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History books are filled with wealthy pe...

    History books are filled with wealthy people who were practically poor compared to me.

I have storm windows, __Croesus, the last king of Lydia who was incredibly rich, did not. The entire population__ before Alexander the Great, but he couldn't buy unpacked cat food. William I, who conquered England some 930 years ago, __ a compound saw (复合锯).

Given how much ___I am than so many famous __ people, you'd think

I'd be content. However, the__ is that, like most people, I compare my wealth with ___of living persons: neighbors, school classmates, TV personalities. The ___I feei toward my friend Howard's new kitchen is not __ by the fact that no French king __ had a refrigerator with glass doors. There is really no rising or falling ___of  living. Over the centuries people simply find different things to  __ about. You'd think that merely not having a disease would put us in a good  __ , but no, we want a hot bathtub, too.

Of course, one way to achieve happiness would be to __ that even by contemporary standards the things I __ are pretty nice. My house is ___than the houses of many investment bankers, but even so it has a lot more rooms than my wife and I can keep __ .

__to people looking back at our era from a century or two in the future, those bankers* fancy counter tops and my own worn ones will seem __ shabby. I can't __ my neighbor right now. But just wait.

1.A. as B. while C. when D. since

2.A. jumped B. smiled C. laughed D. trembled

3.A. lacked B. possessed C. abandoned D. lost

4.A. well off B. better off C. worse off D. badly off

5.A. living B. alive C. dead D. deadly

6.A. problem B. danger C. pleasure D. question

7.A. those B. this C. that D. one

8.A. surprise B. envy C. anger D. puzzle

9.A. increased B. relieved C. added D. refused

10.A. ever B. never C. often D. sometimes

11.A. condition B. level C. state D. standard

12.A. talk B. care C. complain D. joke

13.A. mood B. expression C. state D. status

14.A. suggest B. realize C. suppose D. expect

15.A. do B. like C. hate D. own

16.A. larger B. prettier C. smaller D. uglier

17.A. clean B. messy C. comfortable D. unpleasant

18.A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Thus

19.A. especially B. extraordinary C. equally D. extremely

20.A. keep away from B. keep in with C. keep on at D. keep pace with


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。作者抱怨不如别人,妒忌他人。作者告诫人们,“知足常乐,不攀比”。 1.考查状语从句。A. as由于;B. while然而;C. when当---时候;D. since既然。根据I have storm windows, ___1___ Croesus, the last king of Lydia who was incredibly rich, did not.“我有防风窗,而丽迪雅的最后一位非常富的国王克罗伊斯却没有。”此处是并列句,前后形成鲜明对比,while“然而”符合语境。故答案为B。 2.考查动词。A. jumped跳跃;B. smiled微笑;C. laughed 大笑;D. trembled颤抖。根据The entire population ___2___ before Alexander the Great, but he couldn’t buy unpacked cat food.“在亚历山大大帝面前,所有的人都战栗不已,但他无法买到没有包装的猫食。”由but可知前后是一种转折关系,故答案为D。 3.考查动词。A. lacked缺乏;B. possessed拥有;C. abandoned 遗弃;D. lost丢失。根据William I, who conquered England some 930 years ago, ___3___ a compound saw“930年前征服英国的威廉一世缺少一把圆锯”。由上句中的he couldn’t buy可知lacked与之相配。故选A。 4.考查词组。