满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Natalie Trayling is a famous street arti...

    Natalie Trayling is a famous street artist in Melbourne. At first, those who happened to pass by her and spare some change didn’t even realize what a musical genius was playing. The emotional tune was not only masterfully played but also composed by Natalie herself when she was only 14. Gradually, as long as she appears, people will stop, absorbed in her music. Her music makes you think about calmness, the good things in life, and never giving up.

But what people do not know is that behind the beautiful music of the old woman, it is full of bitterness. At the age of 12, she won a music scholarship at Santa Maria College. At 15 she knocked back a scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music in London because her parents couldn’t pay non-tuition costs. When she left school, she taught piano at Santa Maria. Later she met her husband, Denis. They had four children, but the two of them died. In 1984, Denis asked for a divorce. Natalie’s son, Nathan, was given medication for depression. Natalie lived either outdoors in Royal Park or in boarding houses for nine years. In late 2003 Natalie collapsed with anaemia(贫血) and was hospitalized for six months.

For half a century, Natalie has been teased by fate. But even so, she never gave up her love for music. When asked why the music was so important to her, she said: “Music is everything. I do feel part of it. The whole world is music.”

When Natalie went on the Internet, she became a sign of Melbourne. People are impressed by her persistence in dreams and the optimism of life. Now she is no longer wandering around. She can play the piano at any time, but as long as the weather is good, she will walk to the streets of Melbourne, and play a touching melody for the rush of the city.

1.Why is Natalie’s music so touching to the passers-by?

A. It is full of bitterness.

B. She composed it herself.

C. It’s a reflection of her own life.

D. It reminds of the beauty of life.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “knocked back” in Paragraph 2?

A. gave up

B. obtained

C. accepted

D. was awarded

3.What does music mean to Natalie?

A. It’s her hobby.

B. It’s the source of her misfortune.

C. It is part of her life.

D. It’s a way to earn a living.

4.What does the author try to tell us?

A. Natalie is a musical genius.

B. Life is not easy for everyone.

C. Never give up halfway.

D. Natalie has a strong and brave heart.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文介绍了澳大利亚墨尔本一位街头艺术家Natalie Trayling:她披散着银色的长发,衣衫单薄,弱不禁风......但只要是她出现的地方,都会引来人们驻足围观, 听过她演奏的人们无一不被老人乐声所折服,也被乐曲所表现出的情感深深触动了。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段Gradually, as long as she appears, people will stop, absorbed in her music. Her music makes you think about calmness, the good things in life, and never giving up.得知路人听到Natalie演奏都会驻足围观,因为Natalie的乐声让你沉静下来,思考生命中那些美好的事物,让你觉得永远都不要放弃。故选D。 2.词义猜测题。根据because her parents couldn’t pay non-tuition costs.得知,Natalie在15岁时,她拒绝了伦敦皇家音乐学院的奖学金,因为她的父母负担不起其他的杂费。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据But even so, she never gave up her love for music. When asked why the music was so important to her, she said: “Music is everything. I do feel part of it. The whole world is music.”得知当被问及为什么音乐对她这么重要时,Natalie说:音乐就是一切,她觉得自己是它的一部分,音乐是全世界。故选C。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段得知Natalie在网上走红后,一下子成了墨尔本的标志。人们被她对梦想的执着和对生活的乐观精神所打动。说明作者想通过本文向我们介绍墨尔本坚强、勇敢的街头艺术家Natalie。故选D。

Four apps for students to learn English


Quizlet is a learning app---a computer program you use on your mobile device. It can help users build and test

their knowledge of English words and terms. Quizlet has word sets for millions of subjects. And, it is quickly becoming a useful mobile tool for language learners.


In Socrative, teachers can create timed learning games. In class, students compete individually or as part of a team against classmates. One game students love is called space Race. In this game, if a team answers a question correctly, their rocket moves forward. This team whose rocket gets to the end first wins. Also, teachers can use Socrative as an “exit ticket,” a question they can ask students about what they learned in that day’s class. Students write their answers on their mobile devices. Then, the teacher can show the answers on a shared video screen.

QR Codes

A QR Code is a kind of sign that a smartphone can read with its camera. When your phone camera reads a QR code, it takes you to a website, image, video or anything you want to share. For example, one will take you to the VOA Learning English website.


Evernote lets users store and share notes, images and recordings in one place. Teachers can also use Evernote to give homework.

1.Which is the best for students to build up vocabulary?

A. Quizlet.

B. QR Codes.

C. Evernote.

D. Socrative.

2.What can a teacher do by using Socrative?

A. Give homework.

B. Carry out a classroom test.

C. Look up new words.

D. Visit an English-learning website.

3.What’s the purpose of the text?

