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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A skinny Wolf was dying because of hunger when he was happened to meet a fat house-dog who was passing by. “Ah, Cousin,” said the Dog. “I know how it is; your irregular life will sooner and later kill you. Why don’t you work steady as I do, and get your food regularly giving to you?”

“I would be glad,” said the Wolf, “if I could only get a place.”

“I will easily arrange that for you,” said the Dog; “come with me to my master and you are welcome to share my works.”

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way the Wolf noticed that the hair on certain part of the Dog’s neck was very much worn away, so he asked him why that had come about.

“Oh, it is nothing,” said the Dog. “That is the place which the chain is put on at night to keep myself tied to a tree; it hurts a bit, but one soon got used to it.”

“Is that all?” said the Wolf. “Then good-bye to you, Master Dog.”


1.was happened删去was 2.sooner and later 中and-or 3. steady- steadily 4.giving—given 5.works-work 6. on Λcertain a 7.why—how 8. which---where 9. myself—me 10.got-gets 【解析】 本文是一则寓言故事。故事讲述的是,一只瘦狼快要饿死了,这时他碰巧遇见了一只路过的胖狗。这则寓言故事告诉我们“稳定地工作,有规律地吃饭,否则迟早会自己杀死自己”。 1.考查不及物动词。此处happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态,故was happened删去was。 2.考查固定词组。sooner or later“迟早”。故把sooner and later 中and-or。 3.考查词形转换。此处work“工作”,是动词,由副词来修饰,故把steady- steadily。 4.考查过去分词作宾语补足语。句意:你为什么不像我一样稳定地工作,定期给你吃的呢?固定结构:get +宾语+宾语补足语。此处food 和 give之间是一种被动关系,是过去分词作宾语补足语,故把giving—given。 5.考查不可数名词。句意:跟我去见我的主人,欢迎你来分享我的作品。此处work“工作”,是不可数名词,故把works-work。 6.考查不定冠词。句意:在路上,狼注意到狗脖子上的毛已经磨掉了。on a certain part of“在某一部分的------”,故在on 和certain之间加a。 7.考查宾语从句。句意:于是他问他那是怎么回事。此处是how引导的宾语从句,故把why—how。 8.考查定语从句。句意:那是晚上把链子拴在树上的地方。此处place是先行词,在后面的定语从句中作地点状语,故把which---where。 9.考查人称代词宾格。句意:那是晚上把链子拴在树上的地方。也就是说“我被拴在一棵树上”,故把myself—me。 10.考查时态。句意:有点疼,但很快就习惯了。此处是直接引语,在陈述一件事实,句子用一般现在时态,故把got-gets。

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Barbara Jordan was a lawyer, educator and member of Congress. As a politician, Barbara Jordan worked for social change. She 1. (seek) to make a difference for all Americans using her 2. (politics) influence.

Barbara Jordan became the first African-American woman 3. (elect) to the United States Congress to represent Texas. 4. helped Barbara gain her national 5. (recognize) was that she became a member of the congressional committee investigating President Richard Nixon in 1974.

Barbara Jordan was born in the southern city of Houston, Texas in 1936. She was 6. (young) of the three daughters in her family. Her father was a Baptist minister. When she was a child, Barbara's parents pushed her to succeed. Barbara Jordan said her parents would criticize her for not 7. (speak) correct English. They urged her to become a music teacher, because they said that was the only good job for a black woman at that time. Her sisters did become 8. (teacher). Barbara Jordan, however, explained later that she wanted to do something unusual.

At first she thought about being a pharmacist, 9. scientist who is an expert in medicines. After she became the first African-American state senator(参议员), her career in politics took 10..



    Last month, Alex posted his painting of a fox on Reddit hoping to raise money for an animal rescue group. But when a video of him working on the painting went viral with more than 44,000 “likes”, ____ on social media from people hoping to buy copies of his work ____ in. His fans were amazed when they watched him paint by holding a brush in his ____ because he has lost the use of his hands.

