满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It started on a Friday ______ when the 5...

    It started on a Friday ______ when the 5-year-old and his older brother were playing ______their home near the resort town of Aspen, Colorado. Hearing the sound of ______, the mother raced to her front yard to find a ______ sight: A mountain lion was bent over her 5-year-old son, biting him. The poor boy was completely under the cat and was ______ to get free.

So the mother ______ she charged the animal, pulled away one of its ______ suddenly with a lot of force and discovered her son’s whole head was in its mouth. She didn’t back down. The mother ______ the lion’s mouth and got it open,______ the boy. She then quickly picked him up and ran away.

The boy’s father had just returned from a run when the ______ occurred. He ______ into the car with his wife and son and called 911 shortly before 8 p.m. As they ______ to a hospital in Aspen. The boy suffered cuts to his ______, face and neck. The mother ______ bite marks on her hand and scratches on her leg. Aspen valley Hospital reported that the child was not seriously injured and in ______ condition and has since been ______ to children’s Hospital in Denver for his recovery.

The mountain lion was estimated to be about 2 years old and was not fully grown. It was, perhaps, forced out to hunt on its own. Young lions may be keen on easy ______, like pets and small children.______ , it wasn’t a big cat. Had it been a 110-pound lion- which was once seen around there - this would have been a much ______ story.

The mother, who had to physically remove the lion’s paws from her son’s face, is credited with ______ his life. She’s a real hero.

1.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. noon

2.A. inside B. outside C. towards D. under

3.A. screams B. laughter C. applause D. cheers

4.A. surprising B. magical. C. moving D. terrifying

5.A. running B. waiting C. struggling D. walking

6.A. sprang into action B. burst into tears C. thought twice D. pulled out

7.A. eyes B. paws C. ears D. teeth

8.A. grabbed B. covered C. beat D. kissed

9.A. comforting B. scolding C. stopping D. freeing

10.A. error B. attack C. headache. D. comedy

11.A. crashed B. looked C. jogged D. jumped

12.A. sped B. swam C. dived. D. got

13.A. legs B. feet C. head D. bottom

14.A. suffered B. carved C. drew D. removed’

