满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Susie has become our hero by saving our ...

    Susie has become our hero by saving our lives from an upcoming traffic accident

Every Christmas we visit my parents who live nearly 400 miles away from us It is always a/an______9 to 10-hour drive but we always try to_____ it because that's the only______my parents get to see their_____

One year I was the driver my wife Adriana was in the passenger seat my three kids were all______in the back seat We tried______our dog Susie into her carrier but she______refused to be placed there so the kids decided to put her by their feet That year we traveled at night to avoid the______holiday traffic

The first three hours were fine My three kids were all fast asleep in the______seat including Susie who was ______on their lap My wife accompanied me and kept me______through that______few hours of driving But by around 100am she______asleep too I was also very sleepy by that time so I stopped at a small store and tried to wake myself up with a cup of coffee which helped for several_____ But soon the boring driving______it soon

I had fallen asleep at the______when Susie______woke me up by jumping onto my lap When I opened my_____ I saw the glaring headlights of the truck______towards our car I quickly drove the car back to our lane I had_____ missed hitting the truck

1.A. tiring B. frightening C. exciting D. encouraging

2.A. catch B. make C. get D. do

3.A. day B. month C. season D. time

4.A. sons B. daughters C. grandchildren D. relatives

5.A. seated B. buried C. asleep D. awake

6.A. placing B. forcing C. helping D. setting

7.A. slightly B. completely C. greatly D. strongly

8.A. light B. busy C. heavy D. free

9.A. back B. driver C. passenger D. front

10.A. howling B. lying C. sitting D. crying

11.A. down B. out C. up D. off

12.A. last B. first C. happy D. sleepy

13.A. lay B. kept C. went D. fell

14.A. miles B. hours C. times D. metres

15.A. stopped B. fought C. beat D. changed

16.A. road B. shop C. seat D. wheel

17.A. politely B. coolly C. hardly D. roughly

18.A. car B. door C. eyes D. window

19.A. driving B. heading C. coming D. racing

20.A. narrowly B. nearly C. skillfully D. only


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。短文主要讲了作者一家在去看望父母的路上,差点就出了车祸,幸好是他们的狗Susie最后救了他们一家人。 1.形容词的辨析。tiring令人疲惫的;frightening令人害怕的;exciting令人兴奋的;encouraging鼓舞人的。那是一趟令人疲惫的9至10个小时的开车,故答案为A。 2.动词的辨析。catch抓住;make制作;get获得;do做。但我们总是那样做,使用make it表示"成功做成某事",故答案为B。 3.名词的辨析。day日子;month月;season季节;time时间。因为那是我的父母唯一看到孙子的时间,故答案为D。 4.上下文的理解。根据下文的my three kids可知,那是我的父母唯一看到孙子的时间,因此使用grandchildren,故答案为C。 5.形容词的辨析。seated就座;buried埋葬;asleep睡着的;awake醒着的。我的三个孩子都坐在后座,故答案为A。 6.动名词的辨析。placing放置,;orcing强迫;helping帮助;setting放置。我们试着强迫我们的狗Susie进入她的窝,故答案为B。 7.副词的辨析。slightly稍微;completely完全;greatly很大地;strongly很强烈地。但她强烈地反对,故答案为D。 8.形容词的辨析。light轻的;busy繁忙的;heavy重的;free免费的。那一年我们开夜车为了避免假期交通高峰期,故答案为C。 9.上下文的理解。根据上文的in the back seat可知,我的三个孩子都在后座睡着了,故答案为A。 10.动名词的辨析。howling嚎叫;lying躺;sitting坐;crying哭。包括Susie躺在他们的大腿,故答案为B。 11.副词的辨析。根据语境我的妻子陪伴着我让我在开车的时候能不睡觉,使用短语keep sb. up,故答案为C。 12.形容词的辨析。last最后的;first最开始的;happy高兴的;sleepy困倦的。此处指的是在开车的最先几个小时,故答案为B。 13.动词的辨析。lay躺着;kept保持;went去;fell掉落。大概凌晨一点的时候,她也睡着了,使用fall asleep,故答案为D。 14.名词的辨析。此处指我在一家小店那喝了一杯咖啡,能帮助我清醒开多几英里,因此使用miles,故答案为A。 15.动词的辨析。stopped停止;fought斗争;beat打败;changed改变。但很快无聊的开车就打败了我,故答案为C。 16.上下文的理解。根据语境我在开车的时候就睡着了,使用at the wheel,故答案为D。 17.副词的辨析。politely礼貌地;coolly冷酷地;hardly几乎不;roughly粗暴地。此处指Susie粗暴地跳到我大腿唤醒我,故答案为D。 18.上下文的理解。此处指我睁开眼睛的时候,使用eyes,故答案为C。 19.动名词的辨析。driving开车;heading朝向;coming来;racing赛跑。我看到一辆卡车朝我们开过来,故答案为B。 20.副词的辨析。narrowly勉强地;nearly几乎;skillfully灵活地;only只是。我差点就撞上了那辆车,故答案为A。