Drawing and painting always came ____ to Alex. When he was a kid, he would sit down to draw something almost every day. It continued ____ high school and college. He loved creating with his hands.

But in 2004, Alex ____ a rare disease that caused sensory(知觉) loss and weakness. One day, he suddenly could not use his left hand. Then the problem ____ quickly to his right hand. As the pain and numbness ____ and more tests were done, the physicians ____ Alex had a rare immune disorder. ____, he was no longer able to draw, paint or play the piano. By September 2005, he had difficulty ____, as his legs and feet had also weakened. ____, he needed a wheelchair. He had to quit his job and move to live with his parents.

Alex didn’t follow his artistic dreams ___ his mother showed him some paintings created by artists who also could not use their hands and arms in 2015. He was very ____ and then began to teach himself to paint with his mouth and to ____ the right pressure to the canvas(画布).

Three years ago, Alex successfully had a major transplant ____. The process of recovery is ____ but steady. With supporting aids on both legs, he is walking again without pain. Alex hopes one day he will be able to ____ a paintbrush in his hand. If not, he will continue to ____ his visions with his mouth.

“I have a lot to be ____. I’m painting again, I’m walking again. Life feels really good for me right now,” Alex said.

1.A. requests B. complaints C. donations D. invitations

2.A. dropped B. poured C. called D. burst

3.A. hand B. foot C. arm D. mouth

4.A. suitably B. actually C. particularly D. naturally

5.A. through B. before C. from D. upon

6.A. witnessed B. recognized C. developed D. assessed

7.A. reduced B. spread C. adapted D. referred

8.A. disappeared B. attacked C. worsened D. weakened

9.A. predicted B. apologized C. observed D. discovered

10.A. As a result B. On the whole C. Without doubt D. In return

11.A. running B. walking C. painting D. living

12.A. Occasionally B. Eventually C. Normally D. Basically

13.A. unless B. once C. although D. until

14.A. impressed B. sympathetic C. confused D. sensible

15.A. present B. contribute C. apply D. adjust

16.A. operation B. performance C. assessment D. substitute

17.A. fulfilling B. challenging C. beneficial D. accessible

18.A. test out B. set aside C. sort out D. pick up

19.A. replace B. reward C. express D. target

20.A. occupied with B. concerned about C. grateful for D. accused of



Understanding special education

What will appear in your mind when you think about special education? You might picture children with disabilities spending the day in a different classroom, separated from most of the kids of their age. 1.. But as the field of special education has moved forward, it much has changed.

Special education today is still focused on helping children with disabilities learn. 2.. In fact, federal law requires that students who receive special education services be taught alongside their non-disabled peers as much as possible. For example, some students with reading disorder may spend most of the day in a general education classroom. They may spend just an hour or two in a resource room working with a specialist on reading and other skills.

The changes are also reflected in other aspects. 3.. It’s tailored(量体裁衣) to meet each student’s needs. Special education refers to a range of services that can be provided in different ways and in different settings. If your child qualifies for special education, he’ll receive individualized teaching resources. The specialists who work with your child will focus on his strengths as well as his challenges.

4.. Making the curriculum accessible to students with disabilities is a lot like making buildings accessible to people in wheelchairs. School districts have a process in place to determine which students are qualified for special education. This process involves a systematic evaluation that looks at the way your child thinks. 5.. If the district agrees to evaluate your child, the testing will be conducted at no cost to you.

A. “Access” is an important term in education

B. You or your child’s school can request an evaluation

C. This may have been the normal situation in the past

D. There is no “one size fits all” approach to special education

E. To clear the learning barriers is the purpose of special education

F. But this no longer means placing kids in a special classroom all day long

G. The qualification for special education is assessed by local school districts



    In the early hours of the morning, Gary Miller was in his truck, traveling down the road alone to deliver. Everything seemed calm. But with the sound of a fire siren (警笛) cutting through the wind, he became alarmed. Miller, a trucker by trade, has been a volunteer firefighter for 40 years. That loud, sharp siren assured him that help was on the way.

