满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Inspired by a 9-year-old cyclist, Lauren...

    Inspired by a 9-year-old cyclist, Lauren Turner, who can only use one hand, a group of University of Guelph students has won an international award for their invention — a bike brake lever (刹车手柄) that pulls both the front brake and the back brake at the same time.

Lauren Tuner was able to ride her bike, but not as confidently and quickly as her friends.

“She couldn’t use the front brake. She only used the back brake, but the front brake makes you stop twice as fast,” says Micha Wallace, who, with Katie Bell, Anina Sakaguchi and Andrew Morries won second prize in the James Dyson Award for their single-handed bike brake lever.

“Lauren Turner tried the device (装置) first and she used it all last summer. She had no problems. It helped her go faster because she felt more confident in her braking abilities. She felt safer.” says Wallace.

The invention was the fourth-year design project for the four students. They designed, tested and created a prototype (模型) within a four-month period.

When Wallace heard about the James Dyson Award on the news, she and her co-inventors entered their project in the U. K. -based contest, which rewards students designers who create products that improve the way we live. The students collected the runner-up prize — £2,000 for them and £500 for their school.

As well, they had a chance to meet James Dyson, a U.K. famous inventor. Praising the students for their invention, Dyson says the single-handed brake lever could improve safety for all cyclists. By using both brakes at once, you could prevent the possibility of flying over the handlebars and ending up with an injury.

The students hope to sell it to a major company. It may be used in other devices that require two hands for operation.

1.According to the passage, the James Dyson Award was named after ________.

A. a well-known place B. a famous inventor

C. a famous university D. a government leader

2.The underlined part “the runner-up prize” in Paragraph 6 means ________.

A. the second prize B. the rich prize

C. the big prize D. the prize for runners

3.According to the passage, we know that the brake lever ________.

A. has already been widely used

B. can only serve the disabled cyclists

C. can protect you from any injuries

D. will have a wide market in the future

4.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Bikes Will Be Safer in the Future. B. The James Dyson Award.

C. Student Inventors Win U.K. Prize. D. Help and Care for the Disabled.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文属于新闻,主要讲述一群大学生发明了一种可同时操控自行车前刹和后刹的装置,并且获得了一项国际性的大奖,并且该发明的市场前景广阔。 1.细节理解题。根据第七段As well, they had a chance to meet James Dyson, a U. K. famous inventor.可知,这个奖以一个发明家的名字命名的,故选B。 2.词义猜测题。根据第三段Micha Wallace, who, with Katie Bell, Anina Sakaguchi and Andrew Morries won second prize in the James Dyson Award for their single-handed bike brake lever.可知,这群学生获得了二等奖,故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段It may be used in other devices that require two hands for operation.可知,这个发明可以用于其他需用双手操作的设备,故可知,这个发明的前景很广阔,故选D。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段a group of University of Guelph students has won an international award for their invention — a bike brake lever (刹车手柄) that pulls both the front brake and the back brake at the same time.可知,本文主要讲述一群大学生发明了一种可同时操控自行车前刹和后刹的装置,并且获得了一项国际性的大奖,并且该发明的市场前景广阔,故选C。

    These days, people who do manual (体力的) work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. People who work in offices are frequently referred to as “white-collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the honor of becoming white-collar workers. This can lead to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.

When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. He then changed into overalls (工作服) and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before returning home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. Alf’s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office. He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status (身份;地位) is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him ‘Mr. Bloggs’, not ‘Alf’.

1.What does the case of Alfred Bloggs show?

A. That people often care more about the status of a job than the income.

B. That “white-collar workers” usually wear a suit to go to work.

C. That manual workers prefer to keep their jobs a secret.

D. That office workers earn less than manual workers.

2.What did Alfred Bloggs do for over two years?

A. He told his wife he worked for the Corporation, when in fact he did not.

B. He dressed himself as a dustman before leaving home every morning.

C. He lied to his wife about his job.

D. He earned twice as much as a white-collar worker.

3.What does Alfred Bloggs think of his new job?

A. He feels it is a pity because he now earns less than before.

B. He thinks it is worthwhile for his rise in status.

C. He is proud because he earns much more than before.

D. He is satisfied because he no longer needs a shower before returning home.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs.

