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Cane toads, also known as bufo toads, ar...

    Cane toads, also known as bufo toads, are yet another invasive (入侵) species that has found a hospitable home in warm southern Florida. Deliberately introduced from South and Central America in the 1930s, they were supposed to control beetles damaging the sugarcane crop— that’s how they got the name “cane toads.”

Cane toads can pose a particular danger because the adult ones shoot toxin ( ) from their back when attacked. The tiny toads don’t carry enough toxin to be deadly yet, but big adult ones can easily send a dog into a seizure ( 疾病发作) or even kill it. The toxin is “very viscous and would stick inside the dog’s mouth,” says Steve Johnson, a wildlife ecologist at the University of Florida. Owners should try to wipe out an affected dog’s mouth and immediately take it to the vet.

Tilford started Toad Busters in 2017. The woman who lived there had nine cats, which she fed by dumping almost a bag of cat food every night. Cane toads normally eat bugs, but they are happy to eat pet food, too.

Cane toads have adapted beautifully to the Florida suburbs, so a lot of Tilford’s work also involves getting people to rethink their suburban backyard. No more cat food, for example. Pet poop  (粪便) can also attract insects, which can in turn attract toads. As do lights. And toads love to breed (繁殖) in attractive pools of water, such as the lake in the affected Palm Beach Garden neighborhood. For “these larger communities that want to build these beautiful ponds and want to have houses on ponds,” Tilford said, “this is almost a pest-control service.” The cane toads aren’t going away, but they can be managed like mosquitoes or rats.

Dealing with toads amounts to an annoying thing in Florida, but they can also create more dramatic problems. In Australia—where they were also deliberately introduced in the 1930s to protect sugarcane—they are a genuine scourge (灾祸).

The issue is that Australia has no native toad species, so none of the predators (食肉动物) knew how to avoid the toxic toads. As the cane toads advanced east to west across the continent, “they left a wake of dead animals in their paths,” says Sean Doody, an ecologist at the University of South Florida at St. Petersburg who has studied cane toads in Australia. Turtles, lizards, and crocodiles just started dying out, which was good news for their prey (受害者). “If you were a small species that was previously being eaten, suddenly you’re on a honeymoon,” says Rick Shine, a biologist at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, who has also studied the impact of cane toads on Australian wildlife.

1.What can cane toads be described as?

A. Invasive species introduced to South America.

B. Natural enemies of beetles damaging sugarcane.

C. Dangerous species making active attacks on dogs.

D. A great threat presented to some wildlife ecologists.

2.Which might be the proper way of avoiding cane toads according to Tilford?

A. Abandon the suburban backyard.

B. Light up the backyard at night.

C. Control the number of large houses.

D. Keep pet food away from backyard.

3.What happened in Australia after cane toads being introduced?

A. Cane toads destroyed some food chains.

B. Most of the predators died of toad toxin.

C. Cane toads bred at a much slower pace.

D. Big species learned to avoid cane toads.


1.B 2.D 3.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了原本为控制危害甘蔗作物的甲虫而从南美和中美洲引进的甘蔗蟾蜍在美国和澳大利亚已成为破坏当地生态平衡的一大灾祸。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Deliberately introduced from South and Central America in the 1930s, they were supposed to control beetles damaging the sugarcane crop”可知,20世纪30年代,甘蔗蟾蜍从南美和中美洲引进是为了控制危害甘蔗作物的甲虫,由此可知,甘蔗蟾蜍是危害甘蔗的甲虫的天敌,故B项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“… so a lot of Tilford’s work also involves getting people to rethink their suburban backyard. No more cat food, for example.”可知,Tilford认为避免甘蔗蟾蜍的正确方法是让宠物食物远离后院,故D项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The issue is that Australia has no native toad species, so none of the predators (食肉动物) knew how to avoid the toxic toads. As the cane toads advanced east to west across the continent, “they left a wake of dead animals in their paths,”可知,澳大利亚没有蟾蜍,当地动物不知道如何避免有毒的蟾蜍,因此引进的甘蔗蟾蜍造成了很多动物的死亡,由此可知甘蔗蟾蜍的引进在澳大利亚破坏了当地的食物链,故A项正确。

    Men don't go through pregnancy or childbirth. Their hormone (荷尔蒙) levels don't nosedive. What exactly have they got to be depressed about? Quite a lot, according to research from Sweden showing that, over the past 10 years, a significant number of men have struggled with the transition(过渡) to fatherhood.

