满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What might prevent t...


1.What might prevent the man from visiting the woman this weekend?

A. The rain. B. His girlfriend's work. C. Mark's work.

2.What are the man and Mark interested in?

A. Board games. B. Cooking. C. Car-repairing.

3.What are the woman and Lucy good at?

A. Cooking. B. Driving cars C. Playing games.

4.Which road did the man use to take to go to the woman’s?

A. Highway 17. B. Highway 27. C. Highway 70.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 【解析】 W: Hey! Do you and your girlfriend want to come over to our house this weekend? M: No problem for me, but I'm not sure about Lucy's work schedule. W: Just check with her and let us know. Rain or shine, we are going to cook outside and then play some board games. Do you like to play board games? M: Yes, we often play board games when we visit her parents in the city W: Great! Mark is going to be working on his car, so you can help him with that if you are interested. M: You know I love to work on cars! W: OK! Lucy and I have never met but from what Mark told me she is lovely and fun to be with. I'm sure we will get along great. M: Lucy is a great cook too. You two can share all sorts of cooking tips! W: Looking forward to that. Remember that when you drive up to our house, the road has changed. Highway 17 no longer takes you to our place. You need to take Highway 27, then left after crossing the bridge. The rest should be familiar. M: OK, sounds like it will be no problem. I will speak to Lucy and let you know as soon as I can. 1.此题为听力题,解析略。 2.此题为听力题,解析略。 3.此题为听力题,解析略。 4.此题为听力题,解析略。


1.What does the woman want to find out?

A. How people spend their holiday.

B. How long people like to go on holiday.

C. Whether people prefer to travel abroad.

2.How long is the man’s vacation each year?

A. Four week. B. Three weeks. C. Two weeks.

3.What does the man like most on holiday?

A. Traveling abroad.

B. Visiting museums.

C. Enjoying the peace of the country.




1.Where does the conversation take place?

A. On a train. B. On a bus. C. On a plane.

2.Why does the man want to open the window?

A. The air is bad.

B. He wants to smoke.

C. He wants to enjoy the sight.




1.At what time is the plane supposed to leave?

A. 11:00. B. 10:20. C. 10:00.

2.At which gate will the speakers board?

A. Gate 2. B. Gate 3. C. Gate 5.



What does the man think of the plays by Lady Orland?

A. Boring and terrible. B. Serious and positive. C. Inspiring and humorous.



When will the man leave for Liverpool?

A. At 12:00. B. At 14:30. C. At 17:30.



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