满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One of the deepest teachings of Confuciu...

    One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have valued personal exemplification above clearly expressed rules of behavior. His moral teachings emphasized self-cultivation(培养), imitation: of moral exemplars, and the attainment of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules. His teachings rarely rely on reasoned argument, and moral ideals and methods are conveyed indirectly. His teachings require examination and context to be understood. A good example is found in this famous anecdote:


When the stables were burnt down, on returning from court Confucius said, “Was anyone  hurt? ” He did not ask about the horses.

X.11 (tr. Waley), 10-13(tr. Legge), or X-17(tr. Lau)

By not asking about the horses, Confucius demonstrates that the sage(圣人)values human beings over property, but not directly; readers are led to reflect on whether their response would follow Confucius’s and to pursue self-improvement if it would not have. Confucius, as an exemplar of human excellence, serves not as an all-powerful deity(神人)or a universally true set of abstract principles, but rather the best model for others. For these reasons, according to many commentators, Confucius's teachings may be considered a Chinese example of humanism.

One of his teachings was a variant(变体)of the Golden Rule, sometimes called the “Silver Rule” owing to its negative form:


“What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.”


Zi Gong [a disciple] asked: “Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout  life?”

The Master replied: “How about ‘reciprocity’! Never impose on others what you would not  choose for yourself. ”

Analects XV.24, tr. David Hinton

Often overlooked in Confucian morals are the virtues to the self: sincerity and the cultivation of knowledge. Virtuous action towards others begins with virtuous and sincere thought, which begins with knowledge. A virtuous nature without knowledge is likely to be influenced by corruption, and virtuous action without sincerity is not true righteousness(正义). Cultivating knowledge and sincerity is also important for one’s own sake; the superior person loves learning for the sake of learning and righteousness for the sake of righteousness.

1.The horse example in the first paragraph is to show that Confucius ____________.

A. paid much attention to moral teachings

B. meant others to understand his teachings by self-reflection

C. directly demonstrated his emphasis on human beings

D. never inhumanly forced others to do what he didn’t like to do

2.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The importance of the virtues to the self.

B. How to define the virtues to the self.

C. The relationship between sincerity and knowledge.

D. Why the virtues of the self are often overlooked.

3.Which of the following principles of Confucius is mentioned in this passage?

A. Example is better than teaching.

B. He who practices virtues will have neighbors and friends.

C. Keep what you say and carry out what you do.

D. By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wild apart.


1.B 2.A 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文说明孔子的道德教导强调的是自我修养,模仿道德典范,以及熟练的判断能力,而不是明确地表达行为准则。 1.推理判断题。由第二段“By not asking about the horses, Confucius demonstrates that the sage(圣人)values human beings over property, but not directly; readers are led to reflect on whether their response would follow Confucius’s and to pursue self-improvement if it would not have”可知,孔子通过不问马的情况,表明圣人重视人而不重视财产,但不是直接表明;他引导读者思考他们的反应是否会跟随孔子的反应,并在没有自我完善的情况下追求自我提高。所以判断出第一段中的马的例子是想表明,孔子想让其他人通过自我反省来理解他的教导。故B选项正确。 2.主旨大意题。由最后段“Often overlooked in Confucian morals are the virtues to the self: sincerity and the cultivation of knowledge. Virtuous action towards others begins with virtuous and sincere thought, which begins with knowledge. A virtuous nature without knowledge is likely to be influenced by corruption, and virtuous action without sincerity is not true righteousness(正义). Cultivating knowledge and sincerity is also important for one’s own sake; the superior person loves learning for the sake of learning and righteousness for the sake of righteousness.”可知,儒家道德中经常忽视的是自我的美德:真诚和知识的培养。对他人的善行始于善心,始于知识。没有知识的美德很可能受到腐败的影响,没有真诚的美德行为不是真正的正义。为了自己的利益,培养知识和诚意也是很重要的;上等人为了学习而热爱学习,为了正义而热爱正义。所以最后一段主要讲美德对自我的重要性。故A选项正确。 3.细节理解题。由第一段“One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have valued personal exemplification above clearly expressed rules of behavior.”可知,孔子最深刻的教导之一是重视个人的榜样,而不是明确地表达行为准则。所以孔子的教导强调身教重于言教。故这段短文中提到了孔子的“身教重于言教”的教义。故A选项正确。



Changzhou government just announced new policies for e-Bikes, especially for those who have not registered their vehicles. Its the last chance for you to register before 15 April, 2019.

1. standardize the production and sales of e-Bikes

Since April 152019electric bicycle products that do not meet the new national standard and have not obtained the China Compulsory Certification (CCC certification) are not allowed to be shipped or sold.

2. standardize the registration of electric bicycles

Before April 15, 2019, everyone with their valid ID card can go to the nearest electric bicycle license sales point to register their unlicensed electric bicycles and be issued the unified electric bicycle number plate for free.

Encourage electric bike owners to take out third-party liability(责任)insurance for electric bicycles.

3. standardize the safety management of e-Bikes

The transition(过渡)period management is carried out for electric bicycles that receive temporary permit cards (those may not agree with new national standard). The transition period starts from April 15, 2019 and is due on April 14, 2024. It is not allowed to ride on the road after the transition period.