A. To make an advertisement.

B. To encourage using mobile phones.

C. To improve English learning.

D. To introduce some learning apps.



    It was a cold December day After saying goodbye to his neighbor David Tom set out for a run with his dog TazAs a professional athlete Tom often went for training runs by himself and had done this particular route many times before but that day something unusual happened to him

About an hour later Tom hit some black ice He found himself slipping down the rock face which became steeper and steeper (陡峭的)until suddenly he was in free fall He fell 60 feet into the canyon (峡谷),landing on grass and dry branches If he'd missed them there was no way he would have survived He could feel his legsso he knew he wasn't paralyzed (瘫痪的),but he was in great pain Taz had managed to find his way back to Tom so Tom knew there must be a way out of the canyon but he couldn't stand or even crawl (爬行). He later learned that he had broken his pelvis (骨盆).

Tom shouted for help and tried to pull himself forward Every inch was an effort It took him five hours to go a quarter of a mile Eventually it got so dark that he couldn't see where he was going He decided to stay next to a river which he could drink some water from All he had on him were his jogging clothes a water bottle two boxes of medicine a bar of chocolate and a shower cap which adventure racers often wear to prevent heat loss

At night the temperature dropped below freezing Tom couldn't go to sleep or he would die so he stayed awake lifting his head a few inchesover and over Throughout the nightTaz curled up next to him and kept him company The next morning he couldn't move any more He tried to stay positive He was sure somebody would find he was missing or hear him screaming for help But there was nobody around






Paragraph 1

As time went by Tom felt himself growing weaker and he knew he must take action


Paragraph 2

About three hours later Taz returned and Tom heard an engine in the distance




假定你是李华,新落成的外文书店为增加访客量现向市民征求建议,请给书店经理Mr Bowie 写一封建议信,内容包括:


2.提供公益讲座(public lecture)等服务;









Do you judge people by their appearance

This week I was talking to some guys at Planet Fitness1.told me about their boss' experience of buying a new car The salesmen didn't know that this man had a lot of money It was because he often dressed 2.he in worn-out clothes just like a homeless man on the street When the boss arrived at the first shop the salesmen 3.total ignored him and treated him like he wasn't worth their time He 4. leave the shop with a smile on his face Later that dayhe walked into another shop5.wear the same clothes as usual The salesmen greeted him with kindness and respect Then this man paid almost 20 million 6.new car!

There's a Bible text that tells us how 7.treat people that you learn little about It says "Don't forget to show 8.warm to strangers because anyone who does it may entertain angels without realizing it!" Don't judge 9.book by its cover! The boss was not an angel 10.you never know who just might be



    Four months into her pregnancy (孕期), my mother learned that my brother would be born with Down syndrome (唐氏综合症). Never having dealt with anyone with the diseasethe entire family began to _______ Would he learn to walk and talk ________like the other kids Would he be liked by others Would he have some _______ All these thoughts and every detail ________us though we knew we would ________him exactly the way he is

Thankfullyafter birthLipe was ________than we expected with no heart problems in general connected with Down syndrome He is the most ________person I have ever met Anything is a reason for him to flash a smile Even if it took him some extra ________to learn new things he always did extremely well Although we were glad to see that we still ________what others would say about him In order to ________him I kept his condition a secret I was also afraid of being treated ________by others because of his condition But I soon realized ________I truly loved him I shouldn't be ________of him The first time I told a friend about Lipe's disease she just reminded me that all that my brother needed was my love and _______ It was my friend's understanding that ________me to be proud of Lipe

Because of my brother I have learned the meaning of _______ Before his birth if I saw someone who acted or looked differently I simply thought it to be ________and started laughing I am now glad that I have changed in these ways I now consider what they could possibly be ________in life and the many reasons why they could be behaving like that We may live in a world in which the society coldly ________every inch of you but we can at least treat others with _______ Only in this way can we expect to create a better society

1.A. practice B. worry C. complain D. understand

2.A. quickly B. easily C. quietly D. normally

3.A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. students

4.A. left B. troubled C. helped D. inspired

5.A. change B. shock C. accept D. remember

6.A. younger B. happier C. calmer D. healthier

7.A. curious B. cheerful C. suitable D. confident

8.A. luck B. praise C. effort D. power

9.A. gave up B. believed in C. learned from D. cared about

10.A. care B. protect C. follow D. comfort

11.A. badly B. excitedly C. seriously D. politely

12.A. if B. although C. because D. unless

13.A. proud B. afraid C. scared D. ashamed

14.A. hope B. peace C. support D. interest

15.A. made B. encouraged C. required D. attracted

16.A. pride B. honesty C. patience D. respect

17.A. poor B. troublesome C. strange D. difficult

18.A. achieving B. choosing C. enjoying D. experiencing

19.A. judges B. refuses C. improves D. discovers

20.A. pleasure B. difference C. kindness D. determination



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