Most people never realize that this help is often a crew of volunteer firefighters. They make up 70 percent of the country’s nearly 1.2 million firefighters. “When I was a teenager there would be many who responded. About 20 people were coming into the voluntary fire station at one siren.” Miller laughed. But now, at his 54, that memory is almost ironic (讽刺的)to him. When a call comes in, his station might get only three or four people responding. He said: “People don’t want to, or rather, they don’t have time to volunteer.” Adults’ burdens have become greater. There isn’t as much time left for volunteering when most people rely on a two-income household now more than ever.

Firefighters face far more than what we imagine. The emotional stress on a firefighter stands out. “We’re asked to help someone at their most vulnerable (易受伤的) time. But we can’t always save the day like we hope to.” Miller reflected on the case years ago. “A mother’s car was hit hard, and she had two children in the backseat." By the time he arrived on the scene, there wasn’t much to be done. “One child died in my arms and I felt so defeated.”

Along with the emotional stress, the physical danger is just as great. Even with the progress of equipment and new training, that’s still not always enough to save a firefighter’s life. In 2016, 60 firefighters died in the line of the duty. “When you respond, you never know if it is to be your last,” Miller said. “And that’s just a risk we take.” Miller continued. "It's dangerous. But it's also the most rewarding thing I've ever done."

1.What was Gary Miller doing when the fire siren sounded that morning?

A. He was off duty. B. He was doing the daily routine.

C. He was on the way to rescue. D. He was driving to the fire station.

2.Why is the memory of the early time ironic to Miller?

A. Because many of his crew lost their lives.

B. Because he no longer serves the fire station.

C. Because firefighter is not an appealing job any more.

D. Because fewer people want to be volunteer firefighters.

3.What mainly causes the number of volunteer firefighters to drop?

A. The challenging task. B. The emotional stress.

C. The increasing burden. D. The possible danger.

4.What does being a volunteer firefighter mean to Miller?

A. A worthwhile experience. B. A way to make a living.

C. An ironic memory    . D. A risky adventure.



    You've heard the predictions from some of the brightest minds about AI’s influence. Tesla and SpaceX chief Elon Musk worries that AI is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons. The late scientist Stephen Hawking warned AI could serve as the “worst event in the history of our civilization” unless humanity is prepared for its possible risks.

But many experts, even those who are aware of such risks, have a more positive attitude, especially in health-care and possibly in education. That is one of the results from a new AI study released Monday by the Pew Research Center.

Pew canvassed the opinions of 979 experts over the summer, a group that included famous technologists, developers, innovators and business and policy leaders. The interviewed experts, some of whom chose to remain anonymous, were asked to join in the discussion of a serious and important question: "By 2030, do you think it is most likely that advancing AI and related technology systems will improve human capacities and control them?"

Nearly two-thirds experts predicted most of us will be mostly better off. But a third thought otherwise, and a majority of the experts expressed at least some concerns over the long-term impact of AI on the "essential elements(要素) of being human." Among those concerns were data abuse, loss of jobs and loss of control brought by autonomous weapons and cybercrime(网络犯罪). Above all, by taking data in and spitting answers out, those "black box" tools make decisions in digital systems. It is an erosion(侵蚀) in our ability to think for ourselves.

1.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A. To stop human developing AI. B. To inform readers how AI develops.

C. To tell readers the result of a study. D. To encourage a public discussion.

2.What does the underlined word “canvass” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Ask. B. Adopt.

C. Weigh. D. Analyse.

3.What are experts most concerned about?

A. AI will beat humans in abilities and qualities.

B. Humans will suffer a decrease of thinking ability.

C. Humans will develop autonomous weapons.

D. AI will come to power in human societies.

4.What do we know about AI from the text?

A. Elon Musk holds a positive attitude towards AI.

B. Stephen Hawking warned people not to develop AI.

C. Few interviewed experts expressed their concerns about AI.

D. Most interviewed experts believed AI makes human life better.



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