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Four books that will change your life If...

Four books that will change your life

If you're already working 9-5, you might not have much time to read. With the Blinkist app, you can get the key information from the best nonfiction books in minutes, not hours or days. Start with the four most-read titles on self-improvement.

Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin

You can't escape misfortune in life. But you can change how you respond to it.Do you struggle to get over your failures? Or live with things out of your control? Getting over these troubles can have a great influence on your everyday life, Morin shares how her most successful therapy(治疗)patients overcame these difficulties.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

Ever wondered why you can't stop worrying about something? No matter how hard you try, do you focus on the same issue? By defining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Camegie came up with an effective way that helps you deal with any over-thinking situation.

Finding Your Element by Ken Rotoinson

Society often encourages us to follow a certain linear plan. Everyone has a passion. If you don't know what yours is, it just means you haven't discovered it yet. Or perhaps you have, buth disappeared early in life. Find out how you can break free of society's strict rules and find your calling in life.

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Did you know if your pulse rate rises above 100 bpm, you're considered too emotional to think rationally(理智地)? You probably let feelings cloud your judgment more often than you know. Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.

1.What is Amy Morin's book mainly about?

A. Unavoidable failures in life.

B. Life stories of successful people

C. Methods of treating mental diseases

D. Approaches to handling challenges in life.

2.What does the book by Ken Robinson encourage us to do?

A. Draw up our own plans. B. Discover what we truly love.

C. Follow a certain linear plan. D. Obey society's strict rules.

3.Whose book helps us learn how to control our emotions?

A. Amy Morin's B. Dale Carnegie's

C. Ken Robinson's D. Daniel Goleman's


1.D 2.B 3.D 【解析】 本文属于说明文,介绍四本会改变人生的书籍以及相关信息。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段Getting over these troubles can have a great influence on your everyday life, Morin shares how her most successful therapy(治疗)patients overcame these difficulties.可知,克服这些麻烦将会对你有重要的影响,Morin将会分享她的那些最成功的病人是怎样克服困难的,故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第四段Find out how you can break free of society's strict rules and find your calling in life.可知,找出你能够摆脱严厉的社会规则,找到你一生的欲望,故可知,这本书的作者鼓励大家找到自己的真正喜欢的东西,故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.可知,Goleman告诉怎样避免让你的情绪控制你自己,在生活中做出更好的决定,故可知,这本书是关于情绪控制的,故选D。

假定你是李华,你从某网站上得知山西省博物馆正在招募暑假英语讲解员,请你根据以 下提示,给博物馆负责外国游客接待的Mr. Jason写一封英文自荐信.内容包括:

1. 表达意愿;2. 自荐理由;3. 恳请获准。



Dear Mr. Jason,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错谋仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Yesterday, my fnend Meyer and I went to a cafeteria close to that I live. It turned out to be one of the most unforgettable experience I had ever had.

Small although it is, the cafeteria is very popular in our area. Upon arriving at the crowded cafeteria, we spot a large sign hanging on the wall reads:"Watch Your Hat and Overcoat.

Meyer did. He kept turning all time, almost choking on his food. I kept on eating, with thought of my own coat on the hook. Final I couldn’t help but say,"You, stupid boy, stop to watching our coats. "

"I’m only watching mine, replied Meyer. "You has been gone for over half an hour."




The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) , the 1.(eight) wonder for the 21st cmtuiy. opened on the morning of October 24th, 2018. The bridge links three areas, making 2.much more convenient to travel from one to another. Since opening, the three-hour drive 3.Hong Kong$ Zhuhai and Macao 4.( shorten) to 30 minutes.

The project involved more than 400 new patents broke seven world records and featured 5.(independent) developed key techniques and design. After an 8-year struggle, the success of the HZMB achieves 6. several generations have been dreaming of, and amazes the whole world with its demonstration of perfect skills and high-level Chinese standards. The bridge is intended to be 7. (rely) for more than 120 years. From the Belt and Road Initiative to "Created in Chi- na" , there is always a group of people 8. (provide) strong technical support for each of the country’s huge projects. From the beginning in December 2009 to the day of the official opening, all 9. (walk) of life made great contributions to the design and construction of HZMB, contribu- ting 10. (wise) of China".