15.A. terrible B. fair C. bad D. poor

16.A. carried B. advised C. sold D. transferred

17.A. plants B. toys C. targets D. animals

18.A. unluckily B. generally C. eventually D. fortunately

19.A. beautiful B. happier C. different D. authentic

20.A. wasting B. saving C. ending D. risking


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了美国科罗拉多州的一位母亲撬开美洲狮的嘴解救了自己5岁的儿子的故事。 1.考查名词辨析。A. morning早晨;B. afternoon下午;C. evening晚上;D. noon中午。句意:事情发生在周五晚上,当时5岁的男孩和他的哥哥正在科罗拉多州度假小镇阿斯彭附近的家外面玩耍。由下文“before 8 p.m.”可知,事情发生在在周五晚上。故C选项切题。 2.考查介词辨析。A. inside在里面;B. outside在外边;C. towards朝;D. under在...下。句意:事情发生在周五晚上,当时5岁的男孩和他的哥哥正在科罗拉多州度假小镇阿斯彭附近的家外面玩耍。由下文可知,这位母亲跑到她家的前院,看到了一个可怕的场景,一只美洲狮正在袭击小男孩。所以小男孩是在家外面玩耍时遭遇了狮子的袭击。故B选项切题。 3.考查名词辨析。A. screams尖叫声;B. laughter笑声;C. applause鼓掌;D. cheers欢呼。句意:听到尖叫声,这位母亲跑到她家的前院,看到了一个可怕的场景:一只美洲狮趴在她5岁的儿子身上咬他。一只美洲狮趴在她5岁的儿子身上咬他,所以孩子会因为恐惧和害怕而发出尖叫声。故A选项切题。 4.考查形容词辨析。A. surprising令人惊讶的;B. magical神奇的;C. moving令人感动的;D. terrifying令人恐惧的。句意:听到尖叫声,这位母亲跑到她家的前院,看到了一个可怕的场景:一只美洲狮趴在她5岁的儿子身上咬他。美洲狮袭击了小男孩,且作者看到时,美洲狮正趴在她5岁的儿子身上咬他,所以这是一个可怕的场景。故D选项切题。 5.考查动词辨析。A. running跑;B. waiting等待;C. struggling挣扎;D. walking走。句意:这个可怜的男孩完全被压在这只“大猫”的下面,正挣扎着挣脱出来。孩子被美洲狮压在下面,出于人的本能,会挣扎着挣脱出来。所以struggle to do sth“挣扎着做某事”符合句意。故C选项切题。 6.考查动词短语辨析。A. sprang into action 突然行动起来;B. burst into tears突然大哭起来;C. thought twice三思;D. pulled out驶离路边。句意:于是,母亲立即采取行动,她猛攻这个庞然大物,猛地用力掰开它的一只爪子,发现她儿子的整个脑袋都被吞进了它的嘴里。由“charged,pulled away,discovered”可知,这些动作都是作者采取的行动。故spring into action “突然行动起来”符合句意。故A选项切题。 7.考查名词辨析。A. eyes眼睛;B. paws爪子;C. ears耳朵; D. teeth牙齿。句意:于是,母亲立即采取行动,她猛攻这个庞然大物,猛地用力掰开它的一只爪子,发现她儿子的整个脑袋都被吞进了它的嘴里。由下文“remove the lion’s paws”可知,母亲猛地用力掰开狮子的一只爪子。故B选项切题。 8.考查动词辨析。A. grabbed抓住;B. covered覆盖;C. beat打;D. kissed亲吻。句意:母亲一把抓住狮子的嘴,撬开它的嘴,救出了男孩。这是一套并列的动作,先是抓住狮子的嘴,撬开它的嘴,才能救出孩子。故A选项切题。 9.考查动词辨析。A. comforting安慰;B. scolding责备;C. stopping停止;D. freeing释放。句意:母亲一把抓住狮子的嘴,撬开它的嘴,救出了男孩。撬开它的嘴,男孩才能得救。free sb“释放某人”符合句意。故D选项切题。 10.考查名词辨析。A. error错误;B. attack袭击;C. headache头疼;D. comedy喜剧。句意:袭击发生时,男孩的父亲刚刚跑步回来。由上文可知,美洲狮在啃咬5岁的男孩,所以动物袭击了人类。故B选项切题。 11.考查动词辨析。A. crashed撞击;B. looked看;C. jogged慢跑;D. jumped跳。句意:他和妻子、儿子跳进车里,在晚上8点前拨打了911。孩子被从狮子的嘴里救出,所以要快速地逃离现场,马上去医院。故用“jump”表示动作迅速。故D选项切题。 12.考查动词辨析。A. sped加速;B. swam游泳;C. dived潜水;D. got获得。句意:他们驱车快速地前往阿斯彭的一家医院。孩子被狮子袭击,一定是受了伤,所以要驱车快速地前往阿斯彭的一家医院。故A选项切题。 13.考查名词辨析。A. legs腿;B. feet脚;C. head头;D. bottom底部。句意:这男孩的头、脸和脖子都受了伤。由前文可知,男孩的整个脑袋都被吞进了狮子的嘴里,所以头部一定会受伤。故C选项切题。 14.考查动词辨析。A. suffered遭受;B. carved雕刻;C. drew画;D. removed移除。句意:母亲的手上有咬痕,腿上有抓痕。由前文可知,母亲为了救孩子,奋力与狮子搏斗,所以母亲的手上有咬痕,腿上有抓痕。故A选项切题。 15.考查形容词辨析。A. terrible可怕的;B. fair不错的;C. bad坏的;D. poor贫穷的。句意:阿斯彭山谷医院报告说,这名儿童伤势不严重,情况良好,目前已被转移到丹佛儿童医院接受治疗。由“was not seriously injured ”可知,,这名儿童伤势不严重。所以情况良好。故B选项切题。 16.考查动词辨析。A. carried搬运;B. advised建议;C. sold卖;D. transferred 使转移。句意:阿斯彭山谷医院报告说,这名儿童伤不严重,情况良好,目前已被转移到丹佛儿童医院接受治疗。因为受伤的是个5岁的男孩,所以被转移到了专门的儿童医院接受治疗。be transferred to“被转移到...”符合句意。故D选项切题。 17.考查名词辨析。A. plants植物;B. toys玩具;C. targets目标;D. animals动物。句意:小狮子可能热衷于容易的目标,像宠物和小孩。由“like pets and small children”可知,宠物和孩子都是容易得手的猎物。故C选项切题。 18.考查副词辨析。A. unluckily不幸运地;B. generally一般地;C. eventually最终;D. fortunately幸运地。句意:幸运的是,它不是一只“大猫”。由“it wasn’t a big cat”可知,袭击男孩的不是一只成年狮子,所以这个很幸运。故D选项切题。 19.考查形容词辨析。A. beautiful漂亮的;B. happier快乐的;C. different不同的;D. authentic真实的。句意:如果它是一头经常在周围出没的110磅重的狮子,那么情况就会大不一样了。本句为if引导的虚拟条件句,表示与过去事实相反的假设。表示如果它要是一头经常在周围出没的110磅重的狮子,情况就会大不一样了。小男孩可能就不那么容易被救或者根本救不了了。故C选项切题。 20.考查动词辨析。 A. wasting浪费;B. saving挽救;C. ending结束;D. risking冒险。句意:母亲将狮子的爪子从儿子的脸上移开,这拯救了孩子的生命。由前文可知,这位母亲掰开了狮子的爪子,才发现孩子的头被完全吞入狮子的嘴里,然后她一把抓住狮子的嘴,撬开狮子的嘴,挽救了孩子的生命。故B选项切题。

