满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For years, decades in fact, I've puzzled...

    For years, decades in fact, I've puzzled over the response most people have when I tell them I mostly travel alone.

"You're so brave!"

Why is it that a woman travelling alone, as I have often done for months at a time, is perceived to be "brave", whereas men who travel alone are entirely unremarkable?

You are only brave when you are afraid of something but still do it anyway. I have never been afraid of travelling alone.

The first time I travelled alone was when I was 19. I was due to travel in Europe with a friend at the end of the summer. She announced by letter two days before our departure that she would be leaving me halfway at Vienna. It was too late by then to rope in another friend, so it was either to go home after Vienna, or keep going by myself. I kept going. I got on trains by myself, checked into hostels by myself and found my way around by myself. It was weird at first, but later I stopped worrying about it.

When I got back to Ireland after that trip, I felt proud of myself. I had done something I had assumed would be hard, and it had turned out to be not hard at all.

That was three decades ago, and since then I have travelled all over the world, usually on my own. I still do what I did then, which is to keep a diary. The greatest gift of solo travel has been those I've met along the way. I may have set off alone each time but I've encountered many people who became important to me. I met my husband in Kathmandu, Nepal. I met lifelong friends in Australia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, India, Indonesia and many other places.

1.What makes the author puzzled when she tells people of her experience?

A. People's disbelief. B. People's response.

C. People's approval. D. People's criticism.

2.What does the author say about her first time to travel alone?

A. It was a trip by design.

B. She had to choose to go by herself.

C. It was harder than expected.

D. She set off all alone.

3.What do the underlined words "solo travel" in the last paragraph mean?

A. Group Travel. B. Travelling with friends.

C. Travelling alone. D. Travelling with music.

4.How has the author benefited from her travel?

A. She has overcome her fear of travelling alone.

B. She has written a couple of books.

C. She has received a great many gifts.

D. She has met many people all the way.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章作者介绍了自己多年来,独自旅行的经历。作者从中收获了很多。 1.细节理解题。答案定位在第一段For years, decades in fact, I've puzzled over the response most people have when I tell them I mostly travel alone.(多年来,甚至几十年来,当我告诉大多数人我主要是独自旅行时,他们的反应让我感到困惑。),故选B。 2.细节理解题。答案定位在倒数第三段She announced by letter two days before our departure that she would be leaving me halfway at Vienna. It was too late by then to rope in another friend, so it was either to go home after Vienna, or keep going by myself. I kept going. I got on trains by myself, checked into hostels by myself and found my way around by myself.(在我们动身的前两天,她写信通知我,她将在维也纳中途离开我。那时再找一个朋友已经太晚了,所以我要么从维也纳回家,要么一个人继续走。我继续。我自己上了火车,自己住旅馆,自己找路。)由此可知,关于她第一次独自旅行,作者说她不得不选择自己去,故选B。 3.词义猜测题。上文That was three decades ago, and since then I have travelled all over the world, usually on my own. I still do what I did then, which is to keep a diary.说那是30年前的事了,从那时起,我周游世界,通常是独自一人。我仍然做我当时做的事,那就是记日记。由此可知,下文The greatest gift of solo travel has been those I've met along the way.的意思是独自旅行最棒的礼物就是一路上遇到的人。“solo travel”的意思是独自旅行,故选C。 4.细节理解题。答案定位在最后一段I may have set off alone each time but I've encountered many people who became important to me. I met my husband in Kathmandu, Nepal. I met lifelong friends in Australia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, India, Indonesia and many other places.(我可能每次都是独自出发,但我遇到了很多对我很重要的人。我在尼泊尔加德满都遇见了我的丈夫。我在澳大利亚、波兰、匈牙利、土耳其、印度、印度尼西亚等地结识了一生的朋友。)可知作者从她的旅行中得到的好处是一路上她遇到了很多人,故选D。

    A mixture of deep sorrow and anger has swept Brazilians across the country — particularly in the city of Rio de Janeiro — with the burning of their beloved Museu Nacional, or National Museum.

By Monday morning, when I visited the site, the firemen were busy trying to enter the huge, early 19th-century neoclassical building. For all we know, everything may have been burned to ashes. Fortunately, no one, not even the four security guards who witnessed the beginning of the fire, has been injured.

Nobody yet knows the cause of the fire, but it is the officials' irresponsibility and the funding shortages in particular, which are being blamed for this tragedy.

