满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Scott and his four companions were terri...

    Scott and his four companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians had________them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After________  the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves _______ they started the 950-mile journey back.

The journey was unexpectedly ________ , and the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of them. The sun hardly _______ . The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had ________ to mark their way home. To make things ________ , Evans, whom they had all thought of ________ the strongest of the five, fell badly into a deep hole in the ice. Having ________ along for several days, he suddenly fell down and died.

The four who were ________ pushed on at the best speed they could ________. Captain Oates had been suffering for some time from his ________ feet; at night his feet swelled(肿胀) so large that he could ________ put his boots on the next morning, and he walked bravely although he was in great _______ . He knew his slowness was making it less likely that ________ could save themselves. He asked them to leave him behind in his sleeping-bag, but they refused, and helped him ________ a few more miles, until it was time to put up the _______ for another night.

The following morning, ________ the other three were still in their sleeping-bags, he said, “I am just going outside and may be ________ some time.” He was never seen again. He had walked out ________ into the snow storm, hoping that his death would help his companions.

1.A. hit B. fought C. won D. beaten

2.A. growing B. putting C. planting D. laying

3.A. after B. until C. while D. before

4.A. safe B. fast C. short D. slow

5.A. rose B. set C. appeared D. disappeared

6.A. taken up B. cut up C. set up D. picked up

7.A. easier B. better C. bitter D. worse

8.A. to B. upon C. as D. in

9.A. battled B. struggled C. speeded D. waited

10.A. left B. lost C. defeated D. saved

11.A. manage B. try C. employ D. find

12.A. ached B. frozen C. harden D. harmed

13.A. hardly B. never C. seldom D. nearly

14.A. pain B. fear C. trouble D. danger

15.A. all others B. some others C. others D. the others

16.A. away B. with C. off D. on

17.A. bed B. tent C. blanket D. sleeping-bag

18.A. while B. since C. for D. once

19.A. missed B. separated C. passed D. gone

20.A. patiently B. lonely C. alone D. worriedly


1.D 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.C 【解析】 本文讲述了五个去南极考察的英国人在返程的路上遇到了暴风雪,一人遇难死亡,而队长双脚冻僵,为了不拖累其他三人,选择独自走进风雪,希望可以用自己的死换来同伴的生。 1.根据第一句的disappointed可知,挪威人在比赛中打败了他们,beat sb.击败某人,而win后一般接比赛项目或奖项,故选D。 2.句意:在南极插上英国国旗后,他们拍了张照片…plant a flag插上旗帜,其他三个词无此意。 3.根据back可知,是回程之前拍照。句意:他们在开始950英里的回程之前拍了张自拍。故选D。 4.根据后半句the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of them可知,回程路上已经没有了去极地时的喜悦和激动,因此回去的旅程显得异常得慢。 5.下一句提到了暴风雪,可知此处要表达的是“太阳几乎就没出现过”,rise升起,上升;set落沉;appear出现;disappear消失,故选C。 6.take up占据,从事;cut up切碎,抨击;set up设置,竖起;pick up拾起,捡起。根据mark their way home可知,他们摆好石头,用来标记回家的路,故选C。 7.上文说到暴风雪使他们找不到回家的标记,而下文提到Evans掉进了冰窟里,to make things worse“更糟糕的是”,故选worse。 8.think of sb as固定搭配,认为某人…,把…看作…句意:被认为是五个人当中最健壮的Evans掉进了很深的冰窟里。 9.battled战斗;struggled努力,挣扎;speeded加速;waited等待,从上文可知,他们是在去南极的路上往返,环境艰苦,因此选struggled努力,挣扎。 10.根据上文,Evans去世了,因此是“剩下的”四个人,选left。lost丢了的;defeated被击败了的;saved得救了的。 11.manage控制,管理;try尝试,努力;employ运用,雇佣;find寻找。根据句意,他们以能够控制的最快速度前进。故选A。 12.ached疼痛的;frozen冻僵了的;harden变硬了的;harmed受伤了的。根据语境,他们身处南极,又遇到暴风雪,因此脚应该是冻僵了,故选B。 13.句意:晚上他的脚肿胀得十分严重,以至于早上起来几乎穿不上靴子。故选A. hardly几乎不。never从不;seldom很少;nearly几乎。 14.in great pain处于巨大的痛苦中,句意:虽然他很痛,但仍勇敢地前行。 15.the others其余的(表示在一个范围内的其他全部),句意:他知道行动缓慢意味着降低其他人活下来的几率。 16.根据上一句可知,他们拒绝将他留下,因此此处要表达的是他们帮助他继续前行了几英里,因此选on向前地,继续着。away离开;with用,随着;off切断,走开。 17.put up the tent搭起帐篷,野外宿营,需要支起帐篷,而 sleep-bag睡袋不用搭建。 18.此处用while来引导时间状语,“当…时”,句意:当其他三个人还在睡袋的时候,他说…。 19.may be gone表示走开(一段时间),missed错过,思念;separated分开;passed经过,传递;gone走开。 20.句意:他独自走进风雪中,希望以自己的死来换取同伴们的生。patiently忍耐地;lonely孤独地;alone独自地,worriedly担心地,为难地,故选C。

    A student's life is never easy. 1. A lot of preparations are needed so you can be sure to go back home with a diploma and a bright future waiting for you. The following are some basic things you need to do before even seizing that passport and boarding on the plane.

