满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As a teenager dreaming of a writing care...

    As a teenager dreaming of a writing career, I was inspired to discover that two of my favorite movies were both written by a female team: Kirsten and her writing partner, Karen.

I didn’t think they’d take a young writer like me __ . But still, I wrote Kirsten an email letting her know that I had an idea I wanted to __ with her and Karen, and asked if they’d be __ to meet with me.

I didn’t even expect a(an) __ to my email. However, 12 days after I sent it, I received a(an) __ reply from Kirsten.

Her email included this line, which made me __ up from my computer chair: “Karen and I would be honored to __ you and to hear more about everything you're working on.” We met for ___the following week, and after a three-hour meal __ laughs and sisterly advice, a friendship was born.

___, Kirsten and Karen __ the idea I shared with them.

Their __ in my ideas at the earliest stage of my career is something I’ll never forget; it’s what made me believe that I could be a good __ too, just like them. And more importantly, our __ is still going strong all these years later.

In fact, Kirsten is the first person who ever suggested I __ a novel. Actually, she gave me this __ while we were standing on the Teens section of Barnes & Noble, a bookstore where several years later, our __ would sit together on the shelves.

I wish every young writer had someone like Kirsten in their life to help __ them on their way. As I looked at our books hanging out together on the bookstore shelf, I once again though how glad I was that I sent that __ years ago.

If you too have an idol who you would love to learn from, simply __ out and ask them. That might be all it takes to set you on the path to your dreams.

