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Dear Tony,



Li Hua


Dear Tony, I’m glad that you are interested in the Bodybuilding Campus activity in our school. I’m ready to tell you something about it. Recently our school has held the activity with the aim of encouraging us students to build our body. We have conducted several activities, such as the ball game, running and jumping on the playground. Now the concept of Bodybuilding Campus is so well-received that you can find students building body all over the campus. As for me, I’m more than happy to join in the activity. Not only does it arouse students' awareness in bodybuilding, but also it helps students study better and live a happy life. I’m sure it will bring much benefit for students. Wish you all the best! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本书面表达是一篇提纲类写作。要求以李华的名义用英语给英国朋友Tony写一封回信。 这是一篇书信类作文。写作提要为假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Tony对你们学校开展的“健身校园”活动很感兴趣。请你用英语给他回一封邮件介绍此活动。内容包括:1.开展“健身校园”活动的目的;2.“健身校园”活动开展情况;3.你对该活动的看法。我们所要做的就是用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来。本作文中给出的要点比较简略,故需要自由发挥的地方较多。需要注意不要偏离文章中心。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合整个文章,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。








One Saturday morning, I was watching TV with my parents when a piece of news caught our attentions. The Guangming Park called on people adopt trees. That's exact what we had been thinking about. So on the next morning, we went to the park directly. A worker there gave us a detailed introduction or showed us to the pine woods. We choose a beautiful pine tree and the worker tied a adoption card to it. When my name was seeing on the card, I was so proud and felt a sense of responsibility at the same time. To memorize the excited moment, we took photos with our new family memberthe pine tree. In one of the photos, we both smiled from the bottom of our hearts.




Mobile payments have made our life more convenient and1.(enjoy) by freeing us from the trouble of having to take our wallets out with us. But a supermarket has gone one step further, allowing customers to pay2. (instant) using just a finger tip.Shoppers at one store at Brunel University can pay for items3.(use) the unique vein pattern in their fingertips and it's4. first store to adopt such technology. This new method of payment means that customers can pay for items in just a few5.(second). Sthaler, the company behind the technology, 6.(explain) that it uses infrared scanners 7.(read)  the pattern of veins in the finger. It links this to the customer's bank details, which8.(keep) safe by payment provider Worldpay. The firm is also responsible9.millions of online shoppers' details around the globe. “There are no known cases10.this security has been violated and dozens of Brunel students are already using the technology,” Simon Binns, commercial director of Sthaler, told the reporter.



    The bus is going to be at the station in ten minutes and I have to make it this time. As_______ as a new mom could, I pushed Aidan's arms and legs in his snowsuit and_______out of the classroom, down to the street corner, my scarf_______behind me. It was close, but because the ice had already melted on the sidewalk, I_______to the bus stop,_______forming beneath my wool hat.

Slowing down, catching my_______, I wheeled Aidan to the corner and stopped beneath the _______for Bus 134. Seconds later, the huge white bus_______in front of us. The driver kindly helped us_______and I sat opposite the back doors,________my now sleeping baby.

It was five months since our family had moved and________our car. Living in a city as big and lively as Boston not only kept us________,but also kept us watching our________.Moving from Fairbanks, Alaska, with a new baby, we knew we needed to________on our expenses in order to________for his college funds, our retirement funds, and to be able to eat a good dinner once in a while.

We didn't realize that paring down(削减)would not only deposit________money in the bank, but also________our health and the environment. I'd already reduced my pregnancy________due to all the walking. Looking up at the________Boston sky, I felt good about not polluting the environment.

Financial worries exist, but they don't________us.

Bus 134 does. And our feet too, of course.

1.A. quickly B. madly C. casually D. nervously

2.A. held B. came C. rushed D. dived

3.A. losing B. flying C. hanging D. jumping

4.A. wandered B. stepped C. slid D. jogged

5.A. ice B. sweat C. mist D. wind

6.A. breath B. cold  C. bus D. attention

7.A. stop B. sky C. sign D. shelter

8.A. parked B. waited C. paused D. stopped

9.A. aboard B. abroad C. off D. out

10.A. rubbing B. amusing C. admiring D. looking

11.A. sold B. bought C. rented D. broke

12.A. free B. busy C. easy D. loose

13.A. baby B. house C. business D. wallet

14.A. hold up B. cut down C. put away D. set aside

15.A. cover B. meet C. pay D. save

16.A. more B. less C. extra D. enough

17.A. protect B. strengthen C. improve D. increase

18.A. reaction B. weight C. emotion D. fitness

19.A. vast B. grey C. cold D. bright

20.A. make B. force C. drive D. abandon



Healthy aging topic overview

What is healthy aging?  1.  How you will feel as you get older depends on many things, including what health problems run in your family and the choices you make. If you take good care of your body and learn positive ways to deal with stress now, you can slow down or even prevent problems that often come with getting older.