    12 months ago, we tested most of the drone (无人机) models on the market. Typically models under $100 were very difficult to control even in light wind. 1. However in the last few months, a cheap drone model called the DroneX pro has been receiving a lot of praise among experts.

Why is this extremely high quality drone so cheap?

The DroneX Pro was designed by two engineers and drone lovers. They did lots of research and came to a shocking conclusion. The high-quality technology in most expensive brand drones comes mostly from the SAME supplier companies and was quite inexpensive. In other words? 2. it’s because the cost of advertising the brand name itself is very high.


Intelligent flight modes enable the drone to land safely and make 3D spins & other cool flips.

The high-quality hidden 3-axis gimbal (三轴万向节)is able to stabilize the camera even at high speed for sharp images and jitter-free video. Even with wind, the videos are razor-sharp in real-time transmission from your environment -like a HD live stream.

The wide-angle lens provides 100mbps ultra-HD images for wonderful and crystal clear images.

When folded up, the drone is barely larger than a fist. It fits in every belt bag and in every backpack! You do not need a film crew when flying the DroneX Pro.

Why is this drone so popular?

This drone costs only a small part of the price of professional brand drones. It comes in a sleek and compact design and can be taken anywhere. It is also quiet in the air and has an improved flight time.

4. Flying feels very natural. Even a first time drone flyer can learn to use it in a matter of minutes. It is unbelievable how easy to fly the drone is thanks to its included controller.

Our conclusion

This brilliant new drone is taking the world by storm. 5.

e the best el ling gift in2019.

A. This cheap drone might be the best selling gift in 2019.

B. Their camera also struggles to deliver high-quality photos and videos.

C. Is this inexpensive drone really as good as the experts are saying?

D. What makes the DroneX Pro so special?

E. That means they’re able o offer a world class quality drone at an incredibly low price.

F. The reason why brand name drones are so expensive isn’t because of their technology.

G. This drone makes beginners look like professionals.



    In my memory, winters always used to be really unpleasant. You had to bundle up just to keep warm when you went outside. You were often cold, wet, slip on the ice, and you’d arrive home to an ice-cold house. And that would mean turning on the heating and waiting. It’s a miracle you didn’t get cold to the bone.

Fortunately, things don’t have to be so challenging any more. Technology, engine ring and design have advanced giving us new solutions to old problems. It means dealing with winter needn’t be like skating on thin ice.

