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Derek Rabclo is not the only surfer to c...

    Derek Rabclo is not the only surfer to conquer Hawaii' s famous Pipeline big wave break, but while all others use their sight to do it, this young professional surfer must rely only on his other senses. That's because he is completely blind.

When Derek was born, over 24 years ago, he got his name from Derek Ho, the first Hawaiian surfing world champion. A surfing enthusiast himself, Emesto dreamed that his son would share the talent of his uncle, a professional surfer. Unfortunately, Derek was born completely blind, but this didn't slop his family from believing lhat he could do anything he wanted, even if that meant becoming a surfer.

At age 2, Derek received a bodyboard and the beaches of Guarapari, Brazil, became his backyard. He was always comfortable in the water and surfing was in his blood, but he didn’t actually try riding a wave until he turned 17, when his father bought him a surfboard. His father taught him the basics and encouraged him to keep practicing, but after successfully standing up on the surfboard, Derek knew he needed to become much better if he was going to achieve Emesto's dream and become a professional surfer. So he joined the Praia do Moroo surf  school, where he studied under coach Fabio Maru.

Standing up on a surfboard and conquering small waves is one thing, while gathering the courage to take on Hawaii's board-breaking Pipeline is another. But that’s exactly what Derek Rabelo set out to do just months after learning how to surf. Everyone told him it was too dangerous, but he felt he could do it. And he did, earning the praise of famous professional surfers like Kelly Slater and Mick Fanning. Now 24, Rabelo has been surfing the Pipeline every winter since.

1.What does the first paragraph tell us?

A. Good eyesight is necessary for becoming good suffers.

B. Nobody has ever conquered Hawaii’s big wave break.

C. Derek Rabelo dreams to conquer Hawaii's big wave break.

D. Derek Rabelo is the only blind professional surfer to conquer Hawaii’s big wave break.

2.How did Ernesto behave after Derek was born?

A. He named him after his uncle. B. He never lost confidence in him.

C. He sent him to a surfing champion. D. He started his own interest in surfing.

3.After Derek was able to stand up on the surfboard, he_______________ .

A. began to try riding a wave B. was no longer afraid of water

C. realized he still had a long way to go D. knew his father’s dream had come true

4.Which of the following words can best describe Derek according to the last paragraph?

A. Brave and confident. B. Skillful but proud.

C. Thoughtful and modest. D. Courageous but stubborn.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 本文主要介绍了Derek Rabclo——唯一一位盲人职业冲浪者,他征服了夏威夷的巨浪。 1.D 段落大意题。根据第一段主要进述了虽然Derek Rabclo不是唯一征服了夏威夷的巨浪职业冲浪者,但他是唯一一位盲人职业冲浪者,他征服了夏威夷的巨浪。故选D。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段but this didn't stop his family from believing that he could do anything he wanted, even if that meant becoming a surfer.可知,Ernesto自从Derek出生就从没有对他失去过信心。故选B。 3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段but after successfully standing up on the surfboard, Derek knew he needed to become much better if he was going to achieve Emesto's dream and become a professional surfer.可知,当Derek站到冲浪板上之后,他知道他还有很远的路要走。故选C。 4.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段Everyone told him it was too dangerous, but he felt he could do it. And he did, earning the praise of famous professional surfers like Kelly Slater and Mick Fanning.可知,每个人都告诉他这太危险了,但他觉得自己能做到。他做到了,赢得了像凯利·斯莱特和米克·范宁这样的著名职业冲浪者的赞扬。所以可以推断出他是勇敢而且自信的。故选A。

    Your next car might drive itself.After years of trials on city streets,driverless vehicles are now on the way.Last month,a driverless bus began carrying passengers through Lyon,France.Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or earlier.

Driverless cars will first be huddled with human-driven cars.But the first places where they will become dominant(统治的)are highly populated urban areas.Many advanced cities are already reducing the role of human-driven cars.Driverless cars will quicken that process and will bring us enormous benefits.

