满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假定你是李华, 你的英国笔友Andrew不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适应那...

假定你是李华, 你的英国笔友Andrew不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适应那里的生活。请你根据以下提示用英语给他写一封回信,鼓励他勇敢面对。

1 尊重当地的风俗习惯;

2 与美国学生多交流;

3 积极参加户外活动;

4 注意与人交往的礼仪。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加内容,以使行文连贯。

Dear Andrew,

How nice to hear from you again!



Li Hua


Dear Andrew How nice to hear from you again! I think it is natural for you not to get used to the life there. Here I have some suggestions for you. First of all, you should respect the local customs there and try to involve yourself in the natives lives. Just as the saying goes, " When in Rome, do as the Romans do. " Secondly, don’t be afraid to communicate with American students and make friends with them. It is friendship that will bring you happiness. Additionally, it is better for you to join in more outdoor activities with your friends, which may help you relax and have fun. Finally, mind your own manners and remain modest and honest when getting along with your friends. I do hope my suggestions will help. May you adapt to your new life and enjoy your stay there Best wishes! 【解析】 本书面表达是一篇提纲类写作。要求以李华的名义用英语给英国笔友Andrew写一封回信。 这是一篇书信类作文。写作提要为假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Andrew不久前去美国留学,他给你写信说很不适应那里的生活。请你根据以下提示用英语给他写一封回信,鼓励他勇敢面对。1 尊重当地的风俗习惯;2 与美国学生多交流;3 积极参加户外活动;4 注意与人交往的礼仪。我们所要做的就是用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来。本作文中给出的要点比较简略,故需要自由发挥的地方较多。需要注意不要偏离文章中心。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合整个文章,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。







This year, our school call on us students to make good use of our time and do socially practice in the holiday. I found a job in the small restaurant. I thought it would be easy, so actually it turned out to be hard. I spent on the whole morning washing dishes and setting tables. I didn't have lunch until 200 pm. After lunch, I immediately set to work again, do the same things until 1100 pm. I worked more than ten hour every day! However, after days of work, you have come to understand the value of hard work. I've also realized what difficult it is for my parents to support our family. Therefore, I am now determined study hard to repay my parents.




Mobile payments have made our life more convenient and1.(enjoy) by freeing us from the trouble of having to take our wallets out with us. But a supermarket has gone one step further, allowing customers to pay2. (instant) using just a finger tip.Shoppers at one store at Brunel University can pay for items3.(use) the unique vein pattern in their fingertips and it's4. first store to adopt such technology. This new method of payment means that customers can pay for items in just a few5.(second). Sthaler, the company behind the technology, 6.(explain) that it uses infrared scanners 7.(read)  the pattern of veins in the finger. It links this to the customer's bank details, which8.(keep) safe by payment provider Worldpay. The firm is also responsible9.millions of online shoppers' details around the globe. “There are no known cases10.this security has been violated and dozens of Brunel students are already using the technology,” Simon Binns, commercial director of Sthaler, told the reporter.




41 至关重要 1.            

42 使自己适应……  2.

43 提醒某人某事 3.           

44 有助于;为……做贡献4.

45 接通电话;通过5.         

46 出故障;不整齐6.

47 献身于……;专心致志于……7.   

48 充分利用 8.

49 处于下降,衰退中 9.         

50 进入,到达,踏上  10.



    My life wouldn't be so wonderful without my parents. Every time I look at them or even think of them, I am very ______.

Our native country was Vietnam, but, to ______ the war, we had to leave our home and all our ______ and go on a long boat journey to America. I was two years old and the youngest of seven children.

This journey was not ______ for my parents, but throughout they thought of their children first. I was even told that they once ate only apple peels to ______ the fruit part for me. This was special because at that time many children were ______ by their parents because of the war.

Our journey to America was not the last of our ______. We were also faced with starting a life in America with nothing. My parents' strong ______ to give their children a good life was what has taken us where we are today. Of course, our beginning years were hard. We lived on just enough food bought with food stamps, wore old clothes and played with toys bought at second­hand shops. ______ almost everything we had was bought at second­hand shops, we were ______ because our life was really peaceful.

My parents ______ very hard to build a better life. I will always ______ how early they got up in the morning. After a few years my dad got a degree in business and then he got a(n) ______. Slowly, our living status began to ______. My parents bought a car and ______ they saved up enough money to buy a house; this was the true sign of my parents' ______.

Today we moved out of the apartment, ______ all the hard times and starting our new ______. We really live very ______ and my parents' greatest achievement is that they have ______ that nothing is impossible.

1.A. honorable B. admirable C. grateful D. powerful

2.A. prevent B. escape C. end D. stop

3.A. memories B. friends C. colleagues D. belongings

4.A. easy B. possible C. long D. dangerous

5.A. demand B. spare C. store D. find

6.A. adopted B. abandoned C. raised D. protected

7.A. struggles B. worry C. burdens D. pain

8.A. decision B. ability C. determination D. patience

9.A. Because B. Since C. Unless D. While

10.A. cautious B. happy C. nervous D. crazy

11.A. thought B. expected C. fought D. worked

12.A. cherish B. remember C. enjoy D. understand

13.A. promotion B. substitute C. status D. partner

14.A. follow B. appear C. continue D. rise

15.A. immediately B. obviously C. gradually D. suddenly

16.A. challenge B. success C. hope D. cooperation

17.A. falling B. carrying C. leaving D. forgetting

18.A. education B. family C. life D. career

19.A. confidently B. lonely C. independently D. comfortably

20.A. proven B. described C. declared D. realized



Friendship, do you value?

Friendship is a gift of God.But it may be taken for granted in some cases and not valued.1. Say one has no child even after many years of marriage and the other has many children, more than they can manage.What do you think? Will the couple with many children value the children as much as the couple which has none? Everything is relative in life.We value what we don't have and give less value to what is freely available to us.2.

Why should we value friendships? What qualities does a good friend bring to our relationship that makes the friendship so valuable? Let us examine some of these.

Judgment — A good friend is rarely judgmental.We can be open in our behavior with our good friends because we know that they will not judge us.3. With other people our actions and behavior are always calculated and guarded and that takes away lots of pleasure from our life.

Share sorrow and losses — A friend can be depended upon to share all our problems and sorrows.

4.Once I saw the image of a man left alone in a village after an earthquake.The whole village got killed except this man.With whom, will this man share his sorrow? A friend gives us this gift.

Hope — During our times of trouble, only a friend comes forward and gives us encouragement and hope.5.

AThis sharing may not reduce the loss but helps us unburden ourselves.

BThis is no small gift of friendship.

CSome of us are blessed with good friends.

DFriendship is one such relationship.

EIt is similar to a case of two couples.

FWe can enjoy this freedom only with friends.

GWith that inspiration, we regain confidence in ourselves.



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