This latest research tries to quantify just how many men get postnatal(产后)depression. Previous studies have found between 4% and 10% of men. while, in this smallish sample of 447 Swedish fathers who volunteered (and may therefore not represent your average dad), a surprising 28% of men had symptoms that scored above mild levels of depression. Overall, 4% had moderate depression. Fewer than one in five fathers who were depressed sought help, even though a third of those had thought about harming themselves. While women in the UK are often asked a series of questions that screen for postnatal depression (which affects up to 13% of women), the mental health of fathers is rarely assessed.

The lead author of the Swedish paper, Elisa Psouni, from the department of psychology at Lund University, says the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS) used for both women and men is not so accurate in picking up depression in fathers. Her research showed higher levels of depression in dads because it added in a score more reflective of "male" symptoms of depression such as agitation, anger, irritability(易怒), working longer hours and drinking too much.

Depression in fathers may be rising not just because researchers are looking for it, but because more new dads are struggling. Psouni believes fathers increasingly face the same dilemmas that mothers do-including trying to combine parenthood with working Fathers who got depressed often had external pressures, such as job issues, and if their partner was depressed, their own risk of depression doubled. Lack of sleep, having twins and conflict in the relationship can all contribute.

A depressed dad will play and smile less with his child. Children are deeply affected by paternal postnatal depression with studies showing poorer measures of wellbeing and more behavioral problems at the age of seven.

Fathers who sense they may be struggling and partners, relatives or friends who notice an increase in imitability and anxiety in a man in the first year of parenthood (paternal depression is more dispersed throughout the first 12 months) should consider the possibility of paternal postnatal depression.

Cognitive behavioral therapy(认知行为疗法) can help, as can antidepressants. If the depression is not recognised, says Psouni, "one of most terrible things is that you catch up with yourself a year later and realise you have been really down and struggling-and the first year of your child's life has gone.”

1.What is revealed about men according to a Sweden research?

A. They experience a sharp decline in hormone.

B. Many of them suffer from postnatal depression.

C. They seldom go through pregnancy or childbirth

D. Many of them qualify for the transition to fatherhood.

2.What do the statistics in Paragraph 2 indicate?

A. The researchers should invite more Swedish fathers.

B. Over half of Swedish fathers tend to harm themselves.

C. The mental health of fathers deserves more attention.

D. Postnatal depression affects British women more easily.

3.Why did Psouni's research show higher levels of depression in dads?

A. Researchers use a new measure for male symptom of depression.

B. Researchers adopt EPDS to accurately pick up depression in dads.

C. Fathers have trouble in coping with internal and external pressures.

D. Fathers are often faced with the doubled risk of partner depression.

4.What may happen to a father with paternal depression?

A. He may develop terrible behavioral habits.

B. He may avoid being recognized with depression.

C. He may decline cognitive behavioral therapy.

D. He may miss the chance of giving proper childcare.



    Among all the tourist attractions in Sydney. the magnificent Opera House is the shining star. On the edge of Bennelong Point, a tongue of land sticking out into Sydney Harbor, this UNESCO World Heritage Site consists of a complex of roofs shaped like huge shells or billowing sails that mix beautifully with its waterfront location.

Today visitors can admire the great beauty of the building. Much more than an opera house, the structure encompasses(包含) theaters, studios, a concert hall, rehearsal, and reception rooms, restaurants, and a spectacular open-air forecourt overlooking the harbor and city. American architect Louis Kahn once said, "The sun did not know how beautiful its light was, until it was reflected off this building.”

Tips and Tactics

Book seats for productions well in advance. Performances commence promptly so visitors should allow enough time to access the building, collect tickets, and stow cloaks, large bags, and jackets.

