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假定你是李华,收到英国朋友Alice的邮件,以下是邮件内容: Dear Li H...



Dear Li Hua,

How are you doing these days? I’m having some problems and would like to get your advice.

My parents want me to spend my summer with them this year but I would prefer to go somewhere with my friends. I love my parents but sometimes they are overprotective. I feel that I am old enough and responsible enough to go away without their supervision(监护).

Any suggestions you could give me about this issue would be greatly appreciated.



Dear Li Hua,

How are you doing these days? I’m having some problems and would like to get your advice.

My parents want me to spend my summer with them this year but I would prefer to go somewhere with my friends. I love my parents but sometimes they are overprotective. I feel that I am old enough and responsible enough to go away without their supervision(监护).

Any suggestions you could give me about this issue would be greatly appreciated.









Dear Alice,









Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Yours, Li Hua 范文1: Dear Alice, I’m flattered to know you have such confidence in my opinions that you would write to me for advice, but more importantly I’m sorry to read that you’re having this problem with your parents. I think that you should explain to your parents that you are mature enough to travel without their supervision. It’s natural for parents to worry, so why don’t you show them where you plan to go, who you’re going with and where you will stay. It might also help if you introduce your friends to reassure them. Finally provide them with the contact details so they can get in touch with you. Parents often resist their children growing up. It’s up to you to gently show them it is time to loosen the strings. I hope this advice will be useful to you and good luck with your decision. Yours, Li Hua 范文2: Dear Alice, I can feel from your email that this issue with your parents is greatly affecting you and really appreciate that you trust me enough to want my advice. Coincidentally, I met a similar situation last summer. Initially, like you, I really didn’t want to go travelling with my parents. But then I thought of things from their point of view. I go to university next year, so, for them, this may have been the last time we’d all travel together as a family. I understood that rather than trying to control me, they just wanted to spend more time with me, so I chose to go and we had a fantastic time together! I think you shouldn’t be in such a hurry to grow up. Treasure the time you have with your parents now as neither you nor they will be around forever. I hope my own experience helps you and that you find a solution. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本文为应用说明文。根据Alice的邮件内容,给Alice回一封邮件,内容包括:1.感谢她的信任;2.回应她的请求;3.说明你的理由。 本文是一篇建议信。根据Alice的问题“即在今年父母希望和她一起度过夏天,但她更喜欢和朋友一起去玩”,不知如何做。要你给Alice回一封邮件,内容包括:1.感谢她的信任;2.回应她的请求;3.说明你的理由。 根据写作要求可知,本文是一封信。所以写作要遵循信的格式。首先要读信的内容弄清Alice的问题,然后再针对问题写信。信的内容主要包括三部分。第一部分叙述写信的原因并要感谢她的信任,可用一些表达感谢的词语如thank sb.for.. ,appreciate for ,be honorable to do…等。第二部分主要回应她的请求,即给出她一些建议及说明理由。如向父母坦承自己要与朋友在一起并对此作出解释,以取得父母的同意和谅解。或是建议她与父母一起度假期以及为何这么做的原因。最后一部分表达愿望。其中第二部分是重点,给出建议时用词在委婉,易接受。






2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The summer job is a tradition among American university students. Long after the end of the school year, students start their summer vacation job search. They send letters to businesses, going to job interviews, and ask our friends and relatives for help. By June the students usually have been found their jobs and then they begin preparing to enter the world of works.

Reasons for wanting a summer job differs from student to student. Some work help pay their school expenses, others work to gain experience in their chosen professions and still others work just for the funny of it. Salesmen or waiters are two of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months.




In his book, Intentional Living, author John Maxwell shares that back in 1976, he received a gift from one of his1.(assist).As he unwrapped the gift, he saw that it was a book2.(name) The Greatest Story Ever Told. He couldn’t wait3.(read) it.

But when he opened the book, he was4.astonish) to see that the pages were blank. Inside the book was5.note that said, “John, your life is before you. Fill these pages with kind acts and good thoughts of your heart. Write a great story about your life.”The intention of writing the story of his life6.(excite) him. Then, he began to write his book.

Every day we live out our story through our words, actions and decisions. But we must remember to live with intention to focus7.what matters most in life and to regain that focus when we get changed. Without intention, we can become unfocused in things8.needn’t add to a life of significance and difference in our world.

Life isn’t perfect and it’s always hard, 9.we need reminders in our life from a friend, author, blogger, pastor or our inner spirit to re-focus us on the things that matter and make us live10.(positive).



    All of us in Monte Vista Christian School know we’ll one day have graduation photos for the yearbook taken. As the time ________, the girls start to have a ________ about what they’ll wear and where to take the photos, while the boys ________ hardly talk about it. As for me, I ________ for my photos to be taken by the sea.

When I arrived there, I met my photographer, Annie. She asked me to make some poses and I ________ her advice. After that, I asked if she could make me look ________ by taking photos in a different way, ________ I’m less than 1.6 meters tall. To my ________ she responded, “I will make no ________ to make you look like someone you’re not. You look good in your own way.” She ________ that she wouldn’t try to edit the photos either.