A. well off处境好;B. better off 经济状况更好的;C. worse off更糟糕的;D. badly off穷困的。根据you’d think I’d be content.可知,作者比这么多有名的死去的人经济状况更好。故选B。 5.考查形容词。A. living活的;B. alive活泼的;C. dead死的;D. deadly致命的。根据常识Alexander the Great,和William I已经死去,故选C。 6.考查名词。A. problem麻烦事; B. danger危险;C. pleasure快乐;D. question问题。由However,可知作者的“麻烦事”是与活着的人比财富。故选A。 7.考查指示代词。作者拿自己的财富与活着的人的财富相比较。此处用that替代不可数名词wealth,故答案为C。 8.考查名词。A. surprise惊讶;B. envy嫉妒;C. anger生气;D. puzzle迷惑。作者妒忌朋友的新厨房。故选B。 9.考查动词。A. increased增加;B. relieved减轻;C. added添加;D. refused拒绝。作者并没有因为法国国王曾经没有玻璃门的冰箱这个事实而减轻了对朋友新厨房的嫉妒。故选B。 10.考查副词。A. ever曾经;B. never从来没有;C. often经常;D. sometimes有时候。作者并没有因为法国国王曾经没有玻璃门的冰箱这个事实而减轻了对朋友新厨房的嫉妒。故选A。 11.考查名词。A. condition状况; B. level水平;C. state状态;D. standard标准。根据There is really no rising or falling ___11___ of living.“生活水平确实没有上升或下降。”故选D。 12.考查名词。A. talk谈话;B. care关心;C. complain抱怨;D. joke笑话。几个世纪以来,人们只是找到不同的事情来抱怨。complain about“抱怨”,故选C。 13.考查名词。A. mood情绪;B. expression表情;C. state状态;D. status地位。不是仅仅没有疾病就能让我们心情好。in a good mood“有一个好心情”,故选A。 14.考查动词。A. suggest 建议;B. realize意识到;C. suppose假设;D. expect期盼。获得幸福的一个方法就是意识到,即使以当代的标准来衡量,我拥有的东西也是相当不错的。故选B。 15.考查动词。A. do做; B. like喜欢;C. hate厌恶;D. own拥有。即使以当代的标准来衡量,我拥有的东西也是相当不错的。故选D。 16.考查形容词比较级。A. larger更大;B. prettier更美丽;C. smaller更小;D. uglier更丑。我的房子比银行投资家的房子小, 17.考查形容词。A. clean 干净的;B. messy混乱的; C. comfortable舒适的;D. unpleasant不愉快的。比我和我妻子有更多保持干净的房间。故选A。 18.考查副词。A. However然而;B. Besides另外;C. Therefore所以;D. Thus因此。此外,对于未来一两个世纪回顾我们这个时代的人来说,那些银行家们和我同样显得寒酸。故选B。 19.考查副词。A. especially特殊地;B. extraordinarily 非凡地;C. equally平等地;D. extremely极其。此外,对于未来一两个世纪回顾我们这个时代的人来说,那些银行家们和我同样显得寒酸。故选C。 20.考查动词词组。A. keep away from远离;B. keep in with 不断讨好;C. keep on at 纠缠;D. keep pace with并驾齐驱。我现在不如我的邻居过得好。故选D。

    We are surrounded by messages trying to get our attention. Advertisers, politicians and other groups all try to get us to agree with them. 1. Propaganda is not always a bad thing, but it often hides the truth about a topic. Its very similar to advertising, whose goal is to get people to buy something, while propaganda is to change what people believe.

Propaganda Techniques

To create propaganda, a common technique is name-calling. A politician might call someone a traitor or liar, which makes the other person look bad. Another is the trend technique. People want to be on the side in the favor. 2. Some propaganda is based on fear. It scares people into choosing a certain side or taking action, which might not be bad.   Anti—smoking campaigns are one example. They may scare people into thinking that if they smoke, they will get cancer.


Propaganda is used by many groups, such as businesses, politicians and the government .It is spread through posters, television and radio. The Internet makes it easy to send messages to the whole world.

Types of Propaganda

Political propaganda has been around as long as there have been politicians 4.People have used it for many years. War propaganda began during World War I, more than 100 years ago.

To see if propaganda is saying the truth, people need to do extra work. For example, ads might always sound like they're true. But before you believe them, try to think about who created and paid for them. Find out why they did it. 5.

