满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a terrible day.Snow had been fall...

    It was a terrible day.Snow had been falling all day long making th trip _________ .I would rather have been in my warm home than drive along on such a cold day, but I didn’t have a _________ .I had to have my paper work handed in and then _________ my son.

The snow continued to fall as we drove along for the 15-mile trip back home.I slowed the car and _________ at my son in his heavy coat as he looked _________ out of the window with a blank expression.In the _________ of the world he was looked upon as a mentally disabled child. _________, over the years what I saw was a beautiful, kind and _________ soul.He had shown me more about love than I could have ever _________ on my own.

I slowed the car even more as we __________ a sharp curve(弯).As we rounded it I saw a shivering(颤抖的), young woman in a __________ jacket walking in the snow storm .I pulled over and let her in.She was heading for her Mom’s house to visit her __________ whom she hadn’t seen for months.She had experienced a lot of disappointments and __________.Yet, she still held out hope for a new job and tried to __________ a new life for her son and herself.

I took her as __________ as I was able to and dropped her off.She thanked me for the __________ and I told her I wished I could have done more to help.Then as we were about to leave, my sweet son took off his coat, __________ down the window and gave it to her.She put it on, smiled and __________ to us as we pulled out on the road.

In this world we will __________ many problems and challenges.Sometimes it seems that our entire Iives are a trip down a curvy and dangerous road.Yet the power of  __________takes us straight back to a broad smooth highway.