    A Florids woman walked into a Publix supermarket last week. She asked an ____question at the bakery counter, “Are there any first-birthday cakes scheduled for __ over the weekend

Nick DeClemente, who works at the store, was initially __ by the request. He then asked if the woman had any __ person in mind. To his surprise, she didn’t.

The woman said, "No, I want to pay for one anonymously (匿名),"

Minutes later, she started to burst into __. She then explained to him that her baby was bom __ one year ago and she wanted to __ his memoiy by paying for another 1-year-old’s birthday cake.

"I was a little lost for words just because of the deep __ I developed for her," DeClemente recalled. He ___a pile of cake orders and picked out an order for a birthday cake for a 1-year-old boy named David. The buttercream topped sheet cake, which __ at least 20 people, cost $32.99. The woman __ agreed to pay.

“She told me, “Thank you, and __ that I let her do this," DeClemente said” "I hope that this lady finds __ through this gift and that the customer receiving this gift will pay it __, "“I told her how much it made my __ especially because I have a little boy on the way and wished her many __ DeClemente said, explaining he was standing by the storeys front door as she was __.

The dad-to-be said he never got her name nor did he get a __ to explain to the customer whose cake was paid for the story behind the __ gesture — but he hopes their paths  ____gain.

1.A. common B. unusual C. personal D. difficult

2.A. pick-up B. decoration C. discount D. giveaway

3.A. amused B. struck C. confused D. disturbed

4.A. proud B. specific C. missinig D. famous

5.A. sobs B. laughter C. cheers D. applause

6.A. deaf B. blind C. lamb D. dead

7.A. erase B. collect C. store D. honor

8.A. mourning B. respect C. anxiety D. worry

9.A. went through B. came to C. looked for D. got by

10.A. feeds B. attracts C. serves D. fills

11.A. quietly B. regretflly C. proudly D. gladly

12.A. expected B. appreciated C. announced D. accepted

13.A. relief B. peace C. health D. satisfaction

14.A. back B. off C. forward D. up

15.A. day B. business C. success D. way

16.A. achievements B. fortunes C. blessings D. romances

17.A. leaving B. working C. buying D. wishing

18.A. right B. desire C. chance D. courage

19.A. smart B. sweet C. heroic D. polite

20.A. stop B. lead C. wind D. cross



    "Post-truth"was chosen by Oxford Dictionaries as the Word of the Year 2016. Indeed, digital misinformation is on the rise and it is hard for people to distinguish. 1.

Before the dawn of the Internet, Canadians regularly turned to trusting their preferred news¬papers or radio stations for the latest news. 2. It’s now coming at you from so many different sources that you need to take responsibility for what you’re seeing.

Experts recommend relying on a range of sources instead of just one, but looking into them first. 3. For example, the people connected, where they’re based, and their intention. A lack of information is certainly a warning.

Next, learning to recognize misinfonnation is important. False news spreads mostly through social media. So if you’re looking at news on Facebook, you have to handle it in a wiser way.4. Is it from a well-informed relative or a friend who regularly expresses extreme views? And whatever you do, only by clicking through can you see whether the information is accurate.

5. It has no limits in achieving that goal, so it plays on feelings and uses improper lan¬guage. Therefore, if you feel excited to share something immediately, that’s the time you should stop and ask, "Is it accurate?"If we all take that extra little pause, we’ll be able to stop this false thing from spreading.

A. Sources that are reliable tell you about themselves.

B. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to tell facts from fiction.

C. Consider who’s sharing it if it’s not posted directly from the source.

D. Today 42% of them use social media at least once a day to get their news.

E. Someone sets up "Hot Global News" , hoping the ad dollars would pour in.

F. False news is designed to seek attention in order to sell ads or make an idea public.

G. Evaluating sources and getting reliable news is important in the age of misinformation.



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