满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To millions of readers, Jeff Zaslow was ...

    To millions of readers, Jeff Zaslow was a bestselling author. But to me, Jeff was a(a) ______ mentor(导师)who gave countless hours of his time and energy to ______ authors.

When I was in middle school, Jeff and his family ______ near our house. At a neighborhood party, I was a ______ kid playing basketball alone. Jeff walked over, introduced himself to me. He took a true interest in getting to ______ me, asking about my hobbies. Although we had just met, I had the ______ that this new neighbor truly cared about me.

Looking back, Jeff was the first adult who ______ me like a peer(同龄人), and it helped me find my confidence. At the time, I had no ______ that Jeff would become a mentor to me or that I would enter the writing ______.

Twenty years later, I decided to ______ my first book. In search of ______ on developing a plan, I ______ to Jeff. Less than three hours later, his ______ landed in my mailbox. He invited me to call him any time, day or night. He asked me ______ questions and listened to my responses.

When I started writing, I ______ Jeff’s work as a model and his personal example as a reminder of what it meant to put other people first.

In 2012, before I finished writing my book, Jeff lost his ______ in a car accident. I missed the ______ to tell him what an influence he had on me—not only as a writer, but as a role model for how to live a good life.

Jeff Zaslow never got the chance to give his last ______. I don’t know what he would have ______, but I know how he would have made you ______ during the talk. He would have amused you with humor and encouraged you to seek for the most meaningful moments in life.

