满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据汉意及首字母提示填入单词的适当形式 1.D________ violence...


1.D________ violence, the violence between members of the same families, can lead to psychological problems.

2.Hamlet, a t________ by William Shakespeare, made me cry every time I watched it.

3.Students should aim to become more i________ of their parents.

4.Ms Lee left me in c______ of the children for a week when she was away on business.

5.It is ________ fashionable not to eat meat in the interests of animal rights. (目前地)

6.With exams a________, it is a good idea to review your class notes.

7.Thousands of passengers got ________ at the airport because of the heavy fog. ( 被困,卡)

8.Healthy food and regular exercise can_______ to good health and a long life. (促成)

9.Our value is not what we _______, but what we contribute.(拥有)

10.The heart is often c _______ to a pump, which supplies blood to every part of the body.(比作)


1.Domestic 2.tragedy 3.independent 4.charge 5.currently/nowadays 6.approaching 7.stuck/trapped 8.contribute/lead 9.possess 10.compared 【解析】 本题考查单词拼写,注意拼写和词形问题。 1.句意:家庭暴力指的是家庭成员之间的暴力行为,会导致心理问题。根据“members of the same families”判断此处表示“家庭的”,故填Domestic。 2.句意:每次看莎士比亚的悲剧《哈姆雷特》,我都会哭。根据句意可知此处表示“悲剧”,故填tragedy。 3.句意:学生应力求不依赖父母。be independent of表示“不依赖”,故填independent。 4.句意:李女士让我在她出差时照顾孩子一个星期。in charge of表示“负责”,故填charge。 5.句意:为了动物权益而不吃肉如今很流行。此处用副词作状语,故填currently/nowadays。 6.句意:随着考试的临近,复习课堂笔记是一个好主意。此处为with的复合结构,exams与approach之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词表示主动,故填approaching。 7.句意:成千上万的旅客由于大雾而被困机场。passengers与stick/trap之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,用过去分词表示被动,故填stuck/trapped。 8.句意:健康的饮食和规律的运动有助于健康和长寿。contribute to表示“有助于”,也可以用lead to表示“导致”,故填contribute/lead。 9.句意:我们的价值不在于我们拥有什么而在于我们贡献什么。possess表示“拥有”,故填possess。 10.句意:心脏经常被比作一个泵,它向身体的每个部位供血。heart与compare之间是被动关系,故填compared。

A Call to Action

We are here today because we want to stop global warming. Like me, you are trying hard to ________ your own personal carbon footprint. And these small, _____ changes do have an impact, do help ________our carbon emissions.

But it is not________ for individuals to change. We need governments to change. We need industry to change. We need big changes if we want to prevent global warming ________ destroying our planet.

One third of our global carbon emissions---35 percent---comes from_____ electricity. As a result, we need government and industry to work together to lower these ________, more importantly, to develop new, cleaner technology to heat our homes,________ our factories, and to keep lights ________.

Another 20 percent, 20 percent of our emissions comes from transportation. _____, We need government and industry to work together to build more energy _______ cars and trucks. Good ________ public transportation will allow us to ________ our cars and the pollution they produce forever.

Another 20 percent of all emissions comes from industry---our factories and businesses. They ________ tons upon tons of carbon into the air every_____minute. It is time to say enough! We need these businesses to lower their own_____ carbon footprints.

So my ________to you today is: keep trying to reduce your personal carbon footprint. But also stand up, stand up and ________ that government and industry do their ________, because that is what will make a _______ .

