满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What is the purpose of the woman’s call?...

What is the purpose of the woman’s call?

A. To open a new account. B. To pay the gas bill. C. To ask about a bill.


C 【解析】 M: Hello, gas bill service. What can I do for you? W: Hi, I’m calling about my gas bill for last month because there are some charges on there that I’m concerned about. M: I can review it with you. But first, what’s your home address and the last name on the account? 此为听力题,解析略。  









Dear Tom



Li Hua









Last winter vacationI went to Hainan with my parents on air. We first went to the beach. The sky was clearlythe sea was blue and the beach was very beautiful. What was impressed me most was diving. I saw so much colorful tropical fishes. It was so amazing. Then we pay a visit to the Ends of the Earthwhich I had dreamed of go to. We appreciated the beautiful scenery all the way and took many photo. During the visitI tasted various delicious local foodsamong that I liked sea food most. The people there were friendly and smiling faces were around us all the waywhich made us exciting.

We had a wonderful time there and it was unforgettable journey. I look forward to travelling there again.




Nowadays 5G is very popular among customersbut China is looking past 5G and intending1.(build)a 6G network. China is starting research into 6G2.(make) it one of the first countries to do so. The actual development of 6G wilt3. (official) begin in 2020but the commercial use will have to wait.

The 4. (arrive)of 5G has attracted a lot of people. It not only brings fast mobile Internetbut also5. (enable)us to connect with machines. So 6.is 6G supposed to bringespecially for ordinary people? For one thing7. will make mobile Internet work at a speed of 1 TB per secondwhich means you can download around 100 films  8. less than one second. For another6G will connect our devices 9.(efficiently) than 5Gwhich makes Internet coverage much wider.

Of coursethere is a long way to go yet10.I believe tomorrows Internet is in our hands. Our life in the future will be wonderful and fantastic.



    I used to watch her from my kitchen window when she played with boys on the playground. She seemed so small as she _______her way through the crowd of boys. A sea of childrenand yet to meshe_______ from them a11.She _______ to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into the net and no one could stop her.

I began to notice her practicing dribbling and shooting alone over and over again sometimes until dark. One day I asked her why she practiced so much. Without _______ she said. “I want to play college basketball. My father told me if I was good enoughI would get a _______which was the only way for me to go to college. My Daddy said if the dream was big enoughthe facts didn’t _______.

Wellshe was really _______ I watched her practicing playing through those junior  high years and into high schoo1.Every weekshe _______her school team to victory.

One day in her senior yearI saw her _______ in the grasshead buried in her hands. I ________ her disappointment and I felt my own throat tighten. I sat down in the cool grass beside her and   ________ asked what was wrong. “OHnothing , ” came a soft ________ .I am just too   ________.The coach told her that at 5.5 feet she would probably never get to play for a top ranked team. She was heartbroken.

But after a whileshe ________ her head from her hands and told me that her father said those coaches were wrong. They just did not understand the ________of a dream. He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good collegeif she ________ wanted a scholarshipnothing could stop her except one thingher own  ________ .

The next yearas she and her team went to the Northern California Championship gameshe was ________ by a college recruiter(招聘员)She was indeed ________a scholarship to a Division INCAA women’s basketball team and her dream came true. The words ________in my ears again: If the dream is big enoughthe facts don’t count.

1.A. felt B. lost C. inched D. muscled

2.A. stood out B. came out C. figured out D. made out

3.A. intended B. managed C. expected D. pretended

4.A. satisfaction B. effort C. hesitation D. doubt

5.A. scholarship B. budget C. allowance D. reward

6.A. care B. count C. spread D. control

7.A. positive B. negative C. outgoing D. determined

8.A. led B. provided C. drove D. pushed

9.A. roiling B. standing C. sitting D. relaxing

10.A. expressed B. touched C. sensed D. grasped

11.A. quietly B. anxiously C. initially D. simply

12.A. step B. reply C. relief D. sound

13.A. over-weighted B. tired C. disappointed D. short

14.A. nodded B. turned C. 1ifted D. shook

15.A. meaning B. weight C. power D. principle

16.A. gladly B. truly C. patiently D. bravely

17.A. habit B. attitude C. height D. interest

18.A. seen B. deserted C. punished D. adopted

19.A. required B. obtained C. chosen D. offered

20.A. inspired B. received C. discovered D. rang



The Things That Keep Us From Succeeding

We have always been told not to fear failure because it is essential to success. So we should embrace failure or at least the possibility of failure.1..If youre not reaching the kind of success you imagineone or more of the following things might well be true of youtoo.

NO.1: You dont have a goal. A lot of time we find ourselves struggling through a day-to-day routine that isn’t getting us anywhere because we don’t know where we want to go. Sometimes we had goals when we set ourselves on a particular pathbut we’ve changed along the way and those goal s are no longer that important.2.figuring out what your goals are is important.

NO.2: You don’t have a vision. Setting goals is important but isn’t enough to drive you to the finish lineit’s importanttooto be able to imagine yourself as the achiever of your goals. If goal s are the end result of a journeyyour vision is the fuel to get you there.

NO.3: You don’t have a plan. If goals are your destination and a vision is your fuelyour plan is the map to get you there.3..The world is full of people with goals they have never accomplished because they didnt have a plandont be one of them.

NO.4: You’re too certain or not certain enough. Too much certainty creates inflexibility. If you’re sure that your plan is correctand refuse to accept the possibility of erroryou may well find yourself stuck when an unexpected change comes about. However strong your plan and however sure you are of your goalsmake room for periodic reassessment.

4..If you refuse to take a step because you aren’t positive that it will move you towards successyou won’t make any better progress than if you had no goals at a11.Keep your eyes open and be willing to changebut have faith in yourselftoo.

NO.5:5..Often we close ourselves off from other people not because we’re afraid that they will influence us but that we will influence them. We are afraid that our brilliant ideas will be taken up by someone else and no longer be solely ours. So we avoid sharing our passionsand spend our energy jealously guarding our “secret” rather than simply moving forward. In the endwe turn our passions into burdens that are difficult to carry instead of a joy.

A. Whatever the case

B. Whatever the cause

C. You worry about being copied

D. You dont learn from your mistakes

E. At the same timetoo little certainty will fail you

F. Howeverfear isn’t the only thing that keeps us from succeeding

G. Without ityou have no idea what immediate steps to take to achieve your goals



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