1.A. smooth B. funny C. risky D. special

2.A. change B. chance C. reason D. choice

3.A. call on B. pick up C. seek for D. look up

4.A. glanced B. laughed C. stared D. shouted

5.A. excitedly B. peacefully C. sadly D. fearfully

6.A. history B. development C. eyes D. systems

7.A. However B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Besides

8.A. dirty B. sensitive C. painful D. merciful

9.A. dreamed B. learned C. concluded D. ignored

10.A. expected B. left C. approached D. discovered

11.A. new B. heavy C. comfortable D. light

12.A. son B. daughter C. mother D. father

13.A. adventures B. puzzles C. tragedies D. doubts

14.A. predict B. suffer C. save D. build

15.A. far B. long C. soon D. much

16.A. money B. coat C. gift D. lift

17.A. burned B. rolled C. tore D. shut

18.A. cried B. pointed C. waved D. wrote

19.A. face B. overcome C. create D. bear

20.A. nature B. love C. minds D. wills


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者在一个下雪天和智力有缺陷的儿子在开车回家的路上遇到了一位走在暴风雪中的女士,女士告诉作者自己要去自己的母亲家,并且即将有一份新的工作,可以和儿子有一个新的生活。临走时作者的儿子摇下车窗将自己的外套递给了女士。作者领悟到生活中会面临各种各样的困难和挑战,但是爱的力量能把我们带到光明平坦的大路上去。 1.考查形容词。A. smooth平滑的,流畅的;B. funny有趣的;C. risky危险的;D. special特别的。结合上下文可知,那是很糟糕的一天,下了一整天的雪,让这次的旅行变得很危险(risky)。故选C。 2.考查名词。A. change改变;B. chance机会;C. reason理由;D. choice选择。结合下文 I had to have my paper work handed in and... 可知,虽然“我”更愿意待在温暖的家里,但是“我”没有选择(choice)。故选D。 3.考查动词短语。A. call on访问;号召;B. pick up顺路接;C. seek for寻找;D. look up查询。结合上文可知,“我”之所以在这么恶劣的天气出门,是因为“我”不得不去交 paper work 然后接(pick up)“我”的儿子。故选B。 4.考查动词。A. glanced瞥;B. laughed笑;C. stared凝视;D. shouted叫喊。结合上下文可知,在“我”接了儿子开车回家的时候,雪还在下,“我”瞥了一眼(glance)在旁边坐着的儿子,他正在看窗外。故选A。 5.考查副词。A. excitedly激动地;B. peacefully平静地;C. sadly悲伤地;D. fearfully害怕地。结合下文 with a blank expression 可知,儿子在厚厚的衣服的包裹下正平静地(peacefully)注视着窗外。故选B。 6.考查名词。A. history历史;B. development发展;C. eyes眼睛;D. systems系统。结合上下文可知,“我”的儿子,用这个世界的眼光(eye)来看是个智障的孩子。故选C。 7.考查连词。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Meanwhile与此同时;D. Besides此外。结合上下文可知,该空格的前一句说“我”的儿子,用外界的眼光看是是个智障,后一句说在“我”看来,他是个有着善良美丽灵魂的孩子,两句之间有转折关系,所以用 however ,意为“然而”。故选A。 8.考查形容词。A. dirty脏的;B. sensitive敏感的;C. painful痛苦的;D. merciful仁慈的。结合上下文和选项可知,该空所填的词是一个与美丽和善良并列的褒义词,只有 merciful (仁慈的)符合文意。故选D。 9.考查动词。A. dreamed梦想;B. learned学会;C. concluded推断;D. ignored忽视。结合上下文可知,“我”的儿子在“我”看来是十分善良仁慈的,关于爱,他向“我”展示的,比“我”自己学(learn)到的要多。故选B。 10.考查动词。A. expected期待;B. left离开;C. approached接近;D. discovered发现。结合 I slowed the car ... a sharp curve 可知,“我”是在接近(approach)一个急转弯的时候放慢了车速。故选C。 11.考查形容词。A. new新的;B. heavy沉重的;C. comfortable舒适的;D. light薄的。结合 I saw a shivering, young woman 可知,那位年轻女士在颤抖,所以应该是穿着薄薄的(light)上衣。故选D。 12.考查名词。A. son儿子;B. daughter女儿;C. mother母亲;D. father父亲。结合下文的 new life for her son and herself 可知,在暴风雪里前行的女士是要到她妈妈的家里看她几个月没见的儿子(son)。故选A。 13.考查名词。A. adventures冒险;B. puzzles谜题;C. tragedies悲剧;D. doubts怀疑。结合下文的 Yet, she still held out hope for a new job and tired to...可知,空格处的词应该是与 disappointed 同类的表达艰难生活的词,故选C。 14.考查动词。A. predict预测;B. suffer遭受;C. save拯救;D. build建立。结合上下文可知,那位在雪中行走的女士,即便经历过很多不幸,还是希望通过新的工作来建立(build)她和儿子的新生活。故选D。 15.考查形容词。A. far远的;B. long长的;C. soon很快;D. much多。结合上文可知,看着一个衣着单薄的女士在暴风雪里走,“我”便带上了她,直到(as far as)“我”可以把她放下车的地方。故选A。 16.考查名词。A. money钱;B. coat外套;C. gift 礼物;D. lift搭车。结合上下文可知,那位女士在临走前谢谢“我”让她搭车(lift),“我”说“我”希望能够帮她更多。故选D。 17.考查动词。A. burned烧伤;B. rolled转动;摇摆;C. tore撕开;D. shut关闭。结合上下文可知,就在搭车的女士要走的时候,“我”可爱的儿子脱下了他的外套,摇(roll)下车窗,把衣服给了那位女士,在表达摇下车窗时一般用 roll down the window。故选B。 18.考查动词。A. cried哭泣;B. pointed指出;C. waved挥动;D. wrote写。结合上下文可知,那位年轻女士穿上了“我”儿子给她的外套,然后在“我们”离开的时候对“我们”挥手(wave)。故选C。 19.考查动词。A. face面对;B. overcome克服;C. create创造;D. bear承受。结合上下文可知,此句意为“在生活中总是会面临(face)各种各样的困难和挑战”,在表达面临困难或挑战时用 face the difficult/challenge 。故选A。 20.考查名词。A. nature自然;B. love爱;C. minds思维;D. wills愿望。结合上下文可知,生活中会面临各种各样的困难和挑战,但是爱(love)的力量能把我们带到光明平坦的大路上去。故选B。

I’m afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ________he never finishes anything.

A. that B. when

C. where D. why



— We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.

— Yes, ________?I’ll give them a call right now.

A. why not B. what for

C. why D. what



The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which ________ saved for other purposes.

A. is B. are

C. was D. were



Try ________she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.

A. if B. as

C. since D. when



He had no sooner finished his speech________ the students started cheering.(2011·辽宁)

A. since    B. as

C. when    D. than



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