Investigate the illegal traffic behaviors such as unlicensed roads, red lights, cross-line parking, reverse driving, driving on motor vehicle lane, speeding, and other traffic violations according to the law, and take pictures of illegal behavior by using the electronic camera, face recognition and other technical means to carry out on-site law enforcement.

Perfect the transportation credit-management system, and ensure on-site law enforcement.

Announced by:

Changzhou Public Security Bureau

Changzhou Industrial and Information Technology Bureau

Changzhou Municipal Market Supervision Administration

15 March, 2019

Changzhou government just announced new policies for e-Bikes, especially for those who have not registered their vehicles. Its the last chance for you to register before 15 April, 2019.

1. standardize the production and sales of e-Bikes

Since April 152019electric bicycle products that do not meet the new national standard and have not obtained the China Compulsory Certification (CCC certification) are not allowed to be shipped or sold.

2. standardize the registration of electric bicycles

Before April 15, 2019, everyone with their valid ID card can go to the nearest electric bicycle license sales point to register their unlicensed electric bicycles and be issued the unified electric bicycle number plate for free.

Encourage electric bike owners to take out third-party liability(责任)insurance for electric bicycles.

3. standardize the safety management of e-Bikes

The transition(过渡)period management is carried out for electric bicycles that receive temporary permit cards (those may not agree with new national standard). The transition period starts from April 15, 2019 and is due on April 14, 2024. It is not allowed to ride on the road after the transition period.

Investigate the illegal traffic behaviors such as unlicensed roads, red lights, cross-line parking, reverse driving, driving on motor vehicle lane, speeding, and other traffic violations according to the law, and take pictures of illegal behavior by using the electronic camera, face recognition and other technical means to carry out on-site law enforcement.

Perfect the transportation credit-management system, and ensure on-site law enforcement.

Announced by:

Changzhou Public Security Bureau

Changzhou Industrial and Information Technology Bureau

Changzhou Municipal Market Supervision Administration

15 March, 2019


1.What must you do if you drive an e-bike legally in Changzhou after April 15, 2019 ?

A. Buy a new e-Bike meeting the new national standard before April 15, 20)9.

B. Pay to register your unlicensed e-Bike before April 15, 2019.

C. Take out third-party liability insurance for your e-Bike before April 15, 2019.

D. Obtain an e-Bike number plate or a temporary permit curd before April 15, 2019.

2.From the announcement we know that _____.

A. the transition period for registration is five years long

B. six illegal traffic behaviors will be specially investigated

C. high technology will be used for law enforcement on the spot

D. the announcement is made for the sake of economic development



    As Ryan Lee Cox was waiting to pay for his coffee order at an Indiana, US fast food drive-through, he decided to try something he5d seen on a TV news show - he paid for the coffee order of the driver in the car behind. The small ___ made the young businessperson feel ____ , so he shared his experience on Facebook. An old friend suggested that __ paying for peopled coffee, Ryan put that money towards helping school students pay off their delinquent(拖欠税款的)school lunch accounts. Sometimes because of ____ hardship, the accounts fall into __ balance and the kids suffer. She got the idea after hearing that a Utah student was __ lunch.

So the following week Ryan visited his nephew5s school ____ and asked if he could give some help, and ____ $100. Impressed by his ___, the supervisor began ____ fines before Ryan asked what the entire school’s balance for lunches was. It was $1261.98. “I’ll see you next Friday,he told the supervisor.

When he got home, Ryan shared what he had done on social ____, and that he ____ to help Lakeside Elementary have no lunch accounts in the negative. He set up a bank account and encouraged people to __. Their target was ____ in a matter of days. With more than enough money to pay for Lakeside, Ryan ___ another school.

Within two weeks they had ___ $4142.82 and were able to help four schools. Inspired by people’s __Ryan organized a non-profit called Feed the Kids, Inc., which __ a website, www.kidslunches.org, for people to start ___ for specific schools or to set up repeated payments to ___ a student. Today, this “paying it forward” organization is onto its fifth school.

1.A. gesture B. reaction C. proposal D. request

2.A. awkward B. annoyed C. great D. inspired

3.A. rather than B. due to C. apart from D. along with

4.A. artificial B. economic C. unconscious D. controversial

5.A. negative B. beneficial C. transparent D. delicate

6.A. awarded B. paid C. required D. denied

7.A. cafeteria B. facility C. dormitory D. website

8.A. handed out B. handed in C. handed over D. handed on

9.A. curiosity B. generosity C. purity D. reliability

10.A. taking off B. putting off C. paying off D. letting off

11.A. context B. club C. system D. media

12.A. ended B. pretended C. extended D. intended

13.A. donate B. check C. invest D. deposit

14.A. arranged B. reached C. aimed D. missed

15.A. conducted B. contacted C. constructed D. controlled

16.A. saved B. spent C. raised D. earned

17.A. enthusiasm B. appeal C. demand D. emotion

18.A. checks B. searches C. visits D. offers

19.A. campaigns B. recreations C. ambitions D. profits

20.A. defend B. educate C. sponsor D. encourage



— Which classical Chinese poem do you like best?

—Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground; how many soldiers ever came back______.

A. old and young B. up and down C. safe and sound D. right and wrong



Modesty is a kind of good quality, which is ______it takes to be your personal best.

A. what B. where C. which D. when



— Shall we go to the seven o’clock performance or the eight?

— _____suits you fine.

A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Whenever D. Wherever



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