满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Cruz Gent, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, ...

    Cruz Gent, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn't agree. Were the ______ out on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a ______ January evening last year, the two friends _____  onto the frozen pond near their homes to get a better ______.

First they threw a rock onto the ice to test it. Then they stepped on it. Convinced the ice would _____  their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then... FOOMP. He crashed through the ______ frozen surface. Instantly Cruz rushed to help his ______ friend. FOOMP — the pond swallowed him too.

Cruz _____ to lift himself out of the icy water and onto a more solid section. He then ______ worked his way toward Anthony. But the ice didn't hold, and he fell in again. This time, he couldn't get out.

The boys were up to their necks in the cold water and quickly ______ feeling in their arms and legs. Any chance of their freeing themselves was slipping away. Cruz was sure he was going to ______.

Anthony's older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and ______ screaming for help. John Lavin, a ______ driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly ______. Seeing the boys, he grabbed a nearby buoy (浮标), ______ his shoes, and ran into the icy water, making his way through the ice with his free fist. Finally, Lavin got close to Cruz and Anthony and pulled them back to   ____. They were taken to the hospital, where ____ discovered that their five-minute stay in the water had   ____ their body temperature nearly ten degrees._____, the boys have fully recovered, but they are still impressed by their ______ neighbor. "Just think," says Cruz, "if he hadn't been there, I could have died."

