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根据黑布林文本阅读,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 1.Wh...


1.What is the relationship between Dr Jekyll and Mr Utterson?

A. Distant relatives B. Client and lawyer C. Doctor and patient D. Master and servant

2.Dr Lanyon stopped all contact with Dr Jekyll because___________.

A. he disapproved of Jekyll’s will

B. he was jealous of the success of Jekyll’s experiments

C. he was shocked when he realized that Hyde was a part of Jekyll

D. he had an argument with Jekyll about scientific beliefs

3.Judging from the look and voice, Hyde is considered all of the following EXCEPT _______.

A. mysterious B. mischievous C. unfriendly D. unpleasant

4.What kind of story is The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

A. Romance B. Adventure C. War D. Mystery

5.Which of the following is NOT the theme to the story?

A. The reflection of personal behavior B. The importance of reputation

C. The duality of human nature D. The battle of good against evil


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 本文是一篇文学作品——《化身博士》,讲述亨利·杰基尔医生喝了一种试验用的药剂,在晚上化身成邪恶的海德先生四处作恶,他终日徘徊在善恶之间,其内心属灵的内疚和犯罪的快感不断冲突,令他饱受折磨。 1.细节理解题。文中第一句话就告诉读者Mr Utterson是一个律师,文中Dr Jekll将遗嘱给了Mr Utterson,说明Dr Jekll是Mr Utterson的顾客,故选B项。 2.细节理解题。文中Dr Lanyon死前给Mr Utterson写了一份信,告诉Mr Utterson他亲眼看见 Dr Jkeyll喝下了药成为了那个恶人Hyde, 这让他很恐惧和震惊。他意识到恶人Hyde是Dr Jkeyll的一部分,于是不再联系Dr Jkeyll,故选C项。 3.推理判断题。根据文中的人对Hyde的描述“He's short,but has a strong, heavy body.There's something wrong with his appearance,something ugly and unpleasing—no,something hateful.I disliked him at once”可知Hyde长得很怪,个子又矮,身体粗壮,他的相貌哪儿有点不对劲,让人感到丑陋,不舒服——不,是让人憎恶的那种。可以用unfriendly和unpleasant来形容,排除C和D项。根据原文中的There were no photographs of the wanted man and no two people could agree about his appearance.可知没有通缉犯(Hyde)的照片,能描述他外貌的人,说法又都不一样。这说明Hyde是个很神秘的(mysterious)的人,排除A项。综上所述,A项mysterious, C项unfriendly和D项unpleasant都可以用来形容Hyde, 文中并没有体现Hyde是mischievous(调皮的)故选B项。 4.推理判断题。本文中的主人公一直在遇到各种事情,本文的谜题--Hyde是谁,Dr Jkeyll为什么有很奇怪的行为,Dr Lanyon为什么和多年的老朋友Dr Jkelly断交等等直到最后才被解开,由此可以判断这是一篇悬疑小说,故选D项。 5.主旨大意题。文中Dr Jkelly为了维护自己的荣誉,才变成Hyde做恶事,而Dr Jkelly仍是一个受人尊敬的医生,这体现了名誉的重要性。 Dr Jerkly在晚上化身成邪恶的海德先生四处作恶,他终日徘徊在善恶之间,其内心的内疚和犯罪的快感不断冲突,令他饱受折磨。这反应了人的两面性,也是善恶的对抗,排除C项和D项。文中并没有体现对个人行为的反思这一主题,故选A项。

    It was March 15, 2012. My two brothers were out in the driveway shooting around when they suddenly screamed,“ The sky! The sky! It's green!” My dad _______ turned on the TV news. There was a tornado heading towards Dexter. I quickly ran up the stairs and seized my most _______ items that I felt I needed. My mom was piling clothing up in the basement to make a fort(堡垒) to _______ us. My dad was still upstairs watching the news. He usually never comes down when there’s a bad _______. As my ears heard a loud “pop”, I looked up to see my dad _______ full speed down into the basement swiftly _______ the door behind him to join us.

I for a brief moment thought that I was going to _______. When the tornado was going by it sounded like a heavy train was tearing through our _______.

Everything started to settle. My dad made his way back up the stairs to see what the damage was. The ceiling(天花板) had fallen down. Everywhere I _______all I could see was pure destruction. In that moment I felt __________, I had no idea what to do, and I didn’ t know what was happening or what the situation was. All I could think about was that my home was __________ going to be the same again.

This was the event that caused my family to have a(n) __________ on how lucky we were to be alive and together. Although the tornado wasn’t one that was that deadly we felt extremely __________ to be alive. This moment was a scary and life-changing situation, something that I never thought I would have to experience. It just made me think how I should be __________ for everything that I am able to have because you never know what __________ can throw at you, especially when you least expect it.

1.A. immediately B. secretly C. recently D. strangely

2.A. harmless B. attractive C. precious D. familiar

3.A. persuade B. protect C. please D. prevent

4.A. fire B. earthquake C. storm D. drought

5.A. coming B. driving C. falling D. flying

6.A. hitting B. closing C. painting D. touching

7.A. begin B. return C. escape D. die

8.A. office B. house C. hospital D. library

9.A. traveled B. remembered C. looked D. hated

10.A. awkward B. defeated C. interested D. amazed

11.A. never B. ever C. still D. just

12.A. realization B. conclusion C. imagination D. suggestion

13.A. lonely B. calm C. brave D. lucky

14.A. grateful B. regretful C. curious D. generous

15.A. dream B. passion C. work D. life



—He is a very hard-working student.

— ________. As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil.

A. You can say that again B. Absolutely not C. Heaven knows. D. Not exactly



My uncle is a(n) _____ man. If he promises to do something, he is sure to do it.

A. modest B. reliable C. aggressive D. punctual



_______ many of us today take the television for granted, it’s actually one of the greatest invention of the 20th century.

A. If B. Unless C. While D. Since



_______ the secret of nature, the young scientist has little time for entertainment.

A. Devoted to bring out        B. Devoted himself to bringing out 

C. Devoted to bringing out      D. Devoting to bring out



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