●Knowing the country.

You shouldn't bother researching the country's hottest tourist spots or historical places. You won't go there as a tourist, but as a student. It'll be helpful to read the most important points in their history and to read up on their culture.2. You surely don't want to face legal problems, especially if you're away from home.

●Studying their language.

Don't expect that you can graduate abroad without knowing even the basics of the language. Before leaving your home country, take online lessons to at least master some of their words and sentences.3.  Doing this will also prepare you in communicating with those who can't speak English.


Check the conversion(兑换)of your money to their local currency, set up your bank account so you can use it there, get an insurance, and find an apartment. The Internet or your intended school will be very helpful in finding an apartment and helping you understand local currency.

Remember, you're not only carrying your own reputation but your country's reputation as well. If you act foolishly, people there might think that all of your country men are foolish as well.5.

A. Packing your clothes.

B. Preparing for other needs.

C. Most importantly, read about their laws.

D. This will be useful in living and studying there.

E. That would surely be a very bad start for your study abroad program.

F. Going with their trends will keep it from being too obvious that you're a foreigner.

G. And it is even more difficult if you will have to complete your study in a foreign land.



    Big trees are incredibly important ecologically. For a start, they provide food for countless other species and shelter for many animals. With their tall branches in the sun, they capture vast amounts of energy. This allows them to produce massive crops of fruit and flowers that sustain much of the animal life in the forest.

Only a small number of tree species have the genetic ability to grow really big. The biggest are native to North America, but big trees grow all over the globe, from the tropics to the forests of the high latitudes (纬度). To achieve giant size, a tree needs three things: the right place to establish its seedling, good growing conditions and lots of time with low adult death rate. Lose any of these, and you will lose your biggest trees.

In some parts of the world, populations of big trees are dwindling(逐渐变少) because their seedlings cannot survive. In southern India, for instance, an aggressive non-native bush, Lantana camara, is invading the floor of many forests. Lantana grows so thickly that young trees often fail to take root. With no young trees to replace them, it is only a matter of time before most of the big trees disappear.

Without the right growing conditions, trees cannot get really big and there is some evidence to suggest tree growth could slow in a warmer world, particularly in environments that are already warm. Having worked for decades at La Selva Biological Station in Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, David and Deborah Clark and colleagues have shown that tree growth there declines markedly in warmer years. “During the day, their growth shuts down when it gets too warm, and at night they consume more energy because their metabolic (新陈代谢) rate increases,” explains David Clark. With less energy produced in warmer years and more being consumed just to survive, there is even less energy available for growth.

The Clarks’ theory, if correct, means tropical forests would shrink over time. The largest, oldest trees would progressively die off and tend not to be replaced. According to the Clarks, this might cause a destabilization(不稳定) of the climate; as older trees die, forests would release some of their stored carbon into the atmosphere, causing a cycle of further warming, forest shrinkage and carbon emissions.

Besides, big trees face threats from elsewhere.

1.According to the passage, big trees make great contributions to the ecosystem  because         .

A. they can capture large amounts of energy.

B. they determine the change of global climate.

C. they provide the essentials for many creatures.

D. they can avoid a new cycle of further warming.

2.All the following factors are a must for making big trees EXCEPT         .

A. no deadly damage B. genetic contribution

C. ideal environment for growth D. high-latitude location

3.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Big trees in trouble. B. Advantages of big trees.

C. Results of big trees’ disappearing. D. Importance of big trees to humans.

4.What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph?

A. More threats to the existence of big trees.

B. The effect of human activities on big trees.

C. Benefits of big trees to the whole atmosphere.

D. Comparison between common trees and big ones.



    Scientists fear rising energy bills may lead to an increase in obesity (肥胖) after discovering a link between poorly-heated homes and higher body -fat

Researchers from the University of Stirling’s Behavioural Science Centre set out to explore claims that warm indoor temperatures have contributed to rising obesity levels in winterInstead, the team found that people who live in well-heated homes are more likely to have low body mass index (体重指数) levels while those who keep their heating turned down or off tend to be heavier

Dr Michael Daly, behavioral scientist and senior lecturer, said: "We set out to investigate the scientific claims that cooler indoor temperatures help us maintain a healthy weight by pushing our bodies to use up more energy. In fact, the research suggests people may eat less and burn more energy when in a warmer indoor environment

The 13-year study, published in the journal Obesity, involved more than 100,000 adults across England

