满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.Divers not only have the chance to a_____________ the beauty of the sea but also witness the changes to the environment under water.

2.Mistakes often _____(引起) from carelessness.

3.Before you take part in the activity , first of all ,you should fill in the a______ form.

4.They were s_________ in winning the match.

5.He was fired for not _______(履行) his duties.

6.Please r_____them to buy something for the party which will be held next week.

7.I must offer an a________ for not going to her party.

8.Don’t stop developing yourself .Someday ,these will be _____(有益的) to the company ,the community and all of us .

9.He thought I kept ____(撒谎) to him. In fact , I was telling the truth.

10.A live musical p________ at the exhibition hall shows the charm of Dunhuang culture.


1.appreciate 2.arise 3.application 4.successful 5.performing 6.remind 7.apology 8.beneficial 9.lying 10.performance 【解析】 考查重点单词运用。 1.考查动词。句意:潜水者不仅有机会欣赏大海的美丽,而且还能目睹水下环境的变化。根据上文have the chance to do sth.“有机会做某事”可知填动词原形appreciate。 2.考查动词。句意:错误常常是由粗心引起的。根据often可知用一般现在时,且主语为复数,故填动词原形arise。 3.考查名词。句意:在你参加活动之前,你首先应该填写申请表。根据上文the可知应填名词application。 4.考查形容词。句意:他们成功地赢得了比赛。根据上文were为be动词可知后跟形容词作表语,故填successful。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意: 他因不履行职责而被解雇。本句为动名词短语做原因状语,故填performing。 6.考查动词。句意:请提醒他们为下周举行的聚会买些东西。本句为祈使句,动词用原形,故填remind。 7.考查名词。句意:我没去参加她的聚会,我必须向她道歉。根据上文an可知用名词,故填apology。 8.考查形容词。句意:总有一天,这些会对公司、社会和我们所有人都有好处。be动词后跟形容词作表语,故填beneficial。 9.考查非谓语动词。句意:他认为我一直在对他撒谎。keep doing sth.“持续做某事”,故填lying。 10.考查名词。句意:展厅内的现场音乐表演展示了敦煌文化的魅力。根据上文musical可知应填名词,故填performance。


The cheongsam is a female dress with distinctive Chinese features and enjoys growing 1. (popular) in the international world of high fashion. The name “cheongsam” 2. (mean) simply “long dress” entered the English vocabulary from the dialect of China's Guangdong Province. In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it 3. (know) as “qipao” which has a history behind it.

After the early Manchu (满族的) rulers came to China, the Manchu women wore 4. (normal) a one­piece dress which came to be called “qipao”. 5. the 1911 Revolution ended the rule of the Qing Dynasty, the female dress survived the political change and, with later improvements, has become the traditional dress for Chinese women.

The cheongsam, 6. neck is high, collar closed, fits well the Chinese female figure, and its sleeves may be either short, medium or full 7. (long), depending on seasons or tastes.  In addition, it is not too complicated (复杂) 8. (make). Nor 9. it need too much material. Another beauty of the cheongsam is that it can be worn either 10. casual or formal occasions.  In either case, it creates an impression of simple and quiet charm, elegance (优雅) and neatness.





The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.

Cathy suffered some terrible____in her early childhood. After years of regular treatment, she____became healthy.

Two years ago, while Cathy was watching the Olympics, a dream came into her sweet little head—to be a swimmer. Last summer, she wanted to____out local swim team. She practiced hard and finally____it. The team practice,____was a rough start. She coughed and choked and could hardly____her first few weeks. Hearing her coughing bitterly one night, I decided to____her from it all. But Cathy woke me up early next morning, wearing her swimsuit____to go! I told her she shouldn’t swim after a whole night’s coughing, but she refused to____and insisted she go .

From that day on, Cathy kept swimming and didn’t____a single practice. She had a____intention within herself to be the best she could be. My ten—year—old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this____human being with a passion and a mission. There were moments of____of course: often she would be the last swimmer in the race. It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasn’t a____---ever. But that didn’t stop her from trying.

Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Cathy didn’t expect any award but was still there to____her friends and praise their accomplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach____, “The highest honor goes to Cathy!” Looking around, he continued, “Cathy has inspired us with her____and enthusiasm.____skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.”

It was the greatest____of my daughter’s life. With all she hade been____in her ten years, this was the hour of true triumph(成功).

1.A. failure    B. pressure    C. loss    D. illness

2.A. usually    B. finally    C. firstly    D. frequently

3.A. improve    B. train    C. join    D. contact

4.A. increased    B. found    C. created    D. made

5.A. however    B. therefore    C. otherwise    D. instead

6.A. use    B. survive    C. save    D. waste

7.A. pull    B. tell    C. hide    D. fire

8.A. afraid    B. nervous    C. ready    D. free

9.A. take off    B. set off    C. give up    D. show up

10.A. attend    B. miss    C. ban    D. Start

11.A. rich    B. weak    C. firm    D. kind

12.A. trusted    B. determined    C. experienced    D. embarrassed

13.A. frustration    B. delight    C. excitement    D. surprise

14.A. beginner    B. learner    C. partner    D. winner

15.A. cheer on    B. compete with    C. respond to    D. run after

16.A. admitting    B. explaining    C. announcing    D. whispering

17.A. humor    B. will    C. honesty    D. wisdom

18.A. Although    B. Since    C. Once    D. Because

19.A. discovery    B. choice    C. influence    D. moment

20.A. through    B. under    C. across    D. around



Tips to Be an Expert at Managing Your Time

Do you have too much to do and too little time? Of course! Actually, it's the biggest problem facing most people today. The key to becoming more efficient  is the ability to set priorities (优先顺序) and focus on one task at a time. 1.

Learn from the experts.

If you want to be a big success in any area, find out what other successful people in that area are doing. 2. And do the same things until you get the same results.

Be open to new ideas.

The most foolish person of all is either the person who feels he has no time to learn about time management or, the person, who feels that he already knows all that's needed to know on the subject. 3.

Develop a plan.

Successful men and women are both effective and efficient. 4. Develop a plan, then decide what is the most important thing to do and how to do it.


Start with your top tasks. Focusing on your highest­value tasks is the starting point of getting your time under control, though small things are easier and are often more fun than the big, important things.

A. Focus on the key tasks.

B. Start from small things.

C. They do the right things in the right way.

D. But never forget to learn from their failures.

E. However, the truth is that we have much to learn.

F. Study the interviews, speeches, biographies of them.

G. Here are several ways to get organized and get started.



    Elephants have impressed us for centuries. They are big, clever, and sociable. But what if someone told you that they may also hold the key to fighting cancer (癌症)?

People have been wondering why elephants do not develop cancer, even though they have lifespans (寿命) that are similar to humans, living for around 50 to 70 years.

Now scientists believe they know why. A team at the University of Chicago, US has found that elephants carry a large number of genes that stop tumors (肿瘤) from developing. To be precise, they found 20 copies of an anti­tumor gene called TP53 in elephants. Most other species, including humans, only carry one copy.

According to the research, which was recently published on the online science network BioRxiv, the extra copies of the gene improved the animal's sensitivity to DNA damage. This lets the cells quickly kill themselves when damaged before they can go on to form deadly tumors.

“An increased risk of developing cancer has stood in the way of the evolution of large body sizes in many animals” study author Dr. Vincent Lynch told The Guardian. If every living cell (细胞) has the same chance of becoming cancerous, large creatures with long lifespans like whales and elephants should have a greater risk of developing cancer than humans and mice do. But across species, the risk of cancer does not show a connection with body mass.

This_phenomenon was found by Oxford University scientist Richard Peto in the 1970s and later named “Peto's paradox”. Evolutionary (进化的) biologists believe it results from larger animals using protection that many smaller animals do not. In the elephant's case, the making of TP53 is nature's way of keeping this species alive.