Driverless cars will reduce accidents by around 90 percent.That's big—the annual deaths on the world's roads are about 1.2 million a year.Pollution and carbon emissions will drop,because urban driverless cars will be electric.

On the other hand,driverless cars will cause problems.Over the next 20 years,the mostly low-skilled men who now drive trucks,taxis and buses will see their jobs reduced.Traditional carmakers are especially scared.The cars of the future might be made by tech companies such as Apple,Baidu and Google.Imagine Germany,where automobile making is the largest industry.

Dramatic changes are coming,and driverless cars could arrive by 2020.But governments have barely begun thinking about it.Only 6 percent of the biggest US cities have taken them into their long-term planning.A decade ago anyone hardly saw the Smartphone coming.Now what about the driverless cars?

1.The underlined phrase "be huddled with" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning with "       ".

A. turn up B. make up for

C. exist together D. take over

2.Driverless cars can reduce pollution and carbon emissions because       .

A. they will reduce the number of cars

B. they will be powered by electricity

C. they will be energy-saving by driving themselves

D. they will avoid many accidents from human errors

3.What's the author's attitude toward driverless cars?

A. Doubtful. B. Disappointed.

C. Negative. D. Objective.

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Driverless cars will not hit the road until 2020.

B. Old auto industry will benefit from driverless cars.

C. Governments are unprepared for the arrival of driverless cars.

D. Driverless cars will make road accidents a past thing.



From: terri wombat. Com. Au

To: (happylizijun) yaboo. com. cn

Subject: My school

Hi, Li Zijun,

Thanks very much for your email. I really enjoyed reading it. I think we have a lot in common. I wonder if our school life is similar too.

I go to a big high school in Sydney called Maylands High School. There are about 1000 students and 80 or so teachers. My class has 25 students in it, which is normal for a Year 11 class. In the junior school there are about 30 students in a class.

In the senior high school we have lots of subjects to choose from, like maths, physics, chemistry, biology, history, German, law, geography, software design, graphic arts and media studies. (Different schools sometime have different optional subjects.) English is a must for everyone and we have to do least three other subjects in Year 11 and 12. At the end of Year 12 we sit for a public exam called the High School Certificate.

As well as school subjects, most of us do other activities at school such as playing a sport, singing in the choir or playing in the school band. We can also belong to clubs, such as the drama club, the chess club and the debating society.

We have a lot of homework to do in senior school to prepare for our exam, so unless I have basketball practice, I usually go straight home and start studying. I arrive home about 4 pm, make myself a snack and work till 6. Then I help the family to make dinner and we all eat together. I’m usually back in my room studying by 8 pm. I stop at about 10 o’clock and watch TV or read a book for half an hour to relax. On Saturdays, I usually go out with my family or with friends and I sleep in till late on Sunday morning. Then it’s back to the books on Sunday afternoon.

How about you? What’s your school life like? Do you have a lot of homework? What do you do to relax when you’re not studying? I’m looking forward to finding out.

Your Australian friend


1.How many subjects do the students have to do at least in Year 11 and 12?

A. 11 B. 3

C. 4 D. 6

2.What does the underlined phrase “sit for” in Para3 mean?

A. pass B. take

C. go for D. hold

3.On Sunday afternoon, Terri usually______.

A. read books B. play in the school band

C. play basketball D. helps her family to prepare dinner



假定你是李津,你打算参加你校下周要举行的主题为“We Are All Dream Chasers” 英语演讲大赛,你己经写完初稿,请根据以下提示用英语给你的外教Miss Lucy写一 封邮件。

(1) 参加大赛目的;

(2) 请她帮忙纠正发音、润色语言等;

(3) 约定拜访时间、地点

注意:1 词数不少于100;

2 可以适当増加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Lucy,

I’m planning to  :



Li Jin




At the age of forty-five, my usually well-ordered life became full of changes. After twenty-two years of working in a bank, a plan to use less staff led to the unemployment of over one hundred people. Unluckily,was one of them.