1.A. increase B. decrease C. fall D. dominate

2.A. individual B. public C. collective D. united

3.A. promote B. undertake C. lower D. assist

4.A. fair B. tough C. rough D. enough

5.A. to B. with C. from D. on

6.A. generating B. creating C. completing D. differentiating

7.A. admissions B. permissions C. emissions D. transmissions

8.A. make B. power C. destroy D. maintain

9.A. out B. within C. beyond D. on

10.A. Therefore B. However C. Nonetheless D. Besides

11.A. primitive B. hazardous C. uneven D. efficient

12.A. commercial B. polluted C. quality D. fragile

13.A. get rid of B. count on C. do damage to D. get exposed to

14.A. assault B. release C. diminish D. spray

15.A. few B. single C. another D. each

16.A. flammable B. vocational C. personal D. recreational

17.A. data B. information C. news D. message

18.A. convert B. demand C. digest D. renew

19.A. part B. role C. standard D. characteristics

20.A. living B. point C. deal D. difference



Alternative Sources of Energy

The world's number one energy source is not man-made. It is much bigger than anything that Man could ever dream of designing or manufacturing, and in fact produces all the energy needs of everybody on Earth.1.. Apart from it, other energy sources are being exploited by Man to facilitate the development of the modern civilization.

Solar Energy

Solar energy is a simple and already familiar source of more direct renewable energy production. Its use is on the increase as technology improves.2.. In India there are plans to power 100,000 villages and install 500,000 solar powered telephones. During the course of one year, Europe receives approximately 1000-kilowatt hours of solar energy each square meter.

Water Energy

Water power is used in countries that have a lot of natural rivers and streams.

3., because in order to generate hydroelectric power, engineers must first build a dam to block a river and create a reservoir. Power is generated as the water flow from reservoirs is directed to turn turbines and electric generators.

Wind Energy.

4.. Many countries have also traditionally used wind as a source of power by building windmills. Some windmills even have been used for more than a century, but there has been a significant increase since the 1970s. They are already a familiar sight in Netherlands, Denmark and on windy islands such as Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.

Of course there are many other alternative sources of energy (geothermal power, tidal power, etc.), which are currently being researched and used in countries around the world. These sources often create less pollution than traditional sources of power and are becoming more economical to use as technology improves.5..

A. Solar energy is said to keep down the costs of maintenance and energy.

B. It is happening in both developed countries and emerging economies like India.

C. The best source of energy is wind energy.

D. They are the logical choice towards a more environmentally conscious planet.

E. That energy source is by all means the Sun.

F. Another form of energy with us for centuries is the use of wind power.

G. Some environmentalists claim that this type of power can be hazardous to local ecosystems.



    One day, “supercharged plants” may help feed people around the world. Supercharged plants are ones that grow faster than normal plant life. Scientists can speed up the growth by modifying, or changing, the structure of plants' genes. The modifications make them react quickly to changes in light. This all has to do with photosynthesis(光合作用), the process in which plants turn sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into food.

Plants grow fastest in the sun. That is when they make the most food for themselves. But their rate of growth can slow when things like clouds or trees block sunlight. But when the sun returns, it can take many minutes for growth to speed up again.

This can be a problem because it means some of our most important crop plants are not as productive as they could be. Researchers say demand for food is expected to increase up to 70 percent by the middle of the century. They also note rising temperatures on Earth's surface. That is why they are looking for ways to improve photosynthesis and make plants more productive.

Steve Long is a plant biologist at the University of Illinois. He wanted to find a way to help plants get back up to speed quickly after a period of darkness. So he and his team added genes that shortened the recovery time. It also increased the speed at which the plants grew. His modified plants grew up to 20 percent more than untreated ones.

In Long's study, his group used a form of genetic engineering called transgenics (转基因). It means taking genes from one plant, then putting them into another. Now they are experimenting soybeans, rice, cowpeas and cassavas.

1.What is the advantage of supercharged plants?

A. They can grow more quickly.

B. They can grow in severe conditions.

C. They can offer high-quality grains.

D. They can replace normal plants.

2.What can make plant growth slow down?

A. Too hot weather. B. Old farming methods.

C. Lack of sunlight. D. Too much sunlight.

3.What was Steve Long's goal in his study?

A. To find out what makes plants grow slowly.

B. To create a new plant that can grow with weak sunlight.

C. To find another way to help plants benefit each other.

D. To make plants recover quickly when the sun returns.

4.How can researchers shorten the recovery time of plants?