1.A. birds B. boys C. weeds D. plants

2.A. warm B. cloudy C. freezing D. sunny

3.A. climbed B. fell C. dropped D. stepped

4.A. smell B. look C. taste D. sound

5.A. gain B. keep C. hold D. measure

6.A. firmly B. seemingly C. strongly D. solidly

7.A. panicked B. excited C. annoyed D. surprised

8.A. pretended B. managed C. failed D. happened

9.A. gratefully B. quietly C. cautiously D. lazily

10.A. making B. enjoying C. getting D. losing

11.A. disappear B. float C. die D. survive

12.A. stopped B. started C. avoided D. delayed

13.A. neighbor B. stranger C. relative D. classmate

14.A. gave in B. drove off C. jumped up D. pulled over

15.A. put on B. kicked off C. showed off D. handed on

16.A. land B. earth C. water D. pond

17.A. workers B. assistants C. doctors D. patients

18.A. lowered B. controlled C. recorded D. raised

19.A. Hopefully B. Unforgettably C. Interestingly D. Fortunately

20.A. polite B. fearless C. generous D. innocent


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】 1.考查名词辨析。根据ducks or geese可知这里意思是那些冰上的鸟是鸭子还是鹅? A. birds鸟;B. boys男孩;C. weeds 野草;D. plants植物,故选A。 2.考查形容词辨析。根据the frozen pond near their homes可知这里意思是因此,在去年1月一个寒冷的夜晚,这两个朋友为了看得更清楚,踏上了自家附近结冰的池塘。A. warm温暖的;B. cloudy多云的;C. freezing极冷的;D. sunny阳光充足的,故选C。 3.考查动词辨析。根据Then they stepped on it.可知他们踏上了自家附近结冰的池塘。A. climbed爬上;B. fell掉下;C. dropped下降;D. stepped踏上,故选D。 4.考查动词辨析。上文说两个朋友在争论那些冰上的鸟是鸭子还是鹅,所以他们踏上了自家附近结冰的池塘,是为了看得更清楚。A. smell闻起来;B. look看;C. taste尝起来; D. sound听起来,故选B。 5.考查动词辨析。根据First they threw a rock onto the ice to test it. Then they stepped on it.可知他们确信冰能够承受住他们的重量。A. gain获得;B. keep保持;C. hold承受;D. measure测量,故选C。 6.考查副词辨析。句意:他从表面上看起来冻着的冰面坠落。A. firmly坚定地;B. seemingly表面上看来;C. strongly强有力地;D. solidly坚固地,故选B。 7.考查形容词辨析。掉到了冰窟窿里,自然是非常恐慌。A. panicked恐慌的;B. excited激动的;C. annoyed恼怒的;D. surprised感到惊讶的,故选A。 8.考查动词辨析。根据and onto a more solid section.可知Cruz设法从冰冷的水中爬了出来。A. pretended假装;B. managed设法完成;C. failed失败;D. happened发生,故选B。 9.考查副词辨析。Cruz刚从冰窟窿里爬出来,去救他的朋友,自然是小心翼翼。A. gratefully感激地;B. quietly 安静地;C. cautiously谨慎地;D. lazily懒散地,故选C。 10.考查动词辨析。根据Any chance of their freeing themselves was slipping away. 可知这里意思是孩子们在冰冷的水中一直淹到脖子,很快就失去了手脚的知觉。A. making制作;B. enjoying享受;C. getting获得;D. losing失去,故选D。 11.考查动词辨析。根据"if he hadn't been there, I could have died."可知这里意思是Cruz确信自己快要死了。A. disappear消失;B. float漂浮;C. die死亡;D. survive幸存,故选C。 12.考查动词辨析。句意:Anthony的姐姐看到两个男孩掉进了冰里,开始尖叫求救。A. stopped停止;B. started开始;C. avoided避免;D. delayed延迟,故选B。 13.考查名词辨析。根据but they are still impressed by their ___20___ neighbor.可知这里意思是开车去杂货店的邻居John Lavin听到了她的声音。 A. neighbor邻居;B. stranger陌生人; C. relative亲戚;D. classmate同学,故选A。 14.考查动词短语辨析。根据he grabbed a nearby buoy (浮标), ___15___ his shoes, and ran into the icy water, making his way through the ice with his free fist.可知他快速靠边停车。A. gave in屈服;B. drove off驾车离去;C. jumped up跳起来;D. pulled over靠边停车,故选D。 15.考查动词短语辨析。句意:看到孩子们,他抓起附近的一个浮标,踢掉鞋子,跑进冰冷的水中A. put on穿上;B. kicked off踢掉;C. showed off炫耀; D. handed on传递下去,故选B。 16.考查名词辨析。根据They were taken to the hospital 可知这里意思是最后,Lavin 靠近Cruz和,把他们拉回了陆地。A. land 陆地;B. earth地球;C. water水;D. pond池塘,故选A。 17.考查名词辨析。根据They were taken to the hospital可知这里意思是医生们发现,他们在水中停留的五分钟使他们的体温降低了近10度。 A. workers工人; B. assistants助理;C. doctors医生;D. patients病人,故选C。 18.考查动词辨析。句意:医生们发现,他们在水中停留的五分钟使他们的体温降低了近10度。A. lowered降低;B. controlled控制;C. recorded记录; D. raised提高,故选A。 19.考查副词辨析。根据the boys have fully recovered可知孩子们完全康复了,这是很幸运地。 A. Hopefully有希望地;B. Unforgettably令人难忘地;C. Interestingly有趣地;D. Fortunately幸运地,故选D。 20.考查形容词辨析。上文说这位邻居勇敢地救了这两个男孩,所以这里意思是他们仍然为他们无畏的邻居所感动。A. polite有礼貌的;B. fearless 无畏的;C. generous慷慨的;D. innocent无辜的,故选B。

    Have you ever used any language learning apps? If you want to learn a language and speak it right away, modernize your learning style and adopt an app. It doesn't cost much, but it's worth a lot. 1.

● Learn anywhere and anytime

Personally, I love to review my vocabulary quietly in my bed before sleep using a language learning app. 2. Of course, it's also possible to learn a language with a book, but it's so much more entertaining when you are using a language learning app!

● Never waste time again

3. More often than not, we will get really annoyed or even stressed when time is wasted. However, when using a language learning app, time seems to go by quickly. We can take the opportunity to review and play a little while we have to wait around.


Have you ever taken up a course at night? I have, but I found it hard to complete it because there were many restrictions. I was required to attend classes twice a week on a fixed schedule. But when we study on our own with a language learning app, we can study at our own pace.

● Save your money

Most language schools haven't evolved to meet the needs of modem society. And that's before we've even begun to talk about the price, which is often quite unaffordable. 5. But the benefits are huge, offering you the freedom and independence to learn at very little expense.

