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The belief that new technologies are cau...

    The belief that new technologies are causing the death of work is the idea that never goes away. Despite evidence to the contrary, we still view technological change today as being more rapid and dramatic in its consequences for work than ever before. But this is nothing new. People have always viewed the technological changes that take place during their lives as the most dramatic and dangerous that ever happened in history.

In the 1930s, the British economist(经济学家) John Maynard Keynes predicted the widespread use of electricity would produce a world where people spend most of their time doing nothing. In the United States during the 1960s, the government repeatedly investigates fears that automatic machines would permanently reduce the amount of work available. In 1988, one Australian historian claimed that at least a quarter of the workforce would be without jobs within 10 years because of computers.

Of course, none of these disasters came to pass in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, or anywhere else.

Yet today, we are seeing the return of these predictions, with some experts claiming the world of work is once more undergoing radical(激进的)and unprecedented(前所未有的) change. They argue that robots and other workplace technologies are causing a reduction in the total amount of work available, or are bringing a more rapid pace of substitution of machines for humans than has been seen previously.

But there is a little evidence to support such beliefs. Statistics show that the percentage of people in work, the number of hours they work, and how frequently they change jobs have remained remarkably constant over the past 20 years.

This stability should not come as a surprise. There are good reasons why we should not expect new technologies to cause the death of work. New technologies always cause job losses, but that is only part of the story. What also needs to be understood is how they increase the amount of work available.

One way this happens is through the increases in incomes that accompany the use of new technologies. With the introduction of these technologies, goods and services can be produced faster, which results in higher real incomes for workers. Higher incomes then increase demand for other products and consequently more workers are needed to make them. Additionally, while new technologies are likely to substitute for some types of workers, they will also increase demand for other types of workers, especially those with higher level skills and expertise.

So, the end of work is no closer today than at any time in the past. But there is still a need to keep disproving the prediction, to reduce people’s fears.

1.What is the function of the second paragraph?

A. To explain the importance of developing new technology.

B. To show how technology affected employment in the past.

C. To argue that technological dangers are becoming more serious.

D. To give historical examples of unnecessary fear about new technology.

2.How can employment statistics over the past 20 years best be described?

A. Confusing B. Steady

C. Reliable D. Variable

3.According to paragraph 7, why does demand for products often increase after new technology is introduced?

A. There are more goods for people to choose from.

B. There is more demand for new skills in the economy.

C. Productivity improvements help raise workers’ salaries.

D. Higher quality goods at lower prices encourage consumption.

4.What is the author’s opinion about the introduction of new technology?

A. It does not have an effect on most people’s jobs.

B. Its benefits are usually not worth the introduction.

C. It usually leads to a significant increase in employment.

D. Its danger to people’s employment possibilities is overstated.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 本文属于议论文,经常出现新技术对将来人们工作和生活不良影响的预测,但事实证明结果并不是那样,我们有必要不断否定预测,以减少人们的恐惧。 1.推理判断题。第二段主要举了几个发生在过去的预测,预测人们在新科技下会失去工作,会无所事事。通过下文内容可知这些并没有发生,这几个只是对新科技不必要恐惧的例子,故选D。 2.细节推理题。根据第五段Statistics show that the percentage of people in work, the number of hours they work, and how frequently they change jobs have remained remarkably constant over the past 20 years.可知数据表明在过去的20年里,工作人员的比例、工作时间的长短以及换工作的频率一直保持着惊人的稳定。即数据表明就业是稳定的,故选B。 3.细节推理题。根据第七段With the introduction of these technologies, good and services can be produced faster, which results in higher real incomes for workers. Higher incomes then increase demand for other products and consequently more workers are needed to make them.可知新技术引进后提高了工人工资,高收入会增加对其他产品的需求。故选C。 4.推理判断题。根据第三段none of these disasters came to pass in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, or anywhere else.第六段New technologies always cause job losses, but that is only part of the story.和最后一段But there is still a need to keep disproving the prediction, to reduce people’s fears.可知人们预测的新技术的严重后果并没有发生,新技术导致的失业只是一部分,人们夸大了其对失业的影响,有必要不断否定预测,以减少人们的恐惧。故选D。

    The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing as Melinda sits in the rose garden of the nursing home. She is recalling old times as she waits for her family’s arrival. The nursing home has been Melinda’s new settlement ever since Thomas passed away a week ago. Thomas had fought a long and hard battle against lung cancer for three years. Unfortunately, he has broken the promise that he and Melinda had made: to be with each other for every birthday. Melinda knew this was unrealistic (不现实的) but agreed to the promise for Thomas’s sake.

“Thomas, you are completely a dreamer.” Melinda shouted to Thomas as he dragged on about living on an island with his beautiful wife. That’s what she loved about him most—he had a vivid imagination. They got married at age eighteen and began having children right away. Mary came within the year, followed by Thomas Benjamin II, Lilly-Ann, and Joseph “Little Joey” George. The family lived an exultant life filled with laughter and love.

“Mom!” Lilly shouted, but it really sounded like a howl. Melinda had lost herself in thinking about the life she had shared with her late husband. Lilly pushed her down the long dark halls of the nursing home until they arrived at the recreational room.