    Ready to take a gap year A "Gap Year" is a period of time when a student takes a break before going to university It is often spent travelling or working1.

Gap years are popular with European and Australian students but remain less popular in America However in recent years more and more American students are preparing for college by taking a gap year The advantages of taking a gap year are as follows


Although you don't have to go abroad to experience gap years most gap year students catch the chance to travel abroad You are able to work out who you are and what you are for The experiences of different cultures offer you interesting lessons You can learn more about the world and get to know yourself better

Face challenges and have fun

A gap year is not only a time to take a vacation but also a time to face challenges Gap year students usually work volunteer or take service projects You have to learn how to get along in the real world This process isn't always easy but it is an important part of growing up3.

Save money and improve your college admission chances

There's a common thought that gap years are only for rich students but it's not true Actually taking a gap year can save your money Gap year students often take a part-time job Besides at the end of a gap year students are much more likely to know what to study in college 4.

5.Both of them are excellent and have high grades However one student has much practical experience or has volunteered in his vacation Who do you think the admission officer will choose

A Learn about the world and yourself

B Only in this way can you enjoy life and have fun

C Check out your gap year choices before making the right decision

D It can give young people useful learning experiences and new skills

E Imagine an admission officer trying to admit only one between two students

F More students than ever before are taking a gap year before going to university

G Clear learning goals can keep the students working hard instead of wasting time and money playing



    My kids and I were heading into the superstore over the weekend On the way we saw a man covered by a blanket and holding a sign that said "Lost my job Family to Feed"

At this store a sight like this is not normal It was obvious that the man was embarrassed but desperate My 10-year-old noticed him and said how bad it must be to have to stand outside in the cold wind

While we were in the store I asked each of the kids to pick something they thought our "friend" outside would need They picked a couple of apples a package of bread a sandwich some cheese and a bottle of juice Then my 17-year-old asked "Can we get him a gift card" I thought about it We were low on cash ourselves but …well sometimes giving from our "need" instead of our "abundance (充裕)" is just what we need to do! All the kids declared something they could do away with for the week

We quickly checked out with the foods he could eat at the moment and a gift card for the store At the suggestion of my 16-year-old we also bought a hot cup of coffee and then drove to the end of the parking lot where our "friend" was holding his sign

We handed him the coffee and the bag of food He thanked us with watery eyes When I handed him the gift card and said he could use it for whatever his family might need he burst into tears obviously overwhelmed and grateful

Though I wished we could have done more I can't help but think about how this experience has been such a wonderful opportunity for our family The feeling of helping someone else has affected them all---they cannot stop talking about it and for four days now have been searching for others we can help!

Things would have played out so differently if I had simply said "No we really don't have money to give more" or something to that effect Stepping out not only helped a brother in need it also gave my kids the______ taste of helping others

1.Which is the right order of what happened in the story ______

a The man was grateful with tears

b Each child picked some food for the man in the store

c A poor man lost his job and asked people for help

d All kids did away with something and gave him a gift card

e They saw the poor man outside the supermarket and took pity on him

A. c-e-b-d-a

B. c-e-d-b-a

C. e-c-d-b-a

D. e-c-b-d-a

2.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 mean ______

A. giving him some food

B. giving from our abundance

C. giving from our need

D. giving him a postcard

3.The best word could be filled in the blank in the last paragraph should be ______

A. terrible

B. sweet

C. tiring

D. hopeless

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph ______

A. If mother had said NO the kids would have helped in a different way

B. They had helped many people before offering this poor man help

C. They won't help more people because they can't afford to do so

D. They will try their best to help more people in the future



    It's an annual argument Do we or do we not go on holiday My wife says no because we have no savings to save us I say you only live once and we work hard and what's the point if you can't go on holiday The joy of a recession (不景气) means no argument next year---we just won't go

