满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The traditional news media in America ha...

    The traditional news media in America has been having a rough time in the last few years. According to a recent survey, more Americans have a negative (43%) than a positive (33%) view of the news media, and are finding it harder to be well informed because it is getting harder to determine which news is accurate.

The problem is preference. While ideally the media should be objective and hold power to account, in reality we know that most news outlets belong to a certain party and have their own agenda to advance. Whether state-owned or run by some shady tax-avoiding billionaire, getting “the masses” to view the world from a certain perspective has always been a priceless power to wield.

So why is trust in the media so low? Well, according to the same survey, 8 out of 10 Americans believe that the news media are critical to their democracy. The gap between these noble expectations of an honest, objective media and the performance that they actually deliver is large. Times when the mask slips and examples of media manipulation(操纵)are exposed are hugely damaging to trust, and people naturally turn to social media for others, even-easier-to-manipulate sources. Thus we are in the current state in which we find ourselves:confused and mistrustful.

People have been posting examples of how media can use different techniques of deception, to trick you into seeing exactly what they wanted you to see. As you will discover, perspective really is everything! It will goes to show that a healthy dose of skepticism goes a long way, and getting your news from a wide range of different sources is your best bet to a more rounded view of the world we live in. Social media is good in that respect, but bad in terms of regulation, trolling and people shouting horrible things at each other. The good old traditional news media really is needed as a forum for reasonable debate and expert opinion, but they gotta stop with the manipulation already!

1.What does para2 want to convey?

A. People have prejudice for media

B. The media can take control of the party

C. The media have acted as a tool to mask the truth

D. The media have a priceless power

2.What’s your understanding of the sentence “As you will discover, perspective really is everything!”?

A. People should not have faith in what the media says because some news are not true.

B. People should not be too curious about things around

C. People should refer to social media rather than traditional media if wanting to know the truth of news.

D. The spirit of suspect and diverse sources are good ways to help people recognize the truth of the world.

3.What’ s the structure of the passage?

A. ②③ B. ②③④

C. ①②③ D. ①②

4.What’ the best title for the passage?

A. Where’s trust in the media.

B. Why people’s trust in the media falls.

C. How people treat trust in the media.

D. What’ s trust in the media


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了为什么人们对新闻媒体的信任度如此之低的原因。 1.推理判断题。根据第二段内容,特别是 “While ideally the media should be objective and hold power to account, in reality we know that most news outlets belong to a certain party and have their own agenda to advance.”可知,理想中的媒体应该是可观的,但现实中却不是这样,它属于某个政党,由此可知,媒体充当了掩盖事实的工具,故C项正确。 2.句意理解题。根据画线句后的“It will goes to show that a healthy dose of skepticism goes a long way, and getting your news from a wide range of different sources is your best bet to a more rounded view of the world we live in.”可知,这将表明适度的怀疑态度是大有裨益的,从各种各样的渠道获取新闻是我们了解世界的最佳途径,由此可知,画线句是说“怀疑精神和来源多样化是我们认真世界真相的好方法”,故D项正确。 3.文章结构题。根据文章内容可知,文章第一段引出问题——对新闻媒体持消极态度人比持积极态度的人要多,他们认为越来越难判断哪条新闻是准确的;第二、三段介绍了新闻媒体已经沦为掩盖事实的工具以及人们对新闻媒体失去信任的原因;第四段总结全文,指出怀疑精神对我们认真世界真相是有好处的,文章采用了总分总的结构,故A项正确。 4.主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第三段中的“So why is trust in the media so low?”可知,本文主要介绍了为什么人们对媒体的信任度如此之低,故B项正确。

    A few things to consider before booking a flight

With fuel costs rising and airlines finding more fees to impose on travelers every day, airfare isn’t getting any cheaper. Since you can’t drive to all your dream destinations, flying is the only way to go sometimes and, undeniably, the fastest. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to find the most affordable fares and also avoid paying as many extra charges as possible when you plan ahead.

Getting the best fare

Airlines put out their fare sales on Tuesday morning, making this day the best day to book a flight for less.

Fly during the least popular times

Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are the slowest days to fly, which means cheaper deals than the rest of the week. You can also find reduced rates on early morning flights, since many people don’t like to get up before the sun to get to the airport. Earlier boarding times can also considerably cut down your chances of getting bumped(取消已预定的飞机座位)on an overbooked flight or delayed because of other delayed flights or mechanical issues.

Choose your seat later

Some airlines charge you to pick your seat when you book online, adding even more to the bottom line of your ticket cost. If you show up early on your travel day, you can still get suitable seats. Some of the best seats get held back until flight day, unless others are willing to pay extra for them ahead of time, so you still have the chance at one of those.