1.A. devoted B. honest C. strict D. fair

2.A. help B. choose C. find D. train

3.A. camped B. traveled C. moved D. returned

4.A. curious B. shy C. stubborn D. clever

5.A. invite B. know C. please D. trick

6.A. fear B. concern C. suggestion D. sense

7.A. treated B. shaped C. served D. accepted

8.A. doubt B. idea C. plan D. impression

9.A. system B. school C. profession D. class

10.A. collect B. write C. publish D. sell

11.A. decisions B. judgments C. guidance D. influence

12.A. reached out B. explained C. gave in D. came

13.A. book B. name C. reply D. refusal

14.A. difficult B. personal C. embarrassing D. thoughtful

15.A. relied on B. figured out C. dealt with D. paid for

16.A. eye B. leg C. family D. life

17.A. opportunity B. ability C. deadline D. point

18.A. performance B. description C. lecture D. lesson

19.A. learned B. realized C. expected D. said

20.A. feel B. grow C. behave D. continue


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了我的人生导师杰夫·扎斯洛对我的种种帮助与影响。 1.考查形容词辨析。A. devoted献身的;B. honest诚实的;C. strict严格的;D. fair公平的。句意:对于数百万读者来说,杰夫·扎斯洛是一位畅销书作家。但对我来说,杰夫是一位乐于奉献的导师,他花费了无数的时间和精力来帮助作家。由“who gave countless hours of his time and energy to help authors.”可知,他花费了无数的时间和精力来帮助作家。所以杰夫·扎斯洛是位乐于奉献的导师。故A选项切题。 2.考查动词辨析。A. help帮助;B. choose选择;C. find发现;D. train训练。句意:对于数百万读者来说,杰夫·扎斯洛是一位畅销书作家。但对我来说,杰夫是一位乐于奉献的导师,他花费了无数的时间和精力来帮助作家。由下文杰夫·扎斯洛对 我的写作进行指点,可知文杰夫·扎斯乐于帮助其他作者。故A选项切题。 3.考查动词辨析。A. camped扎营;B. traveled旅行;C. moved移动;D. returned返回。句意:我上中学的时候,杰夫和他的家人搬到我们家附近。由下文中的“this new neighbor”可知,杰夫在我上中学的时候搬到了我家附近。故C选项切题。 4.考查形容词辨析。A. curious好奇的;B. shy害羞的;C. stubborn倔强的;D. clever聪明的。句意:我是个害羞的孩子,在一次邻里聚会上,我独自在打篮球。由下文中的“it helped me find my confidence”可知,是杰夫·扎斯洛让我从不自信中走出来,因此,我以前是个害羞的,缺乏自信的孩子。故B选项切题。 5.考查动词辨析。A. invite发明;B. know知道;C. please使高兴;D. trick欺骗。句意:他很感兴趣了解我,并询问了我的爱好。由文中的“asking about my hobbies”可知,杰夫·扎斯洛很想了解我。故B选项切题。 6.考查名词辨析。A. fear害怕;B. concern关注;C. suggestion建议;D. sense感觉。句意:虽然我们刚刚认识,但我感觉这个新邻居真的很关心我。由上文中杰夫·扎斯洛主动认识我,了解我的兴趣爱好。可知,我有种感觉:他是真的关心我。故D选项切题。 7.考查动词辨析。7. A. treated对待;B. shaped塑造;C. served服务;D. accepted接受。句意:回想起来,杰夫是第一个把我当成同龄人看待的成年人,他帮助我找到了自信。由上文中作者害羞及下文中找到自信。可知,杰夫·扎斯洛是第一个对待我像对待同龄人那样的大人,这使我得到了改变。故A选项切题。 8.考查名词辨析。A. doubt怀疑;B. idea想法;C. plan计划;D. impression印象。句意:那时,我不知道杰夫会成为我的导师,也不知道我会进入写作行业。由“At the time”可知,那时的作者年龄很小,不知道很多东西都。所以我那时候并不知道会走上写作的道路,也不知道杰夫·扎斯洛将会成为我的导师。故B选项切题。 9.考查名词辨析。A. system系统;B. school学校;C. profession专业;D. class班级。句意:那时,我不知道杰夫会成为我的导师,也不知道我会进入写作行业。由下文“started writing”可知,作者进入了写作行业。故C选项切题。 10.考查动词辨析。 A. collect收集;B. write写;C. publish出版;D. sell卖。句意:20年后,我决定写我的第一本书。作者进入了写作生涯,所以决定写书。故write“写”符合句意。故B选项切题。 11.考查名词辨析。A. decisions决心;B. judgments判断;C. guidance指导;D. influence影响。句意:为了得到对写作计划的指导,我寻求了杰夫的帮助。由下文杰夫·扎斯洛给我建议,让我随时打电话给他。可知,我在写书前,为了得到指导向杰夫·扎斯洛寻求帮助。故C选项切题。 12.考查动词短语辨析。A. reached out伸出手去;B. explained解释;C. gave in屈服。D. came来。句意:为了得到对写作计划的指导,我寻求了杰夫的帮助。由下文杰夫·扎斯洛给我建议,让我随时打电话给他。可知,我在写书前,为了得到指导向杰夫·扎斯洛寻求帮助。故A选项切题。 13.考查名词辨析。A. book书;B. name名字;C. reply回复;D. refusal拒绝。句意:不到三个小时后,他的回信就发到了我的邮箱里。由本句中的“Less than three hours”以及下文中杰夫·扎斯洛的热情帮助可知,他很快给出了回复。故C选项切题。 14.考查形容词辨析。A. difficult困难的;B. personal个人的;C. embarrassing令人尴尬的;D. thoughtful沉思的。句意:他问了我一些有思想深度的问题,并听取了我的回答。由上文中我视杰夫·扎斯洛为自己的人生导师。可知,杰夫·扎斯洛给我的帮助很大,因此他指导我写作的时候,问了我有思想深度的问题。故D选项切题。 15.考查动词短语辨析。A. relied on依靠;B. figured out理解;C. dealt with处理;D. paid for付款。句意:当我开始写作时,杰夫的作品是我可以学习和依赖的榜样,他个人的榜样在提醒我自己,要把他人放在首位。由本句中的“his personal example as a reminder”,可知,我开始写作的时候,杰夫·扎斯洛的作品是我可以依赖和学习的榜样。故A选项切题。 16.考查名词辨析。A. eye眼睛;B. leg腿;C. family家庭;D. life生活。句意:2012年,在我写完我的书之前,杰夫在一场车祸中丧生。由下文中的“missed”可知,杰夫·扎斯洛在车祸中失去生命。所以lose one’s life“丧生”符合句意。故D选项切题。 17.考查名词辨析。A. opportunity机会;B. ability能力;C. deadline最后期限;D. point点。句意:我错过了告诉他他对我的影响有多大的机会——不仅仅是作为一个作家,而且是作为一个如何过上有意义的生活的榜样。由前文可知,杰夫·扎斯洛在车祸中失去生命, 因此我没有机会告诉他他对我产生的影响是多么大。故A选项切题。 18.考查名词辨析。A. performance表现;B. description描写;C. lecture讲座;D. lesson课程。句意:杰夫·扎斯洛在也没有机会做最后一次演讲了。由下文中“during the talk”可知,杰夫·扎斯洛再也没有机会做最后一次演讲了。故C选项切题。 19.考查动词辨析。A. learned学习;B. realized意识到;C. expected期望;D. said说。句意:我不知道他会说些什么,但是我知道他的演讲给人带来的那种感觉。由本句中的“I don’t know和but I know”以及下文中的“He would have amused you with humor and encouraged you to seek for the most meaningful moments in life”可知,他会用幽默逗你开心,鼓励你寻找人生中最有意义的时刻。演讲的内容是不被其他人所知道的,所以在演讲时,我不知道他会说些什么,但是我知道他的演讲给人带来的那种感觉。故D选项切题。 20.考查动词辨析。A. feel感觉;B. grow成长;C. behave行为;D. continue继续。句意:我不知道他会说些什么,但是我知道他的演讲给人带来的那种感觉。由本句中的“I don’t know和but I know”以及下文中的“He would have amused you with humor and encouraged you to seek for the most meaningful moments in life”可知,他会用幽默逗你开心,鼓励你寻找人生中最有意义的时刻。所以在演讲时,我不知道他会说些什么,但是我知道他的演讲给人带来的那种感觉。故A选项切题。

