满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My mother and her family kept informatio...

    My mother and her family kept information about my father and his family a secret from me for over half a century. In 2010 I began to ______ my father through Ancestry.com. However, I learned he had ______ cancer on August 6, 1999 in a hospital in Dallas, Texas.

When I got my father's death ______ the medical examiner told me because my father had no ______ around the city, they buried him in a body bag in a(n) ______ grave in an old cemetery.

I knew my father ______ in WW2 so I decided to work on getting his remains ______ to my state to be buried in our national cemetery. From 2011 to 2017 I kept working on ______ my debt from a divorce and increasing my ______ score so someday I could get a personal loan.

That certificate of ______ service proved my father served 43 months in WW2  in the USA Army Air Force fighting the Nazi's. I still did not have the money ______. In July of 2018 a bank approved a $10000 personal loan so I had a funeral director ______ a permit to exhume my father. After 4 months of ______ I asked Senator Brown for help again in November. Six days after he contacted Texas officials a permit was ______.

On July 9, 2019 an airplane will ______ at the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport ______ I will be finally ______ with my father and touch his metal casket and the missing piece of my heart will be ______.

On January 10, 2019 the Ohio Patriot Guard Riders will escort my father's hearse through my ______ to be buried with honors in our states National cemetery and one day in January Senator Brown will have an American Flag ______ over our Nation's Capital to honor my father.

If you never give up one day your dream will become a reality.