Fly on holidays

You already know that summer is the most expensive time to fly, and even though most other times are more affordable, the days surrounding holidays can be crazy. Save big if you’re willing to travel on major holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Don’t wait until the last-minute to book

Many travelers don’t know that there’s a sweet spot for booking and getting the best price on your tickets. Book too early or too late and you could end up paying more than you need to. The best time to book is between three months and six weeks from when you want to travel.

Avoiding extra fees

Airlines will charge for just about anything these days. Some have even toyed around with charging customers for using the restroom. All those extra fees can certainly add up, but there’s no reason to pay them if you don’t have to. Here are some tips to keep money in your wallet once you get to the airport.

Avoid the upgrade it's not necessary

Sometimes upgrades are free, but mostly you will be charged for seeking a last-minute bump to first class, and the cost can be large.

Fly carry-on only

Baggage fees vary wildly, but almost all airlines charge them and charge big. Why pay for your clothes to fly with you? If everyone in your travel party checks a bag, your bill can be astronomical before you ever even get to your destination. It’s easy to reduce the amount of stuff you pack: Make sure all your clothing coordinates, so you can take less and still make more outfit combinations, take only two pair of shoes, plan to do a bit of laundry on your trip and bring only travel-sized toiletries.

Pack your own snacks

Unless you’re flying internationally, it’s rare your flight comes with a free meal. Snacks on the plane are not cheap and almost never healthy. Don’t rely on what’s on the small menu and instead tuck some of your own snacks – granola bars, homemade muffins, fruit and trail mix all make fantastic travel foods – into your bag and eat a lot better, and cheaper, than other passengers.

Do you have a tried and true method of getting the best deal on your flights? Let us know.

1.To save money, which one should NOT be the choice?

A. Early morning flights

B. Early boarding times

C. The flights on Saturday

D. The flights on Summer holiday

2.According to the passage, which one is right?

A. If you show up early on your travel day, you can get the best seats.

B. You can save big if you’re willing to travel on Christmas eve.

C. You will be charged for seeking the upgrades, and the cost can be high.

D. If you’re flying internationally, your flight will come with a free meal.

3.According to the passage, you can do the things except _____ to avoid extra fees.

A. use the restroom

B. eat your own snacks heartily

C. fly with carry-on

D. give up the upgrade



    Few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime. We ______ from the city to the suburbsfrom high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job ______, from the home where we ______ our children to the home where we plan to live in ______. With each move we are ______ making new friends, who become part of our new life.

For many of us the summer is a special time for forming new ______. Today, millions of Americans go on vocation ______, and they go not only to see new sights but also — in those places where they do not feel too ______ — with the hope of meeting new people. No one really ______ a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible. Surely in every country people ______ friendship

The word “friend” to American people can be ______ to a wide range of relationships — to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a close business companion, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a ______ colleague. There are real ______ among these relations for Americans — a friendship may be ______, casual, situational or deep and lasting. But to a European, who sees only our surface behavior, the differences are not clear.

As Europeans see it, all kinds of “friends” flow ______ of Americans' homes with little ceremony. They may be parents of the children's friends, house guests of neighbors, members of a committee, business associates from another town or even another country. ______ as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no ______ differences. The atmosphere is ______. Most people, old and young, are called ______ first names. Americans’ characteristic openness to different styles of relationship makes it possible for us to find new friends abroad with whom we feel ______.

1.A. drive B. commute C. move D. settle

2.A. abroad B. elsewhere C. somewhere D. nowhere

3.A. deliver B. protect C. educate D. raise

4.A. retirement B. death C. illness D. sadness

5.A. mostly B. mainly C. rarely D. forever

6.A. championships B. friendships C. hardships D. leaderships

7.A. along B. freely C. together D. abroad

8.A. alone B. strange C. scared D. remote

9.A. allows B. desires C. expects D. imagines

10.A. form B. develop C. ignore D. value

11.A. used B. applied C. stuck D. dedicated

12.A. kind B. generous C. trusted D. helpful

13.A. differences B. varieties C. distinctions D. diversities

14.A. informal B. reliable C. shallow D. fragile

15.A. in and out B. on and on C. by and by D. up and down

16.A. Moving B. Flowing C. Going D. Coming

17.A. obvious B. heavy C. apparent D. strong

18.A. weird B. stressed C. relaxed D. strange

19.A. with B. on C. for D. by

20.A. at best B. at home C. at heart D. at hand



—— Can I really get a Huawei Cell Phone as a reward if I win the race?

—— Absolutely! ______.

A. I mean it B. So will you C. I beg to differ D. You’ve got me there



It’s a pity that we can’t arrange for our agenda; otherwise we ______ far more freedom during the whole journey.

A. enjoyed B. would enjoy C. had enjoyed D. would have enjoyed



—— We shall take the condition _____you’ve attached to this project into careful consideration.

—— Thanks a lot.

A. where B. when C. which D. what



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