How to improve your studies—scientifically

Our brain can possibly memorize 2. 5 petabytes(千兆)of information. In order to use some of that surprising capacity(能力)a little more effectively when you learn, here are some tips that are based on widely-accepted research by learning experts.


Some enjoy watching videos over reading books, others study with friends, and some like sitting in silence among a million books. Everybody is different.

Hard things first

2.  , so do the things that are difficult first. Once you are done with the hard things, you will feel better for the rest of the day, and probably more motivated to get other things done.

Space(分隔开)your studies

3. . Facts or vocabularies, for example, are best learned if you review them the first time one to two days after the study, and then again after one week, and after one month.

Instant self-test

After your study, finish up with a quick quiz. Immediate recall in the form of a test or a short summary on what you’ve just learned can increase retention(记忆力)by as much as 30%. 4., that extra effort creates deeper traces(痕迹)in your memory.

Don’t force it

Motivation is like hunger. You cannot force yourself to be motivated, just like you can’t tell someone else to be hungry. So, if you are not hungry right now, don’t worry. 5..

A. Take fun seriously

B. Find your own style

C. Take a break, and do something else

D. Good memory can grow your brain’s potential

E. Because it’s much harder for your brain to remember than to read

F. Like most people you have the strongest willpower in the morning.

G. to remember things for a longer time, repeat the material after taking several breaks



    So often I hear people justify(为……辩解)their lack of family trips because their children are not old enough to remember them. This reason is so confusing to me. Who would travel based on another person’s memory?

Of course the kids aren’t going to remember anything in infancy(婴儿期), but you will. You will remember all the sweet memories you had with them.