With a smart thermostat (温度自动调节器), our homes can be warm when we need them to be. Many models feature smartphone apps that allow you to control temperature remotely, so we can warm up the house before we arrive home. According to techradar.com, Tado’s model features voice control, while the Nest ‘leans’ your habits and automatically heats the home for you.

Clothes have been given an upgrade, too. Electronic thermal jackets, sweaters and coats heat up when you turn them on. What better way to keep warm in the dead of winter? At the touch of a button, or through an app on our phones, the clothing generates heat from elements placed inside. Many models offer three levels of heating which stay warm for over 12 hours. .

Finally, there is the clothing for the head, beanie s and Earmuff, that feature speakers included in the fabric using Bluetooth technology so we can listen to our favourite music or, in some cases, have a phone callusing the in-built microphone. All while keeping the head warm and avoiding a cold.

For many, the thought of winter used to be enough to make their blood run cold. But using technology, life needn’t freeze up. With the right solutions, there’s no reason why winter can’t be really, really cool.

1.What do the underlined words “bundle up” mean in Para.1?

A. Fix an air conditioner. B. Take a hot bath.

C. Run a lot. D. Put on more clothes.

2.How does electronic thermal clothing work?

A. The equipment placed inside the clothing produces heat.

B. It needs to be warned up before being used.

C. The thermostat heat up automatically when the temperature is low.

D. It keeps warm for over 12 hours after being charged fox an hour.

3.From the passage, we can lean the following statements EXCEPT that ________.

A. Tado’s model can be controlled by saying something to it.

B. with the in-built speaker and microphone, Beanies and Earmuffs users can have a phone call.

C. technology can do nothing to make winter less rough.

D. Bluetooth technology is used in the clothing for the head.

4.What’s the best title of this passage?

A. A Smart Thermostat B. A Modern winter

C. Ways of keeping warm D. An unpleasant winter



    What’s the point of studying? It’s something you might ask yourself if you’re studying for a degree and you’re struggling to complete homework or in an exam, especially if your friends seem to be out having a good time, or are working and earning lots of money.

Many of us choose to go to university as a first step towards a good career but sometimes that career is to go to university as a first step towards a good career but sometimes that career is hard to achieve and graduates end up doing something they are overqualified for. With the increasing costs of university, students begin to ask themselves whether a degree path is the best route into a career, There is a need for much better career advice and guidance into employment in addition to university education.

But other new research says that a degree will in the long run, earn you more. However there are differences in your earning potential. Dr Jack Britton says that “graduates of the 24 Russell Group universities earn an average of £33,500 after five years - about 40% more than those who studied at other universities.”

However, it has found it’s not just the location but other factors that can play a part in what you can earn, such as the subject a student chooses to study. It discovered that five years after graduation, the income gap between students who studied the subjects that attract the highest and lowest salaries can be considerable. Graduates in subjects such as law, medicine, dentistry as well, tend to do well. And as they progress, the pay gap between these careers and others, such as the creative arts, widens. There are factors too that influence what you might earn: Five years after graduation, men earn on average 14% more than women. Also, a student’s social background can have an effect, with those from better-off household much more likely to go to university and particularly a good one.

But if you still feel university doesn’t deliver the best opportunities then there are encouraging words from Alistair Jarvis, head of universities UK, who told BBC News that “Employs are demanding more graduates and graduates are half as likely to be unemployed as likely to be unemployed as non-graduates. There are many good graduate outcomes coming from universities” So may all that studying is worth it-after all ‘no pain, no gain’!

1.Why do students start to question whether to go to university or not?

A. Because of the heavy studying burden.

B. Because they can’t get a degree after graduation.

C. Because they don’t need a degree for their career.

D. Because of the increasing costs of university.

2.Which major may most probably lead to a lower-earning career?

A. Medicine. B. Law.

C. Creative arts. D. Dentistry.

3.Which of the following is most likely to be fired according to Alistair Jarvis?

A. Graduates. B. Non-graduates.

C. Doctors. D. Employers.

4.What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Russell Group universities are top ones.