A.Propaganda Targets

B.Propaganda Mediums

C.Another word for this is propaganda

D. So most people will agree with those politicians

E.Then, you can decide if they're being honest or not

F.However, religious propaganda was actually the first official one

G.People might join someone who claims to be popular or winning



    Have you ever spent an afternoon in the backyardmaybe grilling or enjoying a basketball game, when suddenly you notice that everything goes quiet? There is an old phrase “calm before the storm",often used in a situation—a quiet period just before a great activity or. excitement. According to our own experience, we know there is actually calm before the storm. But what causes this calm? And is it always calm before the storm? Let's hear what scientists have to say..

A period of calm happens in a particular kind of storm, the simplest kind of storm—a single-cell thunderstorm. In this type of thunderstorm, there is usually only one main updraft, which is warm, damp air and drawn from places near the ground. Storms need warm and damp air as fuel, so they typically draw that air in from surrounding environment. Storms can draw in the air that fit their need from all directions—even from the direction in which the storm is traveling.

As the warm, damp air is pulled into a storm system, it leaves a low-pressure vacuum(真 空)coming after. The rising air meets the cold dry air that has already existed in the storm clouds, thus the temperature of the warm, damp air drops, and the water vapour(水蒸汽)in it changes into tiny drops that are a precondition of rain. These drops accumulate and build on larger particles like dust, until they grow large enough to form raindrops.

This warm, damp air keeps moving upwards, but it becomes cooler and drier during its trip through cloud. When it reaches the top of the cloud, the air gets spit out(被挤出)at the top. This air is sent rolling out over the big thunderclouds. From there, the air goes down. Warm and dry air is relatively stable, and once it covers a region, that air, in turn, causes the calm before a storm.

Most thunderstorms, though, don't start with calm. That's because most are actually groups of storms with complex wind patterns. There's so much air moving up and down storm groups that the calm before the storm never happens. Instead, before the storm, might be really windy!

1.Which best fits the description of a particular kind of storm?

A. A thunderstorm with a single shape.

B. A thunderstorm without strong winds.

C. A storm with air drawn from every directi on.

D. A storm fueled by moving air from the ground.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Cold and dry air. B. Warm and dry air.

C. Cold and damp air. D. Warm and damp air.

3.Which does the writer most likely agree to?

A. Presence of the calm relies on stable air.

B. Not all thunderstorms start with the calm.

C. The drier the air is, the bigger the storm will be.

D. Storm happens without air moving up and down.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Causes and effects of a heavy storm.

B. A brief description of a peaceful storm.

C. A personal experience of a heavy storm.

D. An explanation of the calm before a storm.



    Almost every day we come across situations in which we have to make decisions one way or another. Choice, we are given to believe, is a right. But for a good many people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, something wonderful but hard to get, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, a false idea created by companies and advertisers, hoping to sell their products .

'The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in people's lives. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away, or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted. Recent studies in England have shown that many electrical goods bought in almost every family are not really needed. More difficult decision-making is then either avoided or trusted into the hands of the professionals, lifestyle instructors, or advisors.

It is not just the availability of the goods that is the problem, but the speed with which new types of products come on the market. Advances in design and production help quicken the process. Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The typical example is computers, which are almost out-of-date once they are bought. This indeed makes selection a problem. Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing; no choice, no anxiety.

1.What does the author try to argue in Paragraphi?

A. The practice of choice is difficult

B. The right of choice is given but at a price.

C. Choice and right exist at the same time.

D. The exercise of rights is a luxury.

2.Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety?

A. People are likely to find themselves overcome by business persuasion.

B. Shoppers may find themselves lost in the broad range of items.

C. Companies and advertisers are often misleading about the range of choice.

D. Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable product.

3.By using computers as an example, the author wants to prove that

A. products of the latest design flood the market

B. competitions are fierce in high-tech industry

C. everyday goods need to be replaced often

D. advanced products meet the needs of people

4.What is this passage mainly about?

A. The opinions on people's right in different countries.

B. The problems about the availability of everyday goods.

C. The helplessness in purchasing decisions.

D. The variety of choices in modem society.



    I attended a party one night. During the dinner a man told a humorous story based on the quotation: "There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.”