My parents would take me to Guatemala as a child. I don’t remember a lot about the trip, but I do know that when I went back as a young adult, I felt comfortable in my surroundings. I didn’t spend my time there discovering a new way of life. I spent the time having fun with my family. I love looking at pictures that we took together when I was my son’s age. I don’t remember them, but that’s not the point. The point is, I was there with my family, and I know I was happy.

Now that I’m a parent, I can’t help but do the same. Last year, we took our 2-year-old son to Disney alongside his great-grandmother. His great-grandmother had recently begun to suffer from Alzheimer’s. That trip was timed in the most magical way — right before my son was old enough to remember it and right before his great-grandmother began to forget. This makes me want to cry for them both. How did we get so lucky to have this moment to share with each other before big changes influenced our family forever?

Realistically speaking, many families do not have the opportunity to travel internationally or visit pricey theme parks. I understand this more than you know, but I’m talking beyond that. They are young but these forgettable moments are still changing them. They will shape your children into who they will be tomorrow. The memories we absorb as their parents are also as influential as we have not finished learning our truths either.

1.Why do some parents go on few family trips?

A. They have no time. B. They cannot afford them.

C. They are not interested in them. D. They think their kids won’t remember them.

2.What’s the author’s impression of her childhood trip to Guatemala?

A. Clear. B. Boring.

C. Pleasing. D. Hard.

3.Which influenced the author to plan the Disney trip?

A. Her son. B. Her parents.

C. Some old photos. D. Other parents’ ideas.

4.Why did the author want to cry when recalling the Disney trip?

A. She was sorry for her grandmother’s disease.

B. She was worried about big family changes.

C. She was moved by the timing of the trip.

D. She was surprised by her son’s growth.



    My first term at MIT(麻省理工学院)was awesome—I got all A’s, and I declared math as my major. My parents were expecting me to become a doctor like them so I was trying to satisfy them. But I was desperately running away from them. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My third term, I ended up with a D in math. I didn’t do that well in my other classes, either. It seemed like all my friends were doing so well, getting opportunities over the summers.

My fifth term, I realized that I was awful at higher-level math. I had lost all confidence in myself. I went to a few classes at the beginning of the term, but after by midterm, I had totally stopped. My only relief was the dance team I was on. I would sleep all day, and then go to dance practice, and then go back to sleep. As expected, I failed in all of my classes and had to withdraw from MIT.

I had no choice but to tell my parents. Instead of yelling or hitting me, though, they just held me and cried. The next day, my dad took a day off from work and took me to a nearby, small arts college.

I had lost all confidence in myself. Before my first biology test, I didn’t think I could pass. I did pass. Since I had so much free time, I decided to join a biology lab. I realized that was what I wanted to do! I wanted to be a scientist!

This past May, I graduated with the highest honors, and now I have my PhD in biology. Though it ended up taking me 5 years to graduate from college, I can say now that dropping out of MIT was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I’ve realized that a person is not their grades. I’ve realized how much my parents loved me. I’ve finally discovered my passion(热情)in life!

1.How was the author’s first term at MIT?

A. He was busy with exams. B. He knew his goals clearly.

C. He did well in all subjects. D. He was fed up with math.

2.How did the author’s parents react to his failing at MIT?

A. They hit him. B. They yelled at him.

C. They quit their jobs to teach him. D. They forgave him for what he did.

3.In the arts college, the author _________.

A. rebuilt his confidence B. volunteered at many labs

C. found it hard to learn biology D. hated the learning environment

4.What do we know about the author from the last paragraph?

A. He felt sorry for his parents. B. He discovered his true interest.

C. He realized the importance of grades. D. He felt ashamed of his failing at MIT.



    The man who walked into Dave Cutlip’s tattoo parlor(纹身店)in Brooklyn Park. Maryland, in January was tough to miss. His face bore a gang(帮派)tattoo. The man sought Cutlip’s help in covering up his violent past. He was determined to turn over a new leaf. “I could see the hurt in his eyes,” Cutlip, 49, told The Washington Post.