My once secure future became uncertain. However, I was not a single parent, so the family did not depend only on my income and my husband can support the family. My motto has always been,“Change is good; change is progress, but when it affected my livelihood, I had to change it “Accept change and make the most of it.” From the beginning, 1 chose to look at this matter not as bad luck, but as a welcome chance. I refused to become sorry; instead, I actively planned to do something new and different.

Having a positive attitude made all the difference in the way I pursued the future. First, I decided to return to college and graduate many years later than I should have. Doing this at my age took more than a little courage. Not being a graduate had never held me back in my career in the bank, but now it a personal goal I longed to achieve. With a lot of determination, I went to evening classes and became an adult student. In the class, I became more and more confident. During this time,I realized that no matter what life throws in our way, nothing can hinder our personal growth.

The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate my past life. It used to be filled with endless,and sometimes meaningless events. But now, my heart and life are completely around people I care for.

The loss of my job led to some positive changes in my life. Revisiting the past made room for the future. I realize that I have accepted the change, and am making the most of it.

1.What made the author lose her job? (no more than 10 words)

2.What did the author do after the unemployment? (no more than 15 words)

3.How do you understand the underlined word in Paragraph 3? (no more than 3 words)

4.How would you describe the author in terms of personalities? (no more than 5 words)

5.What’s your attitude towards the “changes” in your life? Please explain, (no more than 20 words)



    Being attractive isnt usually considered much of a disadvantage in today’s world. Actually, there is the endless potential benefit about it, but researchers have found one area that being pretty makes life a challenge securing yourself a boring, low- paying job.

This stands in contrast to a large body of research that attractiveness, in general, helps candidates in the selection process. For the most part good looks is a blessing. We treat pretty people more favorably in general,often vote for them more in elections,and pay them more in their professions. The research suggests that attractive people may be discriminated against in selection for relatively less desirable jobs.

Researchers carried out four experiments involving more than 750 participants including university students and managers who make hiring decisions in the real world. Participants were shown photos of two potential job candidates,one attractive and the other unattractive. Participants were then asked a series of questions designed to measure their opinions of the job candidates and whether they would hire these candidates for a less-than-desirable job.

The less desirable jobs included a warehouse worker, housekeeper, customer service representative and the more desirable jobs included things like a manager, project director, IT elite(精英).In all experiments where they were asked, participants were significantly less likely to hire the attractive candidate for the less desirable job and more likely to hire the attractive candidate for the more desirable job.

Ms Lee said, “In the selection decision for an undesirable job, decision makers were more likely to choose the unattractive individual over the attractive individual. Co-author Dr Madan Pillutla said, “It is interesting that decision makers consider others' opinions in their decisions. They thought that attractive individuals would want better outcomes, and therefore would be less satisfied, so they favored unattractive candidates when selecting for a less desirable job.”

The research also suggests the established view that attractive candidates are favored when applying for jobs might be limited to high-level jobs.

1.What do people generally think of being attractive?

A. It is a disadvantage.

B. It is a blessing.

C. it is not important.

D. It has nothing to do with jobs.

2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. The participants of the experiment

B. The importance of the experiment

C. The process of the experiment

D. The result of the experiment.

3.An ordinary-looking graduate may have an advantage when applying for____.

A. a manager

B. a project director

C. a warehouse worker

D. an IT elite

4.Why are less attractive applicants preferred for less desirable jobs?

A. Because they are more hardworking.

B. Because they will be more satisfied.

C. Because they have no requirements at all.

D. Because they will want better outcomes.

5.Which of the following agrees with the research?

A. Attractive people are more fit for high-level jobs.

B. Less attractive people are easy to find high-level jobs.

C. Attractive people can always be hired when applying for jobs.

D. Less attractive people can easily get highly paid if they work hard.



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