B. Most students go to university to get a good career.

C. One’s location has no effect on his income.

D. Graduates often have more academic qualifications than required for a particular job.



    Kang Sung-il buys Sancho, his Pomeranian, a toy every business trip and this lunar New Year holiday will dress him up in s new $50 suit to visit ‘grandma’, Kang’s mother. Kang and his wife say children are too expensive and bring too much pressure. Instead they have chosen to shower Sancho with love and gifts.

They are not alone. South Korea’s pet industry is booming, fuelled by the same factors that have made the country’s birth rate, at 1.05 births per woman, the lowest in the world: the high cost of education and housing as well as extremely long working days.

“Social pressures in South Korea are such that parents are required to provider resources for decades from private schooling to art classes,” said Kang a 39 year old manager of a pet funeral home.

On top of education expenses, an average an household must budget roughly 12.8 years of

income to buy a mid-range home, compared to 8.8 years in 2014, data from KB Kookmin Bank shows. Adding to their stress, south Koreans work the third most hours per year among OECD (经合组织) nations, next only to Mexico and costa Rica.

Pet-owning households have rose to 28 percent of all South Korean households in 2018, compared with 18 percent in 2012, government data shows.

That in turn has resulted in a prosperous pet care industry whose offerings include tailored pet diets and high-priced photo shoots. Pet-related startup s are also popular with venture capitalists. The south Korean pet-related industry was worth 2.7 trillion won ($2.4 billion) last year, and that could more than double in size by 2027, according to the Korean Rural Economic Institute.

1.What do the underlined words “his Pomeranian” in paragraph I refer to?

A. His son. B. His pet.

C. A toy. D. Sancho’s brother.

2.What may NOT be the result of expensive education and houses along with long working hours?

A. The birth rate in South Korean is the lowest in the world.

B. 28 percent of the South Korean families raised pets in 2018.

C. There are more pet-related businesses than before.

D. Parents send their children to private schools.

3.Which of the following may be the service offered in a pet-related industry?

A. Training the pet to be a tailor. B. Showering the pet with gifts.

C. Taking pictures for customers’ pets. D. Shooting the pet with a false gun.

4.According to the passage, many people think that giving birth to a baby

A. Costs too much B. Is a must

C. Is boring D. Brings happiness



    Food festivals are a common occurrence in the UK and take place in all sorts of places and at all sorts of times. Whatever your taste, there’s a food festival to match -no matter how specialized.


This three-day, London-based festival takes place at the end of August and is a meat lover’s paradise. In addition to a range of meat products, from burgers to steaks, attendees can listen to live music, watch butchery shows, and attend informal meat-based workshops.


If you prefer a festival that will help you meet your five a day, then Vegfest fest is for you. This vegan-friendly event takes place several times a year. Here you can enjoy a wide selection of freshly prepared vegetables, learn cooking tips and hear talks on nutrition to help you make the most of your plant-based search.

The Marmalade Festival

Held in Cumbria, this festival has been running for 13 years. It includes a competition to find the best homemade marmalade. There are thousands of entries from over 30 different countries across the globe.

The Ginger () and spice Festival

The Ginger and spice Festival, held in Market Drayton, celebrates its town’s historic connection to Robert Clive, who returned from India with ginger. Because of this, they specialize in baking gingerbread, but also sell a range of spices from mild to hot.

The National Honey show

It started in 1921 and is the largest event of its kind. This three-day event attracts over 2000 participants to their traditional competition, and offers lectures and workshops on beekeeping and, of course, that syrupy golden honey.

While people’s tastes are different from each other, the UK has something to offer most people. From large-scale festivities, to the smaller gatherings, one thing is certain: people are passionate about their food. And while some of the products on offer might be strange to someone, when food is given that much attention, it’s unlikely to leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth.

1.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People can enjoy a wide selection of meat in Vegfest.

B. Meatopia falls on August 31 every year.

C. The Marmalade Festival is just known by the British.

D. Robert Clive took ginger to the UK from India.

2.Which festival will be most a tractive for people having a sweet tooth?

A. Meatopia B. The Ginger and spice Festival,

C. Vegfest. D. The National Honey show.

3.In which part of a magazine can you most probably find this passage?

A. Voice & views. B. Science & Technology.

C. Culture D. Sports.



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