Since money is known to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees we should be grateful For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday A YouGov survey of 2 000 people found 22% said they were arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money A recent research shows arguments about money were especially damaging to couples

Kim Stephenson an occupational psychologist believes money may be different things to men and women "People can say the same things about money but have different ideas of what it's for" he explains "They'll say it's to save to spend for security for freedom to show someone you love them" He says men are more likely to see money as a way of buying status and of showing their parents that they've achieved something

"The biggest problem is that couples assume each other know what's going on with their finances but they don't There seems to be more of a taboo (禁忌) about talking about money than about death But you both need to know what you're doing who's paying what into the joint account and how much you keep separately In a healthy relationship you don't have to agree about money but you have to talk about it"

1.What does the author say about going on holiday in Paragraph 1 ______

A. It will cost them too much money

B. It is the chief cause of family quarrels

C. It makes all the hard work worthwhile

D. Few people can afford it without working hard

2.According to the text what does Kim Stephenson believe ______

A. Money is often a symbol of a person's status

B. Men and women view money in different ways

C. Men and women spend money on different things

D. Money means a great deal to both men and women

3.The author suggests that couples should ______

A. discuss money matters to maintain a healthy relationship

B. put their money together instead of keeping it separately

C. make efforts to reach agreement on their family budgets

D. avoid arguing about money matters to remain romantic



    Until now little research has been conducted on the association between parents' friendships and the emotional well-being of their adolescent children A new study from researchers at the University of Missouri suggests that mothers' friendships with other adults can impact their adolescent children's relationships with their own friends particularly the negative aspects of these relationships such as conflict and opposition

Gary C Glick a doctoral candidate at MU and Amanda Rose professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences studied the development of friendships and other peer relationships during adolescence and their impact on psychological adjustment They found that adolescents may mimic the negative characteristics of their mothers' relationships in their own peer-to-peer friendships suggesting that mothers can serve as role models for their adolescents during formative years

"Mothers who display high levels of conflict with friends may signal to their children that such behavior is acceptable or even standard in friendships" Glick said "Additional findings suggest that adolescents take for granted their reactions to their mothers' conflict with adult friends which may lead to anxiety and depression"

Previous research of this type focused on primary-aged children but MU researchers wanted to expand their study to focus on the formative adolescent years Youth ranging in age from 10 to 17 and their mothers were surveyed separately to measure regarded positive and negative friendship qualities in both groups Results showed that positive friendship qualities were not always imitated by adolescents however negative and unfriendly relationship characteristics exhibited by mothers were much more likely to be copied by the youth studied "We know that conflict is a normal part of any relationship---whether it is a relationship between a parent and a child or a mother and her friends---and we're not talking physical fights but oral conflicts" Glick said "But being exposed to high levels of such conflict generally isn't going to be good for children Parents should consider whether they are good role models for their children especially where their friends are concerned When things go wrong parents should talk with their children about how to act with their friends but more specifically how not to act"

1.The word "mimic" in Para.2means ______

A. succeed B. discover

C. possess D. imitate

2.In comparison with the previous study the new study expanded ______

A. research goals B. research themes

C. research subjects D. research approaches

3.According to Glick parents should instruct their children ______

A. how to put an end to a wrong friendship

B. how to deal with a troubled friendship

C. how to avoid any conflict with friends

D. how to establish a sincere friendship

4.What does the new study find ______

A. Teens mirror negative features of mom's friendships

B. Aggressive mothers ruin their children's friendship

C. Conflicts and opposition form children's characters

D. Parent-child relationship affects children's growth



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1.What is the main purpose of this passage ______

A. To introduce the New York Pass

B. To attract more tourists to New York

C. To describe how to use the New York Pass

D. To explain why the New York Pass is created

2.What benefit can you get from the New York Pass ______

A. You don't have to carry cash with you

B. You can visit the Statue of Liberty for free

C. You can change your travel plans as you like

D. You can get the free guidebook in four languages

3.Jack and his two kids will visit New York for three days in January in 2016 how much should he pay for the New York Pass ______

A. 520 B. 420

C. 380 D. 304

4.The underlined phrase "are entitled to" most probably means "are given ______ of"

A. the name B. the honor

C. the privilege D. the title



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