满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In the U.S. state of Washington, a road ...

    In the U.S. state of Washington, a road called Interstate 90 cuts through a wild, mountainous area to reach the city of Seattle. For the area's many kinds of animals, the busy highway greatly limits their movements. Crossing 1-90—as the road is called—is a risky but sometimes necessary act. But soon, animals will have a safer choice for crossing the road. They will be able to go above it.

To help the animals, the state is finishing work on its largest-ever wildlife bridge. The 11-meter-tall, 20-meter-wide structure begins in the forest. It forms two arches above the highway, one for each direction of traffic. Workers are adding fencing and plants to help guide the animals across the bridge. Two-meter-thick walls will help block noise from vehicles below.

The 1-90 Bridge is part of a growing number of wildlife crossings across the United States. Some are fences, some are overland bridges, and some are underpasses. They all aim to keep drivers and animals away from each other. Collisions between animals and drivers are rarely deadly to people. But they are often deadly to wildlife. In Canada's Banff National Park, studies have found that wildlife crossings reduce the area's animal-driver collisions by 80 percent.

Most of the wildlife bridges are in western states. But experts have noted many other areas that have a need for such paths. Jen Watkins, whose organization has helped campaign for animal crossings, says ftind for more crossings is "the number-one barrier."

Patty Garvey-Darda of the U.S. Forest Service has worked on the 1-90 crossing from the start of the project. She says the $6- million bridge will one day pay for itself because the highway will not have to be fully or partly closed each time a large animal is struck. She said, 4tIf you shut down Interstate 90, you shut down interstate commerce.”

1.What is the purpose of building the bridge over “Interstate 90”?

A. To reduce human deaths in crash with wildlife.

B. To prevent wildlife from being struck by vehicles.

C. To arouse public awareness of wildlife protection.

D. To provide a safer choice to cross the risky road.

2.According to Jen Watkins, what is the biggest challenge in crossing construction?

A. Finding ways to help guide animals across the bridge.

B. Collecting money to build more wildlife crossings.

C. Locating areas to construct appropriate crossings.

D. Encourage drivers to obey the regulations of traffic.

3.What do the underlined words in Paragraph 5 imply?

A. The bridge will prove to be well worth the high price.

B. Expense for building such bridges will be reduced.

C. The bridge will greatly promote trade and commerce.

D. Lives saved through the bridge are definitely beyond price.


1.B 2.B 3.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。为了保护野生动物,美国华盛顿州为野生动物将修建专用高架桥,阻止野生动物遭遇车祸,让司机和动物们“各行其道”。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“ They all aim to keep drivers and animals away from each other. Collisions between animals and drivers are rarely deadly to people. But they are often deadly to wildlife. ”它们的目的都是为了让司机和动物远离彼此。动物和司机的碰撞事故中人类几乎很少有致命的,但对于野生动物来说却常常是致命的,故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“ Jen Watkins, whose organization has helped campaign for animal crossings, says finding monery for more crossings is ‘the number-one barrier.’ ” Jen Watkins所在的组织曾助力为动物建造越境通道。她表示,为建造这样的设施筹措资金是“最大的困难”。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据第五段中的“ She says the $6- million bridge will one day pay for itself because the highway will not have to be fully or partly closed each time a large animal is struck. She said ,‘If you shut down Interstate 90, you shut down interstate commerce. ’”她说这座耗资600万美元的桥梁早晚会彰显其价值,因为这条高速路不必再因为某只大型动物堵塞了交通而完全或部分封锁了。她说如果I-90封锁了,州际贸易也就没法做了,故选A。


1.What is the woman’s talk about?

A. The school trip. B. The school rules. C. The lab instructions.

2.What do the listeners need to do before Thursday?

A. Invite their parents to the trip.

B. Learn to make pizza.

C. Give the speaker some money.

3.What can we learn from the talk?

A. Sandwiches will be prepared for the listeners.

B. The listeners should take a pencil and a notebook.

C. The speaker suggests parents ask questions on the phone.




1.What do you know about Alisha Ryan?

A. She wanted to be famous as a little girl.

B. She was the winner of a famous TV talent show.

C. She was encouraged by her parents to show her talent.

2.How did she feel when she heard the result of the talent competition?

A. Relieved. B. Disappointed. C. Annoyed.

3.What did the newspaper say after the talent show?

A. They praised Alisha for her singing style.

B. They commented on Alisha’s appearance.

C. They appreciated her beautiful voice.

4.What advice does Alisha give on friendship?

A. Treasure your old friends.

B. Learn from those famous friends.

C. Make friends with people around you.




1.Who is the Best Car Design Prize winner?

A. Mr Zarba. B. Mr Giddings. C. Ms Miller.

2.What do we know about the Best Car Design Competition?

A. It was very competitive.

B. There were few competitors.

C. There will be no prize money.

3.Why are they going to the Hyatt Hotel next week?

A. To enjoy the excellent food.

B. To interview the winner.

C. To attend the ceremony.




1.What is it that the man thinks causes their delay?

A. The fog. B. The snow. C. The rain.

2.What else will lead to their bus going slow?

A. The rush hour. B. The large crowd. C. The wrong schedule.

3.How does the man feel at the end of the conversation?

A. Upset. B. Confused. C. Delighted.




1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A city tour. B. Weekend plans. C. Japanese food.

2.Where will the speakers meet on Saturday night?

A. At the woman’s house. B. At a concert hall. C. At a Japanese restaurant.



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