Cutlip couldn’t help the man—the tattoo were too close to the eyes. But it got him thinking. Many young people get tattoos that they come to regret. A few can mark them for the rest of their days. Then they’re “always going to be a victim. ” said Cutlip. “If I can help, that’s my ultimate(最终的)goal. ”

Inking over a tattoo costs hundreds of dollars, and getting one removed by laser(激光)is even pricier. So Cutlip decided he would help by hiding racist or gang-related tattoos for free. He put the word out via Facebook: “Sometimes people make bad choices and sometimes people change. We believe there is enough hate in this world, and we want to make a difference. ”

One man, Casey Schaffer, showed up with the word “white” on one forearm and “power” on the other. He’d served a year in prison on drug charges, he told The Washington Post, and had joined a white group there because "they took care of me. I thought of it as paying them back. " But employers would take one look at the tattoos and turn him down. So he had Cutlip obscure(使不分明)one of the words with a heat and roses and tattoo an eagle over the other.

Cutlip has done nine such jobs, each of which took several hours. He told People that a client(顾客)let him know that he quickly found a job once his tattoo was obscured. Such victories inspired Cutlip to found the Random Acts of Tattoo project with three like-minded(志同道合的)tattoo studios from around the country, and now hundreds of clients are on a wait list. As he told National Public Radio. “If we can just erase hate, then we’re doing something. ”

1.What do we know about the man who had a gang tattoo?

A. His eyes were badly hurt. B. He refused Cutlip’s help.

C. Tattoos covered all of his body. D. He decided to start all over again.

2.How did Cutlip help Casey?

A. By coloring the tattoos. B. By inking over the tattoos.

C. By changing the tattoos’ patterns. D. By removing the tattoos by laser.

3.Why did Casey ask Cutlip for help?

A. To get employed. B. To join another group.

C. To hide his anger at whites. D. To please his current employer.

4.What can be inferred about the Random Acts of Tattoo project?

A. It’s a worldwide project. B. It’s a co-founded project.

C. Its clients are like-minded. D. Its clients don’t have to wait long.



    Festivals are a great way to experience a destination in a different way. This article will fuel your wanderlust(漫游癖)and guide you to the best festivals.

St Patrick’s Day

Where: Dublin, Ireland & New York, USA

When: 17 March

St Patrick’s Day has taken place in New York city on March 17th since 1762. On this day, the whole city turns green. Many Irish make traditional bread on this day. It is one of the most fun days the of the year in New York City every year, when the whole city turns into a big green party.


Where: Austin, USA

When:10-19 March

Like free things? Yeah me too! Free food, drink and music sound good? Welcome to Austin, Texas. SXSW is a festival for those who work in the music and film industries. There are “free” shows. You di have to pay but not by handing over cash; you have to give some time to queue but it is worth it to see some popular stars.

King’s Day

Where: Amsterdam, Netherlands

When: 27 April

Every year on April 27 Amsterdam turns a very bright color of orange for King’s Day, which is the birthday of King Willem-Alexander. It is a crazy fun celebration when the center of the city is car, bus, and bike-free. It is a market day, when anyone can sell pretty much anything. Tips: Take a jacket with you, wear orange, and bring cash.

Just for Laughs

Where: Montreal, Canada

When: 14-30 July

For comedy lovers there is no other festival in the world better than Montreal’s Just for Laughs. The festival concentrates most of its shows in the Latin Quarter. During the day street performers delight the crowds and at night the city comes alive with comedy all over the city.

1.What do St Patrick’s Day and King’s Day have in common?

A. They are market days.

B. They feature a specific color.

C. They begin in the same month.

D. They are in honor of a King’s birthday.

2.Which festival is about music and film?

A. St Patrick’s Day. B. SXSW.

C. King’s Day. D. Just for Laughs.

3.What do we know about Just for Laughs?

A. It offers free food.

B. It lasts for one week.

C. It is the best comedy festival in the world.

D. It is celebrated in many places worldwide.



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