A. By changing their nature. B. By adding new genes to them.

C. By developing new plants. D. By supplying more sunlight.



    When I was watching some children attempting to catch butterflies on a hot July afternoon, an incident in my own childhood occurred to me. When I was 15, something happened to me, which forever cured me of desiring to put any wild life in a cage.

We lived on the edge of a wood, and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds would come and rest in the tree and sing. There isn't a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.

I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and that way have my own private musician.

I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, in its fright at being captured, the bird fluttered about the cage, but eventually it settled down in its new home, I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my tiny musician.

I had left the cage out on our back porch(门廊), and on the second day of the bird's captivity my new pet's mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth . The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.

The following morning when I went to see how my captive was doing, I discovered it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was shocked! What had happened? I had taken excellent care of my little bird, or so I thought.

Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist, happened to be visiting my father at the time and, hearing me crying over the death of my bird, explained what had occurred: “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poisonous berries. She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in captivity.”

Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.

1.Why did the writer catch a mockingbird when he was a boy?

A. He had just got a new cage.

B. He liked its beautiful feather.

C. He wanted it to sing for him.

D. He wanted a pet for a companion.

2.Why did the mocking bird die?

A. It was frightened to death.

B. It drank the poisonous water by mistake.

C. It ate the poisonous food its mother gave it.

D. It refused to eat anything.

3.What is an ornithologist likely to be?

A. A specialist in birds. B. A religious person.

C. A headmaster. D. A considerate person.

4.What is the most important lesson the author learned from the incident?

A. Be careful about the food you give to baby birds.

B. All birds put in a cage won't live long.

C. You should keep the birds from their mothers.

D. Freedom is very valuable to all creatures.



    The Digital Revolution, also known as the Third Industrial Revolution, is the shift from mechanical and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics which began anywhere from the late 1950s to the late 1970s. Central to this revolution is the mass production and widespread use of digital logic circuits, and its derived technologies. These technological innovations have transformed traditional production and business techniques.


In developed nations, computers achieved ubiquity during the 1980s as they made their way into schools, homes, business, and industry. Automated teller machines, industrial robots, CGI in film and television, electronic music, bulletin board systems, and video games all fueled what became the zeitgeist of the 1980s. Millions of people purchased home computers, making household names of early personal computer manufacturers such as Apple, Commodore, and Tandy. To this day the Commodore 64 is often cited as the best selling computer of all time, having sold 17 million units (by some accounts) between 1982 and 1994.


The first public digital HDTV broadcast was of the 1990 World Cup that June; it was played in 10 theaters in Spain and Italy. However HDTV did not become a standard until the mid-2000s outside Japan.

The World Wide Web became publicly accessible in 1991, which had been available only to government and universities. In 1993 Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina introduced Mosaic, the first web browser capable of displaying inline images and the basis for later browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Stanford Federal Credit Union was the first financial institution to offer online internet banking services to all of its members in October 1994.


Cell phones became as ubiquitous as computers by the early 2000s, with movie theaters beginning to show ads telling people to silence their phones. They also became much more advanced than phones of the 1990s, most of which only took calls or at most allowed for the playing of simple games.


By 2012, over 2 billion people used the Internet, twice the number using it in 2007. Cloud computing had entered the mainstream by the early 2010s. By 2015, tablet computers and smart phones were expected to exceed personal computers in Internet usage. By 2016, half of the world's population was connected.

1.According to the passage, which one of the following statements is true?

A. The digital revolution only focuses on the mass production.

B. The World Wide Web became available to government and universities in 1991.

C. Phones of the 1990s merely made calls.

D. The number of people using the Internet in 2007 is approximately 1 billion.

2.What does the underlined word in Paragraph Two refer to?

A. Wide existence. B. Abrupt disappearance.

C. Quick movement. D. Abundant amount.

3.How does the writer develop the whole passage?

A. By presenting times. B. By making comparisons.

C. By listing data. D. By drawing conclusions.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Traditional Production B. The Digital Revolution

C. The Connected Population D. The World Wide Web



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