The storyteller mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible. I knew he was wrong. There couldn't be the slightest doubt about it. To get a feeling of importance and display my superiority, I appointed myself as an unwelcome committee member to correct him. He stuck to his guns. "What? From Shakespeare? Impossible! Absurd! That quotation was from the Bible.” And he knew it.

The storyteller was sitting on my right; and Frank Gammond, an old friend of mine, was seated on my left. Mr. Gammond had devoted years to the study of Shakespeare. So the storyteller and I agreed to submit the question to Mr. Gammond. Mr. Gammond listened, kicked me under the table, and then said,"Dale, you are wrong. The gentleman is right. It is from the Bible."

On our way home that night, I said to Mr. Gammond, “Frank, you knew that quotation was from Shakespeare. "Yes, of course," he replied, “HamletAct Five, Scene Two. But we were guests at a happy time, my dear Dale. Why argue with the storyteller? Why prove to him he is wrong? Why not let him save his face? Always avoid your sharp angle." I learned a lesson I'll  never forget. I not only had made the storyteller uncomfortable, but also had put my friend in an embarrassing situation. How much better it would have been had I not become argumentative.

Nine times out of ten, an argument ends with each of the contestants more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right. You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it

1.What did the author do to get a feeling of importance at the party?

A. Tell a humorous story. B. Show off his rich knowledge.

C. Teach the storyteller a lesson. D. Correct the storyteller's mistake.

2.. Why did Frank Gammond kick the author under the table?

A. Because he didn't know much about the Bible.

B. Because he thought the author was really wrong.

C. Because he was thoughtful and wanted to stop the author.

D. Because he was humorous and played tricks on the author .

3.How did the author feel about the event that happened at the party?

A. Thankful. B. Regretful.

C. Satisfied, D. Confused.

4.What can be the suitable title for the passage?

A. You Can't Win an Argument B. You Can't Make Mistakes in Public

C. Do Have an Open Mind D. Mind Your Manners at a Party



    One of the hardest parts of planning a trip to Hawaii is deciding which of the major Hawaiian Islands you should visit. Each has its own personality and offers unique adventures and activities.


Oahu has a bit of everything, packed in 597 square miles. You can hike into thick rainforests, and when you need a break, relax on powdery white sand beaches and stay at luxury resorts.

Oahu has become a great destination for families. The urban core (核 心)of Honolulu and Waikiki has historic sites, museums and bustling (熙熙攘攘的)and nightlife scenes. The island lives up to its nickname of the Gathering Place.


Maui is a great island for honeymooners. The Valley Isle has top-class resorts and golf courses, adjacent (毗邻)to some of the state's best beaches. A large dormant (休眠)volcano in east Maui at sunrise or sunset is a serene experience, as well as driving the Road to Hana, famed for its thundering waterfalls.


Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands. The island gets a lot of rain, but that's what makes it so lively, you'll come across flowers and plants you've never seen before. For some of the best views on the island, visit Waimea Canyon, known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, and the Na Pali coast, boasting some of the world's highest sea cliffs.

Big Island

The Big Island is the only Hawaiian island still growing. Witness the power of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire, wind, lightning and volcanoes with a visit to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. It's one of the few spots in the world where you can see lava flow. In fact, the Big Island has 10 of the world's sub-climate zones, from the snow-covered mountain of Mauna Kea, green forests of Waipio Valley to stretches of barren desert.

1.Which is young couples' favorite?

A. Oahu. B. Maui.

C. Kauai. D. Big Island.

2.How is Oahu different from the other places?

A. It belongs to Hawaii. B. It offers the best beaches.

C. It has variety of plants. D. You can experience city life on it.

3.What do Maui and Big Island have in common?

A. They are both covered with snow. B. You can have a look at a volcano.

C. Weather is changeable. D. There is plenty of rain.



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