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What does the man think of the plays by ...

What does the man think of the plays by Lady Orland?

A. Boring and terrible. B. Serious and positive. C. Inspiring and humorous.


C 【解析】 W: Lady Orland used to be a dancer. Ten years later she became a play writer. And she's written about more than ten plays. M: I've watched some of her plays. They're exciting and humorous. 此题为听力题,解析略。  

When will the man leave for Liverpool?

A. At 12:00. B. At 14:30. C. At 17:30.



What does the woman really mean?

A. There's no problem. B. She is very busy. C. She’ll go to another place.



What’s the time now?

A. 10:30. B. 10:10. C. 9:50.



When will the woman speaker come back home?

A. Early in the evening. B. Late in the evening. C. Early in the afternoon.



    Eco City Farms is an educational nonprofit organization. It seeks to empower the community by teaching economic development, job training and a healthier way of living. The group has set up farms near automobile repair businesses and fast food stores in urban neighborhoods.

Social activist Margaret Morgan-Hubbard founded Eco City Farms. She says that lack of fresh produce is a major health problem for children and their families living in Maryland. “What’s critical is that 70 percent of the people in these towns are either overweight, have some illnesses, for example, diabetes, or have other kinds of diet-related ailments because they don’t have access to healthy food.

Eco City Farms offers several programs for agriculture, food and finding jobs with environment-friendly businesses. People can also learn how to cook healthier foods and teach others how to prepare meals. On a recent day, Philip Sidibe demonstrated his cooking skills. He prepared Aloco, a popular food in Cameroon where he grew up. He and other young people not only cook their food, they also grow it in a large garden.

Tameka Barbour-Gaskins lives in Autumn Woods. She says her whole family is eating healthier meals because of the local produce. “I like junk food. I like quick meals. Not easy to just go from eating a certain way all your life to switching over to being healthier… With the urban garden here, with my son learning, he can help me switch around my style of eating. I want a healthy family.”

Margaret says the urban garden is an agent for change and the young people are its newest supporters. “Our program is about planting seeds. It’s about planting seeds not just in the ground, but in other human beings so that the movement can grow and it’s really exciting because these young people will be working with us throughout the year to help plan the actual farm and to finally own it.”

1.What does Eco City Farms aim to do?  (No more than 20 words)


2.What does the underlined word “ailments” in Paragraph 3 mean?  (1 word)


3.According to Margaret, what’s the major danger to people’s health in Maryland? (No more than 10 words)


4.How do people benefit from the programs offered by Eco City Farms? (No more than 15 words)


5.What do you think of Eco City Farms? Please explain. (No more than 15 words)




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