A. Quicken your progress

B. Work without restrictions

C. Mobile apps can handle complex applications

D. Learning with the help of an app doesn't cost much at all

E. When I travel, I also use it to listen to some podcasts (播客)

F. We all have the experience of waiting for an appointment or a bus

G. Here are some benefits of language learning apps used on smart phones



    "Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts," Marion Brando once said. But for scientists, working out what is going on in an actor's head has always been something of a puzzle.

Now, researchers have said actors show different patterns of brain activity depending on whether they are in character or not.

Dr Steven Brown, from McMaster University in Canada, said, "It looks like when you are acting, you are suppressing (压制) yourself; almost like the character is possessing you."

Brown and colleagues report how 15 actors, mainly theatre students, were trained to take on a Shakespeare role — either Romeo or Juliet — in a theatre workshop. They were then invited into the laboratory, where their brains were scanned in a series of experiments.

Once inside the MRI scanner, the actors were asked to answer a number of questions, such as: would they go to the party? And would they tell their parents that they had fallen in love?

Each actor was asked to respond to different questions, based on two different premises (前提). In one, they were asked for their own perspective, while in the other, they were asked to respond as though they were either Romeo or Juliet.

The results revealed that the brain activity differed depending on the situation being tested. The team found that when the actors were in character, they use some third-person knowledge or inferences about their character.

The team said they also found additional reduction in activity in two regions of the prefrontal cortex (前额皮质) linked to the sense of self, compared with when the actors were responding as themselves.

However, Philip Davis, a professor at the University of Liverpool, was unimpressed by the research, saying acting is about far more than "pretending" to be someone — it involves embodying (体现) the text and language.

1.How did Dr Brown's team conduct their research?

A. By scanning the brain activity of some actors.

B. By doing a survey with some theatre goers.

C. By interviewing some theatre teachers.

D. By consulting some experienced researchers.

2.What is the finding of Dr Brown's research?

A. Acting is not as mysterious as people think.

B. Actors' brain activity differs when they are acting.

C. Acting is far more than pretending to be the character.

D. Actors' brain activity is more active when they are in character.

3.How did Philip Davis react to the research?

A. He supported it. B. He doubted it.

C. He explained it. D. He advocated it.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. A debate of how the brain functions.

B. A play written by Shakespeare.

C. A research on the brain activity of actors.

D. A report of the cooperation of scientists and actors.



    For years, decades in fact, I've puzzled over the response most people have when I tell them I mostly travel alone.

"You're so brave!"

Why is it that a woman travelling alone, as I have often done for months at a time, is perceived to be "brave", whereas men who travel alone are entirely unremarkable?

You are only brave when you are afraid of something but still do it anyway. I have never been afraid of travelling alone.

The first time I travelled alone was when I was 19. I was due to travel in Europe with a friend at the end of the summer. She announced by letter two days before our departure that she would be leaving me halfway at Vienna. It was too late by then to rope in another friend, so it was either to go home after Vienna, or keep going by myself. I kept going. I got on trains by myself, checked into hostels by myself and found my way around by myself. It was weird at first, but later I stopped worrying about it.

When I got back to Ireland after that trip, I felt proud of myself. I had done something I had assumed would be hard, and it had turned out to be not hard at all.

That was three decades ago, and since then I have travelled all over the world, usually on my own. I still do what I did then, which is to keep a diary. The greatest gift of solo travel has been those I've met along the way. I may have set off alone each time but I've encountered many people who became important to me. I met my husband in Kathmandu, Nepal. I met lifelong friends in Australia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, India, Indonesia and many other places.

1.What makes the author puzzled when she tells people of her experience?

A. People's disbelief. B. People's response.

C. People's approval. D. People's criticism.

2.What does the author say about her first time to travel alone?

A. It was a trip by design.

B. She had to choose to go by herself.

C. It was harder than expected.

D. She set off all alone.

3.What do the underlined words "solo travel" in the last paragraph mean?