What determines how healthy you will be as you get older?2.The most important one is your family history( genetics).If your family members have diseases or ongoing health problems, then you may have a greater chance of having those problems yourself.

What kinds of changes should you expect as you age? Changes as you get older are usually gradual. Certain physical changes are common. Most people start needing reading glasses around age 40; many have some hearing loss later in life; the kidneys are less able to keep enough water…So as you get older, it's important to be physically active, drink plenty of water, and choose healthy foods.3.

What do you need to do to feel your best as you age? One of the most important things you can do for your health at any age is to be physically active.4.People who stay active are less likely to get depressed. Physical activity can be anything from walking to gardening to working out at the Um. The important thing is to be active almost every day.

On the whole, it' s never too early or too late to change bad habits and start good ones.5.

A. Getting older is a natural part of life.

B. What can you control about healthy aging?

C. Physical activity keeps your body strong, and it helps with how you feel.

D. Doing these things will help your body work well for a longer period of time.

E. The changes you' ll go through as you get older depend on a number of things.

F. Whatever your age or condition, there is a type of physical activity that's right for you.

G. Whenever you start, a healthy lifestyle can make a difference in how you feel and what you can do



    The poisonous domoic () acid affected Alfred Hitchcock' s "The Birds" after hundreds of them absorbed the poison in the summer of 1961 and lost their minds.

The sick birds likely consumed poisonous acid via small fish. It also tends to collect in shellfish. And, according to a study published Tuesday, it may become more common as oceans warm, threatening birds and humans alike.

Researchers have studied the rate of poisonous acid over the past 20 years in the Pacific Northwest, and found it strongly related to water temperatures that are warmer than normal.

For now, warmer waters typically comes from events like EL Nino and a decades -long climate cycle called "Pacific decadal oscillation," the study found. It isn't yet clear how climate change, which also warms the oceans, might affect the rate of the poison.

"When water's unusually warm off our coast, it's because the circulation and patterns in the atmosphere has changed, bringing warm water from elsewhere - and this is happening at the same time that we also see high poisonous acid in shellfish, "  Morgaine McKibben,  the study ' s lead author said.

The poison is produced during warm domoic blooms, and gets passed up the food chain by animals that eat it.  Sea lions, dolphins and humans are at risk.  While some animals can eventually clean themselves of the poison, the threat can last a long time after the warm water decreases.

Animals poisoned by poisonous acid tend to become weak, and experience death. Symptoms in humans include headache, confusion, loss of short - term memory, weakness and unconsciousness.

It isn't just a health risk.  An Oregon State University statement notes that officials have to shut down shellfish harvests when poisonous acid levels are high, causing economic harm.

Since health officials first regarded poison acid as a health threat in 1987, Pacific Northwest shellfish harvests have been stopped in 2005, 2017, and 2018. The West Coast crab(蟹)industry took an estimated$100 million hit in 2017 alone.

1.Why did the birds lose their mind in the summer of 1961?

A. They maybe had a bad memory. B. They maybe ate poisonous fish.

C. They maybe collected the shellfish. D. They maybe drank warm water.

2.What is the connection between the rate of poisonous acid and water temperatures?

A. When atmosphere has changed, it warms off the coast.

B. When circulation comes, the oceans get warmer.

C. When climate has changed, the oceans get colder.

D. When water becomes warmer, high poisonous acid appears.

3.What result will poisonous acid cause to humans?

A. Making humans conscious. B. Making humans dead.

C. Making humans temporarily lose memory. D. Making humans suffer heart attack.

4.What's the best title of this passage?

A. High Poisonous Acid Appears in the Animals

B. The West Coast Crab Industry Suffer Great Loss

C. Climate Change Warms the Oceans in the World

D. Warmer Oceans Increase Likelihood of Poisonous Shellfish



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