I was shocked by what she said. Girls always ________ to look perfect by using different visual angles. When you go to a photo studio, photographers always try to hide your ________ by telling you to stand in a certain way. And picture editors can easily ________ your look by making you appear any you want to. ________, that’s not the case here. Seeing I was ________, Annie explained: “Everyone has his uniqueness. You need to ________ your own beauty. You cannot live in a world of ________ photos.”

It was the first time that I had met a photographer who doesn’t ________ photos at all. After the shoot, I saw the photos — they are ________ special and natural. But what’s even more special are Annie’s ________, which will always stay in my heart.

1.A. flows B. ends C. approaches D. develops

2.A. request B. discussion C. reason D. complaint

3.A. by comparison B. in addition C. by accident D. in advance

4.A. accounted B. arranged C. searched D. applied

5.A. considered B. declined C. consulted D. followed

6.A. prettier B. taller C. thinner D. stronger

7.A. unless B. though C. while D. since

8.A. astonishment B. delight C. relief D. satisfaction

9.A. promise B. choice C. attempt D. decision

10.A. admitted B. swore C. explained D. added

11.A. desire B. manage C. pretend D. pay

12.A. preferences B. imperfections C. personalities D. advantages

13.A. change B. recover C. expose D. recognize

14.A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. However D. Anyway

15.A. annoyed B. embarrassed C. discouraged D. confused

16.A. share B. describe C. admire D. advocate

17.A. artificial B. colorful C. vivid D. popular

18.A. exhibit B. organize C. cut D. polish

19.A. causally B. truly C. partially D. roughly

20.A. attitudes B. actions C. words D. skills



    Imagine that you are in a remote village somewhere with no medical clinic.1.Once the doctors get to you, they examine you and take blood samples, but they won’t be able to help you until they take the samples back to the hospital to find out what is wrong.2.Thanks to engineer Andy Ozcan, many people may never be in this situation. He has invented an app that turns your mobile phone into a diagnostic (诊断的) tool.

Ozcan’s invention is important because it is very accurate and easy to use. In many remote places, even if doctors have microscopes and other instruments to help them make diagnoses, there may still be other problems. Many doctors, for example, don’t have enough training to correctly interpret what they see.3.With Ozcan’s mobile phone app, health workers can take a special photo of a blood sample and send it to a central computer at a hospital. The computer will then automatically interpret the photo and send a diagnosis back in a few minutes.

4.His technology only requires a mobile phone and an Internet connection. As more than four billion people already have cell phones, the cost of establishing the diagnostic system is fairly low.

By inventing a medical tool that uses existing technology---mobile phones---Ozcan has developed a medical tool that is both practical and economical. Therefore, it can be effectively almost anywhere.5.

A. As a result, they may diagnose illnesses incorrectly.

B. People are trying to reduce the cost of this new medical tool.

C. This tool has become much more popular all around the world.

D. Another reason that Ozcan’s invention is important is that it is inexpensive.

E. You become very sick and must wait days until a mobile medical unit arrives to help.

F. Ozcan’s simple, cost-effective tool might just save millions of lives around the world.

G. Even though you may only have a simple infection, you might die because of the delay.



    The values of artistic works, according to cultural relativism (相对主义), are simply reflections of local and economic conditions. Such a view, however, fails to explain the ability of some works of art to excite the human mind across cultures and through centuries.

History has witnessed the endless production of Shakespearean plays in every major language of the world. It is never rare to find that Mozart packs Japanese concert hall, as Japanese painter Hiroshige does Paris galleries. Unique works of this kind are different from today’s popular art, even if they began as works of popular art. They have set themselves apart in their timeless appeal and will probably be enjoyed for centuries into the future.

In a 1757 essay, the philosopher David Hume argued that because “the general principles of tastes are uniform (不变的) in human nature,” the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent. He observed that Homer was still admired after 2000 years. Works of this type, he believed, spoke to deep and unvarying features of human nature and could continue to exist over centuries.

Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art. For example, evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the long-lasting themes and plot devices in fiction. The structures of musical pieces are now open to experimental analysis as never before. Research findings seem to indicate that the creation by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.

1.According to the passage, what do we know about cultural relativism?

A. It introduces different cultural values.

B. It relates artistic values to local conditions.

C. It explains the history of artistic works in detail.

D. It excites the human mind throughout the world.

2.In Paragraph 2, the artists are mentioned to show that __________.

A. the charm of great arts is universal and lasting

B. popular arts are hardly different from great arts

C. great artists are skilled at combing various cultures

D. great arts are works of popular arts in the beginning

3.According to Hume, some works of art can exist for centuries because __________.

A. they are results of scientific study

B. they establish general principles of art

C. they are created by the world’s greatest artists

D. they appeal to unchanging features of human nature

4.Which of the following serve as the title of the passage?

A. Are Popular Arts Universal? B. Is Human Nature Uniform?

C. Are Great Arts Permanent? D. Is Cultural Relativism Scientific?



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