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Peter worked 1. a night watchman in a sm...

    Peter worked 1. a night watchman in a small factory. One morning his boss came in with a suitcase. He said to Peter, I’m going to New York tomorrow. See you. Peter said, “Oh, you mustn’t go. The factory owner asked him why. Peter answered that he 2. (have) a nightmare the night before. In the dream, he had seen the next day’s plane to New York crash over the Atlantic Ocean. Peter’s boss 3. (immediate) cancelled his ticket and stayed in the office. The plane crashed; the boss thanked Peter and gave him a big present. Then he fired him.


1.as 2.had had 3.immediately 【解析】 这是一篇故事类阅读。文章主要讲了彼得在一家小工厂当守夜人。一天早上,他的老板提着一个手提箱进来了。他对彼得说明天要去纽约。彼得告诉他不能去。厂主问他原因。彼得回答说,昨天晚上,他梦到第二天飞往纽约的飞机在大西洋上空坠毁了。彼得的老板立即取消了他的机票,留在了办公室。飞机失事了,老板谢过彼得,给了他一件大礼物。然后他解雇了他。 1.考查固定短语。句意:Peter在一家小工厂当守夜人。work as担任;以…身份而工作,改短于是固定短语,所以填as。 2.考查时态。句意:Peter回答说他昨天晚上做了一个恶梦。that he ___2___ (have) a nightmare the night before.是一个宾语从句,主句Peter answered用的是一般过去时,从句要使用相应的过去的时态,表示发生在“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,所以填had had。 3.考查副词。句意:Peter的老板立即取消了他的机票,留在了办公室。该空修饰动词cancelled,用副词,所以填immediately。

    Online shopping 1. (welcome) by most people due to various reasons. For the consumers, it can save some time for the people 2. don’t have much spare time. Just clicking the mouse, they can get what they want 3. staying at home. For the sellers, it can cut some costs for those without enough circulating funds. Compared with the traditional trade mode, they don’t have to spend money in 4. (rent) a house.



    I have been to many places as a news reporter. In India, I visited a city where there were many 1. (home) children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the streets 2. survived by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady 3. (call) Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was looking after two hundred children. She clothed them, fed them and taught them. She gave them hope.




Young Chinese parents embracing e-books for children

Chinese children are spending more time reading digital books as young parents are increasingly open to the idea, research shows.

The amount of time children under 9 spend reading e-books every day increased almost 20 percent to 24. 3 minutes between 2016 and 2017, according to a joint study by e-book company Kada Story and teaching consultancy TAL Education Group.

A three-year study of 6, 030 parents found that almost 70 percent said they are willing to let their children use mobile phones and tablets, while 25 percent of those born in the 1990s or later said they let their children spend more than 40 minutes a day on mobile devices.

Parents in first-tier cities are more likely to let their children use mobile devices, with children in Beijing spending almost 70 minutes a day using the gadgets.

“Digital reading is an important skill for children to master in this age of information explosion, ” said Wang Jing, chief editor of Kada Story.

However, not all parents want their children to read digitally.

“I fear e-books will negatively affect my son’s attention span or expose him to inappropriate content, ” said Xie Wenfeng, mother of a 7-year-old boy in Shanghai.

She said she believed books in print are better for the eyes and do not affect sleep. “I also worry about possible addiction to e-books.” she added.








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2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。







1.True eccentrics treat social conventions as unimportant, unconscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.

True eccentrics d_________ social conventions, unconscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.

2.Having received a radio message from the mainland, officially telling him to give up, the ship’s captain decided to pull up anchor and head home.

Having received a radio message from the mainland i_______ him to give up, the ship’s captain decided to pull up anchor and head home.

3.Antique shops have a great appeal for many people, especially bargain hunters.

Antique shops exert a peculiar f_________ on many people, especially bargain hunters.

4.Seeing a thief caught on the premises of a large jewellery store, the shop assistants couldn’t help saying ‘it serves him right’.

Seeing a thief caught on the spot, the shop assistants found it impossible to resist the t________ to say ‘it serves him right’.

5.As is often the case, lots of things happen to go wrong at precisely the same time.

What i______ happens is that a great number of things go wrong at precisely the same time.




Most people have a list of wishes—things that they think will bring them happiness. Happiness lists are easy to come up with. However, the mechanism behind them is somewhat complicated, since it involves what psychologist Daniel Gilbert calls the greatest achievement of the human brain—the ability to imagine. To imagine what will bring joy to our future selves requires mental time travel, which is a unique human skill resulting from two million years of evolution. We use this skill every day, predicting our future emotions and then making decisions, whether big or small, according to our forecasts of how they'll make our future selves feel.

Yet, our imagination often fails us. When we're lucky enough to get what we wished for, we discover that it doesn’t come with everlasting happiness. And when the things we feared come to pass, we realize that they don't crush us after all. In dozens of studies, Gilbert has shown that we can mispredict emotional consequences of positive events, such as receiving gifts or winning football games, as much as negative events, like breaking up or losing an election. This impact bias(影响偏差) —overestimation of the intensity and duration of our emotional reactions to future events—is significant, because the prediction of the duration of our future emotions is what often shapes our decisions, including those concerning our happiness.

Just as our immune systems work tirelessly to keep our bodies in good health, our psychological immune systems routinely employ an entire set of cognitive(认知) mechanisms in order to deal with life's habitual attack of less-than-pleasant circumstances. Actually, our psychological immune system has an impressive feature of its own: the ability to produce happiness. Thus, when life disappoints us, we “ignore, transform, and rearrange” information through a variety of creative strategies until the rough edges of negative effects have been dutifully dulled. When we fail to recognize this ability of our psychological immune systems to produce happiness, we're likely to make errors in our affective forecasting.

Happiness, Gilbert points out, is a fast moving target. As passionate as we’re about finding it, we routinely misforecast what will make us happy, and how long our joy will last. In reality, he adds that the best way to make an affective forecast is not to use your imagination, but your eyes. Namely, instead of trying to predict how happy you'll be in a particular future, look closely at those who are already in the future that you’re merely contemplating(冥想) and ask how happy they are. If something makes others happy, it'll likely make you happy as well.

Forecasting Happiness

The mechanism behind happiness lists

*It’s a bit complicated because of the involvement of the human ability to 1..

*Mental time travel is a unique human skill we use on a(n) 2. basis to make predictions about our future emotions and then 3. all our decisions on them.

The 4. with predicting happiness

*We can make wrong predictions about emotional consequences of positive or negative events, which can 5. us from making right decisions.

The functions of the psychological immune system

*Our psychological immune system routinely help 6. unpleasant circumstances in life.

*Our wrong affective forecasting results from our 7. to recognize the power of our psychological immune system.

An effective 8. to predict happiness

*Use your eyes 9. of your imagination while making affective forecasts. 10. others who are in the future that you’re contemplating and ask how happy they are.





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