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It began as a game: High school and coll...

    It began as a game: High school and college students studying computer technology figured out they could use personal computers to break into telephone company computers and make free, long-distance telephone calls. These young computer talents soon gained the name "hackers".

Police arrested a few hackers, but many went on to even more complex hacking. One of them was arrested for making illegal telephone calls and later he used a phone to change a police officer's credit records to get back at the officer for arresting him. He also used a computer to change his college records to give himself better grades.

As hackers gained experience, they began invading computers at banks, airlines and other businesses. In one case a hacker instructed an airline' s computer to give him free airplane tickets.

The U.S. government is worried that hackers may break into its networks of defense computers. The government's secrets are easily attacked because thousands of government computers are connected by telephone lines that hackers can get into.

In November 1988, a college student entered a U.S. Defense Department computer network called Arpanet. The hacker injected a computer program that made copies of itself throughout Arpanet. Some hackers use viruses to destroy all the data in a computer. But in this case, government officials shut down the network before the program reached every computer in the system. Shutting down the system angered many researchers who were using the computers. The hacker turned himself in to the police and he was charged with a crime.

The incident put the spotlight on computer hacking in the United States. Many companies have hired experts to protect their computers from hackers, and many computer experts now advise companies on how to protect their computers.

The U.S. government believes foreign governments have hired hackers to try to break into top-secret defense computers.

Experts disagree over whether a computer network can ever be safe from hacking. But in the future, some of the most outstanding minds in the U.S. will be working to frustrate the attempts of computer hackers.

1.What did the first hackers do?

A. They broke into government computers. B. They destroyed airplane ticket systems.

C. They played computer games. D. They made free phone calls.

2.Why can U.S. government computers be easily hacked into?

A. They have no defense systems. B. They are connected by telephone lines.

C. They are partly accessible to the public. D. They lack complex processing programs.

3.What happened to the government computers in November 1988?

A. They lost all of the important data.

B. They were shut down by researchers.

C. They were invaded by a college student.

D. They got totally ruined by a computer program.

4.What did companies decide to do to protect their computer systems?

A. Employ computer talents. B. Build secret defense systems.

C. Ask the government for help. D. Collect and analyze the data of hackers.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,讲述了“黑客”的由来和威胁,以及公司和政府对此做出的应对措施。 1.推理判断题。根据 It began as a game:... figured out they could use personal computers to break into telephone company computers and make free, long-distance telephone calls. These young computer talents soon gained the name "hackers".可知它(也就是黑客)起初是一个游戏:学习计算机的高中生和大学生发现他们可以使用个人电脑闯入电话公司的电脑并拨打免费的长途电话。这些年轻的计算机人才很快就被称为“黑客”。这说明这些高中和大学生是第一批黑客,他们拨打了免费的电话,故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据The government's secrets are easily attacked because thousands of government computers are connected by telephone lines that hackers can get into.可知政府的秘密很容易被攻击,因为成千上万的政府计算机通过黑客可以进入的电话线被连接起来。故选B项。 3.细节理解题。根据In November 1988, a college student entered a U.S. Defense Department computer network called Arpanet. The hacker injected a computer program that made copies of itself throughout Arpanet.可知1988年11月,一名大学生进入美国国防部的计算机网络Arpanet并注入了一个计算机程序,这个程序可以通过Arpanet进行自我复制。也就是说,美国政府的电脑被一个大学生入侵了,故选C项。 4.细节理解题。根据Many companies have hired experts to protect their computers from hackers, and many computer experts now advise companies on how to protect their computers. 许多公司聘请了专家来保护他们的计算机免受黑客攻击并且许多计算机专家如今会建议公司如何保护他们的计算机。故选A项。

    In recent years I have had two very good roles on television: Florence, the wisecracking maid on the series The Jeffersons, and Mary, the mother who holds things together on 227. But 17 years ago, in 1972 when I was just getting started in theater work, I thought I’d never make it as an actress. For that matter, I couldn’t even hold my life together or afford a home of my own.