B. Money or Status, Which Comes First?

C. The Story of Alfred Bloggs, a Dustman.

D. Truth Will Come to Light Sooner or Later.



    During my third year of university, I spent six months studying in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many are worried about travelling to Rio but I promise, it is worth a visit. Now I want to share my top recommendations (推荐) for experiencing Rio less as a tourist but more like a native Brazilian.

Pedra Bonita

Rio is full of hiking routes, and some Brazilians love to spend an afternoon hiking. My favorite route of all has to be Pedra Bonita. Pedra Bonita involves a steep climb of about an hour through tall trees, and I admit it is difficult in Rio’s heat, but you are rewarded at the top with a wonderful view of the city, standing high above the green landscape and blue sea below.

Mureta da Urca

One thing you are sure to find in Rio is an amazing sunset, but a lot of the best spots tend to be full of tourists. In my opinion, Mureta da Urca is the most relaxing place to watch the sun set over the silver sea, with the figure of Christ the Redeemer standing tall in the background.

Pedra do Sal

Pedra do Sal is a historical area in the city centre and on Monday nights it is brought to life by the sound of samba. Hundreds of people gather in the street, food and drink stalls are set up and it becomes a giant street party with everyone enjoying the happy sound of live samba!


If there were one Brazilian food I could bring back to the UK, it would be picanha. It is the tastiest cut of steak I have ever tasted, served alongside rice and beans.

1.The writer once went to Rio de Janeiro to ________.

A. stay there as a tourist for six months

B. study as a short-time international student

C. live as a native Brazilian

D. learn how to be a native Brazilian

2.Which of the following is probably the favorite of body-builders?

A. Pedra Bonita. B. Mureta da Urca.

C. Pedra do Sal. D. Picanha.

3.What can you enjoy in Pedra do Sal?

A. A wonderful view of the city. B. An amazing sunset.

C. A giant street party. D. A nice Brazilian food.



    Max works as a security guard at a famous museum As a security guard Max watches visitors to the museum as they come and go He often wonders things about them Where do they come from Are they happily married What do they do for a living

One day Max notices a very pretty woman visiting the exhibit he is guarding He has seen her before In fact she often comes to see the rare jewelry exhibit - sometimes several times a week

During one of these visits she starts a conversation with Max She asks if it is difficult to be a security guard and if he ever gets bored She introduces herself as Maria a fashion designer

When Maria comes to visit she often talks with Max "Maybe she likes me" he thinks

Max thinks she is very interesting and wants to spend more time with her During one of their talks at the museum he finds out that she is studying Italian

He lies and tells her he has always wanted to learn Italian He is simply using Italian as a trick And it works! Max and Maria meet every Saturday afternoon in the museum garden to study Italian

During the lessons they also talk about themselves Maria shares her dreams of one day showing her fashions in a museum Max tells her many details about his security job including the security code and the locations of alarms He jokes that it would be very easy to rob the museum

Over the passing weeks they learn more about each other What Max doesn't learn however is that Maria is not as innocent as she looks Maria is actually an international jewel thief! Police from eight different countries have been searching for her in the past two years!

Her latest goal is to steal the rare Black Diamond! This diamond is the most valuable diamond in the world and it is part of the exhibit that Max is guarding All her attention on him was a trick to learn more about the museum's security system

注意:1 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语.

Paragraph 1

One night after the museum closes Maria appears at the gate of the museum


Paragraph 2

As she holds the diamond in her hands the lights in the museum go on





内容要点:1 “全民阅读”的好处;2 就开展“全民阅读”活动提出具体的建议。



参考词汇:书香社会nation of avid readers

Boys and girls


That’s all

Thank you




There are many things we need to know but do not learn at school For example if we want to use our money1.(wise) we need to shop carefully We need to know how to compare the prices and quality We need to know how to make2.best decision when we shop Knowing how to make such decisions 3.(be) a life skill and we need these skills if we are to lead useful and happy lives

Some of the decisions are small For example will I take an apple or a pear4.lunch? Will I take the bus to school today or will I walk Others are more important For example will I eat healthy food 5.will I eat junk food because it is 6.(tasty)? We make decisions like this every day7. making the wrong ones can result 8.unhappiness We have to realize that the 9.(choose) we make can affect the rest of our lives and it can also affect other people Next time you decide 10.(waste) time in class play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies consider this: who else does your decision affect



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