, the Beach Hut Cafe or the House of Air. Distance from Golden Gate Bridge: 2. 4 miles from the Marina Green.

Fort (堡垄) Point

For a close view of the bridge, visit Fort Point, which is a Civil War time brick fort which can be entered through the Marine Drive park at Crissy Field. Although Fort Point never had any military(军事的) action, the Golden Gate Bridge’s chief engineer, Joseph Strauss, redesigned the bridge to preserve the fort as a “fine example of some kind of art.” Distance from Golden Gate Bridge: 1. 2 miles.

Lands End

Lands End near Lincoln Park offers a perfect view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Visitors can walk along a paved sidewalk near the 17th hole of the Lincoln Park Municipal Golf Course. Here, there are several benches and photo opportunities to picture the beauty of the bridge. Distance from Golden Gate Bridge: 3. 0 miles.

1.Where can visitors have a picnic?

A. At Coit Tower. B. At Crissy Field.

C. At Fort Point. D. At Lands End.

2.Why did Joseph redesign the bridge?

A. To offer wide walking and cycling.

B. To picture the beauty of the bridge.

C. To take a close view of the bridge.

D. To save the fort as an art.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To introduce some places to view Golden Gate Bridge.

B. To introduce some great places in Golden Gate Bridge.

C. To compare the four famous places in San Francisco.

D. To introduce the history of Golden Gate Bridge.



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