Back then I had about as much self-confidence as a chicken in a fox’s nest. I was recovering from surgery and had been off work for six months from my job as a United Airlines reservations agent. I’d had some bit parts in local theater groups, but those came and went, not leading to anything bigger.

Worse, as a single mother with three youngsters, I had no place to live. My children were staying with their father while I recovered in an aunt’s apartment. Lying in bed, staring hopelessly at the wall, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn.

Then one Sunday morning I aimlessly turned on the television set, and there were actor Robert Young and his wife talking about their faith. I sat right up in bed. They said, “ When one door closes, a better one opens,” Well, I wasn’t going to just sit staring at the closed one. So I got up and trudged(跋涉) on. Even if my shoes wore out, I decided, my faith wouldn’t.

Later, when I began filling small parts in television productions, that self-confidence showed. I’d always done my best to play the role as I thought the director wanted, but now I found myself freer to interpret it, I was more natural, more me.

1.What do the underlined words “ hold my life together” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Enjoy my life B. Support myself

C. Abandon my life D. Fight against my life

2.How did the author feel when she worked in the local theater?

A. Confident B. Excited

C. Nervous D. Disappointed

3.What can we learn about the author from paragraph 3?

A. She lived in her own apartment B. She had to stay with her father

C. She was confused about her future D. She was looked after by her kids

4.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To share her understanding of faith with us B. To prove her success in the TV acting

C. To show thanks to her respected aunt D. To tell how hard she brought up her children.




1.What is the purpose of this email?

A. To introduce the hotel to the guest.

B. To tell the guest how to cancel the reservation.

C. To show the hotel’s appreciation for the reservation.

D. To inform the guest of cancellation rules and request confirmation.

2.Which of the following is true about cancellation policy?

A. You can’t cancel the reservation.

B. You can call to cancel the reservation.

C. You can’t get any refund if you cancel the reservation at arrival.

D. You can get full refund if you cancel the reservation before arrival.

3.What do we know about the reservation status(状态)?

A. It has been confirmed. B. It needs to be confirmed within 3 days.

C. It has been cancelled. D. It will be cancelled within 3 days.



假定你是李华,你的英国朋友David写邮件告知你他打算购买 《红楼梦》 (A Dream in Red Mansions) 英文版,但不知道纸质版本和有声版本哪个更适合。请你给他提出建议,要点如下:






参考词汇:有声读物audio book






删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。




Self-protection is one of most important skills for us teenagers. But how do we protect themselves? Now let me share my ideas to you.

First, I always obey the traffic rules and I never ran the red light. When the traffic light is red, I won’t go as it turns green. I always cross the zebra walk because of it is safe. Second, I often eat the food what is healthy and safe. Eat too much fast food will be harmful to my health. Third, I never meet stranger alone, especially friends whom I make on the Internet.

In short, if we obey the rules and take care of ourselves, we will grow up happy.




The silent killer — air pollution causes seven million premature (过早的) 1. (death) a year, not just in 2. (develop) countries but also in UK and the USA as well. In Chinapeople are well aware of the health problems it brings.

I check every part every day. If it has heavy air pollution, I will prepare masks for my family. I dislike 3. when the air is bad. Because bad air makes it difficult for me to breathe and I think it does influence my 4. (perform) at work. A new research in china has also found a link between air quality and levels of intelligence. In the study, 25,000 people living across China 5. (test) in language and math skills last year. They found the results of those 6. lived in more polluted areas were 7. (negative) impacted, especially in languages. It adds to a growing body of evidence that air pollution has an effect not just on the lungs and heart 8. on the brain.

This research shows that the longer we are exposed to air pollution, the 9. (many) problems we’re storing up for later life. Campaigners hope this study will persuade the British government 10. (think) hard before it publishes its clean air strategy next year.



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