When the doors opened, Melinda put her hand over her mouth and was completely speechless. The room was crowded with the people nearest and dearest to her and the warmth and love was felt instantly. The night went on; stories and cocktails were shared and everything was perfect.

However, when Melinda caught a moment to herself she looked around at her family. With a smile on her face, she raised her Manhattan and called out for a toast. “This one is for you, Thomas, though you are not here.”

1.Why did Thomas break his promise?

A. He died of lung cancer. B. He was busy with his work.

C. He had to serve in the army. D. He stopped loving Melinda.

2.Which of the following best explains “exultant” underlined in Paragraph 2?

A. peaceful. B. stressful.

C. happy. D. simple.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Melinda liked to drink alcohol. B. Melinda was tired of noise.

C. Melinda’s children forgot their father. D. Melinda missed her husband badly.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Memories of Old Days B. A Particular Birthday

C. A Woman at a Nursing Home D. A Big Surprise for Melinda



    It’s no secret that your personal characteristics directly affect how you interact with the world-but you might be surprised at just how deep it goes. Experts think that your personality can even affect how you exercise and influence what sports are suitable for you.

Highly Sensitive

Highly sensitive people may be more uncomfortable with group exercise classes or team sports where they feel their every move is being observed. Additionally, they may feel more upset over an ineffective or poor workout, says researcher Elaine Aron.

For such people, individual or non-competitive activities like biking, running and hiking are ideal.

Type A Personality

Type A individuals often have an “all or nothing approach” to exercise. This personality type is known for sticking closely to their plan, not to mention being super competitive. However, this can cause them to stick too closely to a fitness routine, which means they might try to push past an injury.

To get better exercise results, Type A people need to be aware that following an exercise plan too strictly may limit their progress. They should be more flexible and listen to their body, especially when they are in pain.

Type B Personality

This laid-back group may get too lazy about their exercise plan, which prevents them from seeing results. They are often less willing to devote enough time and energy to their fitness goals, especially if exercise is something that makes them anxious.

Type B individuals succeed in creative and co-operative environments, so team sports and group gym classes may be perfect.

Remember, there are plenty of ways you can adapt a fitness plan to suit your needs, regardless of your characteristics. Just keep in mind what you like.

1.Why might highly sensitive people be unwilling to take part in group sports?

A. They will feel like they are being evaluated.

B. They don’t like socializing with other people.

C. They don’t consider themselves to be athletic.

D. They fear they’ll be let down by their teammates.

2.Type A personalities can be best described as_________.

A. flexible. B. committed.

C. independent. D. sensitive.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To help people understand what personality type they are.

B. To identify the dangers of doing the wrong type of exercise.

C. To explain how personal characteristics affect exercise habits.

D. To describe different types of workouts that are available today.




Fisherman Salvador was just trying to make a living on the sea with fellow fisherman Cordoba. Two days into the journey, disaster struck, and the two men would begin the greatest challenge of their lives.

The boat was loaded with tons of provisions, including 70 gallons of gasoline, 16 gallons of water, 50 Ibs of sar - dines for bait(鱼饵). They also had a mobile phone, kept safe in a plastic bag, a GPS, and a two-way radio. The two had never spoken before or worked together, but they liked fishing and both of them seemed to know what they were doing.

Two days later, the weather was getting worse and worse. Salvador was trying to remain calm, but Cordoba was not prepared. He held on to the rail(围栏) for dear life as the waves crashed around them, vomiting(呕吐)and crying. When the storm finally passed, Salvador noticed that they had drifted far away from land. To make matters worse, the motor had stopped working. Salvador called his boss on the radio, but there was no response. Even worse was the fact that the GPS they has brought with them had stopped working.

The two men had been at sea for two months. While Salvador had become accustomed to catching and eating the animals available to them, Cordoba’s mental health and physical health had begun to decrease. Once he got sick from eating raw seabirds, he refused to eat at all. His own depression, fear and malnutrition(营养不良)finally killed him, leaving Salvador alone on the boat.

One day, after a terrible storm, Salvador found the sky was suddenly filled with shorebirds. He knew that he was heading for land at last. He must have been close. There, in the distance was a green Pacific atoll(环礁). It looked small and wild, but it was dry land and would likely have food and shelter.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为l50左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语:

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Salvador struggled until he reached what appeared to be a beach house. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Salvador was rescued(拯救).





1. 你非常期待这次活动

2. 无法参加的原因

3. 表示歉意

植物园 botanical garden


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





One sentence from the news in Washington has remained in my mind since a trip last summer: “When you see people run against the crowd escaping1.the danger, they are 2.(probable) firefighters, police or journalists.

I think this is most true for the firefighters. Whenever and wherever 3. (disaster) happen — 911 Attacks in New York 14 years ago or the explosion in Tianjin on Wednesday night — it is always the firefighters4.take the lead to run to the very center, saving lives by5. (risk) their own. I cried today near the explosion site, not because of the smoke from the ongoing fire 6. because of a short message a firefighter sent to a trusted friend that went viral online. It reads, “If I cannot make it, my father is 7.(you); and please remember8.(sweep) my mother’s tomb.” I was thrilled later to learn that he did make it.

“Everyone knows it’s 9. (danger) to be a firefighter. But he has always liked it and has done it for 12 years,” his father said. “He survived this time, but no one knows what10. (happen) next time.”



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