Consider enjoying a meal in one of the restaurants to enjoy the stunning harbor views. One of the best sites to photograph the Opera House is Mrs. Macquarie's Chair in the Royal Botanic Gardens or from the water aboard a harbor cruise.

Getting to the Sydney Opera House

Visitors can catch a Sydney Bus, travel by City Rail, or hop aboard a Sydney Ferry to Circular Quay, which is a 5 to 7 minute walk from the Sydney Opera House.

A free shuttle bus for elderly and mobility-challenged patrons (顾客)runs between Circular Quay near Stand E (under the Cahill Expressway) and the Vehicle Concourse.

Bike parking is available under the Sydney Opera House Monumental Steps. Wilson's Sydney Opera House Car Park is located at 2 Macquarie St, with vehicle access next to the Sydney Opera House Forecourt.

Admission: Ticket prices vary from attraction to attraction.

Location: Bennelong Point, Sydney.

1.Which of the characteristics of Sydney Opera House might attract visitors most?

A. Its historical context. B. Its unique architecture

C. Its waterfront location D. Its superb harbor views

2.If you are a visitor to Sydney Opera House, you can ______.

A. take a ferry directly to Sydney Opera House,

B. ride a free shuttle bus without any restrictions,

C. take an equally good photo from any angle,

D. drive a car to 2 Macquarie St and park there.



    At 15, I had started a band with three mates I'd met at the local rehearsal (排练)rooms.We played our first performance at a pub in Bolton. We were ______ , but the crowd didn't seem to mind,and after a few more local concerts, we recorded some songs and we started to ______.We sent out hundreds of demo(样本)tapes in ______ of our favourite band, the Manics. After finishing my high school, we drove to London to play at the Dublin Castle. Only five people ______.

But we persevered(坚持) and slowly things began to ______. Two years after our first performance, we ______ a record deal. We ______ endlessly for the next two years and built up a small but ______ following. At the end of 2002, the Manics ______ us to play with them. My teenage dreams had come true, the band I looked up to seemed to ______ of us.

We ______ performing in New York, and to 5,000 people at the Fuji Rock festival in Japan. There's no greater ______ than the moment you step on stage. The lights darken, the crowd swells (波浪起伏) and they ______ in applause as you finish.

Our album was ______ in 2003. Unfortunately, no one bought the thing. ______, I think that was about right. ______ I' m extremely proud of the music we produced, we were riding a wave of hype(天花乱坠的宣传) we could ______ live up to. Our record company quietly ______ us and, as quickly as it had started, my time in a band was over. We ______ peacefully on the day it was released. We even had a"last supper"to mark our demise(停业).

The band had ______ everything. My old school welcomed me back and I worked harder and was finally admitted to Oxford University at the grand old age of 21.

1.A. troublesome B. thrilled C. hopeful D. terrible

2.A. hesitate B. succeed C. dream D. qualify

3.A. imitation B. favour C. charge D. celebration

4.A. dropped out B. turned up C. dived in D. passed by

5.A. catch on B. take off C. pick up D. get round

6.A. declined B. lost C. expected D. signed

7.A. practiced B. studied C. toured D. waited

8.A. separated B. devoted C. concerned D. relieved

9.A. persuaded B. required C. reminded D. invited

10.A. approve B. tire C. hear D. think

11.A. gave up B. ended up C. put off D. insisted on

12.A. risk B. pain C. loss D. rush

13.A. erupt B. gather C. squeeze D. withdraw

14.A. preserved B. released C. displayed D. evaluated

15.A. Looking forward B. Looking down C. Looking back D. Looking up

16.A. Though B. Since C. Unless D. Before

17.A. actually B. somehow C. always D. never

18.A. betrayed B. dropped C. impressed D. sponsored

19.A. split up B. hung around C. moved away D. broke down

20.A. experienced B. disturbed C. changed D. replaced



Though our football boys are faced with four goals behind, they are still struggling hard in the field to ______.

A. face the music B. save face

C. cost their arm and leg D. land on their feet



The infrastructure project has consumed so much money that we can't find any financial support and have to ______.

A. pull out B. pull through

C. catch up D. catch on



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