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阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Happy, angry,...


Happy, angry, amazed – these are some of the emotions we like to express these days when we’re sending a message on our smartphones! That’s why many of us now add little pictures to our texts to brighten up someone’s mobile screen but we’re also using them as a quick way of telling someone how we’re feeling. Yes, emojis have become a vital tool for communication.

The emoji was first invented in Japan in the late 1990s and the word “emoji” comes from the Japanese words for “picture” and “character”. The number of different images has dramatically increased since then and now we have a picture for every mood or situation.

So now we have the option to give this new creation the visual “thumbs-up” but have you thought why we’ve become so addicted to using emojis? Professor Vyv Evans has written a book called The Emoji Code. He says, “Increasingly, what we’re finding is that digital communication is taking over from certain aspects of face-to-face interaction. One of the reasons emojis are so interesting is that they really do enable us to express our emotional selves much more effectively.” So emojis are a sort of replacement for the visual signals or non-verbal clues we normally give when we speak to someone face-to-face.

Another advantage of emojis is that they are an international language – they don’t use words but tell a message in the form of pictures so they can be easily understood whatever your native language is. However, the emojis you send need some thought as they can sometimes be misunderstood – if a friend sends you an emoji of a hammer, you may think he is angry when really he is saying he has hurt himself or he is clumsy!

Emojis are a good way for showing common emotions. But as linguist Neil Cohn says, “To many, emojis are an exciting development of the way we communicate; To others, they are extinction of language.” It does show there is a lot more to our communication than words alone but does this mean the decline in traditional writing?



Emojis have become important in communication. Since the creation in Japan in the 1990s, their number has risen so sharply that now each emotion has a corresponding emoji. They replace non-verbal languages in face-to-face communication due to its efficiency in conveying feelings while emojis can cause misunderstanding:they add color to communication, they may indicate the weakening of traditional writing. 【解析】 这是一篇概要写作。 写作步骤 1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握文章主旨。文章介绍了表情符号在交流中的重要地位,历史演变过程以及表情符号的优点与它可能会造成的一些问题。 2)弄清结构,归纳段意。概要写作是写全文概要,不是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点。因此一定要弄清文章结构,归纳文章各段大意。本文第一描写表情符号在如今交流中的运用;第二段描写表情符号的历史演变进程;第三、四段描写表情符号的优点;第五段描写表情符号的运用可能会产生的一些问题和缺点。 3)列出原文要点。分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述并注意在结构上的顺序。在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分。本文中要点有三:第一,介绍表情符号的地位;第二,表情符号的历史演变;第三,表情符号的优点;第四,表情符号会造成的问题。 4)在写作时要特别注意下面几点: (1)概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节。 (2)安排好篇幅的比例,概要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容。 (3)注意要点之间的衔接,要用适当的关联词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子,但也不要每两句之间都加关联词语,以免显得生硬。 (4)不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换,如果结构上也能有一些转换会更好。 (5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求。


1. 你的建议;

2. 你的希望。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,



Li Hua




Antarctica (南极洲), the southernmost part of Earth, is covered 1. snow and ice all year round. 2. it has amazing views, many are still frightened by this icy desert.

But 34-year-old US explorer Colin O' Brady is different. Three 3. (month) ago, he became the first person 4. (cross) Antarctica alone. During the 932-mile journey, O' Brady spent 54 days in extreme conditions. He had to push 5. (he) to the limit. He carried everything he'd need on a sled. But even with enough food, O' Brady began to become 6. (thin) and weaker after six weeks. “I 7. (lose) a ton of weight so far. My legs feel more like the size of my arms at this point,” he wrote on US social media Instagram.

Adding to the pressure, O' Brady was racing against Louis from the UK. The two men set off together, with Rudd 8. (take) an early lead. But on Christmas Day, O'Brady decided to make 9. final effort without stopping for a rest. Luckily for him he made it, getting to the finish line earlier than Louis.

O' Brady thinks that he has the spirit of exploration in his blood: He is an athlete, 10. loves to move. He also believes we can all have this strength and achieve much.



    The most delicious memories happen during the holidays. ______ them are my little girls at the church play, the moment they got their first angel wings, or New Year’s snowmen with bright scarves. ______ there is one memory that is a little bittersweet. This story ______ to mind a colorful candy dish and a very little boy. The occasion was sometime between Christmas and New Year when a few candies in a dish ______ dull December day.

Wrapped against the cold, my then 3-year-old grandson, Justin, and I had dashed from the ______ of my parked car into the building where I had a few work-related tasks to ______. A secretary  ______ us as we brushed the snow from our clothes. Then, I ______ myself seeing to the business that had brought us there. But while my grandson’s hand remained in mine, his ______ moved to the candy dish sitting nearby.

As we turned to leave, the ______ woman behind the desk asked the question all children wait to hear.

“Honey,” she said, looking at Justin. “Would you like a candy?”

The boy looked up ______, his eyes meeting mine. After a slight ______ from me he hurried over to the candy dish. Without hesitation, his little hands grabbed one – and only one – and then he began to  ______ his way back to me.

“Justin!” I said from the doorway, a little loudly as I realized ______ had been forgotten. “______ do you say?”