A. Group Travel. B. Travelling with friends.

C. Travelling alone. D. Travelling with music.

4.How has the author benefited from her travel?

A. She has overcome her fear of travelling alone.

B. She has written a couple of books.

C. She has received a great many gifts.

D. She has met many people all the way.



    A mixture of deep sorrow and anger has swept Brazilians across the country — particularly in the city of Rio de Janeiro — with the burning of their beloved Museu Nacional, or National Museum.

By Monday morning, when I visited the site, the firemen were busy trying to enter the huge, early 19th-century neoclassical building. For all we know, everything may have been burned to ashes. Fortunately, no one, not even the four security guards who witnessed the beginning of the fire, has been injured.

Nobody yet knows the cause of the fire, but it is the officials' irresponsibility and the funding shortages in particular, which are being blamed for this tragedy.

Some of the museum's researchers told the press that they had been able to save some things from the exhibition rooms before the fire moved in. However, we Brazilians have lost much of the material memory of our short past. A good part of our 518 years of history, or that which had been transformed into storable objects, disappeared in just a few hours.

The people of Rio de Janeiro were fond of taking their children, or grandchildren to the museum to show off their knowledge of the odd-looking mummies brought in from Egypt by the Emperor Dom Pedro II, a huge skeleton of a humpback whale, or the brightly coloured feathers of a headdress of the Kayapo tribe.

When I think that I can no longer take my youngest daughter to the Museu Nacional — that is what gets me emotional. It is this feeling that has penetrated (穿透) our souls and may leave Brazilians feeling empty for a long time to come.

1.What can we learn about the National Museum of Brazil?

A. It has a history of 518 years.

B. All of its collections have been lost.

C. It was built in the early 19th century.

D. It is not very popular in the country.

2.According to the text, _______ caused the big fire of the museum.

A. the inefficient firemen B. the irresponsible officials

C. the careless security guards D. something unknown

3.The text is written in a mood of_______.

A. delight B. sorrow

C. defeat D. humour

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Fire Put out in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

B. Our Fond Memories of the Past

C. Who Is to Blame for the Accident?

D. A Museum Is Lost and Might Never Return



    When Warren Buffett, the most successful investor, was asked about the secret to his wealth and success, he revealed that he read every day, 500 pages, to be precise. Unfortunately, if you're already working 9‒5, you might not have the time to read at all, let alone an entire book a day. But what if you could get the benefits of reading without sacrificing all of your free time? You can! With the Blinkist app, you get the key learning in minutes, not hours or days. Our experts transform these books into quick, easy-to-understand insights. Start with the 5 most-read books.

1. Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

by Amy Morin             12 min reading time             147k reads

Do you struggle to get over your failures? Getting over these can have a profound influence on your everyday life. Morin shares how her most successful patients overcame these difficulties.

2. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

by Dale Carnegie           19 min reading time            238k reads

Ever wondered why you can't stop worrying about something? By defining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Carnegie came up with a formula that helps you handle any overthinking situation.

3. How Will You Measure Your Life?

by Clayton M. Christensen       13 min reading time        137k reads

Are you making the right trade-offs (权衡) in life? While career achievements can be satisfying, neglecting your family and friends can be bad in the long-run — in ways you can't even imagine.

4. Finding Your Element

by Ken Robinson               13 min reading time        62.4k reads

Everyone has a passion. If you don't know what yours is, it just means you haven't discovered it yet. Find out how you can break free of society's strict rules and find your calling in life.

5. Emotional Intelligence

by Daniel Goleman             16 min reading time        318k reads

Did you know if your pulse rate rises above 100 bpm, you're deemed too emotional to think rationally? You probably let feelings cloud your judgment more often than you know. Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.

1.What kind of people does the Blinkist app best suit?

A. Successful investors. B. Rich businessmen.

C. People who have little time for reading. D. Students who love books.

2.Which book has been read by the largest number of people?

A. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

B. How Will You Measure Your Life?

C. Finding Your Element.

D. Emotional Intelligence.

3.Which book offers advice to people who feel stressed?

A. Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.

B. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

C. How Will You Measure Your Life?

D. Finding Your Element.



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