1.A. proudly B. seriously C. surprisingly D. kindly

2.A. share B. work C. experiment D. compare

3.A. ready B. hesitant C. willing D. satisfied

4.A. introduction B. comment C. suggestion D. response

5.A. accurate B. reliable C. convincing D. warm

6.A. jump B. throw C. turn D. look

7.A. call B. visit C. meet D. teach

8.A. training B. fun C. business D. dinner

9.A. replaced by B. filled with C. involved in D. based on

10.A. Amazingly B. Certainly C. Ridiculously D. Naturally

11.A. criticized B. doubted C. understood D. loved

12.A. improvement B. practice C. belief D. pride

13.A. actress B. writer C. director D. judge

14.A. friendship B. confidence C. difficulty D. pressure

15.A. write B. read C. buy D. lend

16.A. present B. chance C. advice D. task

17.A. books B. friends C. goods D. photos

18.A. remind B. comfort C. challenge D. guide

19.A. question B. paper C. email D. novel

20.A. watch B. reach C. drop D. stretch


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作为一个梦想着写作生涯的青少年,作者受到启发,发现最喜欢的两部电影都是由一个女性团队创作的:柯尔斯滕和她的写作伙伴凯伦。文章叙述了作者和柯尔斯滕、凯伦结识后建立的友谊。作者希望每个年轻的作家都能有像柯尔斯滕这样的人在他们的生活前进的道路上帮助指引他们前进。 1.考查副词。A. proudly自豪地;B. seriously严重地,认真地;C. surprisingly令人惊讶地;D. kindly友好地。我不认为他们会把我这样的年轻作家当回事。故选B。 2.考查动词。A. share分享;B. work工作;C. experiment 尝试;D. compare比较。不过,我还是给柯尔斯滕写了一封电子邮件,让她知道我有一个想法想和她以及凯伦分享,并问她是否愿意和我见面。故选A。 3.考查形容词。A. ready有准备的;B. hesitant犹豫不定的;C. willing愿意的;D. satisfied感到满意的。不过,我还是给柯尔斯滕写了一封电子邮件,让她知道我有一个想法想和她以及凯伦分享,并问她是否愿意和我见面。故选C。 4.考查名词。A. introduction介绍;B. comment评论;C. suggestion 建议;D. response响应。我甚至没有想到我的电子邮件会得到回复。故选D。 5.考查形容词。 A. accurate精确的;B. reliable可靠的;C. convincing令人信服的;D. warm温暖的。然而,在我寄出12天后,我收到了柯尔斯滕的热情回复。故选D。 6.考查动词。A. jump跳跃;B. throw扔掉;C. turn转动;D. look看。她的电子邮件中有这样一句话,让我从电脑椅上跳了起来:“凯伦和我很荣幸能见到你,并听到更多关于你正在做的事情的信息。”故选A。 7.考查动词。A. call呼叫,拜访; B. visit访问;C. meet遇见;D. teach教授。她的电子邮件中有这样一句话,让我从电脑椅上跳了起来:“凯伦和我很荣幸能见到你,并听到更多关于你正在做的事情的信息。”故选C。 8.考查名词。A. training训练;B. fun乐趣,玩笑;C. business 商业,生意;D. dinner晚餐。我们在接下来的一周共进晚餐,在充满欢笑和姐妹般的建议的三个小时的晚餐后,友谊诞生了。故选D。 9.考查动词词组。A. replaced by被取代;B. filled with被填满;C. involved in涉及;D. based on以------为基础。我们在接下来的一周共进晚餐,在充满欢笑和姐妹般的建议的三个小时的晚餐后,友谊诞生了。故选B。 10.考查副词。A. Amazingly令人惊讶地;B. Certainly当然;C. Ridiculously可笑地;D. Naturally自然地。令人惊讶的是,柯尔斯滕和凯伦喜欢我和她们分享的想法。故选A。 11.考查动词。A. criticized批评;B. doubted怀疑;C. understood明白,理解;D. loved爱。令人惊讶的是,柯尔斯滕和凯伦喜欢我和她们分享的想法。故选D。 12.考查名词。A. improvement 提高,改善;B. practice实践,练习;C. belief信仰;D. pride自豪。在我职业生涯的最初阶段,她们对我想法的信任是我永远不会忘记的。故选C。 13.考查名词。A. actress女演员;B. writer作家;C. director导演;D. judge法官,裁判员。这让我相信我也能成为一名优秀的作家,就像她们一样。故选B。 14.考查名词。A. friendship友谊;B. confidence自信;C. difficulty困难;D. pressure压力。更重要的是,这么多年过去了,我们的友谊依然深厚。故选A。 15.考查动词。A. write写;B. read 阅读;C. buy买; D. lend借出。事实上,柯尔斯滕是第一个建议我写小说的人。故选A。 16.考查名词。A. present礼物;B. chance机会;C. advice 建议;D. task任务。事实上,当我们站在巴诺书店的青少年区时,她给了我这个建议。几年后,我们的书会一起放在书架上。故选C。 17.考查名词。A. books书;B. friends朋友;C. goods商品;D. photos照片。事实上,当我们站在巴诺书店的青少年区时,她给了我这个建议。几年后,我们的书会一起放在书架上。故选A。 18.考查动词。A. remind提醒;B. comfort使舒适;C. challenge挑战;D. guide向导。我希望每个年轻的作家都能有像柯尔斯滕这样的人在他们的生活前进的道路上帮助指引他们前进。故选D。 19.考查名词。A. question问题;B. paper纸;C. email电子邮件;D. novel小说。当我看着我们一起挂在书店书架上的书时,我又一次回想起多年前我是多么高兴地发了那封电子邮件。故选C。 20.考查动词。A. watch观看;B. reach到达;C. drop使落下;D. stretch伸展。如果你也有一个偶像,你很想向他学习,那就去问问他吧。故选B。

______ for the fire at Notre Dame de Paris, a church famous for its large collection of art treasures, I would be there for a visit this summer vacation.

A. Had it not been B. Should it not be

C. Were it not be D. If it had not been



You have to rewrite the monthly report because you _____ many important details.

A. turned off B. left out

C. dropped by D. put up



-- What did she want to know, Tom?

-- She wondered _______ we could complete the experiment.

A. when was it B. it was when that

C. it was when D. when it was that



Mark has lived in China for many years, yet he still can't ________ himself to the Chinese customs.

A. observe B. adapt

C. lead D. devote



We had better put off interviewing the athlete, for he Is busy preparing for an international contest __________ in Shanghai next month.

A. held B. to hold

C. being held D. to be held



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