The little boy returned to the candy dish.

“Get ______ one, too!”

I laughed. The secretary laughed. And ______ little Justin innocently (天真地) laughed at the fun we were having.

But in that moment, I saw something about Justin that remained long after the ______ of the candy had disappeared. My grandchild was already a person with a lot of ______ in his heart.

In the years since, I’ve enjoyed a laugh or two thinking back on that moment. Really, what could be  ______?

1.A. Between B. After C. Among D. Before

2.A. But B. So C. Thus D. Because

3.A. comes B. brings C. takes D. goes

4.A. called up B. brightened up C. made up D. took up

5.A. warmth B. cold C. light D. heat

6.A. convey B. quit C. handle D. predict

7.A. greeted B. asked C. stopped D. watched

8.A. devoted B. occupied C. buried D. busied

9.A. hands B. body C. eyes D. legs

10.A. confident B. considerate C. honest D. determined

11.A. embarrassedly B. questioningly C. convincingly D. worriedly

12.A. smile B. sigh C. frown D. nod

13.A. feel B. force C. head D. make

14.A. manners B. words C. ways D. thanks

15.A. What B. How C. Which D. Who

16.A. mum B. me C. yourself D. grandma

17.A. still B. yet C. thus D. even

18.A. memory B. sight C. taste D. sense

19.A. fun B. love C. delight D. thoughts

20.A. sweeter B. bitterer C. happier D. better



How to Solve Worry Problems

The Great Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Dr. Alexis Carrel, once said, “Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young.” 1. Then how can we find a quick, surefire (万全的) recipe for handling worry situations? Here are a few basic steps to deal with different kinds of worries.

Get the facts

Why is it so important to get the facts? Because unless we have the facts, we can’t possibly even attempt to solve our problems intelligently. Without the facts, we will be left in confusion. 2. Half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge on which to base a decision. If a man will devote his time to securing facts in an objective way, his worries usually disappear in the light of knowledge.


However, getting all the facts in the world won’t do any good until we figure out what these facts mean and interpret them. It is much easier to achieve this after writing them down. In fact, merely writing the facts on a piece of paper and stating our problem clearly goes a long way toward helping us to reach a sensible decision. Therefore, when we are worried, sit down and write down two questions – and the answers to these questions, “What am I worrying about?” and “What can I do about it?”

Arrive at a decision

Worry is killing. So we will probably save our life by sitting down and writing out all the various steps we could take and then writing down the probable consequences of each step and calmly coming to a decision. Experience has proved the enormous value of arriving at a fixed decision. 4.

Act on that decision

5. Don’t stop to reconsider. Don’t begin to hesitate and retrace (折返) our steps. Don’t lose ourselves in self-doubting which causes other doubts. Don’t look back our shoulders.

A. Analyze the facts.

B. Write down our worries.

C. This is the chief cause of worry.

D. There comes a time when we must decide.

E. Once we have made a decision, go into action.

F. And so do housewives, horse doctors and bricklayers.

G. It is the failure to reach a definite decision that drives men mad.



    A 27-year-old inventor, Joco Paulo Lammoglia, has come up with a new device named the AIRE mask, which is capable of converting the wind energy provided by the wearer’s breath into electrical energy. This means breathing has become a source of renewable energy. The inspiration for the invention came from his watching children blowing on pinwheels (纸风车).

The device is worn like a mask equipped with tiny wind turbines (涡轮) and it can work its magic even while people are sleeping, jogging or hanging around, since energy is created from one’s breath. The principle of this AIRE mask is simple. The invention uses the wind flow created by breathing and changes it into energy that can charge mobile phones and iPods. Simply put this mask connected to your mobile phone on your face. The rest takes place naturally through your breath that provides power to run turbines which produce electricity.

Lammoglia explained how useful he hopes the AIRE will become. He said, “I hope to bring the concept into production and reduce the carbon footprint. It can be used indoors or outdoors, while you’re sleeping, walking, running or even reading books.” Apart from saving energy and contributing to environmental protection, it also encourages the practice of physical exercise. This is an entirely all time renewable energy source. Its energy is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Lammoglia explained why he thought the AIRE was so useful, saying, “Though many of our modern devices offer benefits, they tend to consume a high amount of electrical energy. This may cause problems for the environment, especially if the energy used by these devices is obtained from non-renewable sources.

The AIRE mask will be future’s cheaper source of charging mobile phones. It would save energy and allow people to never have to worry about their phone dying unless they stop breathing.

1.The word “converting” (para.1) is closest in meaning to _______.

A. charging B. convincing

C. exchanging D. transforming

2.After putting on the mask, how do people charge their mobile phones using the device?

A. Breathe out air-Drive turbines-Produce electricity.

B. Use wind-Pass through turbines-Produce electricity.

C. Breathe in air-Use turbines-Create energy.

D. Connect turbines-Produce wind flow-Create energy.

3.Lammoglia would most probably agree that the AIRE mask _______.

A. consumes a high amount of energy

B. will account for environmental damage

C. is a good solution to energy issues

D. is available in the shop now

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. An electronic mask B. A breath-powered charger

C. A new renewable energy source D. An air purifying device



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