Researchers found reduced weight levels among people living in homes heated to above 23°C73F, which involved about 15,000 of the households studied

Dr Daly said: "As national gas bills continue to rise faster than the rate of inflation, this research suggests the obesity could worsen where heating is turned down below comfortable levels or off for long periods to cut costs"

This is not just about people who live in well-heated homes being in the financial position to afford more expensive low-calorie foods, exercise classes and sporting activities, and therefore finding it easier to maintain a low BMI levelThe study took age, sex, social class and other factors into account

"The comfortable temperature of 20°C -23°C is where we feel comfortable in our clothes and are neither hot nor coldAt temperatures above this, we use more energy and we eat less because our appetite is affected"

1.The findings of the research can be described as          

A. horrible B. surprising

C. funny D. encouraging

2.According to the passage, with rising gas bills, people may turn down or off their heating to______.

A. stay in shape B. maintain a low BMI level

C. save money D. avoid eating more

3.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Obesity links to poorly-heated homes

B. Well-heated home's contribute to obesity

C. Obesity--- A weighty problem in England

D. Rising energy bills help maintain a healthy weight



    Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there's a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the job’s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas;

1) Do you prefer working alone or with other people?

There are isolating jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.

2) How do you handle change?

Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don't happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.

3) Do you enjoy working with computers

I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you'll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.

4) What type of work environment do you enjoy

This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won't know immediately to a smaller setting where you'll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.

5) How do you like to get paid?

Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.

Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I've seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.

1.What is unnecessary in your job hunting?

A. Assessing your skills B. Going to different areas

C. Matching your skills with a position D. taking your personality into consideration

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Isolating jobs usually drive people mad.

B. Interactive jobs make people shy easily.

C. Extreme people tend to work with others.

D. Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.

3.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph one mean?

A. Before you select your job, you should assess your skills and match them with your position

B. There are more important things than assessing skills and match them with the position when you select job.

C. Nothing is important than assessing skills and match them with the position when selecting job.

D. You should ignore your skills when you select job.

4.What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?

A. Design. B. Changes.

C. Cooperation. D. Hobbies.

5.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Lifestyles and Job Pay B. Jobs and Environment

C. Job Skills and Abilities D. Personalities and Jobs



    The Gold Coast Wax()Museum is one of the Gold Coast’s longest running attractions. It’s a collection of famous figures. It’s Australia’s largest museum of its kind, featuring more than 110 life-size copies of wax figures of British and Australian History

The Wax Museum is visited by many thousands of the people each year who are amazed at the amazing realism of the life-size figures in real costumes. This is your invitation to wander through at your leisure and meet many important and famous people’s figures on Queensland’s Gold Coast

Come face to face with such famous people as Michael Jackson, President Barack ObamaPast President John F. Kennedy, King Hussein’s Royal Family members, and many others whose lives have all left an unforgettable mark on our world. Information cards are located alongside each figure, helping visitors know them well

The old Coast Wax Museum contains figures which have been crafted by leading local and overseas sculptors to international standards’ equal in quality to the world’s best, as seen in Europe, the United Kingdom, and USA. The detail in the figures is amazing and includes hair applied one strand(线)at a time, requiring many working hours for one hand and the eyes so real that they seem to follow the viewer around


Child (13 yrs): free

Child (3-~12 yrs): $22.00

Adult: $29.00

Open hours

Open 7 days a week, 10 am to 10 pm

Closed Christmas Day (25 Dec.) and Anzac Day (25 Apr.)


Ferny Ave, Surfers Paradise (Gold Coast) QLD

How to get there

You can choose any of the Gold Coast airport transfers, car rentals, shuttles and private transfers tofrom your hotel

Notice to visitors

●All carried items including food and drinks will be inspected upon entry

●Coats, umbrellas, etc. should be left in the checkrooms (行李寄存处) (max size 40×40×50 cm and max weight 8 kg).

●The checkroom is to the left of the Main entrance (1.50 per item)

●When maximum checkrooms capacity is reached the Museum cannot accept any more items

●Bring your sense of adventure and your camera with you and see something exciting and quite unique

For further information, please click here to see more about gold coast wax-museumcontact Us Page

1.According to the passage, visitors can______ .

A. visit the Gold Coast Wax Museum anytime

B. enjoy some world-class vivid wax works in the Gold Coast Wax Museum

C. see many members of the Royal Family in person in the Gold Coast Wax Museum

D. meet many leading local and international sculptors in the Gold Coast Wax Museum

2.If a couple and their 10-year-old son want to visit the Gold Coast Wax Museum, they may    pay_______.

A. $58 B. $68

C. $80 D. $87

3.When people come to visit this exhibition, they________.

A. should have all their carried items checked at the entrance

B. can leave their carried items in the checkrooms free of charge

C. can take all their carried items with them without inspection

D. should leave all their carried items in the checkrooms upon entry



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