1.A. hire out B. allow for C. search for D. dive in

2.A. suffered from B. died of C. evolved into D. died from

3.A. adjustment B. diploma C. penalty D. certificate

4.A. soldiers B. seniors C. relatives D. enemies

5.A. unprotected B. unmarked C. theoretical D. mobile

6.A. joined B. played C. served D. enrolled

7.A. brought down B. brought in C. brought out D. brought back

8.A. lowering B. increasing C. wiping D. swapping

9.A. housing B. employment C. marriage D. credit

10.A. sustainable B. military C. authentic D. historic

11.A. moreover B. while C. though D. therefore

12.A. apply to B. apply for C. try out D. try on

13.A. clarifying B. waiting C. requesting D. wrestling

14.A. suspended B. rejected C. granted D. substituted

15.A. land B. stop C. leave D. touch

16.A. which B. whose C. where D. when

17.A. confronted B. reunited C. involved D. occupied

18.A. reserved B. restricted C. restored D. rewarded

19.A. school B. church C. country D. hometown

20.A. flowed B. flown C. covered D. controlled


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇故事类阅读。文章作者通过讲述自己坚持不懈接自己父亲的灵柩回家乡的故事,说明了坚持不放弃,你便是生活的主人。 1.考查动词短语辨析。根据through Ancestry.com可知作者开始通过Ancestry.Com网站寻找作者父亲的相关信息。A. hire out出租;B. allow for考虑到;C. search for寻找;D. dive in头朝下跳入水中,故选C。 2.考查动词短语辨析。根据When I got my father's death ___3___可知这里意思是作者父亲早已在1999年8月6日去世,在德克萨斯州达拉斯市的一家医院里,死因是癌症。A. suffered from遭受;B. died of死于;C. evolved into发展成;D. died from死于,若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of;若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词 from,故选B。 3.考查名词辨析。根据the medical examiner told me because my father had no ___4___ around the city, they buried him in a body bag in a(n) ___5___ grave in an old cemetery.可知这里意思是作者拿到了父亲的死亡证明。A. adjustment调整;B. diploma毕业证书;C. penalty罚款;D. certificate证明,故选D。 4.考查名词辨析。根据they buried him in a body bag in a(n) ___5___ grave in an old cemetery.可知由于作者父亲在当地没有任何家属,医院只能把他埋葬在一个废旧的墓地里,墓碑上没有名字,遗骸入殓于廉价的裹尸袋之中。A. soldiers士兵;B. seniors年长者;C. relatives亲属;D. enemies敌人,故选C。 5.考查形容词辨析。句意:医院只能把他埋葬在一个废旧的墓地里,墓碑上没有名字,遗骸入殓于廉价的裹尸袋之中。A. unprotected无保护的;B. unmarked没有名字的;C. theoretical理论的;D. mobile可移动的,故选B。 6.考查动词辨析。这里意思是作者知道父亲曾在二战中服役,作者决定想尽一切办法,把父亲的遗骸带回作者所在的州,入葬在国家公墓。A. joined参加;B. played演奏; C. served服役;D. enrolled登记,故选C。 7.考查动词短语辨析。这里意思是作者知道父亲曾在二战中服役,作者决定想尽一切办法,把父亲的遗骸带回作者所在的州,入葬在国家公墓。A. brought down降低;B. brought in引进;C. brought out出版;D. brought back拿回来,故选D。 8.考查动词辨析。这里意思是后来作者离婚了,从2011年到2017年,六年的时间里,作者一直设法降低自己由于离婚所必须支付的债务,并提升作者的个人信用度,以冀某天能获得一笔个人贷款,完成作者让父亲入土在国家公墓的心愿。A. lowering降低; B. increasing增加;C. wiping 擦干;D. swapping交换,故选A。 9.考查名词辨析。根据so someday I could get a personal loan.可知这里意思是作者一直设法降低自己由于离婚所必须支付的债务,并提升作者的个人信用度。A. housing房屋;B. employment雇用;C. marriage结婚;D. credit信用,故选D。 10.考查形容词辨析。根据in WW2 in the USA Army Air Force fighting the Nazi's.可知这里意思是军方出具了一份证明,证明作者父亲在二战期间服役于美国空军,与纳粹战斗了43个月之久。A. sustainable可以忍受的;B. military军事的;C. authentic真正的;D. historic有历史意义的,故选B。 11.考查副词辨析。这里意思是尽管,作者还是出不起这笔钱。A. moreover此外;B. while当……的时候;C. though虽然;D. therefore因此,故选C。 12.考查动词短语辨析。这里意思是2018年7月,银行批准了作者的个人贷款,作者获得了1万美元的贷款,联系了一位丧葬承办人,请他代理申请作者父亲的转葬事宜。A. apply to适用于;B. apply for申请;C. try out试验;D. try on试穿,故选B。 13.考查动词辨析。这里意思是经过4个月的漫长等待,在11月,作者不得不再次请求一位姓Brown的议员伸出援手。A. clarifying净化;B. waiting等待;C. requesting要求;D. wrestling摔跤,故选B。 14.考查动词辨析。句意:他为我跟德克萨斯州政府官员进行了交涉,6天后,转葬事宜获得了批准。A. suspended推迟;B. rejected拒绝;C. granted允许;D. substituted代替,故选C。 15.考查动词辨析。这里意思是2019年7月9日,一架飞机将会降落在克里夫兰霍普金斯国际机场。A. land登录;B. stop 停止;C. leave离开;D. touch触摸,故选A。 16.考查定语从句。___16___ I will be finally ___17___ with my father and touch his metal casket and the missing piece of my heart will be ___18___.是一个定语从句,先行词是the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport,关系词在从句中作地点状语,用关系副词where,故选C。 17.考查动词辨析。这里意思是在那里,作者父子终于可以重聚了,作者可以触碰到父亲的金属棺材,作者内心缺失的部分可以修复了。A. confronted面对;B. reunited重聚;C. involved涉及;D. occupied占有,故选B。 18.考查动词辨析。这里意思是在那里,作者父子终于可以重聚了,作者可以触碰到父亲的金属棺材,作者内心缺失的部分可以修复了。A. reserved保留;B. restricted限制; C. restored修复;D. rewarded奖赏,故选C。 19.考查名词辨析。这里意思是2019年1月10日,俄亥俄州爱国者卫队骑手将护卫着父亲的灵柩穿过作者的家乡,将遗体礼葬在国家公墓。A. school学校;B. church教堂;C. country国家;D. hometown家乡,故选D。 20.考查动词辨析。这里意思是Brown先生将带着一面美国国旗飞跃首都上空,向作者的父亲致敬。A. flowed流动;B. flown飞行;C. covered覆盖;D. controlled控制,故选B。

—Oh, Hannah just told me that she was unable to translate the report into English.

—________She once spent 10 years living in London.

A. Guess what B. Why not C. So what D. How come



________ the concert to raise money for hunger relief and to make the public aware of the problem, Geldof invited many famous musicians to take part in it.

A. Intended B. Intending C. Having intended D. To intend



—I have been considering cancelling the project because it seems hard to go farther.

—But it's too early to________ now. There's still much hope.

A. pick up the pieces B. throw in the towel

C. go through your paces D. jump down your throat



Frankly speaking, I am not sure whether I ________ this in the old days with that kind of equipment, which looks quite odd and ridiculous.

A. should have done B. need have done C. would have done D. must have done



In my driving lesson, a traffic rule that impressed me most is that in no time ________ when the traffic lights turn red.

A. all vehicles should stop B. should all vehicles stop

C. should stop all vehicles D. should stop all vehicles



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