The study also found that when the same genes were brought to life in mice, they had the same cancer resistance (抵抗) as elephants. This means researchers could use the discovery to develop new treatments that can help stop cancers from spreading or even developing in the first place.

“Nature has already figured out how to prevent cancer, ” said Joshua Schiffman, an oncologist at the School of Medicine, University of Utah, US.

“It's up to us to learn how different animals tackle (处理) the problem so we can use those strategies to prevent cancer in people.”

1.Why are elephants unlikely to develop cancer?

A. They have a large body size.

B. Their genes suffer no DNA damage.

C. Certain genes in their body kill existing tumors.

D. They carry many genes that keep tumors from developing.

2.According to Dr. Vincent Lynch, what has been a risk in the evolution of large animals?

A. A risk of deadly tumors. B. Human behavior.

C. Extreme weather. D. Cells killing themselves.

3.What does the underlined expression “This phenomenon” in the sixth paragraph refer to?

A. Larger animals have protection from TP53.

B. The risk of cancer is not related to body size.

C. The larger animals are, the bigger risk of cancer they have.

D. Larger animals suffer the same risk of cancer as smaller ones do.

4.We can conclude from the last three paragraphs that ________.

A. humans are expected to stop cancer in the near future

B. depending on nature is not enough to fight against cancer

C. this new treatment is more effective than the present ones

D. the TP53 genes have proven useful in stopping cancer in mice



    A company in San Francisco, California, has found a way to turn used plastic bottles into women’s shoes.

Every day, millions of Americans drink water and other liquids from plastic bottles. More than 60 million of them are thrown away each day. Many of the plastic bottles end up in landfills or are burned with other waste products.

A San Francisco start-up company called Rothy’s, however, turns this plastic waste into environmentally friendly shoes. Rothy Martin is the company’s co-founder. He explains how they turn plastic into soft material for your feet. They take the plastic, clean it, and break it down into small pieces. Then they press it through a device that makes soft fibers. Those fibers are then combined, or knit together. This is done by a three-dimensional knitting machine. It is designed to reduce waste while making the shoes.

The knitted fabric and the inner part of the shoes are then attached to the shoes’ outer part, called the sole. This outer sole is also made from environmentally friendly material: responsibly sourced no-carbon rubber.

Rothy’s shoes are sold online. They are flat shoes, with either a rounded or pointed toe. They come in different colors and designs. They cost either $125 or $145 per pair, depending on the design.

After American actress Gwyneth Paltrow discovered them last year, the demand for the shoes grew.

Martin says there is no shortage of material to fill that demand. “We’re not going to run out of water bottles any time soon. So we have an infinite supply of material, and I think that bodes well for our future. ”

When the environmentally friendly shoes wear out, customers can return them at no cost to a company that uses the recycled materials to make other products.

For now, the shoes are only available to be shipped in the United States. However, the company says it will add international shipping in the near future.

1.Which one is the right procedure of making shoes?

pressing small pieces           

breaking down clean plastic bottles

knitting together               

cleaning plastic bottles

attaching the knitted fabric, the inner part and the outer part

A. ①②③④⑤ B. ④②③①⑤

C. ④②①③⑤ D. ②①③④⑤

2.Why did Rothy’s use a three-dimensional knitting machine to make shoes?

A. Because it is easy to operate.

B. Because it is cheaper than other machines.

C. Because it is productive.

D. Because it can reduce waste when making the shoes.

3.What can be learned from the passage?

A. This kind of shoes are sold in the shop.

B. The shoes are environmentally friendly.

C. Customers can return them with little money to a company.

D. The shoes are available in the world.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. How to recycle plastic bottles

B. Recycled bottles find newlife on women’s feet

C. How a new kind of shoes became a hit

D. How to make environmentally friendly shoes



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