Some of the museum's researchers told the press that they had been able to save some things from the exhibition rooms before the fire moved in. However, we Brazilians have lost much of the material memory of our short past. A good part of our 518 years of history, or that which had been transformed into storable objects, disappeared in just a few hours.

The people of Rio de Janeiro were fond of taking their children, or grandchildren to the museum to show off their knowledge of the odd-looking mummies brought in from Egypt by the Emperor Dom Pedro II, a huge skeleton of a humpback whale, or the brightly coloured feathers of a headdress of the Kayapo tribe.

When I think that I can no longer take my youngest daughter to the Museu Nacional — that is what gets me emotional. It is this feeling that has penetrated (穿透) our souls and may leave Brazilians feeling empty for a long time to come.

1.What can we learn about the National Museum of Brazil?

A. It has a history of 518 years.

B. All of its collections have been lost.

C. It was built in the early 19th century.

D. It is not very popular in the country.

2.According to the text, _______ caused the big fire of the museum.

A. the inefficient firemen B. the irresponsible officials

C. the careless security guards D. something unknown

3.The text is written in a mood of_______.

A. delight B. sorrow

C. defeat D. humour

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Fire Put out in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

B. Our Fond Memories of the Past

C. Who Is to Blame for the Accident?

D. A Museum Is Lost and Might Never Return



    When Warren Buffett, the most successful investor, was asked about the secret to his wealth and success, he revealed that he read every day, 500 pages, to be precise. Unfortunately, if you're already working 9‒5, you might not have the time to read at all, let alone an entire book a day. But what if you could get the benefits of reading without sacrificing all of your free time? You can! With the Blinkist app, you get the key learning in minutes, not hours or days. Our experts transform these books into quick, easy-to-understand insights. Start with the 5 most-read books.

1. Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

by Amy Morin             12 min reading time             147k reads

Do you struggle to get over your failures? Getting over these can have a profound influence on your everyday life. Morin shares how her most successful patients overcame these difficulties.

2. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

by Dale Carnegie           19 min reading time            238k reads

Ever wondered why you can't stop worrying about something? By defining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Carnegie came up with a formula that helps you handle any overthinking situation.

3. How Will You Measure Your Life?

by Clayton M. Christensen       13 min reading time        137k reads

Are you making the right trade-offs (权衡) in life? While career achievements can be satisfying, neglecting your family and friends can be bad in the long-run — in ways you can't even imagine.

4. Finding Your Element

by Ken Robinson               13 min reading time        62.4k reads

Everyone has a passion. If you don't know what yours is, it just means you haven't discovered it yet. Find out how you can break free of society's strict rules and find your calling in life.

5. Emotional Intelligence

by Daniel Goleman             16 min reading time        318k reads

Did you know if your pulse rate rises above 100 bpm, you're deemed too emotional to think rationally? You probably let feelings cloud your judgment more often than you know. Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.

1.What kind of people does the Blinkist app best suit?

A. Successful investors. B. Rich businessmen.

C. People who have little time for reading. D. Students who love books.

2.Which book has been read by the largest number of people?

A. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

B. How Will You Measure Your Life?

C. Finding Your Element.

D. Emotional Intelligence.

3.Which book offers advice to people who feel stressed?

A. Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.

B. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

C. How Will You Measure Your Life?

D. Finding Your Element.




1. 介绍中国的端午节(时间,意义,风俗等);

2. 欢迎他来中国并邀请他来观看龙舟赛。



Dear Mike,

I’m glad to know you show great interest in Chinese traditional festivals.



Li Hua









Volunteering is one way to turn something you have - time- into a means to help others.

Last Friday, we spent a few hours volunteer at the local science center. Our teacher divided us to two groups. One group picks up trash in the exhibition hall. But the other group went outside and pulled up weeds. The employees we helped were very appreciative, and invited us to coming back anytime. Tomorrow, we will go to the homeless shelter in our town where the homeless can have meal and sleep. We will cook meals for who is staying there. Although all of us have had the experience of cooking before, everyone wants to have try.




1.There were several ________________(学说,理论)about the way in which the fire started.

2.Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own _______________ (强项,长处).

3.There is a great demand for ___________________(农用的) machinery in this country.

4.I think it’s time we _______________(寻求) legal advice.

5.The reason he gave to ______________(解释)for his absence was unbelievable.

6.I don’t mind a_________________ to others if I make a mistake.

7.As students, we should c_______________ book knowledge with practice.

8.Though he is in his seventies, he is still e_______________ like a young man.

9.Mary s ______________ her friend in the crowd easily.

10.A university is an educational institution which a____________ degrees and carries out research.



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